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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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Some others in the thread have guessed correctly. The thread where I made that post got out of control. Lot's of people doing things and making posts which were against the rules so we opted to have the thread removed.


I know there is frustration right now about the amount of information you have. We are actively working on gathering details around a lot of the questions you have and will start releasing them very soon. I will have specifics in the next few days, but you will start getting more details about some of the nitty gritty things with our live stream next week and beyond.




Can we expect to see scheduled streams of upcoming changes like you did pre 3.0 with each classes disciplines?

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I am in no way defending the delay in information..... but some of you are pretty clueless about the kinds of vetting that pre-release disclosure of information has to go through in large companies that server a consumer audience.


*snip for brevity*


I should be clear that by "you" I meant the general "you" encompassing EA and Bioware, and the information control freaks therein, not Eric Musco personally.


Part of that vetting process should have also been "If we're too tight lipped to release the information, don't tell the community we will release it on such and such date, i.e. Gamescon."

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Some others in the thread have guessed correctly. The thread where I made that post got out of control. Lot's of people doing things and making posts which were against the rules so we opted to have the thread removed.


I know there is frustration right now about the amount of information you have. We are actively working on gathering details around a lot of the questions you have and will start releasing them very soon. I will have specifics in the next few days, but you will start getting more details about some of the nitty gritty things with our live stream next week and beyond.



Thanks Eric. This response is more than adequate.

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Some others in the thread have guessed correctly. The thread where I made that post got out of control. Lot's of people doing things and making posts which were against the rules so we opted to have the thread removed.


I know there is frustration right now about the amount of information you have. We are actively working on gathering details around a lot of the questions you have and will start releasing them very soon. I will have specifics in the next few days, but you will start getting more details about some of the nitty gritty things with our live stream next week and beyond.




Here we go again. Again with the "soon" line.


Soon™ Soon™ Soon™


You sound like a broken record. I wish I had a job where my only duty is to tell the customers soon™

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Some others in the thread have guessed correctly. The thread where I made that post got out of control. Lot's of people doing things and making posts which were against the rules so we opted to have the thread removed.


I know there is frustration right now about the amount of information you have. We are actively working on gathering details around a lot of the questions you have and will start releasing them very soon. I will have specifics in the next few days, but you will start getting more details about some of the nitty gritty things with our live stream next week and beyond.



Not all of us are able to watch the live stream...any chance you could post an "official" summary at the end? I appreciate every time players try to summarize what was said, but I find that official information is always best.

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Not all of us are able to watch the live stream...any chance you could post an "official" summary at the end? I appreciate every time players try to summarize what was said, but I find that official information is always best.


I am fairly confident that someone will beat me to it (you folks are crazy quick when it comes to summaries), but after the stream I will do a follow-up in the thread which has some of the key things we cover. Remember that we also archive all of the streams as well so you are welcome to watch them after the fact.



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I am fairly confident that someone will beat me to it (you folks are crazy quick when it comes to summaries), but after the stream I will do a follow-up in the thread which has some of the key things we cover. Remember that we also archive all of the streams as well so you are welcome to watch them after the fact.



Much appreciated Eric!

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It is difficult to understand why the community team seem clueless about communicating.


The limited information available suggests that current companions will be lost so all gear they have will become worthless along with getting their affection up. But rather than confirm this or explain how its going to work we get told soon. Just to draw it out and make people guess at how much gear will be wasted.


There is talk that crafting will change. But rather than let people know what will happen we get told soon and left for people to guess at what is happening.


The community wants to know how the new story ties into the current story but rather than told who this is new emperor is or where it came from or what happened to the planet eating gas cloud which SOR and Ziost was all about you offer Zakuul Knight armor for sale. This seems a little premature almost as if waiting to sell it in October would be a bad idea cause you don't expect many people to be around to buy it.


It seems a lot like the news about the expansion is all going to be bad and letting people know whats happening is only going to get people to quit.

