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I'm Getting Tired of the Bads


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forget it. we both inadvertently joined the special olympics by giving that guy the time of day. dammit. I knew better than that. :(


LOL Maybe. But I think there is a good guy in there somewhere for Alrick. Its just hard to get it out of him from behind the persecution complex. In this case, he thinks people are just out to stomp the Pubs and be on the winning side more than likely, when it really is just doing what they feel they have to in order to get the most out of the game.

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You don't want to know but if you feel that curious, just go to the Jugg forum and ask about DPS tanking. Some are for it and find it fun; others say it is complete crap. All I know is I leveled my Jugg in tank stance and spec but with DPS gear and asked about that, but apparently running tank spec in DPS stance is also a thing. Apparently a controversial thing.


There is no controversy, if you want to be a hybrid tank-DPS as a guardian or juggernaut, you do tank spec in DPS gear because guards and jugs get most of their damage reduction not out of gear but out of abilities that are in tank spec.


A DPS spec guardian in tank gear is both a bad tank AND a bad DPS.

A tank spec guardian in DPS gear has very good survivability, and at least average DPS because tank spec abilities scale well with DPS gear.


Trust someone who has done hybrid tank-DPS as a guardian since this game launched. The only difference between now and then is that then you weren't locked completely into a tree and you could get some nice abilities in the middle tree halfway up that increased your tankiness in PvP a lot. But even then I was running DPS gear with a shield offhand that had DPS mods in it, well except the Battlemaster offhand I first got since that was a solid piece at that time.

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I'm one of the bads. I can give my perspective, but let me put this out there first. Since I started playing WZ, I have ensured my exp is 2018 bolstered. I am now sitting at about 50% ranked gear all augmented. I watched videos on the different maps learned objectives. I've watched videos and am pretty adept at my optimal rotation and use of interrupts, CCs, stuns etc. I like to win, I try.


A. I'm a clicker. I've tried to transition to keybinds, but it is really foreign. I'll keep trying so I can get optimal response and be able to keep my eyes on the screen.

B. I don't pay much attention to the chat, its 99% filled with whining about bads or dancing. I do try to keep an eye out for calls, etc, but yeah. I also call incoming if I was left defending.

C. People should not leave me defending, I suck.

D. Regardless of how bad I suck at it, its extremely fun so I keep doing it and I keep trying to get better.


All in all, I think you are just going to have people like me, people worse than me, and finally trolls. Its a game, try not to let it bother you so much. Your best bet to avoid people like me and other bads is to form your own group.


Your list of A through D proves that you are not a bad. You may be unskilled, but that isn't an issue. Skill has nothing to do with what I was raging about. I'm fine with the people who do extremely stupid stuff, but are willing to listen to advice and you see them not make the mistake again in the same situation a few warzones later. Being unkilled =/= being a bad. A bad is someone who refuses to improve, refuses to help the team, trolls, intentionally does things wrong, goes ballistic on people for not calling incs when it has been called several times, etc. You can be a super "skilled" player as in you know your class, good at duels, know other classes, etc and still be a bad IMO.

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I had a REALLY long thread about this a while back, it is indeed mind boggeling. This game is not rocket science, in fact it is one of the easiest games I have ever played. What I love to see is the over abundance of stealthers that will not guard no matter what and just run off and piss about instead of actually helping the team. When I play my op, I guard, end of story, because I know I have the best chance of guarding that node and surviving over all other non stealth classes. Not to mention they always have first shot and always can call without being interrupted.
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Well it just seems SWTOR attacts idiots. And these idiots are simply not capable of perceiving, processing, and understanding the most basic rules and mechanics of PvP in this game. There is simply no other likely explanation for this unfathomable lack of even the most basic skills.



I am also in favor of implementing tiers for normal wzs. No actual ranking and no rating points, but some tier system so that people of somewhat equal skill levels can play with and against one another.

Edited by Galothor
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Well it just seems SWTOR attacts idiots. And these idiots are simply not capable of perceiving, processing, and understanding the most basic rules and mechanics of PvP in this game. There is simply no other likely explanation for this unfathomable lack of even the most basic skills.



