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So to ask them for an offline game is essentially asking them to remove that portion of the game and deliver something other than what they wanted to deliver.


Ask Disney to take out Epcot because some people don't' like it...however, it wouldn't' be Disneyland without it.


You're kinda missing the point entirely. They didn't have to remove anything and nobody was asking them to remove anything. People wanted an offline option. Those that want to get the full experience can play online, those that can't play online (due to their own connections or Maxis' servers going down) or don't care about those features can play offline.


And I'll say this, because I think it's warranted, the way they did their single player mode was beyond what I would have expected from them. They found a way to make that feature work offline and that's great. They could have just made it like the game was in the hacked offline mode, just with the ability to save, and I would imagine those that were upset about no offline mode would have been happy. So kudos to them for going that extra step since it adds that feature in for those who would have wanted an offline, single player experience.


But it still doesn't change the fact that the offline functionality people wanted was possible at launch, with minor tweaks, and they said it wasn't. The ability to save locally without the check in period would have been all that was needed and their response was that it wasn't possible for the game to be offline, period, without major work from their engineers. That was a lie.


Also, to throw this out there, while I agree that they lied here I don't see how that at all indicates Bioware/EA would be lying about anything in regards to SWTOR or any other game. Given the backlash the lies got (putting the arguing on whether it was a lie or not aside, it got backlash for being one all the same) I would actually go so far as to say this would probably make EA and co. less likely to lie about something in the future. Not impossible, of course, but they saw what happened with SimCity and I doubt they'd repeat that again. Even without that, though, I'll wait until we can judge for certain if they've lied or not to say they're lying. Until then it's all conjecture and opinion, no facts.

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Well the mods are obviously paying attention as they removed 2 of your posts. Still don't know why.

Huh...oh well. It's so off topic it's not even funny.


At any rate...anyone anxious for the stream this week? I'm really anxious to get some new info.

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Huh...oh well. It's so off topic it's not even funny.


At any rate...anyone anxious for the stream this week? I'm really anxious to get some new info.


Yes quite. Though I'm worried that it won't be any actual new information, just more broad statements.

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actually yes...need some good news since Jordy Nelson went down :(

OMG...off topic and totally bums me out...#&%$!!!!! Of all the players...UGH! Now I'm mad...Bioware BETTER deliver during that live stream this week...I need some good news :mad:...well, good news besides Jay Cutler still being the starting QB in Chicago, cuz that one always makes me smile :p

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Sure... Because 165million in revenue is chump change that they can just shrug off...


Ok, you have no idea about revenue numbers, stop quoting them.


That $165M was for 2012.

The $139M was for 2013.

The $106M was for the first three quarters of 2014.


If SoR didn't sell that great, guess what, they would have been losing money for 3 consecutive years. They still haven't released their sales data for the fourth quarter of last year, and only gave nebulous terms in their earnings call. The fact is, in your quoted earnings call, they had to lump SWTOR in with FIFA in the same breath, and the next statement about SWTOR was the CFO basically telling them they have to do better this year, it is expected with the movie.

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Doesn't make it any less a frivolous lawsuit.


Yes EA believed from their market research athat Battlefield was going to do well. It has some snags at launch and never did well as they had expected. It went the way of Pepsi Clear, Pepsi Konah, and Pepsi Blue. That doesn't mean that EA intentionally sought to deceive their investors. As another poster stated the suit was thrown out, refiled with some changes and thrown out again.

In the end it was decided that EA had operated in good faith.

However, you are claiming that specific claims made to investors about the current player base, and BW/EA's metrics surrounding that are being intentionally falsified in order to hype the game and the expac. That would be criminal behavior. Such a suit, given adequate evidence, would not be thrown out.


It's more that they didn't have the evidence to prove their point not that they really didn't know about it and went ahead with it and in this matter the same thing could happen the investors wouldn't have access to any of the data and it would be thrown out.

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Let me repeat: I don't care.

