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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

For those who criticize Bioware for focusing on story/solo play......


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My question is, Some of your guild or just some players get together for the new Fallen content, they will have to do the new content over and over for each player in the group? or will they have a option of one time for group?........


And god help the player who has like 14+ plus toons to run thru the new content. lol


They said the content has to be solo'd completely. Because when you do conversations, your previous choices determine what happens in the story.

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You must be counting the dailies in it or something, because the main story line on Yavin is 3 quests and you spend more time watching the related cutscenes than actually doing those quests..


All the content on Yavin (except Revan weekly) is eventually dailies so why would you not count them? You still need to complete them once each to get to Revan (and the 10 minutes of cutscenes that comes before and after the Revan fight).


The Enemy Within has two ways of doing it, via Ops or via solo weekly method. IF they actually gave all those dailies a cutscene instead of making them like a terminal, the cutscene length would be much longer than the quest length. If you do not believe me go look up the original Belsavis daily and that is the kind of length of cutscene versus daily content it would have been had they actually did cutscenes for it.


Oh, so if the game had more cutscenes there'd be more cutscenes than ingame content. Got ya...


My question is, Some of your guild or just some players get together for the new Fallen content, they will have to do the new content over and over for each player in the group? or will they have a option of one time for group?........


And god help the player who has like 14+ plus toons to run thru the new content. lol


Yeah pretty much. At least with the scaled Flashpoints+Operations you can choose to do those with your guild and save the Story content for when playing solo. I guess it also solves some of the 14 alts issue to some degree.

Edited by MFollin
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The "streamlining" they mentioned only refers to the original class stories, 1 to 50-55. They'll most likely be removing 12xp but change the planets/story mission so each mission has less/no grindy parts and more focus on story.


They said they wanted leveling from 1 to 50 to be more like the length of KOTOR, which I guess is like 30-50 hours compared to the current 150-200 hours it can be for non-subs (and the what, 8-15 hours for 12XP?).


Yes BUT there has to be a reasonable curve betwen the various phases. If all of the sudden you are leveling at 55 mph and then the air brakes get thrown on and you are instantly doing 30 mph or less you get whiplash. This is basic MMO design 101. Do you honestly think leveling from 60 to 65 is going to be slower than it was (in terms of playable content) for 55-69 in SoR was when it dropped?


There is NO logical reason to even think this other than simply wanting to deny the actual logical conclusion. The only reason you would wish to do that is because if you acknowledge the logic then the gamble they are taking becomes unavoidable, even if you are a 100% story fan.

Edited by Ghisallo
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They said the content has to be solo'd completely. Because when you do conversations, your previous choices determine what happens in the story.


That may be a big loss of subs right there, pretty sure, not definitely sure, but it will lose some. .....we will just have to see what happens.


P.S. sneaky way of slowing content creation down, lol.

Edited by Krikos
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My bet is that there will not be 40 hours of gameplay (cut scenes + questing) in the entirety of KotFE once it is finished. I would put real money on that. Of course I might be completely wrong, but that is my position, we'll have to wait and see. If there is indeed, yeah, i'll eat my hat, but ...




... nope, it's a baseball cap.




Those who cannot tell that they are being "had" by BW and vehemently defend the company's actions are not necessarily wrong, they are victims to BW's propaganda machine. However, it is unfortunate that those same people, even after BW is challenged by others, are not able to go beyond the argument that "BW said so".




This is where you just "don't see it". You have absolutely no logical reason for believing that, escpecially if you refuse to examine BW's motivation for releasing the type of information they do and the style that they do it in.




I urge everyone who thinks this (as of KotFE) to strongly reconsider their stance. You are not getting the class quests, those are free. You are not getting RotHC, Oricon, and SoR, the investment-in-development and return-on-investment cycles for those products are over. For your one month's subscription fee you are getting the opening chapters of KotFE, and beyond that, nothing, for several months at least, until they will being to spoon feed us the rest of the story. This is not value, this is preposterous.




Actually, yes, that is what I am trying to accomplish. What are you trying to accomplish? This is what is still baffling to me.




