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How do you rank the current 4 Strongholds and what new SH do you want?


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I didn't even buy Tatooine, it's too open, dirty, and insecure. If most of it were in the cliff face and getting to half the rooms didn't involve going outside, I might have considered the purchase.


NS was perfect for my Hunter and her black market bazaar.


DK has a great atmosphere and feel.


Cor I bought to turn into a casino for my Smuggler, it turned out nice.


As for future 'holds, I'd love to see Ilum, with big skylights, a landing pad, and a balcony... must be able to see that amazing sky.

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They're all good in their own way. There's bit too few of them to really make some big ranking. Dromund and Coru are the most reaslistic "upper-middle class" apartements if that's what you like, Nar Shaddaa is the city mansion for billionaries if that's what you like and Tatooine is more of a rancho/residence/hacienda style if that's what you like. Not that many options to pick within the same general variants. Yavin will not really compete with any of the existing ones either, it's completly different.


Which one next? Obvious answer, Manaan. I would like it to be somewhere between DK/Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa in size and priced around that as well (~5 million). With Yavin, we will already have 3 strongholds priced around 10 million in full, something in the middle is missing.

Edited by Pietrastor
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1. Tatooine, I mainly just stick to the top part but thats enough for me I also love the intro I wish I could see it every time the music is great.


2. Coruscant, nice and lighted, awesome balcony


3. Nar Shaddaa, it's neat but I don't use it much


4. Dromund Kaas, I hate this one, nothing to look at on the balcony, dark and the doors just feel weird



I want more strongholds in general. They don't all have to be huge like Yavin or Tat as well. IMO they're out doing themselves with Yavin. Who honestly is going to fill that nicely without throwing junk everywhere for prestige? I'm going to get it but there's now way I can fill that thing, parts are going to see quite empty.


More small or medium strongholds would be nice, maybe Corellia apartment? Smaller stronghold on Voss? They don't seem like the people to have big mansions. Medium size Hoth and Manaan ones would be cool. Enough with the huge ones.

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I more want the ability to buy the SH's for guilds with Cartel Coins. Small guild and I would like to get us the Tatooine base so that way everyone has room to play around(no way we will ever get the Guild Ship) and that can bring us more together. However not going to happen with the price in credits and no way I can just pay for it directly with CC for the guild.
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I would like them all more if they had more hooks, or the ability to move hooks so I could properly position things. There are so many hooks in the Coru and DK strongholds that aren't even symmetrical that it's obscene. For someone who likes a lot of symmetry in their abode (and who might be somewhat OCD), that's an issue.


I recently made the mistake of clearing all of the hooks in my DK stronghold to redo it...ugh...it quickly made me remember why I hated the hook arrangements in it.


I think like many other folks, I'd really like to see a Manaan stronghold. I love the atmosphere, you could have underwater levels with great windows where (hopefully) you'd see undersea life....the bright nature of Manaan (lighting) and "clean" look would be an ideal place for me.


My biggest gripe though, is that so much of the decor is colored in such a way that a lot of it looks out of place in the wrong environment. I mean, who wants brass and bronze metal to slap on a wall that is primarily black & gray shades??? (or vice versa)


That all being said, every time I'm on ANY planet, I see so many things that I would kill to have turned into decor....I'm tempted to start screenshotting it all and then doing a big ol' submission to suggestions for decor.


I guess while we're "wishlisting", I'd love to see decor that you could "resize" too. Like for example - the Selkath bacta tank thing...it's ENORMOUS. The dang thing pretty much touches or gets close to touching the ceiling of any place it's in...and what...am I gonna put a medical bay outside in the environment? riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

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I don't care about any new strongholds, not until they allow me to have more than four. After what I spent unlocking the ones I have, I'm not going to retire one just so I can spend all that money all over again only to have to give it up AGAIN if they release a new one.
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DK is my favorite and has my largest investment, and Coruscant is second to me.... I got NS for free and still find the interior ugly and too yellow.


Tat, I am not into it all after taking a few tours so never purchased it.


As for Yavin, I had high hopes for it and I saw the video, its nice if you like that old looking temple theme. Problem is, I already have spent over 25 mil in game, another 5k or so in CC to decorate DK and partially Coru....

