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melee are retarded as hell


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heh. we've all been there.


can someone come up with a 7 Stages of Huttball Hell? maybe we could have a competition or a vote on what the best 7 are? that was one map where, over the years, I've run the whole gamut of love and hate.

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can someone come up with a 7 Stages of Huttball Hell? maybe we could have a competition or a vote on what the best 7 are? that was one map where, over the years, I've run the whole gamut of love and hate.


no idea how to go about the naming aspect of things for this tbh so whatever, mayn.


1. disappointment - your team clearly has no idea what the huttball is and focuses on killing players

2. disaster - you were cc'd in fire and died

3. fraud - your teammate takes the ball and promptly runs in the wrong direction and scores for the opposing team. twice.

4. violence - you spent the entire match out to decimate a single player on the enemy team because they are constantly scoring and what is life

5. wrath - you consistently pick up the ball and run to score and are completely annihilated by yourself while your team farms kills

6. rejection - you have the ball, you are two steps from scoring, you are pulled back onto the rafters and knocked into fire, or into the pit full of enemy players. death is imminent.

7. defeat - you were not cc'd and still died to fire, you champ you

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3. fraud - your teammate takes the ball and promptly runs in the wrong direction and scores for the opposing team. twice.


I LOL'd. haven't read the rest yet. but I've felt this and been the one to do it. ooooh so much pain.

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Yes, you are retarded as hell.


Playing primarily melee, and pwning Huttball since 2011, I have never felt at a disadvantage. That knockback that threw you into the pit? Yea, it works the same the other way around. Ranged have the same trouble, so quit whining. In fact, melee have an easier time - Sins can Phase Walk, Warriors can Charge, Ops can Roll.


And then there are the melee that know what they are doing and position themselves at all times to either be knocked back into walls, or knocked back but still stay on the platform.


Sounds like you need more practice.

Edited by Loomi
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no idea how to go about the naming aspect of things for this tbh so whatever, mayn.


1. disappointment - your team clearly has no idea what the huttball is and focuses on killing players

2. disaster - you were cc'd in fire and died

3. fraud - your teammate takes the ball and promptly runs in the wrong direction and scores for the opposing team. twice.

4. violence - you spent the entire match out to decimate a single player on the enemy team because they are constantly scoring and what is life

5. wrath - you consistently pick up the ball and run to score and are completely annihilated by yourself while your team farms kills

6. rejection - you have the ball, you are two steps from scoring, you are pulled back onto the rafters and knocked into fire, or into the pit full of enemy players. death is imminent.

7. defeat - you were not cc'd and still died to fire, you champ you


3. is (one of) the worst :D

8. nerfoperativestodeath - 2 operatives score all goals, 1 waiting at the ball in stealth, flashbang you and take it, roll through fire, score and swap after each goal

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I played pvp for the first time yesterday, and # 6 happened to me, first time I get the ball im about to score and I get pulled into the fire and die. The rage I felt..........


Before I started my first hutball match I ask my team. How do I pass. One person responded and was like are u serious..... its Alt-F4. I knew better than to push that. I stopped asking questions after that.


So I just tried to kill the ball carrier every time. Singled him out the whole match. Kill death ration was 14-4 at the end. Even got a mvp nomination. Not bad for my first match. Would of probably won the game had I known how to pass.

Edited by Ghenghis-Khan
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Ugh no, Quesh Huttball is ranged paradise.


Ranged believe they're helping but it's an illusion, as more often than not snipers sorcs and mercs that do nothing but camp may get high dmg numbers buts usually fluff, not to mention the scores they contribute to he other team. It's like they didn't know juggs and pt's can leap lol

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1. disappointment - your team clearly has no idea what the huttball is and focuses on killing players

2. disaster - you were cc'd in fire and died

3. fraud - your teammate takes the ball and promptly runs in the wrong direction and scores for the opposing team. twice.