Slave-Master paradigm or a modern variation thereof, I won't bore people with that here but anyone interested can look it up, there is plenty of material on the subject.




Yep, this is my motivation. And I ask again, what's yours? A small adjustment of your statement though, I'm not saying people don't enjoy the game, but I am saying that we are not getting value for the money we are paying when SWTOR is taken in the context of the broader MMO landscape. This is one of the few MMOs left that runs a full-subscription model, but what subscribers "get" is a joke compared to other much less expensive models.




I answer only because you put a question mark at the end of the sentance and am assuming this is not a rhetorical question. Those that take BW's statements at face value and do not question the motivation and intention behind those statements are indeed "sheep" in that they have been brainwashed into complacency by BW's rhetoric. Again, you are constantly reducing the argument to "BW said so". This is not an "opinion", this is servility.





All of these things will be proven right or wrong or somewhere in between as the lifespan of KotFE unfolds. But to simply sit back and take whatever BW says at face value and without question should be against the nature of any consumer who is being asked to invest into something, especially when dealing with such a paradigm shift as there is in KotFE. We should be asking questions and getting answers (from BW). When those answers are not forthcoming, it begs further questions and an analysis of BW's motivations.


You know there's a reason why most people don't believe in conspiracy theories right? Until you can point to hard evidence and can offer up more than 'because I'm smarter than the rest of you sheep' in retort, no one is going to take you seriously. After your own threads crashed and burned I would have thought you'd learned something, but no here you are, back again, doing the exact same thing, expecting a different result. Someone as smart of you should know that's the definition of insanity.


Why am I defending Bioware? Hm. Interesting question. They aren't my favorite companion, and I'm not a huge fan of their storytelling techniques, I suppose it boils down to the fact that I, like a lot of people who play for story enjoy what they've put out and I've personally never been 'lied' to by them like you are claiming they are lieing to you. I don't like seeing friends slandered, even ones I'm not particularly fond of.


Still, as of right now there's nothing you could say or do with the 'evidence' you have to even remotely sway my opinion, or from what it seems the majority of the swtor forums. But you keep railing your point Helen, I'm sure you'll be able to find someone of a similar mindset to commiserate with. See you in the next thread! :rak_03:

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Yes BUT there has to be a reasonable curve betwen the various phases. If all of the sudden you are leveling at 55 mph and then the air brakes get thrown on and you are instantly doing 30 mph or less you get whiplash. This is basic MMO design 101. Do you honestly think leveling from 60 to 65 is going to be slower than it was (in terms of playable content) for 55-69 in SoR was when it dropped?


There is NO logical reason to even think this other than simply wanting to deny the actual logical conclusion. The only reason you would wish to do that is because if you acknowledge the logic then the gamble they are taking becomes unavoidable, even if you are a 100% story fan.


That is completely unrelated to what I wrote. You're using the "streamlining" comment from Bioware in the wrong context. The work they are doing on streamlining content only regards the lvl 1-50 (perhaps 55) content.


The leveling experience in KotFE will probably be similar to SoR but not because they're "streamlining it". At this point they have probably found their pace (SoR pace) considering what they wrote about 12XP: "This Boost does not affect Shadow of Revan as it was already designed to be a more streamlined leveling experience".


My guess is that we will reach lvl 65 some time before we get to Chapter 9.

Edited by MFollin
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All the content on Yavin (except Revan weekly) is eventually dailies so why would you not count them? You still need to complete them once each to get to Revan (and the 10 minutes of cutscenes that comes before and after the Revan fight).


But yet you neglected to add in length of cutscene on the solo Revan fight while counting the content that leads to it.


Seriously, if you are expecting more than Makeb, which was partially developed prior to this game's launch, you will be sadly disappointed. That is all the content I would expect in the best circumstances, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was less given they've had less time to work on it.

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Well, the 2 M's are in MMORPG for a reason. Unless BW plans on getting rid of all the anti-social mechanics in the game for KOTFE (trinity, mob tapping, loot rolling, having to repeat the story content for every player in the group, etc.) and thus making it more like GW2 and less like WoW (no specialized roles needed, individual loot, all players who participate in a fight get credit, no waiting around for interactable objects to "reset," etc.) then yeah, you can see why several people are quite peeved about KOTFE's direction.


