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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

2 year + Fanboy of Swtor sadly cancels his account.


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Feeling the same - been following the game since late 2006 :/ and it's not that I had crazy expectations either, I just really don't enjoy a lot of the design decisions made. A lot of them.


This summarizes the mental state of all of the whiners on the forums.


SWTOR first mention was on late 2007, and it's development started on 2008.


How are you following the game since late 2006?


To the OP, goodbye and so long.

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Edit: You know what pushes my buttons? People who think they know the ins and outs of the MMO market -- and claim they know the 'perfect' recipe for the 'ultimate' MMO.


That's what gets me too. It's as if these people suddenly became game developers or experts on the economics and trends of MMOs.


Just... Ugh.

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The point was they quit over the reasons the fan site reviews given, bad combat, overkill on cut scenes, way to much walking for no good reason, dead world with static mobs that don't move, single player game poorly done. Pvp is pretty terrible and boring. These are just a few of the reasons you see 6.1/10 ratings by thousands of fan's reviewing the game. I know those who love it don't like to hear this but ignoring it won't make it go away or be invalid when such a large number lead to these ratings. Anways if you like it that is good, keep playing it!


Thousands of fans giving a 6/10 lol, where the hell are you pulling these numbers, to you:




8.8 user score, do you want to review your statement?

Edited by Kumando
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Anyone with any kind of backbone should never, ever, care what some fansite or video game site has to say about any video game. That is just weak. I feel sorry for people who rely upon others for an opinion. It is quite pathetic and something that is happening more and more in this day and age.
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I love how many post on these forums vs playing the game, I really didnt expect the fanboys to still be out in such force. ( yes i use to be one) but I guess it shows many of you are here just to be forum fan boys vs actually play this game, why would you be playing though. we all know the game isnt very good. It is good validation really. if the game were better people would be in game, not on the forums with snide pointless comments that don't actually counter any points brought up. I have not see one person explain away the massive MASSIVE amount of zones with all static mobs that don't move until attacked where maybe 3-4 mobs in an entire zone path. Its like dodging little mines as you run around to do your objectives. But seems some of you love dead worlds where mobs that see you 10 feet away just stand there, as stupid looking as the forum fanboys until you attack them. =)


Calling people who disagree with you "fanboys" doesn't help your case at all. In fact, you're starting to cry and troll, be careful of that if you actually want to be taken seriously.


I'm not in the game currently because I have been playing non-stop for almost two weeks and needed a bit of a break and to spend some Christmas time doing other things.


And I haven't seen ONE DEAD WORLD yet. Every area I have been in has been crowded, and the mobs weren't so static at all.

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I am not trolling your thread.


I do have to ask why you think anyone cares? I am not attempting to be confrontational or snide.


You wanted something, yearned for it. It didn't happen, welcome to life.


I also have been looking forward to this game for a very long time. I also look forward to it being very successful.


I however find it very fun. FUN. I have made some good friends with this game. I am looking forward to many hours of game play.


Sorry it didn't work out for you.


But it is the heigth of arrogance to make a post here explaining your dismay for what appears to me to find followers. Grow up take responsibility for yourself and quit looking for someone to hold your hand. Move on.

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Anyone with any kind of backbone should never, ever, care what some fansite or video game site has to say about any video game. That is just weak. I feel sorry for people who rely upon others for an opinion. It is quite pathetic and something that is happening more and more in this day and age.


+1..I don't need someone else to tell me if I like something or not..

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I already bought a game card for 60 days, but after that I dunno if I'll stay.


The game is just missing key features to me that make it more immersive, such as day-night cycles, chat bubbles, sitting on chairs(REALLY?).


Customization is sorely lacking - it's all one comb-over style of hair, limited facial customization, body customization, etc.



The questing and classes are fun, but it's almost as if for me, ToR is a luxury liner that has massive leaks in the bow. I hope BW fixes this - oh and the lack of AA in the game is a bummer too.

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You seem to think that I should then just stop playing the game, say nothing about my criticisms, and "move on". And maybe that will eventually happen, but until then, I and others, will voice our opinions on what we think would make this game as good as it can be.


They aren't going to trash the game and spend millions making it your specifications. It's not a rational suggestion.


This game is a traditional mmo, for better or worse, and demanding it not be is like asking a raven to stop being a bird.

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hmm what did you actually expect from this?? Sounds like your more a fan of singleplayer games. If you have been a fan for 2-3 years, I bet you have been in the beta aswell, didn't you pick up how the game was in the beta??

Guess its what unfair expectations to a game does, seen it quite a bit lately on the forum, and its getting old.

Think things through, instead of these imaginary ideas of how things should be in YOUR mmo.

Hope you find what you seek in your next MMO, or single playergame.


Safe travels


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That's what gets me too. It's as if these people suddenly became game developers or experts on the economics and trends of MMOs.


Just... Ugh.


Some things really are simply true, and are not subjective.



