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Hook us up with some dual spec.


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Your logic sir, has taken an arrow to the knee.


Duel spec is necessary considering that a large portion of this game is pvp based. Those that claim that there is no need for duel spec obv do not pvp often OR are not skilled in pvp to the point of realizing that pve and pvp require different specs.


I Agree with this 100%


- I play a Shield specialist Vanguard and I tank in PVE/leveling - But in PVP the Tactics Tree is much more viable as the skills are move useful and more fun - so instead of having to go and reset my talent points every time I want to warzone / be able to put up a decent fight with some Sith in an area i'm questing in, I can change my spec casually, to one of 2 pre saved talent specs of my choice.


I can't fathom the people who simply don't understand why this would be useful or how it would ruin the game....


its for convenience, speed and efficiency, no one wants to wait mid raid for a DPS'er to wander off and change to tank spec etc this looses raid momentum....


In game terms think of it as an equipment field change "taking the right tools for the right job" - maybe ask your companion to go of to your ship and bring a backpack of useful goodies.....and it takes 2 ins for them to return.... whatever....


Changing AC I don't agree with. Changing alignment I don't agree with this.....we only ask for a shortcut to pre-configured talent specs inside our given AC.


Dual Specs won't ruin the game, so what if wow had it first, wow had many thing things first (even talent tree's / specs) , if its not broken - don't fix it.


Last note:


The majority people for this seem to be experienced gamers who have played many MMO's vs the other who "seem" less experienced..... we know what we are talking about and we don't want a wow clone, nor to ruin this game....


.....so please give us some credit when we say this is a good idea.

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Please do not add Dual Spec. It dilutes the distinction between the classes, and will only serve to make small groups of players more insular, rather than requiring them to socialize, as the current model does. I believe it is counter to the spirit in which the game was designed.
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I Agree with this 100%


- I play a Shield specialist Vanguard and I tank in PVE/leveling - But in PVP the Tactics Tree is much more viable as the skills are move useful and more fun - so instead of having to go and reset my talent points every time I want to warzone / be able to put up a decent fight with some Sith in an area i'm questing in, I can change my spec casually, to one of 2 pre saved talent specs of my choice.


I can't fathom the people who simply don't understand why this would be useful or how it would ruin the game....


its for convenience, speed and efficiency, no one wants to wait mid raid for a DPS'er to wander off and change to tank spec etc this looses raid momentum....


In game terms think of it as an equipment field change "taking the right tools for the right job" - maybe ask your companion to go of to your ship and bring a backpack of useful goodies.....and it takes 2 ins for them to return.... whatever....


Changing AC I don't agree with. Changing alignment I don't agree with this.....we only ask for a shortcut to pre-configured talent specs inside our given AC.


Dual Specs won't ruin the game, so what if wow had it first, wow had many thing things first (even talent tree's / specs) , if its not broken - don't fix it.


Last note:


The majority people for this seem to be experienced gamers who have played many MMO's vs the other who "seem" less experienced..... we know what we are talking about and we don't want a wow clone, nor to ruin this game....


.....so please give us some credit when we say this is a good idea.


If you really wanted to PvP then you would put forth the effort to go PvP spec and respec. Not just press a button.


It's called not being lazy.


MMOs have been flooded with casuals who want everything easymode.


Is it easier? Yes it is. I had dual-spec in WoW. But if I want to DPS instead of heal or play a PvP healspec, why shouldn't I have to go change my spec at the trainer? Because that isn't convenient? Quit trying to make the game easier, I mean you have a FLEETPASS which you can go to the fleet and respec.

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Quit trying to make the game easier, I mean you have a FLEETPASS which you can go to the fleet and respec.


And exactly is gained by making people fly halfway across the galaxy to respec? All it adds is tedium. At least, I can't imagine thinking to myself "Boy am I glad I had to go through 3 loading screens to respec at my trainer- sooo much more fun than just clicking a button on my UI".