And don't forget the solo-mode FPs. I wouldn't be surprised if group FPs end up pretty much dead, with everyone going "Why should I group for them when I can just run them solo?" We're already seeing the "why should I group for anything when I can level up just by doing solo content instead" attitude around with 12xp.

Edited by HandOfKane
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I think it is a great idea to revitalize the story and solo play. I think though that due to the limitations of the resources it deviates too much from the soul of the game, abandoning the idea of the exploration of a group of characters, their intertwining stories, and directing it too too much towards the truly solo play.


The story premise also does not sound outstanding so far. I've never liked the IA story, but I would take their main villain over the mysterious Emperor #3.... I also strongly dislike the loss of the faction identity that occurred post-Makeb without the perks to compensate for it, such as playing cross-faction in PvP and PvE group content. As a single player I do not really like to in essence play for the Empire no matter what my faction is....


SWTOR was my only MMO game, and it did not make me feel like I want to try other MMOs, because I keep feeling inadequate in group content, and I do not like the drive to attach measuring my worth to that.


Overall, I feel more inclined to try other solo games over what KotFE so far has advertised. I will certainly give it a try! Maybe the story is actually fun. Who knows.

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This is what I don't get.


The real players are sitting here telling BioWare what they need to be putting in. More group content, harder content, things that are not just given to the player but have the player putting in work in order to get them. And all of you think we are haters who just say stuff like that as we dislike TOR. Maybe we do, we dislike it as guess what? We've seen this time, after time, after time. Dev's going for quick fixes and deciding to ignore the player base.


Over one million people quit TOR after it came out as there was nothing to do at end game. Doing the same stuff that's been in the game for the last three years? That's not going to work. Coming out with "cartel packs" so you can get a crystal that's a lighter shade of red or a jacket that's blue rather then black? That's not going to work.


Making the game more social, putting in more group content, letting the players make the story and not the Dev's? Well I wonder why everyone keeps talking about SWG and why the only thing I ever hear about TOR is "Bad game stay away."

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But yet you neglected to add in length of cutscene on the solo Revan fight while counting the content that leads to it.


What are you talking about? The solo Revan fight cutscene is in the video and part of the 22 minutes.The solo Revan fight cutscenes starts about halfway into the Youtube clip...


Seriously, if you are expecting more than Makeb, which was partially developed prior to this game's launch, you will be sadly disappointed. That is all the content I would expect in the best circumstances, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was less given they've had less time to work on it.


I haven't said anything about my expectations on length. I only commented on your "... when the vast majority of the story quests in this game do not take as long as the cutscenes to do...." comment as it's clearly not correct.


This is what I don't get.


The real players are sitting here...


Depicting some players as being more "real" than others is not exactly helping your argument...

Edited by MFollin
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Ok, show of hands:


How many solo'd their class missions, before the 12x XP?


How many habitually press 'space' to abort dialogue?


How many run flashpoints, or ops? How many PvP? and of those, how many go with pick-up teams as opposed to premade groups? How many actually use Group Finder?


How many get characters to 50 without getting many Social Points, or changing Social tiers?


This is the kind of datamining that the devs can look at and say, "hey look, people solo this stuff more than they group up. We have a lot of people on server X who skip the dialogue, but most of server Y does not, even on the second or third pass thru the same material."


It's not just 'what you say' that determines these decisions, it's 'how you play'.


something i learned as an Intel analyst...3 different people can look at the same data and get 3 different results. we dont know what data points they gathered, who chose those data points, what they were looking to prove with their choice of data points. what you ask and how it is asked is every bit as important as the answers. wanting to know what the metrics were is pointless. not gonna happen. the dev in question used "metric" to explain why they do it. It wasnt just a sheet of number that said "do more story" there was most likely a long drawn out decision process between the devs staff. kinda pointless to eat each others livers over it. It isnt like they could change it at this point. if it works, good on them, if not there will be some unhappy meetings in their futures. he could have said that they used a lucky 8 ball to decide, the fights here might have been interesting.

