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Everything posted by Volumenintegral

  1. Doch, du bist bloß ein schlechter Heiler Sowas wie das Bolster System zum Beispiel? PS: Die Devs lesen das deutsche Forum nicht
  2. stealth,reflect,range attacks,Selfheal while LoS,anti-kick abilitys, use of movement utilitys, knockbacks, stuns, making use of your surrounding, playing a sniper yourself, teaming up, using good def cooldowns, not fighting 1o1 in open field.... ...are just some ways to deal with a good sniper. You got the best chances with an stealth class that managed to surprise him from behind OR an jugger that knows when to use his reflect OR an DoT Sorc that knows how to LoS OR a Sabo DD that knows when to pull back and heal OR a fulltank with high defence OR another Sniper OR an burst PT with hold the line btw i play this class since release non-stop, we are not THAT hard to kill in a 1v1. AND there are only a few really good snipers that are actually hard to kill. Flame on
  3. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=271876
  4. i wouldn't start complaining about that, in fact, i wouldn't have mentioned it and just enjoyed a free abo.
  5. So...let's talk stats: For a Marksman, pretty much every Attack is range damage (except for Orbital Strike and Granate, which are useless in PvE and just anti-tap skills for PvP) Cunning gives the exact same amount of damage and krit as aim for range bonus damage. (This is important to know) Both Cunning and Aim give pretty much 0,2 bonus damage per point, no matter how much you got. BUT the more Cunning or Aim you have, the less krit do you get from this stat (With 4k mainstat this is ~3% Krit) If you build a Sniper/Revo with 2k Aim and 2k Cunning instead, you will get the EXACT SAME Amount of Bonus Damage on range skills AND ~ 6% Krit in total. This means: By going for both, aim & cunning with a 50/50 rate, you will gain MORE krit then simply stacking your Mainstat. Summary: 50% Aim + 50% Cunning on Marksman gives ~ 2-3% more krit with the same bonus damage. I'm just writing this because there seems to be an awful lot of people walking around not knowing about this. REMEMBER: This works only for Marksman Revo/Sniper , every other build uses tech attacks, which work different. Sincerly, a fellow Sniper/Revo
  6. Hello world, i'm currently looking for existing formula regarding the min/max damage of skills. Till now, i found a lot nice, long, complicated formula for pretty much every stat, but no real attack-dmg formula. Someone reading this that knows where to look? PS: I'm mostly interested in Sniper/gunslinger Skills EDIT: Found what i looked for: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6499471 not the formulas themself, but good enogh
  7. Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball - Quesh Huttball -
  8. 8v8 ranked PvP , everything else doesn't matter
  9. huge dissapointment, no information regards PvP changes at all.
  10. ToFN should be the best you can find, at least on rep Site for solo que
  11. Marksman Sniper 3190 Dps PS: Healer über Healer, was mag man lieber
  12. Zusammenfassung: -Wir werden was ändern -Wir wollen die Server verbessern - Wir verraten euch auf unbestimmte Zeit nicht was wir machen & die Änderungen selbst kommen noch viel später (- Teaser auf Crossserver Que die allerdings laut eigenen Angaben nicht technisch machbar ist)
  13. In therms of pvp, be it 4v4 or 8v8, it's pretty much threw worst spec. Engineering always had the greatest survival cooldowns and the best AoE dmg. Nowadays they lack both. You can always win against other players with better playstyles or beeing a better player, but as in Dmgoutput or Survivability the Engineer can't produce as much dmg as an marksman or as much Overalldmg with AoE like an DoT Sniper. My Opinion: Stop using that spec till it gets either buffed onto the same level as the other two, or the other two got nerfed enough to make it variable again.
  14. - Ein Skill wird für jeden Specc verfügbar gemacht - Ebenso gute Deff-Skills - Der Burstdmg vom Marksman Baum wurde stark erhöht (Hinterhalte bis zu 18-20k möglich) - Das verteilen der DoT's im Gift Baum ist einfacher geworden - Feuerschutz wurde stark gebufft und gibt uns eine solide AoE Fähigkeit mit hohen dps Zahlen. - Je eine verbesserte Variante vorhandener Skills in Marksman & DoT - PvP-Setboni mit doppelter Aufladung für Autocrit-Hinterhalt und allgemeiner dmg Buff von 2%. Das war nur was mir auf Anhieb eingefallen ist, JA, auch andere Dps Klassen wurden gebufft, ja, teilweise sehr stark gebufft (PT), allerdings braucht sich ein Sniper/Revo nicht zu verstecken was Buffs für die eigene Klasse angeht. Nerf? - Entgehen gibt jetzt 3 Sekunden "unsterblichkeit" statt zu reinigen und nur gegen Nach/Fernattacken zu schützen - Keine Sprengsonde mehr, zumindest in 2 von drei Bäumen (4-8kSprengsonde+18kHinterhalt+6-10kAusschalten??) Conclusion: Sniper OP , zumindest mehr als früher. Wer Probleme hat muss Üben
  15. liegt an dir, besonders der Marksmann Sniper ist seit 3.0 merklich gebuffed worden, sofern du nicht dauernt LoS wirst solltest du damit nach wie vor sehr viel reißen können Assa kann ich nicht beurteilen, ist angeblich allerdings ebenfalls stärker als pre 3.0
  16. 60er PvP DoT Sniper: 2764 DPS http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/screenshot2014rxnuwy10z6.jpg "Mit 3.0 werden die Dmg Zahlen etwas heruntergeschraubt"
  17. http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/screenshot2014djacuinx5e.jpg 16,1k Dmg Hit
  18. Let me respond for Bioware here: Lern to play PS: Yes, i also main a Sniper since beta, yes, it is really hard to survive in Arena and BG, but not impossible. There won't be any chances on sniper soon, so there are two choices: 1.Make the best out of what we got 2.Reroll an easier class. Let's face it: Snipers are one, if not the hardest PvP class. Get over it... Flame on
  19. I main a Sniper since Closed Beta In my Opinion Sniper was OP since Day 1, never got a decend nerf and good quite a Buff with 3.0 2 out of 3 Skilltrees got a big buff, one stays pretty much the same. Yes: Arena is quite hard for a Sniper, but with a Heal/Tank/DD/DD Group it is possible not to die every singe match. The "hate" for Snipers comes from facing all the "good" Snipers out there, let's say the Top 10%, that were good before and suddenly become really OP. Wait a while, as soon as everyone got their Gear it will become worse
  20. I guess my sarcasm didn't make it threw...anyway the replacement was a valid option and i think it isn't the worst they could have done.
  21. I think you are misunderstanding what Bioware is trying to do here. Let's assume they KNOW that Snipe isn't a skill you use that often as Lethality Sniper. Let's further assume they want to give those Snipers another Skill, something new to use in their rotations/priority list. Now they had two Options: 1. Add a new skill that differs alot from all existing skills and fits into the spec 2. Replace an existing skill that has no or a low use for that spec, but still needs to exist for other specs. What Bioware did was Option 2. PS: I don't think you need to learn how to play your class, but maybe how to be a better "class idol".
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