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It is difficult to understand why the community team seem clueless about communicating.
That's a bit unfair...I absolutely agree that we should have more information right now, but you can't blame the community team...I'm 99.99% certain that they're being very restricted in what they can say by people well above them.
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nor will gamers keep their heads about them and their expectations in check and at least in some form of reality. Bioware can't help if people suddenly start dreaming up unicorns while on pixie dust.


Agreement: Exactly. The main problem isn't BioWare. It's the players themselves. While it would be nice to have more information come from BioWare, the players need to keep a cool head and stop getting their hopes up so high.


Fact: Anybody that gets their expectations up high will always be disappointed.


Statement: I believe that fact of life was best put as *alters voice* "Plans are fragile things and life often dashes expectations to the ground."


Fact: Once that truth is accepted, one is not as affected by hype anymore.

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Eric, I'm happy with the notion that BioWare doesn't want to divulge spoilers...or at least very many of them. That's pretty much always a good idea in my book.


However, in the opinion of this subscriber, I think the the lack of details regarding almost any of the mechanics changes (itemizations, crafting, companions, flashpoints, operations, questing, new skills, etc.), which we know much exist in any expansion, even without ToS breaking data mining. continues a relatively long history of poor communication between BioWare and the players.


Silence is never the right decision, yet for some reason, it continues to be the position your company chooses with all too much frequency. Can you please offer some explanation why BioWare believes this is the BEST course of action, despite continued requests from the community to be more open?

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I know there is frustration right now about the amount of information you have. We are actively working on gathering details around a lot of the questions you have and will start releasing them very soon.



At the risk of sounding like a Negative Nancy, I'll believe it when I see it, because all promises of information and discussion about the expansion have so far proven completely false. It's hard not to feel frustrated when the last piece of real info we got about the game was mid-July. And no, I do not count the "Zakuul Army gear" as an announcement.


I'm sorry for sounding rude, but a lot of people are very fed up with the way communication has been (or has not been, as the case may be) handled. It's two months until the expansion and we still know next to nothing about our current companions and how we end up frozen in the first place, not to mention how crafting and affection will work. It's worrisome for those of us attached to our companions.

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At the risk of sounding like a Negative Nancy, I'll believe it when I see it, because all promises of information and discussion about the expansion have so far proven completely false. It's hard not to feel frustrated when the last piece of real info we got about the game was mid-July. And no, I do not count the "Zakuul Army gear" as an announcement.


I'm sorry for sounding rude, but a lot of people are very fed up with the way communication has been (or has not been, as the case may be) handled. It's two months until the expansion and we still know next to nothing about our current companions and how we end up frozen in the first place, not to mention how crafting and affection will work. It's worrisome for those of us attached to our companions.


Informative: You're being "Negative Nancy".


Statement: They did say they'd give us more information closer to expansion, in the meantime we'll get teased. That is exactly what they've done. It's not really close to expansion yet. We have another two months. We'll get our info. If it takes a few weeks when they say in will be in a few days, that's different.


Empathetic Statement: I feel your excitement too. I'm eager for more information myself. The weeks where we get nothing from any developer is grueling. And nobody expects anyone to count the new armor as an announcement.

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The community wants to know how the new story ties into the current story but rather than told who this is new emperor is or where it came from or what happened to the planet eating gas cloud which SOR and Ziost was all about you offer Zakuul Knight armor for sale. This seems a little premature almost as if waiting to sell it in October would be a bad idea cause you don't expect many people to be around to buy it.


Come on. This is straight up spoiler territory. I would bet that those answers you want are chapters 1 and 2 of the expac. This is prime "relax and be patient" materials right here.

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Some others in the thread have guessed correctly. The thread where I made that post got out of control. Lot's of people doing things and making posts which were against the rules so we opted to have the thread removed.