I can live without dual spec if I have to, and I understand it takes time to implement this kind of stuff, but the arguments against it are just silly. Why would you choose to add more hassle to your game (that you play for fun?)

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And exactly is gained by making people fly halfway across the galaxy to respec? All it adds is tedium. At least, I can't imagine thinking to myself "Boy am I glad I had to go through 3 loading screens to respec at my trainer- sooo much more fun than just clicking a button on my UI".


I can live without dual spec if I have to, and I understand it takes time to implement this kind of stuff, but the arguments against it are just silly. Why would you choose to add more hassle to your game (that you play for fun?)


Silly could be a person that can't understand (luckily we all do) that now we have 20 "classes"/specs - cos you can meet ppl with 20 different specs. If dual spec is enabled we will have 8 classes. It is so 'cos every person will cover virtually his whole AC, while now every person covers only 1/3 of it. It ruins the diversity and uniqueness of characters.


By your logic why hard mode raid bosses don't die when they see us only approach them 'cos we all play this game for fun and don't want more hassle? I can't understand why some ppl that want change in MMO always say that this is what makes it fun and the opposite is not fun for anyone. Fun is subjective - ever imagined that there are ppl that find fun in completely different things in an MMO and your fun is not THE FUN.

Edited by SBite
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I believe the arguments for dual speccing far outweigh reasons not to have it.


Advantages of not having it:


'Diversification'. People have argued that having ppl with just one specialty makes for better social environment. I cannot see how this would enhance the social environment in itself apart from the next reason.


'Interaction'. Because of the lack of tanks and healers that are likely to be created it is believed that people are forced to become more social there creating a better community.


Advantages of having it.



A player can find what kind of play style they would like to do through trial and error.


Gaming quality of life

A player can reduces queue times through switching roles

A player would not have to spend alot of time levelling a character in a role they may not enjoy


In summary

I believe that they amount that it adds to the social environment is minimal as this social interaction is only for the purpose of finding a group and is not often socialising for its own sake. I believe joining or creating a guild is much more suited for this purpose.


If you compare this minimal addition of social benefits with the increase in available content and quality of life for the average gamer I believe the argument for dual speccing becomes very strong. Games companies are now reflecting this in there mechanisms, presumably because they believe that a system that enables flexibility proves more successful:


Rift - Many different role specialisation options

WOW - Dual Spec together with incentivising Tanks due to known dungeon queueing issues for dps classes

Guilds Wars 2 - No role specialisations (everyone can tanks and heal)


I believe that once this is added I will enjoy Star Wars more as will the community as a whole.



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You contradict your self - are long wait time good or bad for stimulating more ppl to become tanks/healers? You say that waiting as dps with dual-spec makes more tanks/healers? But what for the same without dual-spec?


And btw no one is forcing you to level in spec you don't like- healers and tanks can dps perfectly fine for leveling purposes - I'm tank with healers comp. They even made for you all kind of companions that are strong almost as players.


You don't realize is what you want to happen after few years (and a lot of other changes) is to have Flashpoints that are made for 5mins with 3 other Bots. And then you will start looking for another game that will have the soul this one had in the beginning - Same thing you do now!

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Only took 3 posts for the first "10 year old troll" to show up.


I am all for dual spec, the ability to switch to a 2nd spec to fulfill a needed role can only benefit the community.


As the OP already stated, sooner or later you are going to have to give in and make it happen.

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I have still yet to see any good reason to implement dual specc for Pve in this game.


Because basicly now when Tanks and Healers experience no problem at all while Lvling, soloing or doing quests Dual Specc for Pve is an non issue.


Or are people just complaining that they need to spend theire credits ?

or are they just trying to sound like a martyr when some say but i do just heal for the better of the server therefor i need dual specc :D

Edited by Varghjerta
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Hmm another thread (19 pages lol) debating dual spec ...