I am also in favor of implementing tiers for normal wzs. No actual ranking and no rating points, but some tier system so that people of somewhat equal skill levels can play with and against one another.


BW actually has a rating list for unranked.

The pvp nexu mount went out to all players that reached gold tier in ranked and/or unranked pvp.

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The other thing that really bothers me about this is 9/10 times all they have to do is ask for help. I don't know many players left in the game that wont at least give some advice about gear/stats/strats/keybinds/etc. These people are happy doing no damage/prot/healing with zero objective points, losing nearly every game. I don't get it man lol


BW actually has a rating list for unranked.

The pvp nexu mount went out to all players that reached gold tier in ranked and/or unranked pvp.


I don't buy this for a second. If there was any kind of rating system in regs premades would almost never play pugs, good players would never be on the same team etc and this just does not reflect reality. It's not, and has never been, a population problem. Fairly often you have same faction warzones with double premades against full pug teams. I am not at all against premades, but there is clearly no form of match making at all when a group of four that wins 100% of the time plays with another team that wins 75%+ of the time against 8 randos that win 50% of the time at best lol

Edited by Racter
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Dear Good Players,


Accept my deepest apologies for playing. I cannot be as good as you are. Instead, I promise you this:


1. I will never-ever-ever queue ranked.

2. I will equip the bestest gear PvP or bolster-friendly gear I can procure, augment and stim.

3. I will play a support class to your glorious DPS

4. If nobody goes for the off-node, or if there are 2 other healers in the zone, I will.

5. I will send my inc call as soon as I see the red and try to update numbers. I am bad, so 1 DPS can kill me.

6. I will LoS their sniper, pay attention to being netted, dodge their Op and Sin, while trying to keep a sight on you.

7. My hps are laughingly small but they all will be yours, as long as you elect to fight on the node. I am not running after you unless the off-node is threatened.

8. I will keep my frame of vision as steady as possible, but it will zoom wildly at times, and I won't see anything but that Mara breathing into my face.

9. I will try to see the party, but the bars will distract me from time to time.

10. I will try not to bubble another sage, or heal a Shadow in stealth

11. I will try to use the cc's and stuns only on the subjects who are not immune

12. I will never understand Pipeball, but I will give an honest try to selecting the ball carrier from that mess and pulling.

13. I will try to resist pulling anyone else, so god forbid I don't pull a sage from a god-bubble or a slinger from the ambush.

14. Awareness permitting, I will not wave or storm a carefully cc'd opponent. At the very least I will say sorry once my brain process the animation too late.

15. I will check my map in order to predict where you might be moving in a more or less organized fashion.


99. I will apologize for any flaw you shall find with me, but I will continue to queue.


Truly Yours,


A. Bad

Edited by DomiSotto
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Dear Good Players,


Accept my deepest apologies for playing. I cannot be as good as you are. Instead, I promise you this:


1. I will never-ever-ever queue ranked.

2. I will equip the bestest gear PvP or bolster-friendly gear I can procure, augment and stim.

3. I will play a support class to your glorious DPS

4. If nobody goes for the off-node, or if there are 2 other healers in the zone, I will.

5. I will send my inc call as soon as I see the red and try to update numbers. I am bad, so 1 DPS can kill me.

6. I will LoS their sniper, pay attention to being netted, dodge their Op and Sin, while trying to keep a sight on you.

7. My hps are laughingly small but they all will be yours, as long as you elect to fight on the node. I am not running after you unless the off-node is threatened.

8. I will keep my frame of vision as steady as possible, but it will zoom wildly at times, and I won't see anything but that Mara breathing into my face.

9. I will try to see the party, but the bars will distract me from time to time.

10. I will try not to bubble another sage, or heal a Shadow in stealth

11. I will try to use the cc's and stuns only on the subjects who are not immune

12. I will never understand Pipeball, but I will give an honest try to selecting the ball carrier from that mess and pulling.

13. I will try to resist pulling anyone else, so god forbid I don't pull a sage from a god-bubble or a slinger from the ambush.

14. Awareness permitting, I will not wave or storm a carefully cc'd opponent. At the very least I will say sorry once my brain process the animation too late.

