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Class for Kotfe


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Any of the Force classes right off the bat. Trooper would be okay.


BH, smuggler (my main) and IA will be a bit of a stretch. I'm deep in the SoR story and people telling me (a smuggler) that Jedi characters are reaching out to me and I'm this central figure in this coalition is a bit weird.


It doesn't help that in the expansion trailers they show Jedi/Sith as front and center.


That's the thing: in the Star Wars universe, the Jedi are the heroes. Always have been. So naturally, if you want to go for any kind of "epic" feel in SW (which is usually always) then you showcase Jedi, or at least Force characters.

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Since its boiled down to SW or JK witch one has the better story.


That's a hard question. They're both in my top three stories. Id rank them from Agent, Warrior, then Knight; but at this stage it depends what you're looking for. The Sith Warrior is one of my favorite Sith stories in Star Wars as a whole. It's really well done and has all of the aspects you'd expect in such a story. It has grwat cast of characters throughout. The Jedi Knight is the typical Star Wars hero, but the writers did a good job on this story. They capture the tone of a Jedi Knight perfectly and your second companion is my favorite in the entire game. The rest of the characters do fill very typical archatypes for a Star Wars story, but they are fun. do think the warrior has the better story, but honestly not by any significant amount.

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I'm sticking with my Imperial Agent, personally. I like the idea of being the atypical hero, both in not being Republic and not being a Force-user.


Hell, a large part of the reason why I didn't go Republic is because I'm tired of playing the Republic/Rebels in most Star Wars games.

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My usual order to play stories:

First my Sentinel, because he is my first character, going back from launch. It seems he'd be the most fitting character to take on Valkorion.

Then my Assassin. For him, it's almost a contest to prove to Valk that the Dark Council and the Empire are better than him, once and for all. (After he says on Ziost he is giving the Empire to the Dark Council because he doesn't care about it anymore).

Then my Smuggler. She is both rather patriotic and an entrepreneur. The Eternal Empire is bad for her bsuiness, just like the Revanites were and Vitiate's return on Ziost. She goes not because she feels she is destined to but because she defends her interests and his loyal to her friends and "allies" (Calling Marr her ally is a bit of a stretch but if it's Lana and/or Theron who asks them, she'll be going without hesitation.)

Then the rest of my alts for various reasons.

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I think vitiate is valkorion, so JK seems fitting since you destroyed him once already. More personal. SW would be second because of that, and JC would be third because of this children of the emperor business. My canon is going to be consular because i love the class.

Anyway, I too have a hard time picturing anyone but force users as the outlander. And maybe trooper.

Edited by Lichtfaengerin
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This is a question that kinda bothers me. The bounty hunter and smuggler already don't fit well into the whole story arc following their personal stories since they should, by nature, only care about credits and notoriety, yet my smuggler is my favorite as he is disconnected from the scheming politics of the galaxy, but the limitations of the game/story force him to be involved (ugh!). I really hope the smuggler can get back to, you know, smuggling as their part in the upcoming conflict and let other heroes do the more frontline work. Wishful thinking, I know...
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I'm really torn about who I want to bring. My gunslinger is my main, but I'm afraid to play her until I get a better feel for what the new companion system is going to entail. I may make my insta-60 a clone of my main and play that way, or I may just bring my sniper, who likes to live a bit more dangerously anyway. :p But like others have said, this story sort of feels like it was more tailor-made for the Force-using classes. So I'm also considering one of my knights or a warrior as well.
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This is a question that kinda bothers me. The bounty hunter and smuggler already don't fit well into the whole story arc following their personal stories since they should, by nature, only care about credits and notoriety, yet my smuggler is my favorite as he is disconnected from the scheming politics of the galaxy, but the limitations of the game/story force him to be involved (ugh!). I really hope the smuggler can get back to, you know, smuggling as their part in the upcoming conflict and let other heroes do the more frontline work. Wishful thinking, I know...


I disagree with the BH and Smuggler only caring about money. It may be how you play them but I for one don't.

I may have already posted here before but here's why my BH and Smuggler probably won't feel displaced in KOTFE:

-My Smuggler is a patriot, a privateer and a businesswoman. Her goal are as follow: Make sure the Republic stands because they treat her fairer than the Empire, get her fix of blaster fire regularily, and last but not least: Take down any threat to her trade/criminal empire. Valkorion and his pals are probably not going to tolerate a semi-independant fleet admiral/smuggler with the capacity to supply both Republic and Empire to fight against them. It's only logical for my Voidhound to answer the call and try to sucker punch them before they can invade/shut her down.

-As for my BH, she is a Mandalorian. She thus seeks two things: Honor and glory in battle. The Eternal Empire and Valkorion are literally the biggest threat faced since the game launched. It would be insane to go up against them and that's why my BH will go. It's an almost unwinnable fight that will either offer her a glorious death or a victory that will have her celebrated for ages to come.


Point being: How you play a certain class may not fit certain storylines (My DS Assassin was a bit weird on Rishi) but that doesn't mean said class cannot be played in a way that works within the context of the story.

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I could see the BH being the reluctant ****** who has to get involved because its the fate of the galaxy on the line. Same reason he went against Vitiate -- someone has to do it, and he's the only one that is tough enough. There's also the possible rep / glory aspects. As for taking down the Emperor, if the Emperor kills everything in the galaxy, the hunter dies too.


Let's be real: if all the BH was in for was the credits, at this point he will have made enough to retire and buy Nar Shadda. "My hunter only cares for credits" stops making sense once the scale of the story reaches this level - something more grandiose has to be motivating him, otherwise the risk just isn't worth the reward. I like the image of the reluctant tough guy strolling into town at high noon because no one else can pull it off.

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