... something the devs have already stated is coming post launch. Stated months ago.


Whole lot of effort for nothing going on here.


Actually no .

You do take something that the only thing they stated is that it have been being discused and wish add as a certainty.


The Q/A with Reid for a few days ago he just stated that they have ofcourse discussed it nothing more.


People must stop this saying that Bioware have stated something and promised something they havent

It is just going to could get real ugly later down the line.

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Any news on Dual Speccing yet? It is becoming very frustrating to switch a few points because I like to build differently for pvp / pve. I go in tank spec for both but in pvp I require a few points spent differently. I can't re spec every time I switch between pvp and pve it is costing too much :(
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Don't be naive. Bioware, you know you are going to have to put it in eventually. Don't let the 10 year old trolls try and convince you that its not needed. WoW has made Dual spec standard MMO practice and rift followed suit. Swtor is missing some key quality of life elements that makes it feel aged even when its a brand new game.


You can even make it so I have to go back to the trainer to do it, that would be fine with me. Dual spec just gives you more possible healers and tanks running around, so I really don't see a downside.


And you 10 year old trolls can shove your choices have consequences crap, this game is full of choices, go make some.



I liked the Guild Wars class system

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Any news on Dual Speccing yet? It is becoming very frustrating to switch a few points because I like to build differently for pvp / pve. I go in tank spec for both but in pvp I require a few points spent differently. I can't re spec every time I switch between pvp and pve it is costing too much :(


I don't think they have mentioned anything yet but as far as MMOs go.. Never say Never


Personally I hope they never bring dual speccing .. too much "easy mode" in MMOs lately


I say... pick a class, advanced class and spec then learn to play it well - no one can mess with you.


5 to 10 points here instead of there will NOT be game changing and if you think it will be, then you are not as good a player as you think you are

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Dual spec is needed. I'm completely split between being tank and dps. If I go tank spec I'm bordeline useless in warzones, while if I go dps spec pve becomes a true hassle.


With that said, having dual spec also helps in the lfg area so damn much it is without doubt, a neccessity.

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5 to 10 points here instead of there will NOT be game changing and if you think it will be, then you are not as good a player as you think you are


Have to disagree here, surely a good player will spec to maximize efficiency based on the given situation and PvP and PvE are two entirely different beasts. For PvP there are more efficiant uses of points that going 31 deep into my tank spec. Where as for PvE I feel that at least 31 points are needed to be the most effective tank I can be.

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Dual Speccing would be really useful, I enjoy PvE a lot, however it would be nice to have a PvP spec for when I went and felt like having a bit relaxed fun with friends.


I don't see how it is casual(nor do i think casual is bad) , it is a quality of life thing- some people seem to believe that time spent= hardcore


Really it should be based on the level of achievement, having 2 characters one for PvP and one for PvE doesnt show anything except that another hobby may be in need.

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and why does everybody want to change the games they want to be exactly like WOW.


how about this... live with the game... learn to adapt to the way the game is. Stop trying to change every aspect of teh game.


we need arenas.


we need mods


we need macros


we need dual spec


we need this


we need that...


you dont need anything.....


learn to play with what you got. you want to respec... nobody is stopping you.. STOP BEING LAZY... run to the trainer and change your spec....


holy cow such lazy gamers.

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I find it offensive that some of you label dualspec as a casuals way of cooping with the game.


Ive been successfully running as a dps/healer since dualspec was introduced into wow (even longer actually) and im far from what you would normally brand as a casual player.


The thing is that if you have the option to change your spec (i agree with keeping this within the choosen AC) and be competitive you can switch around people more easily say one healer is sick or your bringing in a new trialist to your ops group.


Even if you suck at your second spec as it stands now you cant really try it out (and hopefully improve) without running back to the fleet respec and run aaaaaall the way back to where you were.


Yes, wow showed us that theres an easier way to handle this and i for one think dualspec is a great way of opening up for more tanks and healers.

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