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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

HiB at 4 or 5 charged barrier?


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Is it worth the extra Grav Round to get 1 more charged barrier or is it more effective to use after 2 uses of GR (4 charged barrier). So HiB more often at 24% bonus or wait for the 5th charge? Just remembering the days of the sage when clipping telekinetic throw was advantageous and wondered if this was a commando secret I was unaware of. Edited by slickmatty
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You're thinking about it the wrong way.


You have 15 seconds cooldown on HiB, three Grav Rounds will take up 4.5 seconds of that time.


You do have time to get them in and should be using HiB at 5 stacks.


Only time I could see it used at 4 stack is in the opener... And even then.. Still better to use it at 5.

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You're thinking about it the wrong way.


You have 15 seconds cooldown on HiB, three Grav Rounds will take up 4.5 seconds of that time.


You do have time to get them in and should be using HiB at 5 stacks.


Except then you have to medical probe and all those stacks go out the window.

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Pre-3.0 Gunnery had a more static rotation. There was a lot of discussion on this very subject. It was a minor DPS loss to postpone HIB to get one more stack. I wouldn't think that has changed but, I haven't really run the numbers. As others have stated, you should almost always have full stacks every time HIB is available now. But, if you don't due to other actions, I would fire it when available, regardless of stacks.
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After the opener you should naturally get to 5 stacks everytime it comes off cooldown by the sheer amount of GRs in the rotation you're doing, so like what was said before it only really pertains to the opener.

It wasn't totally clear before 3.0 and it isn't totally clear right now, at least in terms of "perfection", because in all honesty it doesn't matter. People were using their own prefered opener approaches, some argued theirs were better some said it did not matter very much. Personally I've always just copied and followed what the highest parses are doing, I find them more reliable, well not all the times but mostly.

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