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Those who cannot tell that they are being "had" by BW and vehemently defend the company's actions are not necessarily wrong, they are victims to BW's propaganda machine. However, it is unfortunate that those same people, even after BW is challenged by others, are not able to go beyond the argument that "BW said so".


... nope, it's a baseball cap.


Made from tin foil based on that first quote there.


Btw you're whole BW said so doesn't really hold water when your whole argument is based on "because I said so", many people will favour BW's "say so" over "your say so", just saying.


This is where you just "don't see it". You have absolutely no logical reason for believing that, escpecially if you refuse to examine BW's motivation for releasing the type of information they do and the style that they do it in.


Sure I do. They have ACTUAL data to support their decisions. You don't. You have conspiracy theories.


I've previously noted my view on the reasons for the way they release information in a bit more depth but a general summary ( you can hunt down where I've discussed this with others in more depth if you want, not sure which topic but it will be in my post history somewhere ).


*To avoid even larger social media arguments from the vocal minority like we are having now just over the small information they've released ( and don't try argue the "because they know everyone will be against it" ******** either, even with the current arguments/debates/whatever those against still seem to be outnumbered by those for.


*To avoid in game consequences this far out i.e. massive changes to the economy.


I urge everyone who thinks this (as of KotFE) to strongly reconsider their stance. You are not getting the class quests, those are free. You are not getting RotHC, Oricon, and SoR, the investment-in-development and return-on-investment cycles for those products are over. For your one month's subscription fee you are getting the opening chapters of KotFE, and beyond that, nothing, for several months at least, until they will being to spoon feed us the rest of the story. This is not value, this is preposterous.


Heh, yet you subscribe now. Funny.


Anyway: http://www.swtor.com/free/features


I get that still when KoTFE launches I believe and I am happy paying to get it now AND I get KoTFE. Based on your point of view above I really can't believe you went and bought 6 months sub ... that's just plain foolish if you really feel the way you portray yourself here though I think it's just a bit of the ole e-warrior angst coming through personally.


Actually, yes, that is what I am trying to accomplish. What are you trying to accomplish? This is what is still baffling to me.


Honestly? Just trying to ensure people like you who go around making outlandish unsubstantiated claims and conspiracy theory aren't listened to by the general populous as much as possible because quite frankly I find your views poisonous to the community.

That's not to say I think that way of everyone who thinks poorly about BW or KoTFE or what have you, most people can back up their claims and don't have them sitting in the realm of conspiracy theory. I just think this way about your posts in particular ( and a few others but they didn't ask me that question ).


Slave-Master paradigm or a modern variation thereof, I won't bore people with that here but anyone interested can look it up, there is plenty of material on the subject.


More tin foil hat stuff.


Yep, this is my motivation. And I ask again, what's yours? A small adjustment of your statement though, I'm not saying people don't enjoy the game, but I am saying that we are not getting value for the money we are paying when SWTOR is taken in the context of the broader MMO landscape. This is one of the few MMOs left that runs a full-subscription model, but what subscribers "get" is a joke compared to other much less expensive models.


I might have taken some of the seriously if you hadn't just gone and bought 6 months of sub BEFORE you heard about KoTFE.


Those that take BW's statements at face value and do not question the motivation and intention behind those statements are indeed "sheep" in that they have been brainwashed into complacency by BW's rhetoric. Again, you are constantly reducing the argument to "BW said so". This is not an "opinion", this is servility.


And more tin foil hat stuff and more of this "BW said so" whilst not realising your opinion is based around "I said so".

Pot, kettle, black.

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Just passing by, while I don't have time nor patience to write the same amount of things some of you have, I thought it was important to say that, after having read most of the thread, I support MeNaCe-NZ's efforts -and everyone else who did the same- to counter those who would only drag the reputation of the devs through the mud only for the sake of trolling and instigating a negative atmosphere in the community.


Again, it REALLY is as simple as : don't play the game if you don't like it. Don't support BioWare with your money if you don't like the direction they choose for the game. They don't owe you anything, you're not special, you're consumers, you don't like the service they provide ? Play someone else's game ! :)


SWTOR is not your life ! (Please don't tell me it is...)

