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This game won't make it and it really isn't its fault.


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MMORPG's in generally are starting to go down in popularity since nothing changes with them. A lot of ideas have been used and hardly anyone comes up with new ones.


Seeing less and less people on MMO"s these days, even the behemoth WoW and the ever lasting FF11/FF14 are dying down severely.



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I disagree that this game won't make it, simply because of the changes that they are making.


I do agree that WoW-type MMOs are going out of fashion, and I say "good riddance". I remember when MMOs were more like worlds to enter into instead of spreadsheets to kill X boss to get X loot. I loved WoW when it first released because I was enchanted with the world and the story. I hope we can go back to immersion.

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Nah, I think MMO's have really just started and I think they will be around for a very very long time if not forever. They may adapt and change to a point where we today do not recognize them, but the concept of playing a game with other people online is just something that's going to be around as long as there is an online.


Of course if you mean this game itself, sure it will end eventually and it probably wont be its fault. Eventually technology will warrant a new game to be made with a SW theme.


Disclaimer: I'm not an expert.

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I think the OP was talking about the establishment of McDonalds outposts in all the planets, last I heard there was a big discussion about the taxes, because several planets wanted to increase the taxes according with the meat offered for the different styles of hamburgers. I think could be a great Idea if the Empire and the Republic will seat down and come to an agreement about the menu that should be sold in each respective McDonald's franchises.
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MMORPG's in generally are starting to go down in popularity since nothing changes with them. A lot of ideas have been used and hardly anyone comes up with new ones.


Seeing less and less people on MMO"s these days, even the behemoth WoW and the ever lasting FF11/FF14 are dying down severely.




Well, maybe BW Devs did anticipate that and came up with KOTFE? Not that i think this will start a better time for swtor.

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He's right you know...

This game won't make it.


It will die.


One day... eventually...


I'm hoping for 10 years. I'm betting on 8.


We've gone 3 years and 8 months (roughly) so far.


Think we can make it another 6 years before shutdown?


WAR lasted 5 years and change.

SWG lasted 7 years and change.


No matter what, we can still boast that we lasted alot longer than APB :p

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MMORPG's in generally are starting to go down in popularity since nothing changes with them. A lot of ideas have been used and hardly anyone comes up with new ones.


Seeing less and less people on MMO"s these days, even the behemoth WoW and the ever lasting FF11/FF14 are dying down severely.




Tell that to League of Legends, not really an MMO but a MOBA somewhat close to as far as how many people play it

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Is SWTOR dying? Nope

Are MMO dying? Nope

Are there more MMO out there than there was 10 years ago? Yeah


The more MMO that come out the more and more MMO community gets spread out. MMO are starting to appeal smaller audience than take over the whole market.

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The OP is right, but only that MMO's are no longer innovative, pre WoW MMO's where innovative, after WoW all MMO's try to be WoW. Eventually companies will learn that the "classic" MMO design...WoW model is not enough for MMO's and innovation will occur...get some designers and executives that can see past WoW.


note: I do not mean F2P models, there is a misconception that F2P saves games, they do not, the cash shops do. The only reason cash shops are needed (though they are probably here to stay now) is poor long term design in the first place.

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Oh look. Another one of these threads. MMORPGS aren't dying. They aren't dying at all! Maybe certain ones because they don't have "enough". And keep in mind, dead means gone completely, not still going on and having a player base.


MMORPGS are always going to be around because it's an escape. It's an escape from our screwed up world and it gives you the ability to explore other places that you may not have the ability to in real life. It lets you be the personalities you WANT to be and let's you do things you would never be able to do in this lifetime or any other. Better yet, it lets you live your fantasies you have always had as a child, make your dreams come true and just have overall great times while making great memories.


It's a great genre and it isn't going anywhere. Period. That's what people said in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. It's not failing. Yes some games don't make it, but not everything has to be "OMG WOW NUMBERS!!" to be successful or feel "alive".


It's not going anywhere :)

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except this game by all standards has already made it, even if it were to close now. Its been out long and made its money.


Made all it's money back and then a TON TON more on top of that and it just keeps getting bigger and better.

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MMORPG's in generally are starting to go down in popularity since nothing changes with them.


I do not agree, the playstyle of MMOs will always be needed. Not all want to use a handcontroller and play :tran_wink:


Take this game for example, it has survived through heavy blows and yet it rise again with a new expansion that will be awesome.

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The OP is right, but only that MMO's are no longer innovative, pre WoW MMO's where innovative, after WoW all MMO's try to be WoW. Eventually companies will learn that the "classic" MMO design...WoW model is not enough for MMO's and innovation will occur...get some designers and executives that can see past WoW.


note: I do not mean F2P models, there is a misconception that F2P saves games, they do not, the cash shops do. The only reason cash shops are needed (though they are probably here to stay now) is poor long term design in the first place.


This guy gets it.

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Nah, I think MMO's have really just started and I think they will be around for a very very long time if not forever. They may adapt and change to a point where we today do not recognize them, but the concept of playing a game with other people online is just something that's going to be around as long as there is an online.]

I think he meant MMO RPGs since they cannot compete with single player RPGs where the story-telling is much broader and compelling, and where your choices really influence the world around you. And the classic style MMOs " kill X to get X loot" are not appealing anymore. Only the games with good IPs can survive. The rest are either dead or they are low budget MMOs targeting small audiences to get quick profit from the in-game shop.


Multiplayer games will be always popular but their popularity comes from the competition between people or their rivalry against AI. People play multiplayer games for those two reasons. The majority of gamers don't play multiplayer games for the story. They find it in single player games where it can flourish. Multiplayer is a certain kind of springboard to different experience. Shooters, rts, battle arenas are going to remain popular but I'm not sure about MMO RPGs that are not called Warcraft/FF/Star Wars/ESO.


Hey, but maybe KotFE will change the very nature of MMO RPG? Who knows... :rak_01:

SWTOR took the first step to change MMO RPGs but we are still bound to one story where our choices are mostly insignificant and don't influence the main story.

Edited by PavSalco
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thought it died in 2012...and then twice in 2013 before again succumbing in 2014. 2015 isn't looking so hot either.


perhaps SWTOR is the great phoenix.


In 2016 they are each scheduled to die on a monthly basis. There will be a big party with a "deathday" cake and everyone will watch the epic death scene from buffy the vampire slayer. a good time will be had by all. then they will reboot and be ready for another month.

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