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Everything posted by magvest

  1. Baldurs Gate 2 KOTOR Mass Effect 1 & 2 Daggerfall..
  2. Welcome to SWTOR. Enjoy your stay..
  3. An underwater stronghold would be nice..
  4. Same reason I came back. Love just doing the class missions..
  5. There is an legacy unlock under collections that unlocks Treek for the entire account, it costs 700CC
  6. I could always use some credits. Republic char : "Voidhound", Empire: "Vydrajj"
  7. Nope.. Both Jedi Knight and Sith Inquisitor get's their healer much later...
  8. Should be something new since they raised the skill cap to 450...
  9. Haven't been to Taris on Empire side, but on Republic side the spaceport is at Olaris.
  10. Actually, the repairs are quite expensive at lvl 50.
  11. http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes
  12. That's patch 1.1. The one that was deployed now was 1.0.1d or something like that..
  13. I didn't find Tai Cordan in the listing, but you can check http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1320395/fullcredits for all voice actors.
  14. General Grievous also wields lightsabers and he is not force-sensitive, but he have recieved training though...
  15. I don't have this problem. I usually just say in /1 LFG "Questname". This will usually give me either a group invite or a whisper from someone within a couple of minutes. I NEVER accept random invites from people, if you can't even bother to whisper me, the you can find someone else to group with..
  16. Can't they?? How do Twileks look with a hood now?
  17. Managed to beat him with smart use of cooldowns and such. If you still can't beat him, bring a friend
  18. The Legacy name must be unique for that server. So if you've seen the name you intend to use, then I'm afraid that you need to think of another one...
  19. His name is Timothy Watson. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0914907/
  20. There definately is one, because my guild uses one but I don't know how it works...
  21. There is no in-game voice chat, you need Ventrilo or TS or similar software for that...
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