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PvP Power Leveling Bug? Rumor?


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yeah, the eve devs are cool, virtually no rules, but if you break the game mecahnics for personal gain, your gone. for good.


Yup, waves goodbye to people exploiting now. Bioware will fix the exploit and do people think that those who abused the system before new twinks come in will be allowed to sit on their ill gotten fortunes. This is an unfair advantage over the new waves of twinks. The economic gain these exploiters will have is bad enough in itself.

Edited by mandrillagon
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I cant confirm...but my buddy says there are mid to high 30's! Something about SC not full and ending giving uber XP? Hence players ahead of the curve... Anyone know if this is true?




its true, and every thread posted about it gets closed to coverup

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Pretty much.


And they'll be 50 and farming mats and becoming filthy rich before you know it, meanwhile destroying the economy for everyone else.


But yeah, GREAT launch right?


pretty much this. When you think tank it out the consequences of this exploit will be on going for a year. The economy will suffer the longest from this.

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Actaully Bioware/EA are pretty scarey on exploits in any of thier games. Heck even trolling for forms have gotten people banned already. Also you may want to look up Exploit origin ban all games in google. Some accounts that got banned for cheating by EA had all the games they owned using that email banned. So I myself would not take light of any acitons that may cause this. I give EA stars for this... Helps keep cheaters out of my online games :)
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Make sure you take note of the existing live servers for your future reference.


If nothing is done regarding this, you should definitely roll on a post-patched server (if patched at all).


Yup, I wonder if all the 'straight' players will re-roll on new servers too? That would be pretty ironic after all this trying to balance server pops.

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There was no doubt to be found some type of little bug and this is it... you see the moderator has all ready confirmed that EXPLOITERS will be punished.. so anyone that did it once or twice not exactly know what was going on is exploiting.. exploiters no of the glitch and **** the glitch to the ground intill its fixed... thats a exploiter....


I have no idea why i had to explain what a exploiter was i just felt like it so GET OVER IT lol

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The simple fact is everyone knows what is going on and is aware of this and are using it to power level them selves. Plain and simple. Just because BW is wrong or messed up does not give you the right to take advantage.


BTW this has happened in all MMOs I have played including WoW!


Sure, I'm not even defending this approach, merely discussing semantics.


However, there are many players who enjoy PVP much more than PVE and I'm not sure you can really blame them for queuing up for PVP over and over again, hoping to get into a proper match. There's also a quest for winning a warzone as soon as you reach the fleet.


Anyway, something must be done about this, though.

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Because doing what you said won't have you lvl 40 in a few hours...stop being facetious!


The game has only been out for a few hours


Besides, if all I care about is pvp, then maybe I will spend all day trying to get into a battleground. Maybe *SHOCK* I don't care about story and just care about pvp. Maybe some of the rounds were actual games and I was just hoping to get lucky.


This is like saying that on accident, a BW employee and makes your level 10 char a 50 instantly and then you get banned for it. Players can't be expected to stop playing BG's (nothing wrong with that, btw) and figure out what BW intended and what they didn't.

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Pretty much.


And they'll be 50 and farming mats and becoming filthy rich before you know it, meanwhile destroying the economy for everyone else.


But yeah, GREAT launch right?

I've heard this argument time and again but it just doesn't compute. How is it going to destroy the economy to add items into it that wouldn't exist without that person? How is it going to destroy the economy if they're the only ones with the items and others haven't had the time to get the money saved up for it? By the time someone can afford the items to 'make that person rich' there will have already been more people catching up to them.


As for mats...crafting is time-locked...so, where does that fit into the scheme?

Edited by Hordequester
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This is just insane,


If someone knows that what they are doing don't feel right and not working as intended, why continue to do it? For personal gain, greed and to be that "one step ahead".



Well, each and every person that did this, knew exactly what they were doing, as the game is based around questing, personal story lines and approx 100+ hours to level to 50.



So there is no possible way BW can allow these players to have such a huge jump on everyone else, after they patch this exploit.



Resolution? Ban them for exploiting... simple as that or temp ban them, roll back their toons. The community will lose a lot of faith if this escapes unpunished.

Edited by nexmortis
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Just cause this was how the pvp system is supposed to work you have to know if you are getting a huge reward with little to no effort on your part that this is not how they intended you to play. If they dont punish this they are saying its ok to exploit in our game. Who cares if they lose 1,000 pre orders by baning people doing this. They will lose far more if they let this go as is.


I wont pay to play a game where cheating/exploiting is ok. This is one thing WoW got right at least. Zero tolerance for cheating!

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Is it really cheating ? Continually trying to queue for a warfront if you are a PvPer and hoping there will be someone to eventually kill. how else are you supposed to do PvP ? If you dont queue for it you dont know if there will be anyone to fight. I think this will be a tricky one to call for BW. Whatever they do will be wrong to a hell of a lot of people. Maybe if they had spent les time on all the overhyping and secrecy of this game and concentrated more on the programming and final product they wouldnt be in this mess. Thats what happens when EA buys your company.
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The game has only been out for a few hours


Besides, if all I care about is pvp, then maybe I will spend all day trying to get into a battleground. Maybe *SHOCK* I don't care about story and just care about pvp. Maybe some of the rounds were actual games and I was just hoping to get lucky.


This is like saying that on accident, a BW employee and makes your level 10 char a 50 instantly and then you get banned for it. Players can't be expected to stop playing BG's (nothing wrong with that, btw) and figure out what BW intended and what they didn't.


Talk as much as you want but you will be rerolled, cos this situation is INSANE

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pretty much this. When you think tank it out the consequences of this exploit will be on going for a year. The economy will suffer the longest from this.


Exactly, the gain on the economy by these early exploiters will especially effect those in new waves. The exploiters need to be banned or rolled back before new waves of twinks come in.

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Is it really cheating ? Continually trying to queue for a warfront if you are a PvPer and hoping there will be someone to eventually kill. how else are you supposed to do PvP ? If you dont queue for it you dont know if there will be anyone to fight. I think this will be a tricky one to call for BW. Whatever they do will be wrong to a hell of a lot of people. Maybe if they had spent les time on all the overhyping and secrecy of this game and concentrated more on the programming and final product they wouldnt be in this mess. Thats what happens when EA buys your company.


Yes its an Exploit, and if your trying to pvp when you know (and lets face it, YOU DO KNOW) that you are getting insanely rewarded you stop, or be banned.

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No. Don't roll them back. At least not yet. Because then they would fill up space in the starter areas, and that would mean we would have to wait for them to proceed the normal way, until new players could get early access.


Either fix the bug, and let them continue on their way, or


put them on ice untill the game officially launches. They have had their early access.



Maybe just delete the peoples who have been exploiting the bug - maybe just delete their characters. No need to shut all the servers down and punish everyone just because of these people.

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