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SWTOR is on Front Page of Gamespot


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"good publicity"


I don't see what's good about it. The fact they're saying "return" means a lot of people left for very valid reasons...just read the comments under the article.


There's also a link to the reddit discussion about it. But sure, "good publicity" is a matter of opinion. To elaborate, the review was a positive one overall and front page of a prominent gaming site.

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Good news, lets hope they bring in tons of new players with the expansion. More players = more future content :tran_grin:


It can be a double edged blade. If bw continues to ignore player feedback in PTS and leaves old bugs unchecked and does not penalize cheaters, it will increase negative publicity over time when there is an influx of players that see this stuff.

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Bioware needs to fix their bad PR that has its roots in the initial game release and its f2p system. They need to rework their f2p and remove some restrictions like cosmetic features. People are annoyed by the sole fact that they can't use more than 2 quickbars or even hide their head so they just leave the game because of the very bad first impression. That is why SWTOR is generally trashed on the internet because of its terrible f2p. Go ahead and restrict XP, restrict PVP/OPS, restrict credits, restrict chat (because of the bots) but don't give restrictions that are completely unreasonable and if you compare those restrictions to other f2p MMOs, SWTOR looks laughable. Remove restrictions that don't make a difference to subs if f2p players have them. Such pitiful restrictions matter a lot in the general opinion about the game.


People sub to SWTOR because of:

1. XP Boost, so they don't need to grind a lot.

2. Access to the content post-50 lvl (free RotHC, soon SoR and KotFE)

3. Unlimited access to OPS

4. Unlimited access to PVP/Ranked

5. Credit Cap

6. Sub Rewards (e.g. Nico. I know a few players that don't play SWTOR currently but kep their sub just to get thim).

7. Possibly faster crafting system?


The rest doesn't matter to subs. Yeah, it's cool to finally have the possibility to use more than 2 quickbars etc. but it's not the reason to buy subscription. Thus, all the seven points that I mentioned really matter and should get Bioware's attention to develop in order to keep subscribers while the rest of restrictions are simply stupid and only discourage newcomers from playing the game. Those other restrictions don't make people to sub. Their only purpose is to annoy people and that's not cool. Better to have a higher population of f2p players between 1-50 that make the servers alive than to lose them. People who want to pay for the game, will pay anyway but those additional people, those f2p players are constantly lost because f2p players don't stay in the game which result in lower pop times, low populated planets, no people to do heroics on planets etc.




Bioware can sponsor as many ads as they want but the hateful comments under those ads will keep coming unless they rework their f2p system to make better first impressions to newcomers. If Bioware doesn't adjust their f2p and focus on the above seven points, we will be seeing more servers disappearing one by one. KotFE will bring many players, but how many will leave after the first month or two? Or how many newcomers will leave after trying the game for free?


Edited by PavSalco
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tl;dr Bioware can sponsor as many ads as they want but the hateful comments under those ads will keep coming unless they rework their f2p system to make better first impressions to newcomers.


It doesn't matter if they rework the f2p structure. They really could change it such that there are no restrictions whatsoever and everyone gets a free kitten, pizza, and back rub, but they'd still complain. It's published by EA, people will find something else to complain about.

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Welcome to the internet - most of the comments for any video aren't very positive.


You can clearly often see when negativity outweighs positivity and the other way round. Swtor made a lot of mistakes and naturally that`s why in most comment sections of this game the negative outweigh the positive. The negativity can often happen for a reason and swtor had many reasons.

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I still play even after playing in Beta. I take breaks from time to time, but its worth playing. Plus, right now I'm trying to finish the last couple class stories I hadn't played before.


As far as Gamespot, I take them with a grain of salt because some games it seems they love to death, even if the game sucks and fails. Other games that are good don't get much press.


As far as the remarks, well, it is Gamespot. Gamespot commenters are what trolls on SWTOR's forums strive to be like some day.

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Lol most of the comments don`t seem to be so "positive" about the video


The majority of Gamespot's audience is console gamers, and certainly not RPG gamers. SWTOR will never receive positive comments from anything on that site.

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It can be a double edged blade. If bw continues to ignore player feedback in PTS and leaves old bugs unchecked and does not penalize cheaters, it will increase negative publicity over time when there is an influx of players that see this stuff.


Your personal list of pet peeves are noted.


But it has nothing to do with new or returning players playing the game. Why? Because your pet peeves are not shared by everyone. That is the advantage of a casual focused game with a good diversity of things to do.. in a Star Wars lore environment... in the year of the resurgence of new movies (Disney will be pumping out a new SW movie every year moving forward, until we are so sick of SWs nobody cares about it anymore).

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The majority of Gamespot's audience is console gamers, and certainly not RPG gamers. SWTOR will never receive positive comments from anything on that site.


Spot On.


None the less... positive press will lure some console gamers to the game. I would not expect them to stay for the long term like real MMO players do.... but that's OK too.

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No it doesn't. It's on its last breath. They spent all their money on a trailer. Nobody subs or pays for anything.


If that were true then there wouldn't be bots spamming constantly 24/7 even in mails now

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Welcome to the internet - most of the comments for any video aren't very positive.




Every game I've ever played where I also read the forums for said game (and trust me --- there have been MANY)..they are mostly identical in the mixed passionate debates, the haters, etc. Every forum for every game always also has that small portion of posters that swear *that* particular community is the worst and *that* particular game is going under hard because the company doesn't know what they are doing, etc. etc...... --- heck this has been the environment over at the World of Warcraft forums for *years* now.


And as for the people that write the "UNLESS THEY DO THIS OR THAT......THIS GAME IS DONE" posts.....


You people must know the employees that read that stuff have to think (though they'd never dare say it to their players) "Oh aren't you just a genius for those ideas.....wow don't we feel stupid ...all the years of industry experience, the college education, let alone us pouring our heart and souls into this project for (x amount of time)....and just random person that visit our forum has all the answers".......


Its required for people to vent and I know that...I do it too....to a degree I think venting frustrations is healthier than holding them in.....but when it comes to forums for games....just blows my mind how passionate with hate some people seem in their posts.... I mean its a computer game at the end of the day....you aren't defending your lady's honor for crying out loud....lol.

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