MMOs need customer support -- TRUE.


MMOs need to let players form groups and access group PvE content in a timely and organized manner -- TRUE.


PvP needs to show a general level of balance between classes -- TRUE.



I guess people can argue that these things aren't needed, but the market WILL say otherwise. If some things about this game aren't improved, I don't need to be an MMO developer or quantum physicist to tell you that subscriptions will drop. They will.

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I already bought a game card for 60 days, but after that I dunno if I'll stay.


The game is just missing key features to me that make it more immersive, such as day-night cycles, chat bubbles, sitting on chairs(REALLY?).


Customization is sorely lacking - it's all one comb-over style of hair, limited facial customization, body customization, etc.



The questing and classes are fun, but it's almost as if for me, ToR is a luxury liner that has massive leaks in the bow. I hope BW fixes this - oh and the lack of AA in the game is a bummer too.


The main game people compare tOR to is WoW. Have you ever made a character on WoW? If so, what you said about customization is completely invalid.

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Ya know I never thought of it but that is true, almost all the mobs just stand completely still until you attack them...


Ah well, even with that said I'm still having a blast playing and will stay to get at least 1 of every class to 50. That should keep me occupied for quite some time :)

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It's a shame to see you go.

Maybe it's just me getting sucked in but after reading your posts you do actually seem like you care.

Most trolls just want a game to fail in their absence, but you actually said you would be glad if it had an audience and made Bioware's work worthwhile.

So respect to you sir.


It's unfortunate that your not finding the game to your liking, hopefully in a month or two after a patch or two you'll try again.

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Some things really are simply true, and are not subjective.



MMOs need customer support -- TRUE.


MMOs need to let players form groups and access group PvE content in a timely and organized manner -- TRUE.


PvP needs to show a general level of balance between classes -- TRUE.



I guess people can argue that these things aren't needed, but the market WILL say otherwise. If some things about this game aren't improved, I don't need to be an MMO developer or quantum physicist to tell you that subscriptions will drop. They will.


That's not what is being argued here though, is it? Yes, there are flaws. As with ANY video game.


Also, PvP is more balanced here than I've noticed on WoW(And I used to be a hardcore PvPer in vanilla). Better there are some broken abilities than the ghastly homogenization that has happened to WoW.

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The main game people compare tOR to is WoW. Have you ever made a character on WoW? If so, what you said about customization is completely invalid.


I still do play WoW. And while the customization options over there aren't the best, at least the races aren't just humans with different skin/glitchy as hell lekku like Twi'leks.

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I still do play WoW. And while the customization options over there aren't the best, at least the races aren't just humans with different skin/glitchy as hell lekku like Twi'leks.



The races in WoW aren't humanoids either? lol

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This summarizes the mental state of all of the whiners on the forums.


SWTOR first mention was on late 2007, and it's development started on 2008.


How are you following the game since late 2006?


To the OP, goodbye and so long.


I notice that a lot of the people most upset about the game have spent the most time (3 to 4 years) following it online. I think they simply got burned out on a game before it ever got launched.

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Yeah, I like the concept of MMO but I never loved WoW or EQ this on the other hand feels like a co-op game that I can play with friends. I really do love this game, this game was tailored for my play style.
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I still do play WoW. And while the customization options over there aren't the best, at least the races aren't just humans with different skin/glitchy as hell lekku like Twi'leks.


No. They're not just reskinned humans. But they all have horrible models and walking and running animations. Their hair doesn't really move, there is no depth to their armor. Just skin. Colored skin.


Not much better. Not better at all, in fact. More races are coming in the future.

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Now we all know you're just trolling. Good show.


no i feel this game is basically a bad single player rpg with a static dead world as said in my original post. EQ, wow and most other large mmos have alive feeling worlds with mobs moving all around it, it was alive. Swtors world feel cut and pasted and dont move or breath and it was extremely disappointing for the money spent. Cut scenes don't = alive.

Edited by Dualthreat
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The races in WoW aren't humanoids either? lol


They are, but they aren't just re-skinned Human models:




-Worgen(well, this kind of, at least one form)





-Blood Elves



-Night Elves


Barely half are human-like, the others are not so much.

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I'm going to stick it out for a bit. It's still a new game that hasn't even had all the bugs work out yet.


My list of things are dislike are:


Space Combat: It's lame. Nothing more to say. I tried it and I will not play it anymore unless Bioware gives us something more free.


Lack of species: I'm seeing other species talk and everything. I see little reason why Bioware didn't add more other than just development costs. Let's hope they get more in the game soon.


Chat Channels: Custom chat channels just don't work right. There are some that I've joined that I can't leave and one that I don't want to leave, but every time I load to a new zone, I am removed from it. It makes me crazy because I have a group of friends that I regularly chat with. You may say "form a guild", but we don't plan to create our own guild this time around. But we still want our own channel. It shouldn't be so difficult.


There should be quick travel points near our ship at the starport (maybe I've just missed them).

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