4. violence - you spent the entire match out to decimate a single player on the enemy team because they are constantly scoring and what is life

5. wrath - you consistently pick up the ball and run to score and are completely annihilated by yourself while your team farms kills

6. rejection - you have the ball, you are two steps from scoring, you are pulled back onto the rafters and knocked into fire, or into the pit full of enemy players. death is imminent.

7. defeat - you were not cc'd and still died to fire, you champ you


Defeat. Thanks, man. I spit soda all over my keyboard. lol

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Would of probably won the game had I known how to pass.


It's an ability. Check in the General tab of that page, hotkey 'Pass the Huttball'. When activated, you get a targetting reticle (so you can't just target an ally and pass to them, you actually aim where you want to throw it).

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It's an ability. Check in the General tab of that page, hotkey 'Pass the Huttball'. When activated, you get a targetting reticle (so you can't just target an ally and pass to them, you actually aim where you want to throw it).


You can just target an ally as far as i know by selecting him and pressing the ability twice

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no idea how to go about the naming aspect of things for this tbh so whatever, mayn.


1. disappointment - your team clearly has no idea what the huttball is and focuses on killing players

2. disaster - you were cc'd in fire and died

3. fraud - your teammate takes the ball and promptly runs in the wrong direction and scores for the opposing team. twice.

4. violence - you spent the entire match out to decimate a single player on the enemy team because they are constantly scoring and what is life

5. wrath - you consistently pick up the ball and run to score and are completely annihilated by yourself while your team farms kills

6. rejection - you have the ball, you are two steps from scoring, you are pulled back onto the rafters and knocked into fire, or into the pit full of enemy players. death is imminent.

7. defeat - you were not cc'd and still died to fire, you champ you


Haha nice work!

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no idea how to go about the naming aspect of things for this tbh so whatever, mayn.


1. disappointment - your team clearly has no idea what the huttball is and focuses on killing players

2. disaster - you were cc'd in fire and died

3. fraud - your teammate takes the ball and promptly runs in the wrong direction and scores for the opposing team. twice.

4. violence - you spent the entire match out to decimate a single player on the enemy team because they are constantly scoring and what is life

5. wrath - you consistently pick up the ball and run to score and are completely annihilated by yourself while your team farms kills

6. rejection - you have the ball, you are two steps from scoring, you are pulled back onto the rafters and knocked into fire, or into the pit full of enemy players. death is imminent.

7. defeat - you were not cc'd and still died to fire, you champ you



On the other side of the fence, pulling of #6 on an enemy who's about to score is probably the sweetest thing you can do in Huttball. If you're a PT/VG or tanksin who's serious about Huttball, you'd have that move perfected to an artform.


EDIT: I also like pulling down the pass receiver while the ball is mid-flight, so it just forces a reset. Defense in Huttball can be one of the most engaging and dynamic content in the game.

Edited by Zakmonster
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no idea how to go about the naming aspect of things for this tbh so whatever, mayn.


1. disappointment - your team clearly has no idea what the huttball is and focuses on killing players

2. disaster - you were cc'd in fire and died

3. fraud - your teammate takes the ball and promptly runs in the wrong direction and scores for the opposing team. twice.

4. violence - you spent the entire match out to decimate a single player on the enemy team because they are constantly scoring and what is life

5. wrath - you consistently pick up the ball and run to score and are completely annihilated by yourself while your team farms kills

6. rejection - you have the ball, you are two steps from scoring, you are pulled back onto the rafters and knocked into fire, or into the pit full of enemy players. death is imminent.

7. defeat - you were not cc'd and still died to fire, you champ you


This. So much this. Loved it.

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I played pvp for the first time yesterday, and # 6 happened to me, first time I get the ball im about to score and I get pulled into the fire and die. The rage I felt..........


Before I started my first hutball match I ask my team. How do I pass. One person responded and was like are u serious..... its Alt-F4. I knew better than to push that. I stopped asking questions after that.


So I just tried to kill the ball carrier every time. Singled him out the whole match. Kill death ration was 14-4 at the end. Even got a mvp nomination. Not bad for my first match. Would of probably won the game had I known how to pass.


