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Yet another we have no survivability thread. Would love to hear a dev's thoughts...


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Took a long break came back to see what's up with commando/merc dps. The only complaint I've ever had was that we had no means to break focus/escape. I managed to dig up the only dev response I could recall from almost 3 years back.


10.31.2012 , 04:04 PM

"Hi everyone! I talked to Austin Peckenpaugh (Senior Designer) about Commandos and Mercenaries and their situation in PvP right now, and he had this to say:


I think it's fair to say that Mercenaries and Commandos have escape issues. Admittedly, they can be very hard to catch when used correctly to hug corners, but a lot of that "escapability" falls aside when attacked by multiple melee enemies, at which point they just aren't quite tough enough to sustain without further escapes. We have plans for the future that should give Mercenaries and Commandos better escapes in PvP."


Yes, it's been THREE YEARS. I mean holy crap, please for the love of the Force, can we do something about this already? Even if it's only gonna be fixed in KOTFE. If needed I'll gladly gather all that's been suggested in the past couple of years (they all revolve around the same idea, some of them are really great and constructive) if it means the class will finally be on par with the other ac-s. Thanks

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Wasnt hold the line the solution they came up with? Oh and lets not forget they added 5% to Kolto Overload, clearly this class is fixed now, i mean just take a look at the leaderboards, not a single merc/mando in the top 100 and only 29 in the top 1000.


Now thats class balance for you! :rolleyes:

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Wasnt hold the line the solution they came up with?


It was, and it worked well for a while. The trouble is they kept buffing every other class while ignoring how that would impact the meta, especially when it comes to stuns / mezzes.


So many potential solutions to the problem that wouldn't be over-powered, however it looks like the Mercs / Mandos are the bastard child of SW:TOR and no dev wants to hold their hands up and claim ownership.

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Wasnt hold the line the solution they came up with? Oh and lets not forget they added 5% to Kolto Overload, clearly this class is fixed now, i mean just take a look at the leaderboards, not a single merc/mando in the top 100 and only 29 in the top 1000.


Now thats class balance for you! :rolleyes:


I haven't looked at the numbers at all since I have all but resigned taking any part of ranked PVP on my merc or mando. God has it really become that bad?

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I just looked at the numbers. Good Lord that is bad. A couple of people at 1600 and then the numbers drop like a rock. And I can't help but wonder if the ones who are on the board are all healers. Will even 30 merc / mandos even make the entry level solo reward?

Edited by ForceWelder
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It is also a comparison thing. My Commando pumps out tons of DPS. More than my Sage. The thing is that my Sage is harder to kill. So the Commando gets instantly focused as the opponents know we are an easier kill. Heck even I do that when I see a Commando/Mercenary on the other team.
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It isn't a combat disengage then, I guess.:rolleyes: For shame, Bioware


Apparently it is, sort of what we've asked for. The downside? Yeah every other class gains a gap closer... :rolleyes: That's just from what I've heard, as to the truth in there? We'll have to wait and see, seeing as little to no information is forthcoming from the devs here on the official forums.


If so, it's actually pointless even giving it in the first place. So 4.0? More of the same it seems, looks like a little more of the standard practice of Mercs / Mandos being given the shaft by the combat team.

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it all depends on the cd timer for the move and if it just disengages us as in push us backwards X meters without any added affect for all we know it could be like seers pre 3.0 where force speed applied the hinder affect to anyone that came close to them for 3 seconds. All I know is that we need our energy shield talents to be combined or baseline for the class would go a great ways to helping us pick up far better utilities while sustaining a form of def.
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  • 5 weeks later...
What's bad with mercs? 30% hydraulic override that stays the same in 4.0 while our counterpart is running around at superspeed 45% of the time and now as of 4.0 will be running around at 30% run speed when they are not running around at superspeed. So basically they have created at least one class that mercs cannot kite. This is as awesome as their recently revealed oh hey for your level 65 reward we are going to give you the utility point we took away so you have 7 again isn't it wonderful!!!! Uh you thought you would get another utility point...lolwut??? They obviously hire morons at bioware.
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Any ability to escape multiple is incredibly overpowered yet many have no shame on demanding it..



If it couldn't be justified then i would have a problem with it. The experience of all the mercs and the leader boards back up these claims. There simply is no valid counter argument that mercs are not broken and need a disengage.


As it stands i dont pvp on my merc anymore. Its just too broken for ranked.

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A way for commandos/mercenary to break focus would make us far from OP...almost all other advanced classes have a way to break focus. Whether it be a combt stealth, push, or roll most classes have a window of immunity to allow them to escape. Just not wanting Mandos/Mercs to have a way to break focus does not make it OP.
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Commandos and Mercs should not get a disengage. They are the heavy artillery type class in this game, which will be focused and attacked all of the time. I'm sorry for those that didn't realize this or feel they should have their cake (effing insane burst and dps) and eat it too (kiting classes and being able to break focus).


Edit: With all the 4.0 utility all classes are getting, I do feel yall should have the disengage.

Edited by Huggsnotdruggs
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Commandos and Mercs should not get a disengage. They are the heavy artillery type class in this game, which will be focused and attacked all of the time. I'm sorry for those that didn't realize this or feel they should have their cake (effing insane burst and dps) and eat it too (kiting classes and being able to break focus).


Problem is, Lightning Sorcs and Marksman Snipers can have their cake and eat it too. They both have heavy burst and kiting, lesser for Snipers, but still.

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Guardians don't have a leap, right? And vanguards don't have super speed 45% of the time, right? And sages don't have force speed+immunity and an invincibility bubble right? And sins, maras, and ops can't combat stealth right? Ops and snipers don't have combat roll and hunker down, right? EVERY class except Mercs/mando dps has a focus break. Our dummy parses are no higher than other pure dps classes. Leaving us without a focus break while every other class (including heavy armor and turret classes) gimps us. Giving us a focus break would make us far from OP, instead it would simply give us a few more seconds of survivability and therefore viability in endgame pvp again.
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