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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will SWTOR (KotFE) survive Battlefront?


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Imagine that, one EA game killing another.


First and foremost, I'm wondering how many PvPers will jump ship when Battlefront goes live, and if it proves to have a decent story or at least a story "feel", how many of SWTOR's general population will leave as well. You know, given the fact that KotFE seems to be a disaster in the making by many accounts, at least based on what we have been told to date.


Folks, don't be fooled by beautiful cutscenes. They are not the game and do not represent the experience.

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Imagine that, one EA game killing another.


First and foremost, I'm wondering how many PvPers will jump ship when Battlefront goes live, and if it proves to have a decent story or at least a story "feel", how many of SWTOR's general population will leave as well. You know, given the fact that KotFE seems to be a disaster in the making by many accounts, at least based on what we have been told to date.


Folks, don't be fooled by beautiful cutscenes. They are not the game and do not represent the experience.


Battlefront isnt going to have a story. That's not what that game is about

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Nope, it will close the same day. The game will fail so hard it will delete itself from your harddrive, closes BW Austin, and bankrupts EA all in the same day.



Different types of games for different kind of gamers, relax the sky is not falling.

Edited by znihilist
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MMO's and FPS's generally don't cannibalize each others' populations. You'll see some people crossing over, but I wouldn't think anything major.


If anything, Battlefront may well pull players away from other FPS's like Battlefield 4/Hardline, and COD...esp those who are bored with the whole "modern/near future warfare" schtick.


I'd say SWTOR is safe. :)

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Different genre, so no competition.


Why do people always post asking "Is the release of Xxxxxxx going to be the death of this game?"



And they do it because they're going for doom and gloom. Nothing more to it.

(Especially when the OP already has another complain threat on the same page) ;)

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Battlefront isnt going to have a story. That's not what that game is about


And THAT'S why both battlefront and swtor will both be fine...one focuses totally on multiplayer with NO story. One focuses on story with optional multiplayer.


Personally....I was excited about battlefield. Right up till the moment they said "no solo story mode"....then I lost ALL interest. :confused:

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I think those left Pvping who aren't ultra casual will jump ship IF Battlefront is any good. SWTOR is being turned into a Disney game with all the class changes, skill dumbing down and generic classes. Either way, the period October - December is full of new games and reboots such as Wildstar.
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Imagine that, one EA game killing another.


First and foremost, I'm wondering how many PvPers will jump ship when Battlefront goes live, and if it proves to have a decent story or at least a story "feel", how many of SWTOR's general population will leave as well. You know, given the fact that KotFE seems to be a disaster in the making by many accounts, at least based on what we have been told to date.


Folks, don't be fooled by beautiful cutscenes. They are not the game and do not represent the experience.


While I´ll certainly get Battlefront (it´s Star Wars after all), it isn´t a RPG. Now were another KotOR to get released it would be a differnt story...

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The only thing that will kill this game is if Disney wants it to die or EA wants it to die.


Its not going to die from some other game, even if that other game is a million times better. This game makes money which in the end is all that matters. If it keeps on making money, then Disney/EA are going to keep it afloat.

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Why do people always post asking "Is the release of Xxxxxxx going to be the death of this game?"


True different genre, but in this case I would make an exception in that a lot of people are simply attracted to the franchise, I can imagine many SWTOR players wanting to give it a try, at least.


I'm going to do this crazy thing called playing both games.


I imagine that this is entirely feasible, if Battlefront has quick matches, SWTOR fans could play BF for three weeks or so, you know, in between releases of KotFE story segments.


And they do it because they're going for doom and gloom. Nothing more to it.

(Especially when the OP already has another complain threat on the same page) ;)


Hey GOOD ONE, Callaron, very witty, maybe you could submit that to the New Yorker, I'm sure they're looking for thinkers of your caliber.

Edited by Kurkina
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SWTOR is an MMORPG. Battlefront is an FPS with some vehicle combat. Galactic Starfighter aside, there isn't a single aspect of combat that might provide a similar feeling.


I'm not a big PvP fan myself but from what I've played and comparing it to experiences with the Battlefield series and Battlefront 2, I would not consider them even remotely similar. Those who do switch won't be doing it because of Battlefront doing SWTOR's style of combat better.


As for story... well, others are free to disagree with me here but story has never been a strongpoint of a Battlefront or Battlefield game before. Certainly not on par with SWTOR's, in any case. Battlefront will be primarily PvP, just like almost every other game in that genre.

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Imagine that, one EA game killing another.


First and foremost, I'm wondering how many PvPers will jump ship when Battlefront goes live, and if it proves to have a decent story or at least a story "feel", how many of SWTOR's general population will leave as well. You know, given the fact that KotFE seems to be a disaster in the making by many accounts, at least based on what we have been told to date.


Folks, don't be fooled by beautiful cutscenes. They are not the game and do not represent the experience.

Question for you, Kurkina: why are you here if you think KotFE is going to be so horrible? You seem to think that KotFE is going to be horrible because supposedly it's not going to have group content. Well, that's alright. Oh, and one more thing: you "seem" to be forgetting one thing: your opinion doesn't mean it's a fact.
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I am "here" in this thread to see what people think of Battlefront and a potential clash with SWTOR.


And yes, I think an "epic" expansion that most players will finish in a week (if not on day 1) and then have to wait months for further content, all the while paying subscriptions, will be the bigest cluster-fork in MMO history.

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Battlefront isnt going to have a story. That's not what that game is about




I dont care for first person shooter style games. The only fps style games i played were the DOOM games, and the Original Shadow Warrior. And neither of those were for co-op/"must kill other people via pixel" reasons. As silly as they wrre, i played them for the story (Shadow warrior was hilariously over the top funny, and this is coming from a girl)


Will the rabid pvpers jump ship so they can go kill other people via pixel with lightsabers and whatnot in a different locale? Some might, but probably not enough as the rabid Doomsayers hope.


Op must have gotten tired of not enough peopke agreeing with him in his conspiracy thread and decided to make a new one to try prove his point...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I think Call of Duty and Battlefeild should be fearful at first, well, if Battlefront isn't a major disappointment. I'll wait until Angry Joe and such release reviews for it before I even step close to it. I want Galactic Conquest back...and classes... and split screens....
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I am "here" in this thread to see what people think of Battlefront and a potential clash with SWTOR.


And yes, I think an "epic" expansion that most players will finish in a week (if not on day 1) and then have to wait months for further content, all the while paying subscriptions, will be the bigest cluster-fork in MMO history.

So? That's your opinion, correct? What difference does it make that you think you know what is going to happen when you never even tried the content? Also a potential clash with SWTOR? Really? Who cares? They're different games that happen to be made by the same company. It doesn't matter what one game does. I don't care about the Battlefront series, as I'm playing SWTOR. What I do and think do not matter to you (why should it matter anyway?) and what you do and think do not matter to me (or other players for that matter). In short, your opinion doesn't mean that what you think is actually going to happen. It may happen. Keep that in mind, too.
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People that tested that dogfight mode they showcased at Gamescom (It was revealed and tested behind close doors at E3) said that it's awful and the awesome trailer is misleading of what the real product is like. It was running with bots and only 1 or 2 real humans.


It could have been the perfect reboot if it had at least modding support. That and I-II-III materials at launch instead of a dlc.

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