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2 year + Fanboy of Swtor sadly cancels his account.


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Fact of the matter is... No game starts out "Amazing". They all have their bugs, they all have room to grow. Its what Bioware decides from here that really counts. If I were unhappy with the game ( which Im not btw ) I would at least wait tell the next January update... but hey Im just rational like that I guess.
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All of that you would have figured out in the beta. Why bother continuing?


I long ago gave up trying to hope for an MMORPG to be everything.... I got burned... Like the OP I had my game I invested a great deal of time and energy into before release to be disappointed... but I never did end up subscribing... So I do wonder on that basis...


What did the OP expect to change from release until now? I understand following a game for a long time and it not ending up being what you want, but that would be pretty well established as beta wrapped up and plenty of time to cancel any pre-orders.


At the end of the day MMOGs are MMOGs and they are likely always going to be MMOGs. I know sometimes we follow and hope and dream for something miraculous to evolve, but that is simply not likely going to happen.

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Fact of the matter is... No game starts out "Amazing". They all have their bugs, they all have room to grow. Its what Bioware decides from here that really counts. If I were unhappy with the game ( which Im not btw ) I would at least wait tell the next January update... but hey Im just rational like that I guess.


And this can be one of the funnest part of any mmorpg... Growing and evolving with it... I don't myself staying around games long enough for that to pan out much anymore, but it is that growing as the game grows experience that can be really enjoyable. So sometimes I think people cut themselves short by jumping off right away, but sometimes you just know it is not a fit.

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This is the worst reason to cancel, and I really don't believe ure a huge star wars fan boy. Color me unimpressed.


The dead world can be fixed by removing instanced worlds. Im sure they're going to that since its such a terrible backlash.

Edited by MookieFett
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I feel the same as the first post. So far I enjoy the game but unless they do some changes soon I'm not sure how long it will last. The world does feel very dead and static. Space battle are fun for a bit and PvP, But even those seem to get dull. The lack of customization of your character , ship , even crafting leave small room for uniqueness. I guess being an old Star Wars Galaxy player this game has fall short in a lot of ways.
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All of that you would have figured out in the beta. Why bother continuing?


ya seesm odd he did not cancel his orders prior to the 20th. Even if he somehow with all his admitted fanboi did not do the beta he would have been in early access for 7 days before then

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For 300 MILLION DOLLARS to make, develop and test.. damn right I expected better then this garbage we're playing now.


This is a SINGLE PLAYER GAME with a subscription fee. Its NUTS. OP is exactly right in every one of his statements. Thanks to "sharding" (the single DUMBEST idea I have ever heard) Ive seen a total of NINE other players since launch.. NINE people.. thats not an mmo, thats a complete and utter joke.


Oh hush, like it was your personal 300 mil that bankrolled the game, LMAO!


I'm going to come right out and call you a liar if you're going to sit there and type that you've only seen NINE players since launch. Period.

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Oh hush, like it was your personal 300 mil that bankrolled the game, LMAO!


I'm going to come right out and call you a liar if you're going to sit there and type that you've only seen NINE players since launch. Period.


Id beleive 9 republic players if he was a sith, but 9 total is impossible, the fleet alone is full of people xD

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First I was a very big supporter of this game since 2009. I was active on these forums up to launch daily. I really wanted this game to be amazing. I pre-ordered CE and DE's on day 1 of pre orders in july. So while you may not agree with my opinion it should concern you that a hard core fanboy has this opinion of the game. Here we go.


Since Launch I have already canceled my account. I played to 25, tried all the pve quests up to that level and took my time listening to all the story. I tired space combat and pvp. Again, I really wanted to love this game. I am a huge star wars fan and was a BIG fanboy of the game to be good. I did not expect amazing, I just wanted a pretty decent mmo with fun combat mechanics and action.


My biggest issues were the world is very static and dead. I feel like I am walking, and walking, and walking and walking and walking through a cut and paste game where nothing lives, paths, moves or changes. Its all just stuck in place. You move from area to area of this cut and paste environment with fairly boring combat mechanics that get old fast. You run into some good story but then way to many cut and long cut scenes for minor quests. I love this aspect for the main story parts but to do it for everything was massive overkill.


