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Marriage, Work, and SWTOR Balance?


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I actually barely played swtor till I met my current partner, since I preferred singleplayer games, just played swtor every now and then by lack of kotor3. But we actually met ingame, so playing used to be our primary activity together. Not so much anymore, but still a few times per week. :) Edited by cyrusramsey
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Yesterday I came to the odd realization that this is my life currently. Work, SWTOR, and marriage is shared somewhere in there.


I literally thought to myself "this is my entire day everyday". How do you guys balance your days around the game?


The moment I considered any game a part of my life, I would take a long, hard look at the rest of it.


It is a pastime you can choose to do during your leisure time. It has always baffled me, to see people taking time off work to play games on expansion days etc, not to mention becoming addicted to something totally intangible as a game.


If it is anything beyond that, I suggest you stop playing now, unless you are a child of course, then again, I am sure they should be studying for something or other, or being outside avoiding becoming yet another fat couch potato.

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Both me and my partner play SWToR so the spending time toghether issue kind of takes care of itself. When he goes to work I am a full-time mom, my 3yo would never allow me to sit and play for longer than 10min so it kind of kills the point of it :p


Besides, playing with my son gives me much more entertainment anyways :)


When my other half returns home, we eat dinner, give our son to grandpa and we play SWToR.


No idea how it will look when I'll start working again, lol. Dread the moment :(

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Yesterday I came to the odd realization that this is my life currently. Work, SWTOR, and marriage is shared somewhere in there.


I literally thought to myself "this is my entire day everyday". How do you guys balance your days around the game?


If this works out, why shouldn't you continue like this? Maybe add a little bit of sports though, so that you don't get out of shape. ;)


Honestly, I kind of envy all of you who actually have a partner. My former fiancee ran way 5 years ago. Ever since, I had exactly one date. The usual reaction if I approach a woman is an unspoken "Uh, don't come closer." I must be the ugliest mo'f^cker in the world. :eek:


Anyway, it is all about balance. The middle way is always the best solution. I say so and Aristoteles said so. A bit of work, a bit of gaming and a bit of marriage. And a bit of sports. And a bit of chilling out and do nothing. Sounds pretty perfect to me. :)

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A little easier for me since I'm a bachelor. Gaming is something I'm pretty passionate about. I grew up in the arcades in the 80's. Also playing tabletop D&D. It has a very broad appeal to me. In a way it is my religion. Gaming brings me peace.


The balance question you raise is a personal one. If gaming is interfering with your marriage, or your job, you may need to step back. There have been times I've binge gamed, but, only once my other priorities have been satisfied. That being said, gaming is a priority for me, but I don't let it interfere with my livleihood.

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How do you guys balance your days around the game?

You shouldn't. You balance your life around things that matter (family, work, friends)...not a stupid video game. It's a form of entertainment, much like a movie is. Get help.

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Don't really have any problems other than imo not enough time to game lol. I work anywhere between 50-60hrs a week so many wife can be a stay at home mom. Thru the week I may only play 2-3hrs total. (And that's a great week! Lmao) Typically when I do play thru the week I play one of the consoles. (If she's not ALREADY playing one of em)


I get my gaming in on weekends. I'll get up early (6am or so...) get coffee, and play until around 1-2pm. And while my wife doesn't play swtor (or any other game on pc) she is a gamer, so she enjoys watching me play. She's a spectator/coach in a way. There's been times she's recognized the patterns of boss fights before I did lol.

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How do you guys balance your days around the game?


I don't. I usually play some at night instead of just watching TV or whatever. Maybe some more on weekend days but rarely. My wife doesn't play games and couldn't care less since I'm not a lazy bum about it.


It's just another entertainment source for me like reading. Not an utterly enthralling, worthwhile, time and money pit like this, this, and this. IPSC is love... IPSC is life...

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I usually stay up a little later than my wife and play during the time she is asleep and I am still up. Or if she just wants to do her own thing I might play a little. But, wife >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work >>>>>>>> swtor.


If you want to be happy that is the way. I come home help the wife with the shores, then she goes to cook and I play until food is ready, spend quality time with the lady and when is ready for bed I play some more until it is time for me to hit the sack. I snore like a Moose in heat so she rather goes first to bed so she falls asleep before the "Sound Man" comes to bed. :rolleyes::D

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I snore like a Moose in heat so she rather goes first to bed so she falls asleep before the "Sound Man" comes to bed. :rolleyes::D


Haha, that is the reason I like to go to bed before my other half does! :D


Reading this thread sure brightened up my day :)

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You shouldn't. You balance your life around things that matter (family, work, friends)...not a stupid video game. It's a form of entertainment, much like a movie is. Get help.



You balance the game around your life, not your life around the game.

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I play when my gf is already asleep, she sleeps early.

Besides that i have my periods that i play more then i should in the evenings and weekends.

Never had any beef over it but its best to limit yourself if you think you are playing to much.


Stop your sub for a few months, F2P will automatically make you play less.

I i dont raid anymore, i miss it, but none of my old guildies play anymore anyway... so

Stick to 1 or 2 characters at a time (12x exp makes me break this rule tho)

Sometimes the best thing to do is just not log in.... those crew skills and GTN listings arn't going anywhere, you can do dailies everyday... same for FP and WZ.


In the end its the same stuff over and over anyway.

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For me, come August 24, it will be a Law School, Work, Exercise, Real Life Social, and SWTOR balance. I have been fairly free this summer to binge game away on 12x exp, but that will come to a sudden halt in just over a week. My plan to solve the equation and make it balance is scheduling. And then sticking to the schedule. I understand that strict adherence to a schedule may not be as effective (perhaps possible is the right word) in a marriage and/or family with children setting... I am maintaining my bachelor status until Law School is over, because I know meaningful and lasting relationships with real human beings require more time than I can provide them!


If scheduling doesn't work (or isn't feasible for your situation), I would suggest, as others have, that you identify your priorities and move forward from there. If SWTOR is interfering with something of greater priority, then a reduction in game time is needed. If SWTOR is at the top, then... I guess... don't worry?


Also, Prozac. j/k... unless you really need it ;)

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What he said :-)


The game and any MMO is an addiction, if you get the "I have to have the best gear and complete all the achievements" bug, you are f******. RL always comes first.


Raiding for me is the worse thing to get suckered into. Beating that Boss on HM is not an achievement, its a complete waste of time, the game is meant to be fun, not stress, or a competition. If you think it is.................Trust me, you have a problem.

Edited by Nippon
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I'd say one of the biggest positives of this game is that I can just leave it sit and pick it up when I have spare time. No need to worry about grinding or making sure I get that daily otherwise I fall behind. It's pretty casual. Has some fun stories and even though the PvP is canned, at least I know what to expect as the meta does not change very often.
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