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Well, most of the PvP forum complainers got their wishes...


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Since the last patch, I've been seeing a notable decline in healers and tanks, and MANY more dps players. It's now "less than enjoyable" to play a healer -- it really is amazing how a few tweaks to the healing specs can make so many start to explore the non-healing specs. (And don't start saying, play a sorc - that's not the point. The only viable healing class atm is utterly boring now. There's no challenge to it. The Sorc's Heals on Other Players ratio, or HoOPs, is ridiculous.)


And, seriously, speaking as one who has played a long-term healer on Harb, I can see that quite a few of my long-time healing compadres in the wzs are starting to explore the other options. I haven't quite thrown in the towel yet, but I've started to consider joining them.


Enjoy your play, damage-brains. This is what you wanted...

Edited by Grue_Hunter
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Good joke dude. I haven't had a warzone in either 60 bracket or midbies without 2+ healers since I transferred here. Not a single one. Not that having 2+ healers is bad but there is certainly no decline in their amount. I have seen 5 on a single team lol
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Since the last patch, I've been seeing a notable decline in healers and tanks, and MANY more dps players. It's now "less than enjoyable" to play a healer -- it really is amazing how a few tweaks to the healing specs can make so many start to explore the non-healing specs. (And don't start saying, play a sorc - that's not the point. The only viable healing class atm is utterly boring now. There's no challenge to it. The Sorc's Heals on Other Players ratio, or HoOPs, is ridiculous.)


And, seriously, speaking as one who has played a long-term healer on Harb, I can see that quite a few of my long-time healing compadres in the wzs are starting to explore the other options. I haven't quite thrown in the towel yet, but I've started to consider joining them.


Enjoy your play, damage-brains. This is what you wanted...


It's been quite some time since I last had a wz with less than 5 heals (both sides combined). Tanks are just as numerous as were. Are you sure you playing SWTOR?

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Since the last patch, I've been seeing a notable decline in healers and tanks, and MANY more dps players. It's now "less than enjoyable" to play a healer -- it really is amazing how a few tweaks to the healing specs can make so many start to explore the non-healing specs. (And don't start saying, play a sorc - that's not the point. The only viable healing class atm is utterly boring now. There's no challenge to it. The Sorc's Heals on Other Players ratio, or HoOPs, is ridiculous.)


And, seriously, speaking as one who has played a long-term healer on Harb, I can see that quite a few of my long-time healing compadres in the wzs are starting to explore the other options. I haven't quite thrown in the towel yet, but I've started to consider joining them.


Enjoy your play, damage-brains. This is what you wanted...


If you like to heal and want an easier time... Play an easy healing class... Go roll a Sage or Sorc... I've not seen any good healers on other classes have issues... If anything they are better healers than people playing sages or sorcs..

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Practically speaking, healing in this game has always been the the most tedious and mundane series of repetitious, idiotic applications. It's literally the most braindead endeavour I've ever experienced.


Ever since the level cap had begun rising above 50, the game designers keep screwing things up.


Off topic, but I think 4.0 will be the biggest joke any of us have ever seen.

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I'm a returning player from several years ago. I had last had a bodyguard Mercenary spec. What specifically is wrong with healing now? Are you suggesting Sorcs are the best healers now?


Sorc heals can do everything while moving, basically never need to stop, they have infinite resources, all their heals got buffed, they can Force Speed all the time with MI immunity, knockbackroot, stunbubble (2 out of last 3) and if really focused, they press GODMODE and become invincible.

Merc heals have a lot of casting in place, weak defenses (heavy armor is meaningless), root tied to melee ability, electro-net (which is NOT an 'I win' button), HO, most of their heals got nerfed.

Guess why do ppl think sorcs are better than mercs.

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Thanks for the reply. I am certainly rethinking my class choice based on the simple facts you stated. I'd like be an asset to the team rather than a burden.


Are there any redeeming qualities for a Mercenary Bodyguard healer?


You should also note that sorc healing is basically pressing random buttons what a trained monkey can do, while merc healing is really, really challenging. In unranked if you get a lot of support, you can still make it work. Merc heals still have the highest raw healing, it's their survivability that makes them miserable (this is why merc heals rock in PvE). If your team could keep the pressure off you, you'd outheal a sorc, but that's not exactly happening. You are rather blown up in 4s of the first contact.

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they press GODMODE and become invincible.


that's a tad misleading. it's not like they are healing or dealing damage while invulnerable. They have to stand still and do nothing while the ability is activated. For anyone who remembers sorc healing PRE force barrier, you were dead meat if focused. It helped there survivability and it has a big CD attached, so it's not THAT OP

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that's a tad misleading. it's not like they are healing or dealing damage while invulnerable. They have to stand still and do nothing while the ability is activated. For anyone who remembers sorc healing PRE force barrier, you were dead meat if focused. It helped there survivability and it has a big CD attached, so it's not THAT OP


With corrupted barrier its h2f for the sorc (combined with the heal with dark bastion). Madness sorcs can watch thier enemies slowly rot by dots. Ofc! they cant dps and heal with barrier like they can without it, then it would be beyond GODMODE. In 4.0 they will be able to move during barrier. And regarding CD: it's 3 min, while mara has the exact same CD for Undying and Saber Ward which two are nowhere near Force Barrier. Oh and mara is melee, taking more dmg than a ranged sorc.

