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Did anyone ever get their new companion Nico Okar?


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Another one? Where do they all come from?


They've started springing up in General Chat on the fleet now, too. It's like playing whack-a-mole trying to enlighten the ignorant at present. Starting to wish they'd never had this bloody promotion. :)


Might as well settle in and get used to it, IMO. :)


I blame Bioware for using too many big words and not putting the information up in one syllable words, in ultra-large neon crayon style font. :p


On a serious note.. this too shall pass.

Edited by Andryah
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Might as well settle in and get used to it, IMO. :)


I blame Bioware for using too many big words and not putting the information up in one syllable words, in ultra-large neon crayon style font. :p


On a serious note.. this too shall pass.


until the next pre-release promotion and we get a fresh batch of people wondering where their stuff is.

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They should put a vending machine on the fleet with Nico, the blasters and his duster in it with a big sign that says 'Out of Order until Oct. 27th' on it. Then we can point everyone to the vending machine. Of course anyone that gets within 10m proximity of said vending machine automatically /swoons for Nico.
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At least it's not quite as bad as the uncountable:


What's the best advanced class for..... (Something explained in various comprehensive ways on the numerous guides accessible via google)


Where is the.... (something on fleet, which is obvious, if one checks the map.)


What utilities for... (see the first example.)


What crew-skill for...(see the first example....again...)


...questions in general chat...

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They should put a vending machine on the fleet with Nico, the blasters and his duster in it with a big sign that says 'Out of Order until Oct. 27th' on it. Then we can point everyone to the vending machine. Of course anyone that gets within 10m proximity of said vending machine automatically /swoons for Nico.


And when they bash or blast the vending machine in rage over the deferred delivery... they should get an unremovable 90 minute debuff that disables their speeder training and makes them crawl everywhere on their knees at 20% speed. :p

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And when they bash or blast the vending machine in rage over the deferred delivery... they should get an unremovable 90 minute debuff that disables their speeder training and makes them crawl everywhere on their knees at 20% speed. :p


OMG, I would get the debuff just to see my SW crawling around Dromund Kaas with Vette trailing behind :p

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At least it's not quite as bad as the uncountable:


What's the best advanced class for..... (Something explained in various comprehensive ways on the numerous guides accessible via google)


Where is the.... (something on fleet, which is obvious, if one checks the map.)


What utilities for... (see the first example.)


What crew-skill for...(see the first example....again...)


...questions in general chat...


Noobie questions I can handle, it is the responses that matter both from the general chat users and the noobie. I mean it is better if they ask, "Hey guys what crew skill is the best?", versus not asking anything and getting frustrated/leaving the game.

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Noobie questions I can handle, it is the responses that matter both from the general chat users and the noobie. I mean it is better if they ask, "Hey guys what crew skill is the best?", versus not asking anything and getting frustrated/leaving the game.


I keep general chat on it's on chat window, and most of the time I have it hidden.


Sometimes though.. I am interested in a little comic relief in game and will unhide it. :) If someone asks a polite question, I will often answer it.. most often right after someone else either answered incorrectly or if someone is trolling the question asker.

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It's kind of interesting. The question was asked and answered in the first two posts with a couple more answers adding some detail. Now we're four pages into the facepalms and people proclaiming others are too stupid to read. And we've expanded it to other stupid questions such as "What's the best class/crew skill?" "Where are the mod stations?" and all manner of either completely unanswerable or painfully obvious questions. But if the question was answered on page one, why are we still here? Just to show off?


Y'all are so smart it takes my breath away. And, to tell you the truth, I roll my eyes every time I see those questions, too.


But I'm not nearly as smart as you. Oh, I have 12 toons 55 plus now so I've kind of figured out the basics, but it took a good long while and I still struggle in places. The last game I played was Adventure on a mainframe, so this is my first "real" game.


When I first started this I did not know how to make an elevator work. I just sat there staring at that blue button with the arrows. Could that be it, and if so, how do I push it? I went to a speeder location and the robot told me it was for authorized official business only, so I thought I couldn't use it. besides, there were no locations to travel to (cause I hadn't walked there first.) I didn't know what those vertical lines were on dead mobs, which were precious few anyway since they usually killed me. So I didn't loot, therefore had no money, and had to walk everywhere because I could not afford to take a speeder.


And those ability bars? Stuff kept appearing on them, and I thought they were THINGS, not abilities. I thought I was carrying around several pistols, blasters, and rifles, all with different capabilities. And what was this "generator" I had to carry around? How much gas did it use anyway? And I managed to piss off this one fat guy and I had to kill him, but he killed me over and over and over again. I would ask on New Player Help about all my pistols and people would say, "WTH are you talking about?" I asked were my favorite pistol went when it disappeared (because my toolbar was unlocked. It has a LOCK? Who knew?) and people would say, "WTH are you talking about?" In fact, they were kind of mean.