Most of that stuff wont transfer over and even look right in Yavin, and to start to spend all over again will simply cost more than I care to spend. I see NO REASON to have more than one SH anyway, well, one that would accommodate both factions. I could care less about having 4 filled for an achievement, I simply want the perfect dual faction SH....


The plan.... Wait for Manaan or do not buy another SH. I prefer something more modern which I truly think based on the architecture on that planet, would be the ideal look I desire for a dual faction, large SH.... it would be perfect and well worth a huge investment, even if I buy the entire place with CC.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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Since DK and Coruscant don`t have the biggest hook and very little open space or high enough ceilings there really isn`t much of a choice here. You can use Tattooine and stick most stuff in the first three rooms because everything else is too far away, or you can use the Sky Palace, which has a perfect layout and a nice view, but really ugly colored walls.


I don`t like any of the strongholds, but the Sky Palace is the one i dislike the least.

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Dromund Kaas gets 10 out of 10 for me. Once I learnt to use the lightning properly, it stole my heart. It's lonely, Imperial, and it's got a great mood. And rain! I love walking in the rain on my balcony.


Coruscant gets 9 out of 10 - the balcony is too horribly orange, and only Oriconian stalks go well with that. But the lightning is so beautiful, and it's so comfortable and looks so much like home - I fully believe I _am_ on Coruscant. If only it was available for both factions by being based somewhere on a neutral planet...


Anyway, I love Tatooine, too, but it gets 7 out of 10, because the hooks are so uncomfortably placed in the little rooms, the lightning's not so good, it's too bright to use crystals outdoors, and it takes too much time to get to the far-away rooms. There should be a magnetic hook to get to the other end, or something. But it's still very good, and it is my main stronghold for the time being.


Nar Shaddaa, I'm afraid, barely scrapes 3 out of 10, because... well, several things.

- first, the entry point - the players are going to spend 99% of their time in the entry room, because that's the best place for the Cargo Hold/mail/GTN. But the entry room is too narrow! It's not the great Tatooine balcony, or the comfortable Dromund Kaas/Coruscant lobby, it's really a small narrow lobby! So the stronghold practically forces you not to put GTN in the entry room.

- second, the windows. You can't really enjoy the night Nar Shaddaa, because the windows are half-opaque, and the view is weird. It's like a cheap motel with dirty windows, and it really kills the mood, because night Nar Shaddaa should be fantastic.

- third, the layout. You go from a lobby to a lobby to a lobby, and there's practically no place to enjoy the views. Even the solarium only has three small balconies, but mostly it's walls, lobbys and corridors.

- fourth, the surroundings. When you're on the Promenade, Nar Shaddaa lives and breathes around you - that's why I love doing the Kingpin there so much. But the Sky Palace just hangs there, up high, among static background and very few "real" buildings, and it doesn't look like real Nar Shaddaa - it looks like forgotten server storage somewhere.


I want a Rishi or a Manaan stronghold, naturally. As for Yavin one - we'll see. I hope it'll be great.

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I have all the SH's and go there as "something else to do" which this game has alot of. I love the variety of things to do in this game. Home decorating is a fun thing to do for me and I let my little nieces get on and play house when they're visiting. They think that's what this game is all about and love it. Anyway, to my response, I have a bit of a quirky side and would like to see Hoth and Voss. I strongly agree that I will not purchase one if it means giving up one in which I've invested soooo many cred's and so much time. Also, movable hooks would be nice along with the ability to resize some of the items. The limitations are annoying. I would also like to see a place to park my spaceship in each SH. I've got one on Tatt and NS but not Corus or DK. Gimme a floating platform just like on NS so my neighbors can see how special I am to the Republic/Empire. (A speeder platform which I could place my favorite ride - not beasts/mounts but a speeder - that would work like the taxi on NS would be great though I could see a mount/beast being used on Tatt / Voss / Hoth but not Corus or DK)
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1. Coruscant: Original Star Wars feel on republic main world. Suits my Jedi characters to be close to what's going on in Senate. Love the vista from balcony!


2. Tatooine: Just like Luke's early days if his uncle hadn't been so poor. I generally love how close Tatooine is to what you can see in the movies.


