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Pls bring Darth Jadus back in KotFE


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He was the only council member who had some ideas about the Emperor's doing throughout the class stories. Now would be the perfect time to bring him back.


I was just thinking about this. He said he had deciphered the Emperor's plans in the Hand of Jadus and whether they succeed or fail he emerges 'stronger'. So it possible after the mess with the Emperor, he could very well return in KotFE.


I agree. And he is a loose end that must be tied. Let alone second to the Emperor... no way he was always meant as just a minor sith with such depth of unique ambition and power.

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Well, Alexander Freed is coming back to write one of the post release chapters in KOTFE. If I remember correctly, he was the one who wrote the Agent's story. Maybe there is a chance he'll tie up Jadus' storyline. Of course, the chapter would be a lot more interesting as an Agent but I think Jadus is versatile enough to not limit him to a single class.
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I hope not, he was the weakest part of Agent storyline. Yet another psycho Sith. So boring.


He wasn't just a psycho sith.



He was a sith that orchestrated the biggest coup in Imperial history - not only did he make his vision reality he also got away with it as far as we know.



If anything he is the most sophisticated one :)


At least the only one my agent ever bowed to and would totally do it again :p


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Sergeant Jaxo for next trooper companion. That is all.


As much as I'd like this to happen, she's either


Dead (a canon version, most probably) or went on a permanent leave after getting psychologically scarred by the events at the beginning of Act III


But we can dream, right?



Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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He wasn't just a psycho sith.



He was a sith that orchestrated the biggest coup in Imperial history - not only did he make his vision reality he also got away with it as far as we know.



If anything he is the most sophisticated one :)


At least the only one my agent ever bowed to and would totally do it again :p


Splendid. Someone knows what's up.

Edited by Krimlord
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  • 1 month later...
That would be awesome! But they need to create for him story that will be suited for all decisions that agent could take... still its possible ( I can think about few and I am not writer :cool: ). I dont think that devs know how Jadus is popular... they dont released his armor within cartel packs yet... I would wear that for sure ;)
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Sergeant Jaxo for next trooper companion. That is all.


YES, YES AND HELL YEAHZ. Especially if there's a romance option. Sergeant Jaxo was the only romance option that makes sense, for my trooper. Though, my trooper is a cocky private. Think half Zap Brannigan and half Johnny Bravo.


PLEASE, PLEASE Jaxo needs to make at least one appearance!

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For me/my agent his daughter started as a hated figure to be backstabbed at the first opportunity...to a tragic figure....that should be disposed of if given the chance:)

Darth Jadus....as interesting as his brand of madness made him was still normal sith. If the sith can be called normal that is. It is just that unlike most sith that lose themselves in the dark side and are little more than sadistic monsters, he kept his wits and a very interesting mix of intimidation and charm.


PS: His being only second to the emperor (let's pretend our SI/SW/JC/JK don't exist) is not telling us much. We don't know compared to Revan how strong/weak he will be and we saw how good the super-powered Revan did vs the Emperor....

Tho I am quite interested to know what his 'teleport' was exactly. My theory is that it was some illusion (maybe advanced form of the sin's invisibility?) and not a true teleporting....

Edited by Saelinne
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Tho I am quite interested to know what his 'teleport' was exactly. My theory is that it was some illusion (maybe advanced form of the sin's invisibility?) and not a true teleporting....


Why ? Sith Assassin/ Jedi Shadow already have that ability marking them with place they are able to return... if its not teleportation then what it is ? ( Minato ability from Naruto lol )


And if threads about current changes in PTR ( unofficial ) are correct then we will get another one... that will teleport us behing enemy back at some distance. About that we will know soon enough thanks to devs update about changes to class... looking at new mobility stuff for trooper/hunters that sounds correct. ( Ability of cat druid from WoW )

Edited by PatrykJesionek
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Why ? Sith Assassin/ Jedi Shadow already have that ability marking them with place they are able to return... if its not teleportation then what it is ? ( Minato ability from Naruto lol )


And if threads about current changes in PTR ( unofficial ) are correct then we will get another one... that will teleport us behing enemy back at some distance. About that we will know soon enough thanks to devs update about changes to class... looking at new mobility stuff for trooper/hunters that sounds correct. ( Ability of cat druid from WoW )


Hmm maybe there IS actual short ranged teleporting ability for the force....but I don't believe anyone have discovered it yet:)

As for why I believe it is simply an illusion and nothing else....the answer is somewhat rude, but...I don't consider darth Jadus a fool:) Otherwise it will be funny scene...let's just say that while he teleports and force choke her (did he react the same if we bring the droid there?) if the agent chose to shoot him (while he can teleport to safety) it will kinda.....not show the agent how powerful and **** he is:)

About the rest of your post...I don't know what you are talking about...do you mean purely gameplay?

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  • 4 months later...

PS: His being only second to the emperor (let's pretend our SI/SW/JC/JK don't exist) is not telling us much. We don't know compared to Revan how strong/weak he will be and we saw how good the super-powered Revan did vs the Emperor....


I been wondering my self where the madness rageing Revan you face on Yavin 4 got his super powers? When you face him on the Foundry he´s a pushover. He was never super powerful in Kotor or in events pre or when he tried to kill the emperor the first time. In the book "Revan" he has a powerful force reflct that could turn the attack back to the attacker but other then that he was equal to a powerful jedi master. His true strengt (IMO) in Kotor and events pre was his charisma, that made him a natural leader.

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  • 2 months later...

he was fairly powerfull,but i doubt the most powerfull...


he striked from the shadows ,so his "Power" was never really outright revealed


but lore wise,he survives.either gets imprisoned OR you join him...either way,alive...so this could be a possibility

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I put my vote in for bringing Jadus back, for whatever pittance that's worth. I love the character: he has some of the best lines in any class storyline I have played and his actor just nails the performance.


I have often said that the Inquisitor storyline would have been immensely improved if Jadus had been the PC's Sith mentor instead of Zash, so more Jadus would always be welcome.

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I have often said that the Inquisitor storyline would have been immensely improved if Jadus had been the PC's Sith mentor instead of Zash, so more Jadus would always be welcome.


What a strange thought....whether or not it will be improved it will be different for sure....as Jadus is just too selfish (to the point of throwing his daughter to the wolves absolutely unprepared). But imo Zash was just fine as our mentor as she showed us that sith doesn't have to be like they appear to be:)

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