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How would your characters reply to Valkorion's offer?


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My main Knight will never bow to Valkorion. He opposes his values at their core and even with trickery in his heart he couldn't bend the knee to such a man.

My Inquisitor is both far too proud to kneel and too eager to rub his defiance in the face of his former Emperor to even consider it.

My Smuggler might, but with the intent of royally screwing him over once he turns his back on her. She is loyal to the Republic and a privateer, trickery is not beyond her.

My Warrior will pretend to still be in service to the Emperor, in hopes of getting close to him and wreck his face to gain revenge for abandonning the Empire he was sworn to lead.


The rest of my alts, I haven't decided but pretty much none would bow honestly.

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This thread cracks me up to no end.


From empire loyalists who apparently don't get they are Valk's failed experiment to loyal Pubs who would tell him to his face to take a powder.


You would tell the guy who has you at a literal gunpoint after obliterating your government to buzz off?


What most of our characters would do is grovel and maybe hope to get a chance to turn the tables later or put their head on executioner's block on the matter of principle.


Plot armor is a wonderful thing, it helps keep up Darth Marry Sue among many others.

Edited by BlueIllyrian
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Well my sith jugg and mara being the empires (emperor's) wrath would be honor bound to avenge the emperor and never bow to a "False emperor".


BH would kneel because even the great Mand'alor leader when he left was to "help the sith win a war" but still remain loyal to the Mand'alor clan


sniper being former intel knows its better to serve and do things from the inside shadow ops plus with my many connections I can find out secrets and vulnerabilities within the new eternal empire.


inquisitor just craves power and being former dark council would do what ever it takes to regain power and influence so joining would be an easy decision.

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Knight- I stand for the freedom of the Republic! You will awnser for your crimes!


Trooper- I'l never join you! FOR THE REPUBLIC!


Smuggler- what's the pay?


Bounty hunter- what's the pay?


Agent- hmmm.... Do I still get to be an agent? Hmmm.... Mabey....


Inquisitor- OK! Without 2nd thought


Warrior- PATHETIC RODENT! I shall destroy you myself and claim your title of emperor! All bow before me!

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This thread cracks me up to no end.


From empire loyalists who apparently don't get they are Valk's failed experiment to loyal Pubs who would tell him to his face to take a powder.


You would tell the guy who has you at literal gunpoint after obliterating your government to buzz off?


What most of our characters would do is grovel and maybe hope to get a chance to turn the tables later or put their head on executioner's block on the matter of principle.


Plot armor is a wonderful thing, it helps keep up Darth Marry Sue among many others.


Did they not check with you on how to develop their characters!?:eek:

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This thread cracks me up to no end.


From empire loyalists who apparently don't get they are Valk's failed experiment to loyal Pubs who would tell him to his face to take a powder.


You would tell the guy who has you at literal gunpoint after obliterating your government to buzz off?


What most of our characters would do is grovel and maybe hope to get a chance to turn the tables later or put their head on executioner's block on the matter of principle.


Plot armor is a wonderful thing, it helps keep up Darth Marry Sue among many others.


WE probably would grovel. Our characters? Not so much. Come on now, cannot tell the difference between real life and that of a fictional character? They are ment to be what we are not - they don't have to fear death (not only because of metagaming and "plot armor") and there is nothing more fun than to spit in the face of your would-be murderer :p

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This thread cracks me up to no end.


From empire loyalists who apparently don't get they are Valk's failed experiment to loyal Pubs who would tell him to his face to take a powder.


You would tell the guy who has you at a literal gunpoint after obliterating your government to buzz off?


What most of our characters would do is grovel and maybe hope to get a chance to turn the tables later or put their head on executioner's block on the matter of principle.


Plot armor is a wonderful thing, it helps keep up Darth Marry Sue among many others.


For my Sith Warrior, he would rather die then be used and tossed away by yet another person

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This thread cracks me up to no end.


From empire loyalists who apparently don't get they are Valk's failed experiment to loyal Pubs who would tell him to his face to take a powder.