3. Nar Shadaa: Smuggler's Paradise! :)


(Don't own Imp stronghold)


Wishlist, in that order:


1. Rishi: Just love that tropic style and I think the planet is generally very well designed


2. Makeb: Having my own Mesa would be just awesome! Imagine looking down that abyss.


3. Voss: Like the lush forests and trees a lot, and fascinated by Voss culture in general.


4. Alderaan: Well, I know we'd be doomed there. But look at my guild tag ;-)


5. Illum: Like that icy feel with crystals all over the place. Would have to be an ice cave in a mountain with an ice terrace carved out of one of the upper floors. Illum sky is always spectacular!

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If possible I want a SH on Manaan.




I'm pretty satisfied with my SH in Kaas City but I would pack up and move to Manaan in a second. Seriously, imagine a complex with both above-water and below-water compartments... They could develop something absolutely spectacular.


- Arcada

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I'm pretty satisfied with my SH in Kaas City but I would pack up and move to Manaan in a second. Seriously, imagine a complex with both above-water and below-water compartments... They could develop something absolutely spectacular.


- Arcada


I totally agree! BW, create Manaan and take my money... :D

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I totally agree! BW, create Manaan and take my money... :D


Any more content on Manaan is also welcome. Obviously, KotOR is a great game all around but Manaan was really where I hit my grove and I'm quite fond of it. Selkath companion (or playable race!) is also on my "take my moeny" list ;).


In terms of the other strongholds, honestly I've unlocked them but haven't really explored them. I think Nar Shadaa might work if I ever roll a BH or Smuggler. Coruscant is basically identical to Kaas City so I don't see the point in decorating it. And I hate Tatooine, the boring desert planet that is a must have for any SW game, which makes it even more boring than a desert usually is.


- Arcada

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Don't care is the answer, I only use mine for conveniences, the cargo bays gnt and stuff like that.

That and a quick way to get to the planet its on. So new stronghold for me to want it would need to be on a planet that there not a quick travel to option from legacy. So Yavin? no thanks as have this in legacy as a way to get to. That and for the utilises have in other stronghold so don't need Yavin. As such mine are ranked the same. Same gos for guild strongholds


I guess Alderaan would be ok as would a few other that there's no quick travel too.

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Any more content on Manaan is also welcome. Obviously, KotOR is a great game all around but Manaan was really where I hit my grove and I'm quite fond of it. Selkath companion (or playable race!) is also on my "take my moeny" list ;).


In terms of the other strongholds, honestly I've unlocked them but haven't really explored them. I think Nar Shadaa might work if I ever roll a BH or Smuggler. Coruscant is basically identical to Kaas City so I don't see the point in decorating it. And I hate Tatooine, the boring desert planet that is a must have for any SW game, which makes it even more boring than a desert usually is.


- Arcada


Yeah, totally agree, I somehow forgot about Manaan! My favourite place +1 for new content and stronghold!!


If we can't have that, I do at least want a decoration that has water flowing down glass like when you enter Manaan.

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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I'm hugely into the story of my characters, so I dolled out their particular strongholds pretty carefully. In order of my favorites, though:


(1) Here's my Tattooine stronghold: Phyreblade Legacy on Tattooine. Tattooine belongs to my Main, being my favorite stronghold. My Smuggler enjoyed the chance to spread out all those decorations.


(2) Heres my Dromund Kaas stronghold:

. My DK stronghold is shared between two of my Legacy characters, my Warrior and my Agent both.


(3) I have completed my Nar Shaddaa stronghold, as well. That one was particularly fun. Being as the stronghold belongs to my bounty hunter character, though, I'm waiting for the next pack that includes a whole slew of Mandalorian-themed decortions before looking to make a video describing the stronghold.


(4) Coruscant remains incomplete. Im disappointed that we will only be allowed 4 strongholds in the upcoming patches, mind you. With that in mind, my Jedi Knight will probably move her stronghold off Coruscant onto whatever planet is next. Hence, I'm holding off on completing this one.

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Coruscant is my current favorite, but DK is close. Nar Shaddaa is pretty good too, but I don't really use it.


I want a Manaan stronghold the most, and that seems like what many others want to.


Though it will probably never happen, I would love a ilum stronghold, it is probably my favorite planet in the game. The beautiful night sky and snowy landscape.

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