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Ashe/Lady Insanity just posted a new video with new KotFE info.

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What? Where is this on the ship?


Go straight to the back of the ship, past the Holoterminal. There's one glowing Jedi Archive that you can interact with as a JK that will play you messages from the one dude guy.

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Replayable = repeatable to be fair. I was just amazed that somebody didn't seem to be getting that. All the content in this game is easily repeatable made more so from 12xp. The fact that this is in dispute amazes me.


Let's redefine for a moment the exact thing you mean to be talking about though. I think you're talking about grindable content. Obviously, it's content that you can do again and again and again on the same character until your eyes bleed out to get them to a certain level or a certain type of gear. It doesn't take away from other aspects being repeatable, i.e. class stories, but simply their immediate availability.


I think our difference comes in our view of the value in repeating certain content. If you value leveling and grinding more than much else, flashpoints, dailies, and ops are going to be the content you'll think of as repeatable. A story though that holds little for your immediate character's development would maybe not be repeatable to you though someone more invested in the storytelling aspect of the game would find it to be even more repeatable due to various ways in which they'd like to repeat the same story but from a different character mindset.


I don't think I replied to you but it doesn't appear we disagree or are talking past each other.


I'm not questioning replay value ITT. That's individually subjective; I meant like mechanism-wise. Basically obligatory internet **** picking.

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some pretty different reactions to my class - especially when Vitiate addressed my Knight or Warrior.


Yeah, I really liked that Vitiate (spoilers JK end C3)



recognises the Knight due to the fight on DK. The line used is "Seeing you, it's like visiting a forgotten friend. I'm oddly pleased you're here.



If KotFE doesn't have class-specific story, at least let it have more of those touches.

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LOL....the reactions from you guys about your companion romances has made me laugh...I need that today...thank you!!!


Whole thing sounds like an epic barrel of fun...cannot wait for October!


Definitely. I'm glad my toons stayed faithful. Saves me the drama.

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Alright, I tried to stay positive and not vent angrily at my fellow raiders, but enough is *********** enough.


In 1.0-1.2 you guys got EV and KP.


In 1.2 you got EC.


In 1.3 you guys got your group finder.


In 1.7 you guys got TFB.


In 2.0 you guys got SnV.


In the Dread War patch you guys got DF and DP.


In 3.0 you guys got ToS and RAV.


All us role playing, story loving players wanted more than anything else was more engaging story where our choices ACTUALLY mattered and our *********** companions did more than stand there picking their nose while we did stuff not once saying or doing anything but staring blankly at some random shiny.


We waited FOUR *********** YEARS for this expansion to come out. You, my fellow raiders, can wait 6 months to a year for your operations. They're coming you can damn well wait like we did.

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Alright, I tried to stay positive and not vent angrily at my fellow raiders, but enough is *********** enough.


In 1.0-1.2 you guys got EV and KP.


In 1.2 you got EC.


In 1.3 you guys got your group finder.


In 1.7 you guys got TFB.


In 2.0 you guys got SnV.


In the Dread War patch you guys got DF and DP.


In 3.0 you guys got ToS and RAV.


All us role playing, story loving players wanted more than anything else was more engaging story where our choices ACTUALLY mattered and our *********** companions did more than stand there picking their nose while we did stuff not once saying or doing anything but staring blankly at some random shiny.


We waited FOUR *********** YEARS for this expansion to come out. You, my fellow raiders, can wait 6 months to a year for your operations. They're coming you can damn well wait like we did.

You got cutscenes and dialogue with all of those patches and more.

There's your story.

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You got cutscenes and dialogue with all of those patches and more.

There's your story.


IKR I lol every time when they forget that in their persecution rant. And they think they are getting unique class stories lol nope. I though RPers made there own story?:rolleyes:

As for me, I like a gadfly and nag the **** out of BW to make new ops and PvP faster. Cause I love this game and want more fun things that I like.

Edited by FerkWork
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"At least 1-hour of story content per month"


Geezus lol. That's pathetic...



What the heck do you expect? Some 80 hour experience?


You know all those wacky, silly trolls who have been ranting about huge issues with longevity of this game? Ones who get attacked and dismissed by the same dozen game huggers in every thread? Yeah, this is huge part of what they are talking about.


Assuming the story in KOTFE is awesome( which should make a decently huge IF for anyone who has played Revan/Emperor tbh) you'll be having time of your life for 10, 15 maybe even 25 hours. Then it is over. Then you can cross out "story" from "the year that is going to be all about story." You are left with nothing. No new GSF content. No PvP content. No new Ops, no new Fps. No new anything.


Of course you can run through the story again, do pile of 5 daily quests all over again. Does that sound fun to you? I'm glad.

Edited by GalacticStarfigh
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What the heck do you expect? Some 80 hour experience?


You know all those wacky, silly trolls who have been ranting about huge issues with longevity of this game? Yeah, this is why.


Assuming the story in KOTFE is good( which should make a decently huge IF for anyone who has played Revan/Emperor tbh) you'll be having time of your life for 10, 15 maybe even 25 hours. Then it is over. Then you can cross out "story" from "the year that is going to be all about story." You are left with nothing. No new PvP content. No new Ops, no new Fps. No new anything.


Of course you can run through it again, do pile of 5 daily quests all over again. Does that sound fun to you? I'm glad.