And at the end of Hutta (How I got to level 10 I'll never understand.) I was ready to quit. Perhaps this wasn't for me. I played on an old Toshiba with 3 gigs of RAM and an integrated GPU. It barely ran the game and the graphics weren't anything special. Maybe this really is a young people's game and what the hell am I playing a teen rated game for anyway? I've got a Master's degree, for God's sake. Maybe I'm just too old.


Finally I went on New Player help and told them, "I just about get there and kill the Bad Guy but nearly every time he gets me. I'm ALMOST there. What am I doing wrong?" And some kind soul took pity on me and said, "Maybe you're looking at this all wrong." Well, I was. I thought you used Medpacs BEFORE you started a fight, not wait until your health was low. I didn't use stims or adrenals (or know what they were) and I did not understand gearing AT ALL, much less adaptive armor and mods.


Most of the questions people are asking that we find so disturbing are pretty matter-of-fact queries that are a lot smarter than the kinds of questions I asked when I started. But remember this: People like me may not be as fast or as smart as you are in gaming, or even understand the fundamentals like how to make an elevator work. On the other hand it's people like me who taught you how to read, taught you how to drive, and changed your diapers until we taught you to use the toilet by yourself.


So think back to when you started and what mistakes you made, and the learning curve you followed, and maybe develop a little patience to the newcomer and keep your facepalms to yourself.

Edited by MSchuyler
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It's kind of interesting. The question was asked and answered in the first two posts with a couple more answers adding some detail. Now we're four pages into the facepalms and people proclaiming others are too stupid to read. And we've expanded it to other stupid questions such as "What's the best class/crew skill?" "Where are the mod stations?" and all manner of either completely unanswerable or painfully obvious questions. But if the question was answered on page one, why are we still here? Just to show off?


Y'all are so smart it takes my breath away. And, to tell you the truth, I roll my eyes every time I see those questions, too.


But I'm not nearly as smart as you. Oh, I have 12 toons 55 plus now so I've kind of figured out the basics, but it took a good long while and I still struggle in places. The last game I played was Adventure on a mainframe, so this is my first "real" game.


When I first started this I did not know how to make an elevator work. I just sat there staring at that blue button with the arrows. Could that be it, and if so, how do I push it? I went to a speeder location and the robot told me it was for authorized official business only, so I thought I couldn't use it. besides, there were no locations to travel to (cause I hadn't walked there first.) I didn't know what those vertical lines were on dead mobs, which were precious few anyway since they usually killed me. So I didn't loot, therefore had no money, and had to walk everywhere because I could not afford to take a speeder.


And those ability bars? Stuff kept appearing on them, and I thought they were THINGS, not abilities. I thought I was carrying around several pistols, blasters, and rifles, all with different capabilities. And what was this "generator" I had to carry around? How much gas did it use anyway? And I managed to piss off this one fat guy and I had to kill him, but he killed me over and over and over again. I would ask on New Player Help about all my pistols and people would say, "WTH are you talking about?" I asked were my favorite pistol went when it disappeared (because my toolbar was unlocked. It has a LOCK? Who knew?) and people would say, "WTH are you talking about?" In fact, they were kind of mean.


And at the end of Hutta (How I got to level 10 I'll never understand.) I was ready to quit. Perhaps this wasn't for me. I played on an old Toshiba with 3 gigs of RAM and an integrated GPU. It barely ran the game and the graphics weren't anything special. Maybe this really is a young people's game and what the hell am I playing a teen rated game for anyway? I've got a Master's degree, for God's sake. Maybe I'm just too old.


Finally I went on New Player help and told them, "I just about get there and kill the Bad Guy but nearly every time he gets me. I'm ALMOST there. What am I doing wrong?" And some kind soul took pity on me and said, "Maybe you're looking at this all wrong." Well, I was. I thought you used Medpacs BEFORE you started a fight, not wait until your health was low. I didn't use stims or adrenals (or know what they were) and I did not understand gearing AT ALL, much less adaptive armor and mods.


Most of the questions people are asking that we find so disturbing are pretty matter-of-fact queries that are a lot smarter than the kinds of questions I asked when I started. But remember this: People like me may not be as fast or as smart as you are in gaming, or even understand the fundamentals like how to make an elevator work. On the other hand it's people like me who taught you how to read, taught you how to drive, and changed your diapers until we taught you to use the toilet by yourself.


So think back to when you started and what mistakes you made, and the learning curve you followed, and maybe develop a little patience to the newcomer and keep your facepalms to yourself.


You could have saved yourself a lot of head ache if you'd just used google and asked the questions there. Or! There's a thing in the game called the TUTORIAL that pops up automatically when it's your very first toon.