You get a skill when you enter Huttball for the first time called "Pass the Huttball". Stick it on a skill tab somewhere and you're all set. Good luck.

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I also like pulling down the pass receiver while the ball is mid-flight, so it just forces a reset. Defense in Huttball can be one of the most engaging and dynamic content in the game.


As a sin I like to stand behind the dude recieving the pass and overload him away for the interception :cool:

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3. is (one of) the worst :D

8. nerfoperativestodeath - 2 operatives score all goals, 1 waiting at the ball in stealth, flashbang you and take it, roll through fire, score and swap after each goal


Ops are good ball carriers, but if your team isn't even trying to stop them then its your own teams fault. I have prevented ops from scoring more times than I can count. They can roll twice in 10 seconds and wait for cooldown, or once every 10 seconds if you don't double roll. This is not enough for them to get from the ball spawn to the goal line. There is plenty of space where they can be damaged or cc'd. If an op is getting all the way from ball spawn to goal line by himself without being stopped that is a fail on your team.

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heh. we've all been there.


can someone come up with a 7 Stages of Huttball Hell? maybe we could have a competition or a vote on what the best 7 are? that was one map where, over the years, I've run the whole gamut of love and hate.


LoL... Pls start it... I need a new link in my signature to go with my nine layers of pvp hell...


Ok, I have one... You walk into a layer of Hutt Ball hell (not sure which one) and see a few PT/VG, Sin/Shadows that are just standing on the other side of the fire traps all match doing nothing more than pulling random people into the fire trap while both teams are actually playing the ball... They don't even move from the one firetrap or activate any other ability... And when the pulled player lands in the fire trap they take no damage... The PT/VG, Sin/Shadow are raging in chat that the game is broken, and they can't move or use other abilities... I ask my guide why they arent dying and why they can't move... He tells me this layer of pvp hell is where all those PT/VG, Sin/Shadows are destined to come for eternity, playing one Hutt ball match after another, never to actually have any fun or effect because they have spent too much time in Hutt Ball matches pulling random people into the firetraps for Lulz, while their teams loses... I shuddered at the thought of being trapped in this layer and make a note to limit my Lulz activity in future

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Ugh no, Quesh Huttball is ranged paradise.


LoL... No... Play a Jugg tank... Get the ball run... Get to the middle platform... Leap to the Ranged camper on their line to score...

Play a sin, use your defensive as needed CDs and the speed buff on the bottom lvl to run through the green sludge as you pop a health pack... Run up the side ramp with full resolve as the other team keeps stunning you... before the top hit speed run and either run through the sludge again or a across a clean trap to score...

Ranged that camp in Quesh really don't play the ball or support the carrier... They fluff their numbers all match and think they some how contributed to the win... While said melee and non camping ranged win the match for them... Only Snipers contribute a little it they are on the pipes, but not to close to their side of them... They can't be leap to and can do decent damage to the ball carrier... But most just sit their randomly shooting everyone but the ball carrier or sit at their respwn... Actually they probably need their own layer of pvp hell too :D

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Ops are good ball carriers, but if your team isn't even trying to stop them then its your own teams fault. I have prevented ops from scoring more times than I can count. They can roll twice in 10 seconds and wait for cooldown, or once every 10 seconds if you don't double roll. This is not enough for them to get from the ball spawn to the goal line. There is plenty of space where they can be damaged or cc'd. If an op is getting all the way from ball spawn to goal line by himself without being stopped that is a fail on your team.


If any class is running the ball from the middle to the goal line, your team is defending wrong.


What causes problems in Huttball is when you have organised, planned play, that's very hard to defend against. For instance if a Jugg grabs the ball, Force Charges to your RDPS to get in range so his Sorc pulls him, then Intercedes to his 'Sin, while the 'Sin then Phase Walks, the Jugg passes and the 'Sin Force Speeds for the goal. When you have premades doing things like that, it can come down to grabbing the ball and scoring first.

Edited by MiaowZedong
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