The pvp is honestly some of the most bland and boring pvp I have ever played. From all accounts you put bad combat mechanics into a massive open area and it will be just as bland as the limited 5 objective areas illum will have.


For me the game just wasn't worth putting the effort into as it wasn't that fun. it was decent but the average fan rating of 6.1/10 you are seeing on some metric sites is accurate for me. Its just a slightly above bad game which people who love single player story will play through then quit. Most mmo players like myself who played EQ and WoW and other games for years probably wont make this home for long.


While you may disagree with what I have to stay, Please understand I was a big fan and supporter for years of this game. I took 2 weeks off work just for its launch.


Now I have canceled my account. Ill be reading good books on my time of, playing skyirm, and hope gw2 is much better. It breaks my heart to not love or even like this game. I wish those of you who do the best. I post not to hate, I just wanted this game to be good enough to play from month to month for a limited amount of hours a week, I never expected much more then a wow clone but when swtor delivered so much less it was a large disappointment. The pure power of bioware and the star wars universe will have this game around for years to come, I am glad for that for those who love it. I just felt after 2 years of forum dedication and such a desire to just like the game I should post.


"I find your lack of faith, disturbing..."

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Come people you cant seriously be disagreeing with most of what is said in the op's topic, The world is static and dead ive seen student made stop motion films with more like than this game has, But im still enjoying it because of the story. if the game didnt have the this story keeping me going and the star wars theme most of you would be considering quitting already your just in the shiney and new phase soon the cracks will be apparent to all.


Im enjoying the game and sticking around but this game is far from impressive and it is most definitely lacking a lively world.

Edited by ItsTheDale
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Fact of the matter is... No game starts out "Amazing". They all have their bugs, they all have room to grow. Its what Bioware decides from here that really counts. If I were unhappy with the game ( which Im not btw ) I would at least wait tell the next January update... but hey Im just rational like that I guess.


Is the January update gonna make it so I actually get to play on the planets instead of going from one phased hallway to another?

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I have a question for all the people that say this game has no end game or once the story is done they are going to quit.


What do other themepark MMOS that are currently being played (WOW, Rift, AOC, WAR, AION etc) have at end game that SWTOR does not.


All of these games have PVP, and WAR is the only one with world PVP, too bad the rest of the game sucks.


They all have dungeons, raids, crafting. What else do these games have that SWTOR does not have?


I played WOW for 6 years and I tried all of the others and did not get a character past level 30 on any of them. In my opinion Rift, AOC, WAR, AION, DCO, City of heroes games were all awful.


I am loving SWTOR for many reasons:


Full Voice over quests and stories

Combat, I find the cover system unique and I am loving all of the classes. Being in stealth looks awsome

Companions are great

Crew System

I actually enjoy the space missions

The flash points are fun and heroic quests are challenging


But again I am enjoying the story over everything else. I am a casual player and altoholic. I will take 8 classes to 50 and it will take me over a year. My expectations for this game were met and I am really looking forward to seeing what new features BIOWARE adds.

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Uh... Off topic but MW3 deserved the 2/10 it got. Metacritic was praised for it's accurate review of essentially a map pack.




I'm sorry for you. I enjoy this game, but I respect it's not for everyone. I hope you find an MMO that you will enjoy as much as you wanted to enjoy this. Good luck :).


Off-topic, but it's just as criticized for it's absurdly innacurate review of what was far from a map pack, but rather arguably the best game in the series. It's kind of the same thought-process as claiming that TOR is a single-player, WoW clone.

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Feeling the same - been following the game since late 2006 :/ and it's not that I had crazy expectations either, I just really don't enjoy a lot of the design decisions made. A lot of them.


From big things to many many small things.


Maybe I'll see you in GW2. I feel your pain mate.


It's a decent MMORPG, possibly the most polished version of old ideas (+VO/cutscenes) but it sadly isn't doing it for me as a game I want to pay for monthly.





Just another case of reality does not live up to expectation.


Also I seriously doubt the OP cancelled his account this early on.

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