15. I will check my map in order to predict where you might be moving in a more or less organized fashion.


99. I will apologize for any flaw you shall find with me.


Truly Yours,


A. Bad


This is so SAD!!!


If there's to be a top on the pyramid there have to be a foundation, we, me and you, are a part of that foundation. If there's to be a Best of the Best, there need to be something to be Best Of, without Participants, good or lesser than good, we have nothing. No Community, No PvP, No Game.


It takes 100 upon hundreds of so called 'bads' to keep Our Game Alive. It only takes 1 self righteous, Self serving, Self perceived 'good' player to ruin it all. If we're to have any GG here the Bullies need to be stopped. Zero tolerance for any behavior that threaten to discourage newcomers, or threaten to destroy the Foundation Of the Pyramid.

Edited by t-darko
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Dear Good Players,


Accept my deepest apologies for playing. I cannot be as good as you are. Instead, I promise you this:


1. I will never-ever-ever queue ranked.

2. I will equip the bestest gear PvP or bolster-friendly gear I can procure, augment and stim.

3. I will play a support class to your glorious DPS

4. If nobody goes for the off-node, or if there are 2 other healers in the zone, I will.

5. I will send my inc call as soon as I see the red and try to update numbers. I am bad, so 1 DPS can kill me.

6. I will LoS their sniper, pay attention to being netted, dodge their Op and Sin, while trying to keep a sight on you.

7. My hps are laughingly small but they all will be yours, as long as you elect to fight on the node. I am not running after you unless the off-node is threatened.

8. I will keep my frame of vision as steady as possible, but it will zoom wildly at times, and I won't see anything but that Mara breathing into my face.

9. I will try to see the party, but the bars will distract me from time to time.

10. I will try not to bubble another sage, or heal a Shadow in stealth

11. I will try to use the cc's and stuns only on the subjects who are not immune

12. I will never understand Pipeball, but I will give an honest try to selecting the ball carrier from that mess and pulling.

13. I will try to resist pulling anyone else, so god forbid I don't pull a sage from a god-bubble or a slinger from the ambush.

14. Awareness permitting, I will not wave or storm a carefully cc'd opponent. At the very least I will say sorry once my brain process the animation too late.

15. I will check my map in order to predict where you might be moving in a more or less organized fashion.


99. I will apologize for any flaw you shall find with me, but I will continue to queue.


Truly Yours,


A. Bad


I hope this was a tease to all those Bads who won't admit they are bad... :rolleyes:


From what I've been reading, Domi's not a bad player at all. Just not a seasoned PvPer... yet. :o


I really wish more ppl would think of their performance and wonder why they're perceived as bads... :confused:


Most of the times, if the ppl feel something the way they do, it's because it actually is like that. :eek:

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Dear Good Players,


Accept my deepest apologies for playing. I cannot be as good as you are. Instead, I promise you this:


1. I will never-ever-ever queue ranked.

2. I will equip the bestest gear PvP or bolster-friendly gear I can procure, augment and stim.

3. I will play a support class to your glorious DPS

4. If nobody goes for the off-node, or if there are 2 other healers in the zone, I will.

5. I will send my inc call as soon as I see the red and try to update numbers. I am bad, so 1 DPS can kill me.

6. I will LoS their sniper, pay attention to being netted, dodge their Op and Sin, while trying to keep a sight on you.

7. My hps are laughingly small but they all will be yours, as long as you elect to fight on the node. I am not running after you unless the off-node is threatened.

8. I will keep my frame of vision as steady as possible, but it will zoom wildly at times, and I won't see anything but that Mara breathing into my face.

9. I will try to see the party, but the bars will distract me from time to time.

10. I will try not to bubble another sage, or heal a Shadow in stealth

11. I will try to use the cc's and stuns only on the subjects who are not immune

12. I will never understand Pipeball, but I will give an honest try to selecting the ball carrier from that mess and pulling.

13. I will try to resist pulling anyone else, so god forbid I don't pull a sage from a god-bubble or a slinger from the ambush.