Seriously. Your initial point that I responded to was the integrity of the game studio. The very premise that made them "liars" you have admitted was merely a matter of preferences. I don't care about preferences. Especially not yours. All signs point to it being accurate to say that moving the cloud-based structure of the intra-regional data to a local structure would take time and resources.


They didn't need to do that in the 1st place like I have been saying it doesn't matter what you believe the player base didn't want nor did they care about the online stuff they would have been 100% the same sales if the game never had them hell it would have saved the company a lot of money had they not had them with no servers to maintain or anything like that.

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OMG...off topic and totally bums me out...#&%$!!!!! Of all the players...UGH! Now I'm mad...Bioware BETTER deliver during that live stream this week...I need some good news :mad:...well, good news besides Jay Cutler still being the starting QB in Chicago, cuz that one always makes me smile :p


Nelson is on my keeper-league roster. Was really counting on him this season.

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They didn't need to do that in the 1st place like I have been saying it doesn't matter what you believe the player base didn't want nor did they care about the online stuff they would have been 100% the same sales if the game never had them hell it would have saved the company a lot of money had they not had them with no servers to maintain or anything like that.


That discussion is better suited for the SimCity forums than the SWTOR forums.


For the off-topic I care more about, poor Packer fans. They aren't my home team, but they're a respectable organization; feel for the absence of J. Nelson from the roster for you guys.

Edited by azudelphi
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Ok, you have no idea about revenue numbers, stop quoting them.


That $165M was for 2012.

The $139M was for 2013.

The $106M was for the first three quarters of 2014.


If SoR didn't sell that great, guess what, they would have been losing money for 3 consecutive years. They still haven't released their sales data for the fourth quarter of last year, and only gave nebulous terms in their earnings call. The fact is, in your quoted earnings call, they had to lump SWTOR in with FIFA in the same breath, and the next statement about SWTOR was the CFO basically telling them they have to do better this year, it is expected with the movie.


the 2013 amount doesnt include subs.

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Ok, you have no idea about revenue numbers, stop quoting them.


That $165M was for 2012.

The $139M was for 2013.

The $106M was for the first three quarters of 2014.


If SoR didn't sell that great, guess what, they would have been losing money for 3 consecutive years. They still haven't released their sales data for the fourth quarter of last year, and only gave nebulous terms in their earnings call. The fact is, in your quoted earnings call, they had to lump SWTOR in with FIFA in the same breath, and the next statement about SWTOR was the CFO basically telling them they have to do better this year, it is expected with the movie.

$165 Million was for 2013, not 2012. $139M was looking at just their "additional revenue" for 2013. We only have one year of complete numbers and one year of incomplete numbers, so it is not clear if their revenue actually went down or, if it did, by how much.

Edited by DarthDymond
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$165 Million was for 2013, not 2012. $139M was looking at just their "additional revenue" for 2013. We only have one year of complete numbers and one year of incomplete numbers, so it is not clear if their revenue actually went down or, if it did, by how much.


Yes you are correct, sorry.


And yes that was my point, we don't know their last quarter so we can't say if it did or didn't. But you can say they would have had to have made $56M in Q4 to have grown their revenue for the year. That's a hell of a sales quarter especially when you consider they released strongholds the quarter before that which certainly helped generate that $109M.


And either way, it's being used to incorrectly support his argument since we don't have enough data to support ANY argument other than the fact that the CFO expects SWTOR to perform this year based on the earnings call. That's the only thing we can argue, they expect more from SWTOR this year.

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I don't know why my earlier comment was removed, so let me try this again...


I'm "proof". I PMd him. I PMd him privately because some debates aren't worth dealing with the drama queens who'd jump all over it. I enjoy debate, I despise drama for the sake of drama.


Yet you made that post, that's the type of post someone who loves drama yet isn't entirely capable of a decent, well substantiated debate makes.


"I'll say I hate drama but then make a post that does nothing more than possibly cause drama and does nothing to further any debate in process". Yeah, hypocrite much?

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Yes quite. Though I'm worried that it won't be any actual new information, just more broad statements.