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Just passing by, while I don't have time nor patience to write the same amount of things some of you have, I thought it was important to say that, after having read most of the thread, I support MeNaCe-NZ's efforts -and everyone else who did the same- to counter those who would only drag the reputation of the devs through the mud only for the sake of trolling and instigating a negative atmosphere in the community.


Again, it REALLY is as simple as : don't play the game if you don't like it. Don't support BioWare with your money if you don't like the direction they choose for the game. They don't owe you anything, you're not special, you're consumers, you don't like the service they provide ? Play someone else's game ! :)


SWTOR is not your life ! (Please don't tell me it is...)


Translation: Providing any critiqism whatsoever and feedback that isn't lock step singing unquestionable praise is blasphemy. You should leave this game. Your a loser if you care this much.


Response: No I love this game and so have the right given to me by BW to post my feedback positive and negative. I don't think it's all negative. Most is good and looking forward to it. That said I do disagree with things and wish for some changes. This reflex OMG if you critique it anyway it will die. I think you take it way to seriously if you think my criticism alone will cause this game to collapse. That's ludicrious. Again, I will continue to post and criticize aspects I don't like. You can march in lock step over there if you like :)


If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen :rak_03:

Edited by FerkWork
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Over one million people quit TOR after it came out as there was nothing to do at end game. Doing the same stuff that's been in the game for the last three years? That's not going to work. Coming out with "cartel packs" so you can get a crystal that's a lighter shade of red or a jacket that's blue rather then black? That's not going to work."


Most players are casual and do not worry to much about end game. While it is not possible to know why each every one quit, many treated it as Kotor 3 and when they concluded the character's story they choose to play, they felt satisfied (they did spend the time completing) and were done with the game.

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- snip -.


Well we will see what we'll see, I personally think it will be more beneficial because there used to be quite a decent pug community in the game. Players like myself who didn't really have time to set any set schedules with their guild etc. and would just jump on for a raid whenever they had time up their sleeve. Used to be sooo easy to find pugs forming up when 55 was the top level.


Now ... pfft forget about it. Rav/ToS has scared too many people away and not as many people seem as interested in running 55 or under ops hence why having them all at the same level should bring it back to the golden age of pugging imo.


9 operations to choose from, all giving level relevant rewards and gear. I guess we'll see as I said but this is my feeling on things based on how it was before and hopefully will be again.

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They've already said 1 hour of cutscenes per chapter, now I want you to compare all of the content in this game versus the cutscene length and tell me how 9 hours of cutscenes results in 40 hours of gameplay.


Well I was initially talking the first 9 chapters we get ( you did say 3 months ) and assumed you meant that with your rather obviously understated "12 hour" comment. Thinking they say at least 1 hour of story content per chapter ( that's not game play, just the dialogue and cutscenes ) we get 9 hours so I was thinking 20-30 hours for the first 9 chapters played at an average speed seemed feasible


I said 9 chapters = 40 hours? 20-30 = 40 now?


As to the rest of your post ...


here is a whole other topic on this somewhere, no point in going too in depth in this topic really and repeating everything that's been said )


Let me know when you dig that one up and post there and i'll respond. ;)


I think it was started by oddball.

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The leveling experience in KotFE will probably be similar to SoR but not because they're "streamlining it". At this point they have probably found their pace (SoR pace) considering what they wrote about 12XP: "This Boost does not affect Shadow of Revan as it was already designed to be a more streamlined leveling experience".


My guess is that we will reach lvl 60 some time before we get to Chapter 9.


I thought the same thing, though more like within the first 5 chapters, and I am very interested in how they will do the carrot on stick for the rest of the content once we hit cap.

I can't see another cap increase coming for the rest of the content so that's quite a lot of content to take on with no interest in getting "stronger" or gaining new skills etc.


Soo many ways they can do it though that I wouldn't want to start guessing too much right now and heck they could still reward new skills without boosting your level I guess - chapter reward or something.

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Making the game more social, putting in more group content, letting the players make the story and not the Dev's? Well I wonder why everyone keeps talking about SWG and why the only thing I ever hear about TOR is "Bad game stay away."