14. Awareness permitting, I will not wave or storm a carefully cc'd opponent. At the very least I will say sorry once my brain process the animation too late.

15. I will check my map in order to predict where you might be moving in a more or less organized fashion.


99. I will apologize for any flaw you shall find with me, but I will continue to queue.


Truly Yours,


A. Bad


I'm hardly every serious on these boards except when answering a beginner question, but I think this deserves a (mostly serious) reply. I queue with Domi some since we are in the same guild - so whenever she feels like putting up with me. :D I can tell you this...


Does she top the board healing? Not usually, but sometimes.


Does she usually put up respectable numbers - yes - almost always.


Can she kite attackers to help herself survive? Yes. (Irks me sometimes, because as a mediocre-to-bad tank I lose track of where she went! :( )


Does she look to be in the most advantageous place for the team, even if it's the boring job? Yes.


Does she respond to inc calls appropriately (i.e. not over rotating) - yes.


Does she call inc, when guarding? Yes.


If a plan is called out, does she try to follow it? Yes.


Does she complain in chat when something goes wrong? I've never seen her do that.


Does she offer help to new players, and not like a jerk? Yes. Seen her do that many times. She's a wealth of information!


Does she know where she has trouble and try to work on it? Yes.


In my book, Domi, you are not a "bad". You are just about the furthest from a "bad" there can be. The only thing "bad" here is that you seem to keep wanting to apologize for not being a top performer. If only top performers were supposed to queue, then there would only be 4 people in the arena queue/game and 8 in regs at any time.


My opinion... apologize to yourself for that all you want if you feel you should be doing better... never apologize to someone else. You do not owe anyone else in the game anything except trying your best, which as far as I can tell you do every game. And when you start feeling like you are not trying your best, you quit playing for a while. All hallmarks of a "good", if you ask me... which you didn't, but too bad. :D


Just my 2 pennies.

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Dear Good Players,


Accept my deepest apologies for playing. I cannot be as good as you are. Instead, I promise you this:


1. I will never-ever-ever queue ranked.

2. I will equip the bestest gear PvP or bolster-friendly gear I can procure, augment and stim.

3. I will play a support class to your glorious DPS

4. If nobody goes for the off-node, or if there are 2 other healers in the zone, I will.

5. I will send my inc call as soon as I see the red and try to update numbers. I am bad, so 1 DPS can kill me.

6. I will LoS their sniper, pay attention to being netted, dodge their Op and Sin, while trying to keep a sight on you.

7. My hps are laughingly small but they all will be yours, as long as you elect to fight on the node. I am not running after you unless the off-node is threatened.

8. I will keep my frame of vision as steady as possible, but it will zoom wildly at times, and I won't see anything but that Mara breathing into my face.

9. I will try to see the party, but the bars will distract me from time to time.

10. I will try not to bubble another sage, or heal a Shadow in stealth

11. I will try to use the cc's and stuns only on the subjects who are not immune

12. I will never understand Pipeball, but I will give an honest try to selecting the ball carrier from that mess and pulling.

13. I will try to resist pulling anyone else, so god forbid I don't pull a sage from a god-bubble or a slinger from the ambush.

14. Awareness permitting, I will not wave or storm a carefully cc'd opponent. At the very least I will say sorry once my brain process the animation too late.

15. I will check my map in order to predict where you might be moving in a more or less organized fashion.


99. I will apologize for any flaw you shall find with me, but I will continue to queue.


Truly Yours,


A. Bad


Domi, I'm not sure you are understanding my definition of a bad. By what I have read from you, you seem to grasp the basics of team play and have no need to apologize. I don't really care how much healing/dps you do. It can be high or low depending on skill and situation. That isn't a problem in the least. It doesn't matter if you are good in a 1v1 or not.


It is the people that refuse to do the BASICS of team play. It takes zero skill to call incs or to check chat every once in a while to see if someone called incs. If it is your very first warzone and you didn't call incs or respond to them...then that is understandable, but don't get all pissy if someone tries to give you helpful advice in a whisper so that it is private and it doesn't broadcast a mistake. (And when I am saying "you" I don't mean you personally Domi....I'm talking about people in general).


