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  1. If you only Need to tear the mods out and sell them I am against it, but if one Needs it to use it for themselves it is fine by me, even if it is an Agent uniform for a Marauder as both use medium armor, in fact I think most medium armor on imperial side look ugly (or more precize, most Sith armor). I remember I used the Black Talon armor that was "meant" for agents for over 20 levels with mods swapped in it. edit: needing it for a companion should only be done if no one else needs it for their own use.
  2. actually, I second the motion, please lower costs to 50% as of current one.
  3. You think full all-world/game use of 2 characters tagging along, I think large-scale multi-companion use quests
  4. How could they? it is near-impossible to track all that cash, and what it got used for and the part of it that got in a form placed on the market to make even more cash, not to mention the amount that got used to level up skills and buy speeder and such
  5. I got used to since a few years to wait 3-6 months before getting a game, then patch it up. Obviously not an option with an mmo
  6. ? you can have more than one character you know, just create another and play with that too o.O
  7. IMHO for about ten years it began (and now is standard practice) that games are released full with bugs, and yes, players are essentially beta testers. This isn't just about MMO-s either. A few of these pissed me off, as example I won't buy Lionhead games for a while after Fable3, in other cases like strategy games from Paradox get often patched, and add new options and functions too (other than just fixing bugs) for free. I think one of the reasons for making payer customers play testers is because devs became lazy, another is because they spare cash and time on real testing this time, and also another because this somewhat (barely) places a hurdle into the way of those who crack the games and place it free on net.
  8. Just be careful with "bind on pickup" items, those you can not give away anyway.
  9. If something like this would be implemented it would have to be armor type, because a marauder could still use the orange medium armor what an agent also could use with swapped mods in it.
  10. I learn quite fast That said by now if I want an item for an other use (like for companion) than for my own I wait till I make my choice on the roll until everyone else did, and only then click Need if no one else did.
  11. I agree, we need more companions at same time. I am still used to old style 6 or 4 character parties. Even the recently adopted Dragon Age/Bioware 3 character grouping makes me feel already bad, a sole character in your party just feels awful. I understand they couldn't be always with you due to being an MMO and everyone running around with 6 characters would be a burden for the system, but solo and main quests could once in a while allow you to take most (or all) your companions with you. Let that warrior hold off enemies from your back, get the droid hack into a computer, while you and the doc could go to the lab to retrieve important research data, then on the way outside hook up with your pilot and shoot with your ship a way off the planet while your historian/archeologist friend deciphers the info found in the lab.
  12. I am not a mmo player myself, so for me things like cc had to be explained, just as well I misunderstood the meaning of Need/Greed the first time, I am sure many people don't intentionally misuse the need check and are also in a similar situation as I was in beta.
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