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full server, yet feels empty


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And it is people like you we wont to weed out, that are "MMo Hoppers" Like guild hoppers you have no sense of loyalty and patience. Bioware has never let me down before they wont this time just patience


Just because bioware has made good singleplayer rpgs in the past does not mean that they can not fail now. To blindly belive that they will pull this of without criticizing them just because they have done good things in the past is kind of a stupid approach.

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And it is people like you we wont to weed out, that are "MMo Hoppers" Like guild hoppers you have no sense of loyalty and patience. Bioware has never let me down before they wont this time just patience


no Sir, it is a search for another experience like that 8 years Anarchy Online, i played.

it is people like you, make the choice to leave more easy because community is a big part of a mmorpg.

now look at yourself ...

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Ragnarok online :D feels livelier than this game to be honest. But im still giving bioware a chance maybe until D3 wll come out. Currently I am loving the story of this game and the pvp but the world truly feels empty even at my full server. 100 per shard is not enough IMO its like half of the people I raid with during vanilla. :(
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Why are people still still whining about instancing? The issue of people in a space on the high level planets has absolutely, positively, nothing to do with instancing. Do the maths, and please keep the thread on-topic as a result. ~5k people per server, 20 planets, most still starting out, and amazingly enough they are not employed to parade past you so that you feel better about yourself. They're off playing the game.


Considering that I could and did walk through half of WoW without seeing another soul, and the same applies to a fair number of MMOs I've played, I'm not sure what people are expecting developers to do. People go where the action is. If you're not where the action is, expect to feel alone. Basic MMO behaviour.


Now in Rift or WAR, there are things out in the world that provide a public service of some form (be it a public quest or an invasion or whatever) that at random points will draw people together in the game world for a common goal orthogonal to their active questing. TOR, along with other MMOs, currently does not have such a thing - perhaps it should. In the meantime, learn some social skills and maybe go on missions with other people?

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Easy...they made the planets too damn big. These monster zones the size of WoW continents sounded amazing pre-launch, and the words do look amazing, but the size just doesn't work in an MMO setting. They don't even do sharding anymore (that I've seen) and the zones still feel completely empty because of how large the planets are.


Thanks to big zones game is not stupidly overcrowded with mobs like most other mmos. I dont have problem finding groups when needed and thats what matters. Besides, i constantly see people doing their business in hubs, just not many at the same time. Lord Calypho server. Its pvp-rpg so dont think it has very high population.

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I'm gonna try to break down some numbers to help this discussion.


I'm not sure of server sizes, but the average that everyone is saying is probably around 3 thousand. Now for the math part.


3000 players

lets say at any time only half are on at the same time. That brings the total players playing down to 1500.


Now split that up for each faction.

1500/2=750(remember you will only see your sides pop)


Now someone said there are 17 planets

750/17 roughly equals 44 per planet


Now take into account flashpoints, space battles, the fleets, people just sitting in their ships. That number could easily be 30 per zone.


Now that doesn't seem too off for me. Also, many people might be leveling to a certain level and then rolling alts. That would also make upper level zones be unpopulated.


IMO The game just needs some time for the slow levelers to catch up to the fast levelers. If you think your server is bad, you should come to my low pop server, Keetal. I'm on Tantooine right now and I'm lucky if there 3 other people there. Heck, we wait in warzone queues for hours sometimes and even then it's usually the empire just playing huttball with each other.:(

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I have no idea what you all are talking about. Every zone I have quested in so far has had competition for basically every spawn I wanted. Last night we were 8 players trying to tag the exact same quest mobs on one of the sidequests. Traveling to fleet is something I try to avoid if I can as the lag from all the people there brings my computer to a halt (I have a ****** rig, yes).

And this is all *with* instancing (yes, there are multiple versions of the same zone in this game on the crowded servers).


Granted I am on one of the most crowded Euro servers with queues galore, but from this to being "totally empty" on heavy loaded servers seems like a huge step. Maybe I am just leveling slow enough to be where the masses are, shrug. (L25 currently)

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Doesn't feel empty to me, and I'm loving the fact that I can quest without having 10+ idiots trying to nick kills or quest objects from me. If that's what you want from a game, there are many, many, many other MMOs which will fulfil your needs (except most will be deserted at lower levels as well).


In any case, why do you need hundreds of people round you? What does it actually give you? Nothing, that's what.

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My server currently is standart and I am doing a quest and there are atleast 5 other people who do it as well, you even need to wait for respawns.


This is the case most days, so I definately dont see what you people experience in your game. Could it be that you play on light servers, or are allready 50? You know most people currently are 20-35 - not everyone does play 24/7.