Wondered how until I heard about that dead, failed game again. Not long was the answer. :)


Also if you weren't just trolling you would easily notice opinion is somewhat swayed though noticeably in favour of KoTFE. Even many of the people who are pissed at not getting new ops right now still don't think KoTFE will be a failure and basically suck. There are some of course ... haters gotta hate.

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I don't like seeing friends slandered, even ones I'm not particularly fond of.


"It is NOT slander. I resent that. Slander is spoken, in print it's libel."


Props to anyone who can identify that quote without looking it up.


Dev's going for quick fixes and deciding to ignore the player base.


Over one million people quit TOR after it came out as there was nothing to do at end game. Doing the same stuff that's been in the game for the last three years? That's not going to work.


I agree, but I think BW knows this. They are going for the quick fix not only in game but in business as well. KotFE is designed to bring in new players and phase out the old ones, who BW might deem as being at the end of their (our) usefulness.

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Translation: Providing any critiqism whatsoever and feedback that isn't lock step singing unquestionable praise is blasphemy. You should leave this game. Your a loser if you care this much.



If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen :rak_03:




I'm not sure why you felt the need to "translate" my post, I know English is not my native language but I thought the message was rather clear, but maybe not since you changed the meaning. I did not say that feedback and critics -constructive ones, mind you- shouldn't be present here. They should, of course. What shouldn't be here is constant ranting and doomsaying. ;) I'm sure you've provided some interesting feedback and I was not actually talking about you, specifically. I'm not sure why you'd feel "involved" when I wrote "those who would only drag the reputation of the devs through the mud only for the sake of trolling and instigating a negative atmosphere in the community".



And as for the "heat", I'm not a big poster like some are, but I saw that MeNaCe-NZ (in this particular thread) was trying to do something I'm personnally not patient enough to do and wanted to show my support. So don't worry, I won't hang around much anyway :) just like many other SWTOR players who've seen what the forums are like.

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Now ... pfft forget about it. Rav/ToS has scared too many people away and not as many people seem as interested in running 55 or under ops hence why having them all at the same level should bring it back to the golden age of pugging imo.


My biggest fear is that up-scaling all the ops to level 65 will simply create 9 versions of ToS. Which means that I will not be able to complete an operation, and I am not even going to try it. I wiped so many times on ToS, I acquired a PTSD of sorts. Love doing Ravagers, and all the other Ops right now. But ToS... just no. It's just too humiliating, so it's better to stay away from it.


My ability to play L55s and Ravagers is not due to my skill, it's due to my character being over-geared. At level 65, my 192 set-bonus will be the same as the 172 or 186 was when ToS dropped.


So, realistically, once KotFE comes out, for my skill level, what I will be able to play is the solo story and (maybe) the PvP regs.


I do not think I want to pay for being continuously reminded of my shortcomings. Sadomasochism is just not my thing.


I have already leveled 11 characters and saw all the stories. I play more or less 2 ACs (4 characters) and trying to learn the 3rd. I have no time for every other character in my legacy. They gather dust and craft (sometimes). I don't want to level another character for gathering dust. I am posting this instead of running Rishi-Yavin for the 11th time.


The game right now simply became boring for me.


KotFE does not promise to alleviate any of it. It does not allow me to relive the fun of playing solo with all the different characters I have, when it is relatively simple and the gearing was not much of a problem and the stories are all so different and exciting.


On level 20 or 30, I can jump into a character and play on. On level 60, it takes a guide study and then training the muscle memory to play each AC. I am not interested in doing it to see the same story with a few minor nuggets of content specific to each AC.


And, simultaneously, KotFE takes away what little end-game content I could participate in.


So, yes, I am not renewing.


EDIT: IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT THE DEVELOPER'S FAULT. I am just a bad player, and I have had my fill of what I can do in the game.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Just for the records, pretty much every mmo that has forums is like this. Its not a SWTOR only thing. Devs can affect the general tone though based on their community team. This present community team doesn't do a good job, so forum reflects it.


You mean people can't be well mannered if they're not surrounded by community managers and mods ? ;) That's kind of sad.

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