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Obtain Nico Okarr Any Time In Gamescon


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So, I was watching SWTOR's part of the Gamescon Press Conference (http://livetoplay.ea.com/gamescom-press-conference), and the bloke said that if you subscribe at any time during Gamescon, you can get Nico Okarr. It seems odd to me, as our previous information said otherwise (being a sub on 31st July). Perhaps he was misinformed, or perhaps there's been an extension to gain him. Anyhow, discuss below. Perhaps we'll hear more later, because it certainly seems odd to have folk subscribe for a specific date, to prolong the period.
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Oh... that does explain it. Thanks for that. I can imagine many clicks of Referral Links over the next five days, like on the day itself. I certainly think this adds to the effect that they'll be selling him for CCs at some point after the expansion. I mean, why make a companion just for a few million (poor estimate? Probably.) people, at a one time thing, never to be heard from again. Either way, good on them for extending it, so long as they don't do the same for everything else.
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They are shaking the begging bowl until August 10th. I love how they keep saying its a 'free' expansion for subscribers - BIG DEAL. No mention of the content drought though in the mean time and expecting subscribers to pay when there hasn't been anything new added since JANUARY with the last PAID expansion. Zoist doesn't count as its a tiny dailies area.


As for that trailer....yawn.

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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i asked them about it, and they gave me a keyword search automated email reply. deleted that as soon as i read the few two lines of text. guess they dont want to answer if friend referals count as "active" subscription.
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I wonder if they will count both dates to become eligible or only the new one. Not that I'm personally concerned about that, but I can see some folks on holiday, who think they have Nico in pocket...only to find out later they've moved the deadline.
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I wonder if they will count both dates to become eligible or only the new one. Not that I'm personally concerned about that, but I can see some folks on holiday, who think they have Nico in pocket...only to find out later they've moved the deadline.


They have just extended it and I am guessing if you wanted Nico, you would have been a subscriber, if you didn't care - you wouldn't.

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They are shaking the begging bowl until August 10th. I love how they keep saying its a 'free' expansion for subscribers - BIG DEAL. No mention of the content drought though in the mean time and expecting subscribers to pay when there hasn't been anything new added since JANUARY with the last PAID expansion. Zoist doesn't count as its a tiny dailies area.


As for that trailer....yawn.


Here we go again.. Like it or not, Ziost is new content.

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so 5 days and a bit left to get something together. but how it all happened bioware will have to find the answers at home because the community doesnt know much about anything right now. a lot of people would like to know a lot more details as well. the kotfe page hasnt been updated since the new trailer but that seems to be the only change. no more reveals on the other characters, just arcann and valkorian.
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I wonder if they will count both dates to become eligible or only the new one. Not that I'm personally concerned about that, but I can see some folks on holiday, who think they have Nico in pocket...only to find out later they've moved the deadline.
Some people worry about "hypothetical people" too much.

The deadline didn't change.

If you were subbed on July 31st, you're eligible.

If you didn't care, you weren't.


And if you did care but weren't for whatever reason, now you've been given a couple of extra days to get in on it.


If they had instead said, be a subscriber between July 31st and August 8th to get it, people would still find something to complain about.

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They have just extended it and I am guessing if you wanted Nico, you would have been a subscriber, if you didn't care - you wouldn't.


Sure, the thing is somebody could sub for Nico (original date), but would not have been sub on the new date. Would he get Nico?


Some people worry about "hypothetical people" too much.

The deadline didn't change.

Yeah, I guess you're right about worrying about other people. (I have only imagined anger of some people who would find out they will not get Nico because of the change. And if the "hypothetical people" was some kind of pun like it was meant to be me - no, I don't care about the change, I'm sub even if I don't play.)

And actually the deadline changed (as seen on the website).

Edited by filnov
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Totally! That's why its been extended - 2 reasons 1 Gamescom 2, Little or no impact on actually increasing subs.


It now basically states "be a sub by Aug 10". So I wouldn't be so sure. The way I read it, the checkpoint was moved to a new date. My sub runs out on the 12th, so I'm lucky, but I thought I was comfortably safe with Jul 31 and now it's cutting pretty close. (I'm re-subbing of course, but I use gametime cards and sometimes the sub lapses for a couple hours).


Would be interesting to know how it's handled, if Jul 31 subs were "flagged" for Nico, or if they check their logs right before release, and then maybe only check the new date.

Edited by KyaniteD
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They are shaking the begging bowl until August 10th. I love how they keep saying its a 'free' expansion for subscribers - BIG DEAL. No mention of the content drought though in the mean time and expecting subscribers to pay when there hasn't been anything new added since JANUARY with the last PAID expansion. Zoist doesn't count as its a tiny dailies area.


As for that trailer....yawn.


It IS a free expansion for subscribers. No quotes necessary - you don't have to pay a penny extra to get the expansion. That's the definition of "free." You will receive it at zero extra cost, plus get other freebies.


Your subscription pays for access to the full featured game. You seem to think that you shouldn't have to pay if there is a "content drought" but <shrug> that's just not the case. You pay for access.


As for the tone and content of your post... yawn.

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Somebody should ask them about this at cantina tour, unless they respond here.

I know several people who have subs ending now, and they hoped they will still get Nico.


Also, do sub times gained through Referral link count?

Edited by Aries_cz
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I don't know why you could think they did not get an increase in subs so they extended the deadline, as if someone did not care for a 31 July deadline, you won't get a sudden influx of subs now.


I just hope my guildy manages to get his sub working again as he was dissapointed as his sub ran out and could not get it working again in time for the deadline.

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They have a history of restricting pre-order bonus before, so yes.

As long as it is not essential to the story, they can get away with it.


True enough. It´s just a little something during Gamescom, it´s not like they´re extending every preorder bonus until October.

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So, everyone who was sub by the july 31 is just slapped in the face ? Remember when getting sub rewards meant something . Hey there was a sub reward early this year for crystals can you extend that for me? I missed it because I didn't have the money for a sub . would be really nice, since you extended this one :p its only fair to the rest of us who missed that one ;)
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My first thought when I read they extended the date into August to get Nico ...


They didn't really see any subscriber increases. I would even go so far as to say the numbers fell flat.


So what do they do? Blame the poor subscription numbers on bad advertising and extend it.


But to be brutally honest ... anybody who was going to subscribe was going to do so prior to the new expansion notification. They would be a subscriber to gain 12 XP and they would be a subscriber to just avoid the weaknesses of the preferred and F2P statuses.


And to take it even one more level in the brutally honest category ... what good is one more companion when you already have more than you can use? The maximum number we can have doing resource gathering or crafting is 6, and that still leaves us with potentially two more we can use on our adventures. In other words, there is still one potential companion rotting in limbo. Even if they raised the companion use number up by one, that would still leave one companion in limbo doing nothing once we gain Nico. So for a number of people, it is probably silly to gain yet another companion when you already have at least one not in use.

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