This, and even on a server that most of the time doesn't go over standard population....


most people are at the 0-30 level range still..

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I do agree that it is missing the ''CAPITAL CITY CROWDED OF PEOPLE'' of WoW... which was one of the good part of the ''MMO''rpg that was WoW (without the trolling). A good capital city with trainers and vendors, couple city quest, shuttles to fleet such and such and arena for some hot pvp action (like a gurubashi arena) lets call it training ground and people dont die just go at 1 hp and kneel down like in duel and get teleported outside lol. It needs a lively capital city system. I didnt see anymore people in leveling zones in WoW when we were in Cata or Wotlk and everyone was high level (heck even in vanilla) but the SOCIAL PART of the game was in ''orgrimmar'' and high level zones...




The game need a good capital city where people MUST/SHOULD go when they want to trade/sit around/have a better chance to get a group.

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This thread is a complete and total waste of space on these boards. I see people in game all the time on many of my character. I'm not sure why you are all so obsessed with seeing other people.. It's not that special just means you'll likely be competing for quest objectives.


I see people talking in General chat all the time, and I do flashpoints plenty, also try going to the Fleet at least on my server the fleet is usually jam packed with players.


Now this is constructive :p Waste of space because you can see dead people :p Or maybe you are an exception. Good for you but this is not a waste of space. Your posts maybe are.

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Each INSTANCE of a planet holds 175 people. There are usually 3 instances on each planet. You bothered making a thread about something you don't even have the slightest clue about?


Also, most MMOs cap servers at about 1000.


You are so clueless.... So 3*175 is.. much? And being in a different instance, changes the impression?

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yeah game is so empty...

last night i spened 1 minute to get a group for ALL the tattoine heroics...


this system has it's pros and cons, and for me i prefer this system, i do not want to fight with 50 other ppl over a NPC , 5 ppls fighting in the same spot is much more...enjoyable for all 5.


MMOs is cause you have grp quests/FPs/PvP/OPs and not because you must fight for a spawn with 50 other peeps

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Yeah because having to compete with people for quest objectives is the best thing ever right?


No it is not optimum. But it is part of an MMORG. Bliz for instance, just made quest items spawn more often depending of the crowd around the area. Making people feel alone in the planet is not the answer !

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And it is people like you we wont to weed out, that are "MMo Hoppers" Like guild hoppers you have no sense of loyalty and patience. Bioware has never let me down before they wont this time just patience


You are funny! Loyalty to a company? For what? Are they paying me? I am paying them! Companies cannot rely on loyalty to keep their customers! BTW these are called fanboys :)

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You are funny! Loyalty to a company? For what? Are they paying me? I am paying them! Companies cannot rely on loyalty to keep their customers! BTW these are called fanboys :)


Ah yes, the derogatory 'fan-boy' accusation, used when someone has no constructive argument to make, and has to resort to insults to make their point. The gaming equivalent of Godwin's law; if you use it, you have already lost.

Edited by DarkZenith
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Ah yes, the derogatory 'fan-boy' accusation, used when someone has no constructive argument to make, and has to resort to insults to make their point. The gaming equivalent of Godwin's law.


And your arguments? "Do not complain! Where is your loyalty". I hope at least you are getting paid man...

Edited by Rayaleith
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I do agree that it is missing the ''CAPITAL CITY CROWDED OF PEOPLE'' of WoW... which was one of the good part of the ''MMO''rpg that was WoW (without the trolling). A good capital city with trainers and vendors, couple city quest, shuttles to fleet such and such and arena for some hot pvp action (like a gurubashi arena) lets call it training ground and people dont die just go at 1 hp and kneel down like in duel and get teleported outside lol. It needs a lively capital city system. I didnt see anymore people in leveling zones in WoW when we were in Cata or Wotlk and everyone was high level (heck even in vanilla) but the SOCIAL PART of the game was in ''orgrimmar'' and high level zones...




The game need a good capital city where people MUST/SHOULD go when they want to trade/sit around/have a better chance to get a group.


You mean the fleet right?


Somewhere to go to trade etc.......

Edited by AkAseo
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And your arguments? "Do not complain! Where is your loyalty". I hope at least you are getting paid man...


Where are my 'arguments' about loyalty etc etc? I expect quotes please.


On a side note, if you dislike developer/game, stop visiting the forums/playing said game. Problem solved.

Edited by DarkZenith
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OOOOH i know how you feel, 25 minute Que and ocne your in i rarely see anyone questing but there are a few on the planet, iv been on a planet for 2-3 hours and only seen 6 people in the local tab, kinda sucks to see server full and feel like the game as low population, kinda makes me wanna turn to the other side just see if theres people there
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