You would tell the guy who has you at a literal gunpoint after obliterating your government to buzz off?


What most of our characters would do is grovel and maybe hope to get a chance to turn the tables later or put their head on executioner's block on the matter of principle.


Plot armor is a wonderful thing, it helps keep up Darth Marry Sue among many others.


You know... When you have as much pride as a Sith who wants to BE the Emperor, is in a position to rebuild it would he really pass up the chance for that opening and rather wipe it all out completely? No.




When you have as much Pride as a warrior, like Marr, you would NOT bow to him. Period. What you have done, and all you work towards. Is your identity. Otherwise, it is treachery.

Edited by Krimlord
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This thread cracks me up to no end.


From empire loyalists who apparently don't get they are Valk's failed experiment to loyal Pubs who would tell him to his face to take a powder.


You would tell the guy who has you at a literal gunpoint after obliterating your government to buzz off?


What most of our characters would do is grovel and maybe hope to get a chance to turn the tables later or put their head on executioner's block on the matter of principle.


Plot armor is a wonderful thing, it helps keep up Darth Marry Sue among many others.


Lighten up Francis. lol. This isn't about what you would do. This is about what your toon would do. And let's not forget, by this time, these toons aren't random space jockeys. They are part of the who is who in the SWTOR galaxy.


So as I mentioned earlier, my Agent would agree but initiate an op she already had in the works codenamed "Backstab".


My SI would face him head-on right there and then with her bound ghosts fluttering around her hungering for blood.


My Smuggie would want a very lucrative agreement in which he would basically pillage Valkorion for credits and a rendezvous for his on version of conquests.


My Bounty Hunter would look over at Mako, assuming Mako is with him, and say:


"What do you think? I don't bend a knee for anyone, but it's you and me, babe."


My Shadow would smile at Valkorion ironically and explain:


"By making such an offer, it is clear that you don't understand me, the Jedi, or the Jedi Order. I am a Jedi Shadow. We are a little different from other Jedi in our order. We believe in the Jedi Code, but we actively seek out the darkness you are so readily are offering. We look for it so we can destroy it." She would then ignite here lightsaber staff and add:


"Live in truth always, brave and bold.

Strike down the veil of the dark side wherever it holds.

Safeguard the agents of light until you are one with the force.

A Shadow of hope in the darkness, do not relent or change course.

That is my oath!"

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This thread cracks me up to no end.


From empire loyalists who apparently don't get they are Valk's failed experiment to loyal Pubs who would tell him to his face to take a powder.


You would tell the guy who has you at a literal gunpoint after obliterating your government to buzz off?


What most of our characters would do is grovel and maybe hope to get a chance to turn the tables later or put their head on executioner's block on the matter of principle.


Plot armor is a wonderful thing, it helps keep up Darth Marry Sue among many others.


Since nobody has filled you in yet, our characters don't know squat about valkorian. Hence all the "with what we know now". You have no sense of separation of self from the character. Characters can believe whatever they want, they can be heroic in the face of certain death, they can actually believe in a greater good and that... wait for it... there is no death, there is only the force. It's called emersion, try it sometime.

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Some variation on:

Sith Sorcerer: I kneel before no one.

Jedi Sentinel: I am a Jedi, I will never betray the Republic or side with evil such as you!

Sith Juggernaut: Kneel before you? Soon, you will lie bleeding at my feet begging me for mercy.

Gunslinger: Yeah... thanks for the offer, but I'm not really in the market for a new evil overlord. Maybe I can just grab a business card on my way out?

Mercenary: Like hell.


Subject to change as we learn more about just what Zakuul's deal is. My Sorc would have joined Malgus as an equal, given the choice, and my Merc probably would have joined up with the New Empire over the old, as well - so they're not all rabid partisans.

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This thread cracks me up to no end.


From empire loyalists who apparently don't get they are Valk's failed experiment to loyal Pubs who would tell him to his face to take a powder.


You would tell the guy who has you at a literal gunpoint after obliterating your government to buzz off?


