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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Makeb [Staged] Weekly Being Removed in 4.0


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Hey folks,




Eric - I totally get wanting to revamp the weekly, but I would love to understand the rationale behind removing the achievements. There are a number of achievements in the game (e.g., sharp dresser) that cannot be legitimately obtained any longer; some folks have them and some folks don't (like me who never bothered to get the Pub containment officer set). Why can these achievements not remain in the system? I earned them, so I feel that I should be able to keep them. For me, the achievement is a badge of honor (not to flaunt, but for me to say to myself that I did that) - I did the Imperial weekly without looking at a guide and it took me quite a number of weeks to get all bullets for that one achievement (same can't be said of the pub version, as I am following a guide on that now due to this thread).


PS - I hope that if you are addressing the weekly, you are also addressing the other Makeb achievement issues (burning tree animals, the one champ behind a force field, etc.).

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Did someone not get the memo about your return to storytelling?


Instead of removing the only weekly that actually tells a story, and makes sense story-wise to be done more than once, you should change the others to be more like it rather than just another quest you get from a terminal. Makeb weekly was always the highlight of my daily runs, and it was fun to see how it played differently depending on the quests you did. Choices that mattered...


Yeah, this sounds like a case of fixing what's not broken. There are tons of other options for weeklies, if the only problem is not enough interest in Makeb up the credit rewards and add the Gazebo to the weekly, don't replace the only weekly with story with the same boring pick up quests at terminal do daily circuit routine we have for every other planet. And at least fix things that actually need fixes like the Heroic 4 in Section X that has to be done with 4 people while you're at it.

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Eric - I totally get wanting to revamp the weekly, but I would love to understand the rationale behind removing the achievements. There are a number of achievements in the game (e.g., sharp dresser) that cannot be legitimately obtained any longer; some folks have them and some folks don't (like me who never bothered to get the Pub containment officer set). Why can these achievements not remain in the system? I earned them, so I feel that I should be able to keep them. For me, the achievement is a badge of honor (not to flaunt, but for me to say to myself that I did that) - I did the Imperial weekly without looking at a guide and it took me quite a number of weeks to get all bullets for that one achievement (same can't be said of the pub version, as I am following a guide on that now due to this thread).


PS - I hope that if you are addressing the weekly, you are also addressing the other Makeb achievement issues (burning tree animals, the one champ behind a force field, etc.).


They're not removing the achievements from you. They are changing the weekly quests, which affects the achievements.

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I completed those achievements long ago and I'm not particularly tied to them. Not sure why it is important for some to know why they can't keep them.


So, let's get a look at this Gazebo!


BTW, for those interested Staged dailies are fun the first few time but not so much after that. Worth doing now as there is a reason to do them. lol.

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After reading this, I immediately respecced my Vanguard to Plasmatech and went to Makeb. There I killed the neutral standard Makrin, neutral elite Makrin, hostile standard Makrin and hostile elite Makrin, with the final hit always being either Incendiary Round or the DoT from Incendiary Round (I tried both on each type of the mob). My progress with "Kill it with Fire" is still 0/100.


Would you kindly

a) Post/link a picture showing your progress on the Achievement

b) State where exactly did you kill the mobs, what kind of mobs they were, and what kind of attack/DoT you used to kill them

c) Confirm that you aren't confusing the Achievement with "Kindling for the Fire" (Defeat 250 Makrin on Makeb)


Thank you


He can't^^.

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BTW, for those interested Staged dailies are fun the first few time but not so much after that. Worth doing now as there is a reason to do them. lol.

Yep, they're not so much fun after a while as opposed to the terminal based weeklies/dailies grind which is not fun at all.


Couldn't care less about the Achievements, getting the Gazebo instead is a nice deal. But I'd rather have all weeklies in this style, where I can decide whether I want to do this quick quest for the umpteenth time, that long one for a change, or do a H4 instead for a challenge.

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In there place




now eric, I trust this was due to speed and that we don't have to explain the difference between there and their :p


On a more serious note, well there be a benefit to having both the empire and republic version or is either one enough?


Also, does this decoration come to all your characters or just the first character you log in with?


Also can you have more than 1 and is the decoration tradable?

Edited by Tsillah
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What is being removed is the Makeb [staged] Weekly Missions. In there place, we are putting new Weekly Missions which will contain largely the same content they do now, except presented in a way that is more consistent with the other Planetary Weekly Missions.



I do hope when you change this weekly, you don't include [stage 2] The Dissonance Wave and the republic counterpart.


I'd never run it again if that was forced upon us :p

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I do hope when you change this weekly, you don't include [stage 2] The Dissonance Wave and the republic counterpart.


I'd never run it again if that was forced upon us :p


I despise that entire zone on Makeb, main quest line and daily/weekly. Pathing is painful and the quests are repetitive.

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Can we get a cinematic of Undermoff Bensen dying a gruesome, agonizing death? Ideally with him begging for mercy in his awful faux-British accent. Thanks!


Some time ago eric wrote that they will revise existing content and put some of the original quests to use in KotFE.

Would be a shame to waste his voice acting, I bet Undermoff Benson will be retconned to one of the resistance leaders. :)

Edited by Mubrak
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All kinds of bugs with these!! Completed 3 tonight and got credit for only one of them. So frustrating!!!! Bug reports from 2 years ago still aren't fixed.


Might just have to wait for it to update at first I did the first ach and took like 15 mins to complete after i completed it

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Do we have to do both the Imperial side and the Republic side achievements for the Decoration or can we do just one Faction? And if we do both sides, do we get another decoration or is it the same either way?


Yes, I would love more decoration details.


Do I get 2 of the same for doing it on both factions? Are they tradeable (can I put an extra on the GTN?)

Do I get a different version for doing the Republic version?

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