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Your favorite RPG of all time.


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Easily the Mass Effect games. :D


Easily, at least 1 & 2.


And I know it totally shouldn't, but what tickles me about KotFE (in the light of the lack of any substantial information to be tickled about) is that they made the devs play ME2 again to see what made that game so much fun and see how that can be used for swtor.


System Shock clocks in as close 2nd.

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Top 5, in order:


1) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

2) Mass Effect 2

3) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

4) Mass Effect 3

5) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords


Honorable mentions to Skyrim and the original Mass Effect, but those 5 are my top ones at the moment. List probably changes a lot over time.


The top two are a toss up to me as well, KOTOR is what got me into RPGs and I love that story to death, while Mass Effect 2's story is equally great and also has the distinction (to me, at least) of being one of the best examples of how to make the player care about each character in a game due to the loyalty system and its effect on the final mission. Great game.

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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Pillars of Eternity is a really close third for me. That game starts off really generic and it almost lost me, but I stuck with it. And I am so glad I did. It has easily the best ending of any RPG I've ever played. Ay Dios mio I was utterly blown away by it.


I was like "So this is what happens when Obsidian gets to finish a game" :p

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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II


Although there are many, many GREAT rpgs that I have played like Zelda Ocarina of Time which is a close 2nd, KOTOR 2 just speaks to me in a way others don't. It connects with me very well. The atmosphere, the mysteriousness, the environments, the lessons, the music, it's all so great! I can go on and on about it :)

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Hmm, hard to say, I played a ton of them, but from the ones I remember


Fallout (2-1-NV-3 in order of popularity)

Mass Effect (in order 2-3-1)

KOTOR (TSLRCM-1-vanilla 2)

Dragon Age (Inq-2-Ori)

Deus Ex (HR-1-IW)

Neverwinter Nights 2

Witcher deserves an honorable mention, but I have never finished any but 1, I always got bored and something else came out

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