What most of our characters would do is grovel and maybe hope to get a chance to turn the tables later or put their head on executioner's block on the matter of principle.


Plot armor is a wonderful thing, it helps keep up Darth Marry Sue among many others.


So Valkorian has you beaten, chained and dragged before him, surrounded by the pitiless eyes of his court and the first thing you do is fall to your knees and beg for dear life? :eek: Where is your honor, pride and self-respect? At best you get to live as a disgraced display trophy to all who would challenge his empire and at worst you die a disgrace kissing feet and thrown out the space garbage chute. Better to die on your feet in defiance like a man than on your knees in servitude like a twi'lek. Atleast then you die with your dignity. :o

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This thread cracks me up to no end.


From empire loyalists who apparently don't get they are Valk's failed experiment to loyal Pubs who would tell him to his face to take a powder.


You would tell the guy who has you at a literal gunpoint after obliterating your government to buzz off?


What most of our characters would do is grovel and maybe hope to get a chance to turn the tables later or put their head on executioner's block on the matter of principle.


Plot armor is a wonderful thing, it helps keep up Darth Marry Sue among many others.


Well of course WE would nod our heads, fall to our knees and probably whine about being pregnant if we're women or say 'i have kids, don't kill me!!!' if we're men or women, but these are our characters in a game that never die even when we're 'defeated' in operations that kick our ***.


This is a game and our characters are supposed to be super uber special snowflakes who can take on everything and anything without breaking a sweat. Of course they're going to spit in the face of the mad man holding a gun in our face.

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So Valkorian has you beaten, chained and dragged before him, surrounded by the pitiless eyes of his court and the first thing you do is fall to your knees and beg for dear life? :eek: Where is your honor, pride and self-respect? At best you get to live as a disgraced display trophy to all who would challenge his empire and at worst you die a disgrace kissing feet and thrown out the space garbage chute. Better to die on your feet in defiance like a man than on your knees in servitude like a twi'lek. Atleast then you die with your dignity. :o


I'm assuming he hasn't gotten the memo that this is a game. :rolleyes:

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Sith are all about accumulating power and the right time to strike.


My Inquisitor would kneel in a heartbeat for the promise of learning at the Emperor's side, with the understanding that one day he would attempt to usurp the throne.


My other characters...maybe not so much.

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Another thing my siths would have to consider is their society is meritocracy oriented. At the point where the Empire falls, it seems to be proven to be incompetent and a failure and one might consider their personal role in being a part of what appears to be a more powerful and largely successful new empire. Can't wait for it all to unfold and see what happens to get us to that bit of dialogue. I imagine they are going to make it pretty distasteful for most characters to actually kneel, like Valkorian spit on you or said something about yo' momma.:p
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My Inquisitor would start laughing, shake her head and give him a "you really are an idiot" look.


My warrior would cross her arms and tell him that straight out.


My mercs would probably just say his credits werent good enough.


My agent would probably give him a rude gesture in a obscure gesture language.


Strait and to the point. With someone as powerful as Valkarion around, you don't get time to have a long dialogue.


1. The smuggler would have something smart #$% to say. Because the smuggler always has something smart $#$ to say.

2. The commando would give a simple finger jesture.

3. The jedi knight wouldn't have much to say at all without a lightsaber in hand.

4. The Inquisitor would laugh and call him an idiot for letting the Inquisitor get this close to him.

5. The warrior wouldn't even laugh. Just look at the guy like he is stupid.

6. The IA would say something about not even having good torture techniques.

7. The BH would look at him like he is stupid. Not the first time life was threatened.

8. The consular would sit there and mediate on it. Let Valkorion die of old age before responding.

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My SW would reply with force choke.

SI would reply with force lightning

The BH would tell him "I bow to no one. You wanna hire me or not?"

My agent would reply with "Now HK!" and HK would already be charging


My JK & JC would both reply "bye Faleshia"

My smuggler would fall to the ground laughing uncontrollably before telling him to "kick rocks"

And my trooper would reply "for the republic!" and rush his ***.

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