If you even TRY to do a third of the things you listed then you are by no means a bad. I have never played with you as far as I know, but if you strive to do some of the things you listed then you are not the type of person I am complaining about. Again, bads doesn't really have much to do with skill in playing a class, but rather a total disregard for team play, a very rude attitude when being given polite helpful advice, and a refusal to learn. That is a bad. Not someone who tries their best, calls incs, responds to incs, tries to stop a cap, and doesn't manage to break 100k damage.....not getting a big damage number means nothing....just means you need practice. Bads do not get better with practice. Unskilled players do.

Edited by Saikochoro
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Ah, it doesn't matter if you've played with me or not and where I sit on the ladder of badness. My point is that when you folks post stuff like that you are not going to capture the attention of the folks who do not really care, you capture the folks who do, who make mistakes, and who form the disorganized pugs. What it does, it kind of erodes the desire to get out.


We goof up, we load a character we don't really know but who is just that much more fun to play or looks better than the tired and true main, we play a zone that's not our fav... Acknowledging a mistake, even trying to correct it consciously doesn't mean you won't make it again. We could be unsteady performers, putting out a good round, and then a really bad one. I was grouped with a guy who was dead drunk once.


I don't know, I cannot know what goes on in the heads of the other 15 guys. Just... can't we let it be? After all, Mr. Ingalls, you didn't really bet your last milk cow on the outcome of this match, did you? Little Laura won't go hungry....


Seriously, the worst day of PvP is far better than the best day in the office, and those folks who loaded the zone are probably closer to you in the way they think and what they care about than what you'll find within a city block if not the whole neighborhood. :p

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I have no delusions that the type of people I complained about will read this thread and think "Oh maybe I will actually try to help the team next time I play instead of acting like a douche." Like many threads in many forums it was used to vent about a problem in pvp that has steadily been getting worse and worse.
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I'ts not even just "the bads" anymore. Some of what is called "the elite" players only farm numbers and then make fun of people who play objectives. Know of someone being kicked from a pvp guild because he wondered why no one played objectives. So now people think it's not cool to play objectives. I get told all the time that if I want to play objectives fine but they sure as heck weren't going to.


Then they of course brag about their numbers. Love those screenshots of their numbers along with the bright red "DEFEAT" at the top. But to them, it's a win if they had higher numbers. That is the mentality these days. It's sad and I get frustrated being a healbot to dps running around chasing numbers.

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BW actually has a rating list for unranked.

The pvp nexu mount went out to all players that reached gold tier in ranked and/or unranked pvp.


This is incorrect... Lots of people never received it in ranked or unranked... I for one didn't receive one and all I do is pvp...

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Dear Good Players,


Accept my deepest apologies for playing. I cannot be as good as you are. Instead, I promise you this:


1. I will never-ever-ever queue ranked.

2. I will equip the bestest gear PvP or bolster-friendly gear I can procure, augment and stim.

3. I will play a support class to your glorious DPS

4. If nobody goes for the off-node, or if there are 2 other healers in the zone, I will.

5. I will send my inc call as soon as I see the red and try to update numbers. I am bad, so 1 DPS can kill me.

6. I will LoS their sniper, pay attention to being netted, dodge their Op and Sin, while trying to keep a sight on you.

7. My hps are laughingly small but they all will be yours, as long as you elect to fight on the node. I am not running after you unless the off-node is threatened.

8. I will keep my frame of vision as steady as possible, but it will zoom wildly at times, and I won't see anything but that Mara breathing into my face.

9. I will try to see the party, but the bars will distract me from time to time.

10. I will try not to bubble another sage, or heal a Shadow in stealth

11. I will try to use the cc's and stuns only on the subjects who are not immune

12. I will never understand Pipeball, but I will give an honest try to selecting the ball carrier from that mess and pulling.

13. I will try to resist pulling anyone else, so god forbid I don't pull a sage from a god-bubble or a slinger from the ambush.

14. Awareness permitting, I will not wave or storm a carefully cc'd opponent. At the very least I will say sorry once my brain process the animation too late.

