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Think they may allow multiple companions out for 60+ Content?


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With all these newly announced companions it seems a real shame that we still can only use 1 of them at a time. 1-60 is balanced around having only 1 but with the supposed changes in the time period, for the game which will be 5 years, and how newly created 60s cannot go back to old content is it now time for multiple companions being brought out while you're adventuring?
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With all these newly announced companions it seems a real shame that we still can only use 1 of them at a time. 1-60 is balanced around having only 1 but with the supposed changes in the time period, for the game which will be 5 years, and how newly created 60s cannot go back to old content is it now time for multiple companions being brought out while you're adventuring?




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I notice a lack of context and content in your post. Please clarify.


I already know what they will say.


"The game is far to easy as it is allowing for more then one comp at a time will just make it easier"

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Why would you not like such a thing?


you asked if it was time to add multiple companions, answer no.

will bioware add the ability to add multiple companions, answer no.


game is easy enough, you don't need multiple companions out any flashpoints are easily solo able at max level, anything not soloable, that are story, have the god droid.


in both cases, additional companions out is not necessary.


and in all cases the answer is



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hey, if they were able to do it for the kotor games, there's no reason why they can't do it here.


Different Engine, UI constraints, these are capable of being worked around of course but it is actually more work than you think. After that there are balance concerns, a dramatic change in gameplay (if you want it to be more than just a boring zerg rush), and of course the question of why? What would the game gain by this? Truthfully, absolutely nothing compared to the work that would go into it.


If they were to do it it in any way that would be acceptable it would constitute a complete change in gameplay style. Which would be a major risk, not to mention silly being that the game isn't designed around a Dragon Age style tactical RPG. No this is a bad idea, occasionally have Crew members that you aren't actively using finding their way into a personal phase is fine however.


I think what would be nice is if the companions you don't have on you talked to you a bit more as a support team, just to remind you that they are there and a part of your missions.

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I already know what they will say.


"The game is far to easy as it is allowing for more then one comp at a time will just make it easier"


so you feel the game is too difficult as is with only one companion that you need two?

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If by some miracle we get to have more than one companion at a time, and they talk to each other à la Mass Effect & Dragon Age, I will positively swoon. :D


Of course I don't really see it happen, but one can dream. :o

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you asked if it was time to add multiple companions, answer no.

will bioware add the ability to add multiple companions, answer no.


game is easy enough, you don't need multiple companions out any flashpoints are easily solo able at max level, anything not soloable, that are story, have the god droid.


in both cases, additional companions out is not necessary.


and in all cases the answer is




What about a second companion instead of God-Bot?

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so you feel the game is too difficult as is with only one companion that you need two?


I think they were saying that creativity is generally lacking on this site, and it would only be a matter of time before someone went "Hur dur, L2P noob" :D

Difficulty has nothing to do with why most people ask to have more than one comp. (And one would hope that they'd scale the difficulty to match)

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It does seem rather retarded to have so many comps that are not used for anything other then running crew skills.


The games difficulty really has nothing to do with it but for some reason that is the first thing brought up when this idea is mentioned.

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I already know what they will say.


"The game is far to easy as it is allowing for more then one comp at a time will just make it easier"


I would simply counter that the game isn't that easy or else the top companion wouldn't be the healing one 99% of the time thus having the others never getting much use.


I think they were saying that creativity is generally lacking on this site, and it would only be a matter of time before someone went "Hur dur, L2P noob" :D

Difficulty has nothing to do with why most people ask to have more than one comp. (And one would hope that they'd scale the difficulty to match)


Indeed, we have a lot of companions but the 1 only rule means that mainly only healers get used for obvious reasons thus rendering most moot.


Now we're getting like 6 more companions with this upcoming Expansion and who knows how many old ones. Real shame to still be restricted to only 1.

Edited by Sardorim
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you asked if it was time to add multiple companions, answer no.

will bioware add the ability to add multiple companions, answer no.


game is easy enough, you don't need multiple companions out any flashpoints are easily solo able at max level, anything not soloable, that are story, have the god droid.


in both cases, additional companions out is not necessary.


and in all cases the answer is




I disagree with everything you said so... No to your No.

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As a note: If they added more than one companion, they would make enemies stronger in order to scale for more companions. So it really wouldn't make the game "easier".


That said, I would love to see more than one companion, but knowing Bioware, I'm not holding my breath.

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More companions at the same time are reducing the impact your character has. The player will be more and more passiv. Why is this any good ?


And ofc it will make the game easier. BW is balancing the game around "normal" equipped companions not raid gear companions. two overpowered companions = more easy game

Edited by Neglience
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More companions at the same time are reducing the impact your character has. The player will be more and more passiv. Why is this any good ?


And ofc it will make the game easier. BW is balancing the game around "normal" equipped companions not raid gear companions. two overpowered companions = more easy game


I disagree, it makes the game feel bigger if it's not just 2.

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I would like to see that, for the sake of being able to see more than one companion's opinion on story quests. Currently the only way to do that would be to keep cancelling conversations and summoning other comps to repeat them. Though that could also be solved by simply having them present for storyline conversations regardless of whether you are actively using them (like HK-51 in False Emperor). I'd also like to see them have more use in the story, like for example, the Sith Warrior's story on Corellia, and his last mission on Taris.


Also, if they do future solo-mode flashpoints, it would be awesome to pick 3 of your companions to go with you, rather than that boring GSI droid.

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