And thx, I had a sorc healer long before 3.3 and 3.0 (it's my 2nd alt after my sent). Believe me, I'm fully aware how squishy were sorcs back then. That doesnt justify how OP they are now (it's like when ppl say Watchman/Anni is nerfed so much because it was god-op in 1.0; who gives a **** what was it like years ago?)

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Sorc heals can do everything while moving, basically never need to stop, they have infinite resources, all their heals got buffed, they can Force Speed all the time with MI immunity, knockbackroot, stunbubble (2 out of last 3) and if really focused, they press GODMODE and become invincible.

Merc heals have a lot of casting in place, weak defenses (heavy armor is meaningless), root tied to melee ability, electro-net (which is NOT an 'I win' button), HO, most of their heals got nerfed.

Guess why do ppl think sorcs are better than mercs.


You forgot that Sorc healers are the only class that can 1v8 the entire enemy team, they can fly to the other side of the map in under 5 secs, they crit in any and all dps abilities 100% of the time even while corruption spec. I could go on.


If bioware does anything less than erase sorc healers from the game in the next patch I'm unsubbing and never coming back because Sorcs are gods and he rest of us peasants

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You forgot that Sorc healers are the only class that can 1v8 the entire enemy team, they can fly to the other side of the map in under 5 secs, they crit in any and all dps abilities 100% of the time even while corruption spec. I could go on.


If bioware does anything less than erase sorc healers from the game in the next patch I'm unsubbing and never coming back because Sorcs are gods and he rest of us peasants


Totally accurate. Won a wz single-handedly while the rest of the team stood in place in a corner.


Oh, and I let my cats run across the keyboard the whole time, so all I did was move the camera with the mouse.

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You forgot that Sorc healers are the only class that can 1v8 the entire enemy team, they can fly to the other side of the map in under 5 secs, they crit in any and all dps abilities 100% of the time even while corruption spec. I could go on.


If bioware does anything less than erase sorc healers from the game in the next patch I'm unsubbing and never coming back because Sorcs are gods and he rest of us peasants


Show me the sorc heal that can 1v8. Pls :cool:

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You forgot that Sorc healers are the only class that can 1v8 the entire enemy team, they can fly to the other side of the map in under 5 secs, they crit in any and all dps abilities 100% of the time even while corruption spec. I could go on.


And don't forget how they always carry their magical death note! They just look at names and can kill someone!


On a more serious note: I've been playing a sage since early-access. While I can't say that I'm weak right now, I'm certainly nowhere near an Assassin in terms of power. Yes, healing as a Sage is surprisingly easy right now, with some good numbers coming up with simple PvP gear. However, we are nowhere near an OP level.


I also saw some Scoundrel healers today. We both did somewhat over 2 million healing in a single, very slow pug bg while defending a heavily contested turret. I did 2,4 million, he did a total of 2,25 million. That's not really an advantage I'd consider "severe".

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Since the last patch, I've been seeing a notable decline in healers and tanks, and MANY more dps players. It's now "less than enjoyable" to play a healer -- it really is amazing how a few tweaks to the healing specs can make so many start to explore the non-healing specs. (And don't start saying, play a sorc - that's not the point. The only viable healing class atm is utterly boring now. There's no challenge to it. The Sorc's Heals on Other Players ratio, or HoOPs, is ridiculous.)


And, seriously, speaking as one who has played a long-term healer on Harb, I can see that quite a few of my long-time healing compadres in the wzs are starting to explore the other options. I haven't quite thrown in the towel yet, but I've started to consider joining them.


Enjoy your play, damage-brains. This is what you wanted...

ahaha...aahahhahahaha ...ahahahahaha omg i have no idea why your complaining i play all 3 classes that heal and get if not 1 mil + healing majority of the time i loveeeeeeeeee to heal ! So for you to sit here and complain its not what the pvpers wanted you just needa learn how to heal and los n peel for yourself . Ill admit it sometimes its that #focuskitlyfe but thats what it comes down to when you play heals . Heals will get focused by the other team if the other team has good communication . It has nothing to do with ppl complaining on forums it just depends on how smart your team is and if you can self peel . :cool:

If your struggling my advice is dont give up keep practicing youll get there over time in the mean time try not o set ridiculous goals for yourself jut try n take it baby steps at a time :) Any of the healing classes can hit 1 mil + they all are op in diff situation in wzs you just have to practice at all of them :)

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And don't forget how they always carry their magical death note! They just look at names and can kill someone!


On a more serious note: I've been playing a sage since early-access. While I can't say that I'm weak right now, I'm certainly nowhere near an Assassin in terms of power. Yes, healing as a Sage is surprisingly easy right now, with some good numbers coming up with simple PvP gear. However, we are nowhere near an OP level.


I also saw some Scoundrel healers today. We both did somewhat over 2 million healing in a single, very slow pug bg while defending a heavily contested turret. I did 2,4 million, he did a total of 2,25 million. That's not really an advantage I'd consider "severe".


Healing in general is easy, as is dps and tanking, this game isn't difficult.


Yeah sorc and sage healing is easiest right now, but ops have had the longest time as top heals (dominanting all ranked), and no Sorcs didn't need to be buffed but they're getting out back so enough crying. Mercs have valid reasons to complain. I do agree that even now sins are still tops, but the hate on them has moved on, same with PT's blowing everyone up.

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