15. I will check my map in order to predict where you might be moving in a more or less organized fashion.


99. I will apologize for any flaw you shall find with me, but I will continue to queue.


Truly Yours,


A. Bad



You are in no way bad... You exemplify what a good objective pvper is...


1. You are a team player... The most import attribute in any pvp... But extremely important in objective

2. You aren't selfish... You go and guard nodes when you see a selfish person cap and run off

3. You respond to inc calls

4. You give proper inc calls by supplying numbers

5. You don't care about numbers or medals... You care about winning


Skill lvl aside, these 5 along make you an excellent pvper... Every player in pvp will come up against someone better than them... So what if you can't 1v1 and win everytime and it doesn't matter the class, because a player with higher skill will always win... As long as you can hold out for help to arrive, you have done your job... Even if you can't because you got jumped or people have no situational awareness to realise most of your team is trying to kill 1-2 people and the rest of the team is heading for you...


The bads in this game do everything opposite to what you listed... It's their bad attitude that makes them bads, not their ability to 1v1... Or in most cases 5v1 ganking others... At the end of the day their numbers and medals mean absolutely nothing if you lose... If I see s Sin in void star with 1-2mil dps because they chased the enemy all over the map death matching and you lose... They are probably the reason you lost the match... The sin should be watching the door in stealth and moving between doors in case your team is all in the respawn and the enemy is going to cap... They should only come out if it won't compromise that role... They should also be looking for the ninja and waiting patiently for your team to draw attention away from the door... Running straight in or all over the place to fluff your numbers negates your role on the team.. Go roll a Sorc, PT, Mara, Merc if you want high dps...

I'll say it again... Bads are selfish players... They only care about themselves and their numbers.... They blame everyone else for losing matches or brag about themselves... They are the worst of the worst pvpers... And this is what we are all tired of... To those people, L2P team pvp or go play an RPG that has 1v1 pvp

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I'ts not even just "the bads" anymore. Some of what is called "the elite" players only farm numbers and then make fun of people who play objectives. Know of someone being kicked from a pvp guild because he wondered why no one played objectives. So now people think it's not cool to play objectives. I get told all the time that if I want to play objectives fine but they sure as heck weren't going to.


Then they of course brag about their numbers. Love those screenshots of their numbers along with the bright red "DEFEAT" at the top. But to them, it's a win if they had higher numbers. That is the mentality these days. It's sad and I get frustrated being a healbot to dps running around chasing numbers.


You know they aren't really good players on their own... Put them in a full team of objective pvpers and it shows just how bad they are... With out their gank squad most can't even 1v1 most people...

I saw a player (Merc class) from a ranked pvp guild, continue to solo run to the enemy held node in Hypergates to 1v1 or 1v2 the guards... He died every time... When myself and the rest of the team asked him to stop because he was giving them free points he told us to L2P... LoL... So bad it was funny

Or as I mentioned in a previous post how a Sin will get over a mil in DPS playing VoidStar, but you lose because of them and then they have to nerve to call people scrubs...

I blame arena... It's been extremely detrimental to objective pvp... While ever ranked is only ever based on arena and death matching, objective pvp will be full of Bads... They need to introduce some form of objective ranked pvp again... Probably solo queues as even ranked arena is pretty much dead... If people didn't play the objectives to win, it would hurt other people's ranking... People would quickly be telling them to go back to regs to learn... This would help change the attitudes in objective pvp because they would get yelled at in regs by the majority if they didn't play correctly...

Bio introduce some form of ranked objective pvp to improve the quality of objective pvp... It will also allow most classes to participate in some form of ranked instead of only the FOTM classes

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I saw a player (Merc class) from a ranked pvp guild, continue to solo run to the enemy held node in Hypergates to 1v1 or 1v2 the guards... He died every time... When myself and the rest of the team asked him to stop because he was giving them free points he told us to L2P... LoL... So bad it was funny

Or as I mentioned in a previous post how a Sin will get over a mil in DPS playing VoidStar, but you lose because of them and then they have to nerve to call people scrubs...