I know there is frustration right now about the amount of information you have. We are actively working on gathering details around a lot of the questions you have and will start releasing them very soon. I will have specifics in the next few days, but you will start getting more details about some of the nitty gritty things with our live stream next week and beyond.




thanks for the information and sounds like a plan will wait to see what happens in a few days

Edited by loctys
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So instead of explaining to your players on why you are not talking to them you thought the best option is to delete it without addressing the issue?


E: Fixed a word.


Impatience is your issue, not his. The good news is that you can fix your own issues yourself. You don't need Eric for that.

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Eric, myy gripe is not the lack of info, what i don't like is that there is not enough advertising for the expansion. For example you could advertise it on mmorpg.com, they only do obligatory swtor news or interview when you guys pop out in some expo or something. You could have set up an "Exclusive interview with mmorpg.com" and there you could just talk about usual stuff that you had already said and add some hype message like : "companions will see an overhaul and bla bla...".

I just don't get you guys and your lack of advertising...

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Eric, myy gripe is not the lack of info, what i don't like is that there is not enough advertising for the expansion. For example you could advertise it on mmorpg.com, they only do obligatory swtor news or interview when you guys pop out in some expo or something. You could have set up an "Exclusive interview with mmorpg.com" and there you could just talk about usual stuff that you had already said and add some hype message like : "companions will see an overhaul and bla bla...".

I just don't get you guys and your lack of advertising...


Well they said they are working in getting more information. Only time will tell if they do. Personally I would like to see those interviews in Dulfy.net

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I am fairly confident that someone will beat me to it (you folks are crazy quick when it comes to summaries), but after the stream I will do a follow-up in the thread which has some of the key things we cover. Remember that we also archive all of the streams as well so you are welcome to watch them after the fact.




Will the archive and follow-up e-mail contain the "cantina" code that was referred to being released during the stream as well - again for those who may be unable to watch live (and thus not be able to get the chat records).


That's a bit unfair...I absolutely agree that we should have more information right now, but you can't blame the community team...I'm 99.99% certain that they're being very restricted in what they can say by people well above them.


Then that should have been clearly explained to the community instead of the incessant nonsense we keep getting that leads the community to believe we are getting that information when we really aren't. Really, a simple post stating that as much as they would like to reveal information about the expansion, until it goes through the "right channels" the CM team cannot divulge that information. Still not great, but at least it would be an honest answer, which the least the community deserves.

Edited by TravelersWay
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September 4.


Don't expect anything meaningful to be revealed before then. Once the movie marketing marathon begins, expect a lot more expansion details. There's no point in competing with a dozen other MMOs for press during convention season and the industry's slow period. When the movie hype train starts, so will the expansion details.

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Well they said they are working in getting more information. Only time will tell if they do. Personally I would like to see those interviews in Dulfy.net


But hundred thousands of people will see them in mmorpg.com, along with the advertisement.

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Here we go again. Again with the "soon" line.


Soon™ Soon™ Soon™


You sound like a broken record. I wish I had a job where my only duty is to tell the customers soon™



Starting to think there is no plan, they are changing the game for their benefit and only theirs, and lying to us constantly.....Companions going away, stats changing, whats next all classes gone and we get a cookie cutter build.


I will strip my companions and my SH, before the exp hits.

Edited by Krikos
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Eric, I'm happy with the notion that BioWare doesn't want to divulge spoilers...or at least very many of them. That's pretty much always a good idea in my book.


However, in the opinion of this subscriber, I think the the lack of details regarding almost any of the mechanics changes (itemizations, crafting, companions, flashpoints, operations, questing, new skills, etc.), which we know much exist in any expansion, even without ToS breaking data mining. continues a relatively long history of poor communication between BioWare and the players.


Silence is never the right decision, yet for some reason, it continues to be the position your company chooses with all too much frequency. Can you please offer some explanation why BioWare believes this is the BEST course of action, despite continued requests from the community to be more open?


Its all the customers fault. they meant they would have info at gamescon NEXT year, we just foolishly assumed they meant this year. that is why they didnt have the courtesy to let us know it would be delayed. or did that have to be vetted too?

Edited by ivanhedgehog
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