Research is a lovely thing. I use it for quests, to figure out how to get to a datacron. How to do an event. Etc.

Edited by Eanelinea
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Are you sure you are human? Serious question, because humans are curious by nature. I understand not knowing a lot of things, just like any other new player. But people are curious and they "check things out", they read the tutorial that comes out. They press buttons and read whatever comes up.

Do you just say "heck with this" the first time you saw a smart phone? Or you experimented like humans do?

Edited by znihilist
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When I first started this I did not know how to make an elevator work. I just sat there staring at that blue button with the arrows. Could that be it, and if so, how do I push it?
Okay, I confess I suffered a senior moment reading this part of Schulyer's manifesto. First time I read the quoted the passage, I thought he was confessing that, at the time he started playing SWTOR, he didn't understand how real-world elevators worked. My first thought was, "How young were you when you started playing?" Then I remembered that, in 1992, I spent a year in a town in which they closed schools and held a mayoral ribbon-cutting ceremony for the town's first escalator. So, maybe not everyone learns how elevators work. After a second reading of Schuyler's admission, I dispelled my mental cobwebs and gleaned that he was referring to in-game elevators. So ... nevermind.
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It's kind of interesting. The question was asked and answered in the first two posts with a couple more answers adding some detail. Now we're four pages into the facepalms and people proclaiming others are too stupid to read. And we've expanded it to other stupid questions such as "What's the best class/crew skill?" "Where are the mod stations?" and all manner of either completely unanswerable or painfully obvious questions. But if the question was answered on page one, why are we still here? Just to show off?




Y'all are so smart it takes my breath away. And, to tell you the truth, I roll my eyes every time I see those questions, too.




So think back to when you started and what mistakes you made, and the learning curve you followed, and maybe develop a little patience to the newcomer and keep your facepalms to yourself.


Good god so you have reading issues too huh? Who ties your shoelaces in the morning?


For example, when you use health packs, it says it "RESTORES" ## health. Why would you think it should be used before a fight? Or hell, why not use something as simple as logic hmm? You play a sage, when you finish missions, it gives you WILLPOWER gear. Well gee, I guess that is best for my class if that is the gear I am being rewarded with so I should focus on getting better WILLPOWER gear. And yet you have braincramps who walk around with gear not meant for their class. A little logic could have gone a long way there. Reading in game material also would have helped but we live in an age where people don't want to read, they want it all and they want it now.


No, the problem is people like you who do not take the time to learn a new game and then want to insult those of us who took the time to read, research online (Dulfy/Google etc) and learn the game. After all if we are paying a monthly sub for this game, It makes total sense to learn the game we are investing in.


I have been playing this game since Day one and I have NEVER had the issues you had nor needed to ask the utterly stupid and ignorant questions people post in general chat. And why? Not because I am a genius but because quite simply, I took the time to read something in game that practically tells you how to do the game ("THE CODEX") or in the case of end game gearing, looked up guides on what is best and read multiple sources on the matter or on the matter of finding things, I would explore the game and look for whatever it was I needed.


So no, I am not going to feel bad for newbies or the utterly ignorant. I do not mind helping newbies. Lord knows I have helped many many people in game (To the point my wife who also plays the game says I should have a title called "Helper Helpington" - yeah bad joke) but where I draw the line is when these same people neither thank nor take said help without resorting to insults as the sad case that is the OP did. This thread would not have carried on in the manner it did if the OP had just kept his mouth closed after being told where it was. Someone posted the answer, he should have READ the link.


Speaking of which, where is OP since he was smackdowned for his stupidity and ignorance? I would like to hear what he has to say now after he is finished eating that big ol' humble pie he was served with by this thread. :D

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It's like someone walking into a library and asking random people when World War 1 took place.


When you ask questions you could easily answer for yourself you prove yourself to be either lazy, stupid or both, and people should be well within their rights to mock and ridicule you so you are motivated to improve those flaws.


The only internet tough guy/keyboard warrior here is you.

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Majority of SWTOR players' common behavioral pattern : - They never read ...

1. class description on character creation, thus no idea which stat their class start with

2. stats on gear thus ignorant of stats for class and companion

3. map details, thus ignorant of simple thing like filtering, location of certain landmarks like GTN

4. any and all kind of informative texts in game that would allow them to play the game better.

5. even the promotion that gives them extra fluffs...


and lot lot more......:(

Edited by BrintoSFJ
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Another one? Where do they all come from?


They've started springing up in General Chat on the fleet now, too. It's like playing whack-a-mole trying to enlighten the ignorant at present. Starting to wish they'd never had this bloody promotion. :)


At this point, most of those are just trolls. Just tell them you got it the day after yesterday, and leave 'em.

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