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Has any of your character's cheated on their spouse?


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Pretty much all of my characters cheated, except for the Inquisitor who didn't romance anyone from the original cast and went straight for Theron instead. Because Ashara romance for a DS character is just... all kinds of ridiculous.


As to why... simply because the romance arcs have been deader than dead since finishing the 1-50 content. There have been no letters, no gifts, no talks, no hints, not even a proper acknowledgement of the marriages/relationships in most of intro scenes to Makeb and Revan. Yes, in in one of them Jorgan waves a hand to the fem trooper if she romanced him... big deal. Would it be so hard to have him blow her a kiss instead? It's such little things that make a huge difference, really.


Anyway, we got new romance options BEFORE we were told that "our choices matter" and that the completely indifferent so far spouses will suddenly start caring, so it was pretty much a given that many - if not most - of us would go for it with either Cytharat/Lemda or Theron/Lana.

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I've only finished the romance threads on one character, my Commando, and she pursued that woman on Makeb, and Theron and Lana (not finished Rishi yet).



I'd also observe that the female Agent must have the earliest black-screen-of-sex (NPC sex, duh) of all the classes. Because of her, I spun a male agent to see what the options would be, you know, with the dude who threatens to out you as not the pirate you're impersonating on Hutta.


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My Jedi's never married, my Trooper and Sith Warrior are both.... Lets say promiscuous, and will sleep with anything female, and my Inquisitor flirted once with Ashara and somehow ended up all but married despite me wanting him to remain entirely single and aloof. (DAGNABBIT Bioware - Stop having practically compulsory romances in your sodding games, or at least let us opt out completely. It happens in half the games you've put out and its bleedin' well winding me up). The rest of my characters haven't got to the point yet where it would be an issue, though I think I'll try and remain single and free with them all, as a protest to what happened with the Inquisitor. (Though my smuggler may flirt with non-party NPC's)
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Yes, of course they have.


This is only a mistake with one of my characters, as I did not mean for her to get married in the first place. It wasn't obvious to me that it would happen with the conversation choice I made.


That being noted, it doesn't matter because she'd do what she wants anyway. Only one other character is married. That was for story reasons and is a sham anyway.

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It'll be interesting to see how they define "cheated". If my 'slinger gets an earful of whining from Corso for just exchanging a couple of not-terribly risque flirts with Lemda on Makeb, I might be a little surprised. On the other hand, my Consular, who pretty much regards romance and sex as an exercise in learning how to embrace emotion without being controlled by it, would deserve all she got if Iresso walked out on her for it, given that she habitually follows any flirt going as far as it will go out of curiosity.


I hope our character gets to talk back during these confrontations. While my Agent would probably apologise humbly to Vector, I think the Assassin would be more "What was that, Andronikos? How could I cheat on you? First, I'm a sadistic and psychologically scarred psychopath - Zash betrayed me, why shouldn't I betray anyone else? Second, you do NOT tell a Darth what the boundaries are!" After that, the conversation is liable to turn electrical in nature.


I almost wish I had a male sniper in order to show Kaliyo what betrayal feels like from the other side.

Edited by RowanThursday
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Pretty much every single one of them.


Why? Because I almost forgot they're married to someone else, and when I went in and flirted with Lemda, Theron and Lana, their supposed spouses didn't seem to care even a little bit.


And then half a year after SoR Bioware tells us our previous choices regarding companion romances will actually matter duh. Ah, whatever :rolleyes:

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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Part of me really hopes there will be a "You were right next to me" option if the Makeb or SOR 'romances' count. That said, I'm assuming this will only count for any romances started in KOTFE. Otherwise we'll have characters suddenly turning around and complaining about actions they were stood right next to you at the time of.


Anyway, when it comes to which of my characters have cheated I honestly couldn't say. I know I romanced Corso at some point on one of my smugglers and I think I gave Iresso a shot too (again, not sure which consular that was). I've probably tried a couple of other romances too. In any case, I really could not care less about the companions I haven't heard from in years.

Edited by I-Win-Button
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I only romanced Theron with my Consular and Warrior, and my Consular wasn't married so she didn't cheat on anyone. And my Sith Warrior was married to Quinn, but given what happened with him I really don't think he has any room to be upset with her. If she had cheated on him and THEN he tried to kill her, I probably would have been okay. But she didn't even do anything to him and he betrayed her! Not. Cool. At least Theron hasn't betrayed her trust... Yet. Edited by Yermog
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yes -- two of them have


Smuggler -- well didn't really mean to get married, but I am an easy target -- so now will have that big "break-up" scene with Corso -- that should be interesting ( never wanted to settle down anyway )


Jedi -- oops well, I'll have an interesting scene with Doc there ( if the writers do it well, I hope ) I just wanted to see if he would react, he didn't -- so I did -- but I'd like Doc back anyway ... should be some good conversation there ( "but honey, I was stressed out from saving the galaxy and you weren't paying me any attention..... " )



Agent and BH --- they are just not into romance -- and besides, the Agent is holding out for Aristocra Saganu ... enough said .....

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My smuggler and my agent did. Good old Guss knows how to keep a secret.


Good old Guss doesn't even know how to fight. A padwan that uses cunning as his main stat. Enough said.


He is so going to squeal just like he did on his old boss at the first sign of trouble.

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Some of my toons got some age on them. I can't even begin to remember if they cheated or not.


But as for Lana ... yeah I went down that road just to see where it went. Turns out it really doesn't go anywhere.


And some of the "flirt" options in game isn't even flirting. It is more of a casual joke sent a person's way to ease the tension of the moment.

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I personally always wondered if Theron and Lana had hooked up before we meet them. A Republic spy and a Sith Lord just seem like an odd match. But not so odd if Theron attempted to seduce Lana at some point on a mission in the past and failed miserably at it (like he does everything).


But when the whole Revan thing exploded, he would have reached out to any Sith contact he had or vice versa. And they became associates in dealing with it out of desperation.

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I personally always wondered if Theron and Lana had hooked up before we meet them. A Republic spy and a Sith Lord just seem like an odd match. But not so odd if Theron attempted to seduce Lana at some point on a mission in the past and failed miserably at it (like he does everything).


But when the whole Revan thing exploded, he would have reached out to any Sith contact he had or vice versa. And they became associates in dealing with it out of desperation.


I wonder if Bioware treat them like the Tali and Garrus of Starwars, where they hook up if you don't romance one of them.

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I never actually thought the companions were quiet the whole time. I actually find it odd that any player would just think "Oh hey, since BW didn't make them talk, we must not be talking to each other this whole time, even though we're married"


Just sounds really high on the stupid level to me.


That said, none of mine have cheated. Either they didn't get married (said no or didn't get the conversations up that high) or they got married and never made it to later content to cheat.


Though my current and new main consular (I have 4) I purposely had her break it off with Felix because I wanted Felix to be the rebound from Tharan and then move onto the next ones :)

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After that, the conversation is liable to turn electrical in nature.

I guess Andronikos would be pretty shocked by that conversation...


I almost wish I had a male sniper in order to show Kaliyo what betrayal feels like from the other side.
I fully plan on doing that, just to see if I can convince Kaliyo into a threesome with Lana
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I wonder if Bioware treat them like the Tali and Garrus of Starwars, where they hook up if you don't romance one of them.


It happens with Torian and Mako, but I do not really see it happen with Theron and Lana. Not sure you forgive someone leaving you to be tortured... but who knows

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