It would seem we should get some confirmed information about companions, probably not specifics because do we really need specifics but some good information on how companions will work with KoTFE, what it means for those not yet up to KoTFE ( does anything change? ) etc.


Also is there a closed PTS run already going for KoTFE?

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It would seem we should get some confirmed information about companions, probably not specifics because do we really need specifics but some good information on how companions will work with KoTFE, what it means for those not yet up to KoTFE ( does anything change? ) etc.


Also is there a closed PTS run already going for KoTFE?


Yes there is a closed PTS for KOTFE that is where the data miners get all their data from and as for changes to the companions i'd probably say that some of them will effect pre expansion like them being able to tank heal and dps so that people can use what ever companion they like no matter where they are in the story.

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On the mass effect and dragon age deal that one is simple they invited Ladyinsanity to the E3 closed door even and she pretty much exclusively covers dragon age and mass effect and has a large following of people who play those games from her Youtube channel I would say that is pretty clear evidence that they are shooting for those types of players.





Ashe Ladyinsanity JeremyR • 2 hours ago

Hope you don't mind if I take your comment and run with it, to clear something that I get attacked about a lot. Maybe putting it here will do some good. The idea that Bioware "reached out" to me for KotFE.


No. Not even. The SWTOR devs didn't know who I was when I met them at E3. I merely had an appointment, like all the media folk there. The second time around, I was grouped with a bunch of non-Bioware-centric media. Some of them were even from the Battlefield community. Bioware didn't arrange any of this. They're not actively cutting out the community out of anything. Honestly, they're too busy making the game.


If anything, they're avoiding spoilers for a highly story-centric expansion. And not everything currently datamined will stick when 4.0 actually drops. The communication sucks - I totally agree with that. But that doesn't mean they don't care. If I can compare it to the DA/Mass Effect side of development, it's a "don't talk promises until it's green to go". Why that's the case is a whole different discussion regarding the state of video games, Bioware, and the industry.





Another of your facts goes up in smoke.

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Yet you made that post, that's the type of post someone who loves drama yet isn't entirely capable of a decent, well substantiated debate makes.


"I'll say I hate drama but then make a post that does nothing more than possibly cause drama and does nothing to further any debate in process". Yeah, hypocrite much?


Excuse me? YOU called him a liar, you asked for "proof" - I stepped forward to offer that "proof" you demanded. Who's causing drama exactly?

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Yet you made that post, that's the type of post someone who loves drama yet isn't entirely capable of a decent, well substantiated debate makes.


"I'll say I hate drama but then make a post that does nothing more than possibly cause drama and does nothing to further any debate in process". Yeah, hypocrite much?



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Ashe Ladyinsanity JeremyR • 2 hours ago

Hope you don't mind if I take your comment and run with it, to clear something that I get attacked about a lot. Maybe putting it here will do some good. The idea that Bioware "reached out" to me for KotFE.


No. Not even. The SWTOR devs didn't know who I was when I met them at E3. I merely had an appointment, like all the media folk there. The second time around, I was grouped with a bunch of non-Bioware-centric media. Some of them were even from the Battlefield community. Bioware didn't arrange any of this. They're not actively cutting out the community out of anything. Honestly, they're too busy making the game.


If anything, they're avoiding spoilers for a highly story-centric expansion. And not everything currently datamined will stick when 4.0 actually drops. The communication sucks - I totally agree with that. But that doesn't mean they don't care. If I can compare it to the DA/Mass Effect side of development, it's a "don't talk promises until it's green to go". Why that's the case is a whole different discussion regarding the state of video games, Bioware, and the industry.





Another of your facts goes up in smoke.


Not really as she had contacts with BW as she had been part of a previous program for Dragon Age otherwise she would have never even got her foot in the door I should know I have been going to E3 since 99 for work and they don't let just anyone into closed door events while it might be correct that the devs didn't know who she was the PR team very much did otherwise she wouldn't have been cleared at all.

Edited by Kaizersan
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