This happened to me in ancient hypergate. This dude kept going to the other side and getting killed. I told him to stop because he was giving free points to the enemy, and he told me to L2P. He also capped their pylon in the early minutes, and i told him it was pointless to cap it so early if we could no hold it until the pylons were charged. Another L2P comment, stating that it forces them out of mid and gives us control of mid..... Of course, my logic couldn't reconcile how that strategy would help us win, and it didn't. OFC, i would told to delete my char, even though i was on guard duty at our pylon.

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You are in no way bad... You exemplify what a good objective pvper is...


You cannot know about anyone in the zone of they are trying and failing, or if they are not playing objectives. Theoretically, you can understand what needs doing, but practically, your control of the character or spacial are too slow to execute. And things like over-commitment are caused by the bestest intentions.


In the zone, like in the gym, everyone has their own right to fu, based on their beloved strat. There are players who could back up the boldest strats with performance. For the rest of us, well, things sometimes work, sometimes not so much...


Taking charge is an art, and playing as a team, not just as a group is also an art. We have very limited if any control of what other people think or do, but plenty over self and how we react to it....


Anyways, good gaming, everyone and just don't get too sad about it.

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I blame arena... It's been extremely detrimental to objective pvp... While ever ranked is only ever based on arena and death matching, objective pvp will be full of Bads...


I agree. Because Arena is in a way only about numbers ! It's the damage numbers which bring the other team down ! ( Or healing numbers which keeps the team alive ! )


Arena is the direct opposite of objective play.


And what is Ranked ? All about Arena !

0 % of objective play !


So, people actually "unlearn" how to play objective play, they forget to play objective play, what they are continuing is the Arena-deathmatch on objective play maps and only care about the numbers !


Not that this couldn't have been foreseen ... Bioware was always bad at projecting player psychology results of / from their decisions into the future ...

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99.9% of people in this game open every single one of their "rotations" with a stun or some form of cc, the majority of people I see try to dps Sorcs through their barrier, a lot of people don't even buff themselves after dying, filling up a ball carriers resolve then wondering why you can stop them, there's a lot of simple errors people make. If you're the only dps tunneling a guarded healer or any tank, maybe that's a you issue? Healers die plenty, I'm sorry you can't global every one of them.


I really do wish bioware would nerf healers into the ground, I mean just make them unplayable

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Healers die plenty, I'm sorry you can't global every one of them.


I laughed at that cos of how true it is (as someone who mostly heals in pvp). I'm also sorry when I happen to get placed on a good team that actually supports the healer and I continue to play my class instead of standing there doing nothing so the other team can global me.

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I agree. Because Arena is in a way only about numbers ! It's the damage numbers which bring the other team down ! ( Or healing numbers which keeps the team alive ! )


Arena is the direct opposite of objective play.


And what is Ranked ? All about Arena !

0 % of objective play !


So, people actually "unlearn" how to play objective play, they forget to play objective play, what they are continuing is the Arena-deathmatch on objective play maps and only care about the numbers !


Not that this couldn't have been foreseen ... Bioware was always bad at projecting player psychology results of / from their decisions into the future ...


Well put... And if something doesn't change they may as well just make each objective map a big arena and remove objectives... All the death match people are teaching new pvpers bad habits in objective pvp or as you pointed out, unlearning how to play themselves...

Bio, Arena experiment and removal of 8 man ranked is a failure on many lvls and it's degrading the quality of objective pvp... Please do something to rectify this...

I've never understood why they didn't try a solo queue for 8 man ranked but did it for Arena... We can all see solo is the most popular and would probably work in 8 man as well...

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blame yourselves.


No one wants to guard the node, and the guy who draws the short straw, got zero MVP votes because he didn't top DPS or healing. There was only one match I have played in this game, where I got MVP votes for guarding. I actually got 6 MVP votes. But 99% 0f the time, you are better off chasing numbers and medals.


I know how hard it is to be sitting on a node while everyone is out of sight and killing stuff. But, there are also, a lot of pre-mades trolling regs. So, it's a toss up.


Start voting for players who effectively guard node and see if there is an improvement in objective0style arenas.


Part of the issue being that bads actually think MVP votes are important. There is one important thing in PVP, that is winning the match.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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