I loved SoR and RotE actually :| More than some of the vanilla content tbqh.


And replaying those same 10 - 25 hours *does* sounds a lot more appealing than only replaying the same stuff I've been playing the last 1 and a half years considering that I get exactly 0 minutes out of any mentioned group content 8)

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I loved SoR and RotE actually :| More than some of the vanilla content tbqh.


And replaying those same 10 - 25 hours *does* sounds a lot more appealing



Then I'm willing to be you are going to enjoy KOTFE. It'll be an expansion that has lots of the things you want from your MMO. Grats! I've yet to see anything worth a single dime in any of it.

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Negative. She develops PTSD (as you find out from an in-game mail), and I'm pretty sure she'd just end up committing suicide. It is time you faced the music.


Jaxo died a hero. Honor that sacrifice; do not try to change it, for that is the path to the Dark Side.


Personally, I find the implication that Jaxo would kill herself simply because she has PTSD offensive. There are thousands of people out there who have PTSD, like myself, who have never even contemplated suicide, let alone attempted it.


Sure, what Jaxo went through was bad, but we must consider a few things:


1) Just as not all people have the same thought processes, not all people who come down with PTSD react to it the same way. Regrettably, some do commit suicide, but many others get professional help, or have a strong network of friends and family, or are capable of managing it on their own, or some combination of the three. Even those who do commit suicide are not necessarily weaker than anybody else, there is so much more going on that I won't even begin to go into here on a forum for a video game. Either way, assuming Jaxo lives (which is the scenario that prompted this conversation to begin with), the game implies that she is getting professional help. The message states that she's requested a psychological dismissal from the army. One can assume that the army isn't going to just say "K. Bye" without giving her extensive treatment first, and referring her to treatment afterwards as well. Especially not in a time of war galactic war.


2) The severity of the incident does not dictate the severity of the PTSD. I've known people to go through IED blasts, followed by rather lengthy firefights, and come out of it without any signs of PTSD at all, and I've known people with some of the most severe cases of PTSD I've seen who got it from a traffic accident.


That all being said, I would assume it's unlikely that she reappears. She was a supporting character in one class storyline. Also, she had the potential to die. Much like Cytherat and others who could either live or die once their stories were complete, the chances of seeing her again are slim to none.

Edited by Andrellma
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You are left with nothing. No new GSF content. No PvP content. No new Ops, no new Fps. No new anything.


Good thing I don't do any of those then.


Of course you can run through the story again, do pile of 5 daily quests all over again. Does that sound fun to you? I'm glad.




Then I'm willing to be you are going to enjoy KOTFE. It'll be an expansion that has lots of the things you want from your MMO. Grats! I've yet to see anything worth a single dime in any of it.


Thanks for supporting the game with your sub!

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Personally, I find the implication that Jaxo would kill herself simply because she has PTSD offensive. There are thousands of people out there who have PTSD, like myself, who have never even contemplated suicide, let alone attempted it.


Sure, what Jaxo went through was bad, but we must consider a few things:


1) Just as not all people have the same thought processes, not all people who come down with PTSD react to it the same way. Regrettably, some do commit suicide, but many others get professional help, or have a strong network of friends and family, or are capable of managing it on their own, or some combination of the three. Even those who do commit suicide are not necessarily weaker than anybody else, there is so much more going on that I won't even begin to go into here on a forum for a video game. Either way, assuming Jaxo lives (which is the scenario that prompted this conversation to begin with), the game implies that she is getting professional help. The message states that she's requested a psychological dismissal from the army. One can assume that the army isn't going to just say "K. Bye" without giving her extensive treatment first, and referring her to treatment afterwards as well. Especially not in a time of war galactic war.


2) The severity of the incident does not dictate the severity of the PTSD. I've known people to go through IED blasts, followed by rather lengthy firefights, and come out of it without any signs of PTSD at all, and I've known people with some of the most severe cases of PTSD I've seen who got it from a traffic accident.


That all being said, I would assume it's unlikely that she reappears. She was a supporting character in one class storyline. Also, she had the potential to die. Much like Cytherat and others who could either live or die once their stories were complete, the chances of seeing her again are slim to none.


well she does seem suicidal in her letter

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but it can lead to suicide. As can ptsd. Anyways, just because you didn't take her letter to indicate she felt bad enough to commit suicide doesn't mean I shouldn't. What's the hubbub? Oh I know, someone got offended.:rolleyes:


Not offended at all, just stating being traumatized doesn't mean you'll be suicidal.

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I meant the other guy who stated he was offended.


i was offended by the implication that the individual I quoted made when he implied that "she'd just end up killing herself" because she has PTSD, as if s/he was implying that all(or at least most) people with PTSD "just end up killing themselves."

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the thing is, by that point you could have already flirted with him, and in SWTOR relationship terms - that activates the romance. with nearly every other companion - that also immediately results in negative affection when they witness you flirting.


The game mechanics may have interpreted it as a locked in romance, but as far as the plot plays out, you don't actually have a conversation involving having a relationship until further down the road. Flirting doesn't mean insta-romance as far as the story goes.


I never saw him as the open-romance kind of guy myself, but that's my take on it, and it's every player can interpret these things differently. That's the joy of RPing! :):)

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