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What percentage of users will cancel their 1st months sub?


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I'm keeping my sub..


I'm not a big fan of themeparks typically, but im enjoying the story and its certainly keeping me interested, something i was really not expecting.. Hoping the pvp gets some love, that would certainly keep me subbed.


I've been playing MMOs for awhile, well a long while, its my main main source of entertainment. There really is nothing out there i have any urge to play, nothing even close.


I had actually taken a pretty long break from them, and its nice to be playing again.

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Hopefully all the troll and QQ kids will not resub.


So then we can have healthy forums and actully start good discusions regarding some issues in game.




of course we can try starting a bit of 'spring cleaning' by reporting those 3-4 trolls (if they are actually different people) who keep posting stuff like "don't buy this game" or "this game is fail because devs won't do what I tell them to do"


it's up to us too

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My guess is about the same number of children who are pissing and moaning about the game being a deathcamp for unicorns. Minus the 20-30% of that group who are just cantankerous little wankers who live to complain, and the trolls. Devs could probably just use this forums activity as a rough guideline of what to expect.
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All MMo's released in this era will have large sales and then a large drop off quickly. It is just the nature of the beast. People are chasing the dragon, and for anyone who has experienced that (for real) you know that you will never find it again. (Or even if you get soooo close, that same product won't do it the next time).


It's not a bad thing, it helps the devs quickly recoup the massive development costs of these games through initial box sales. It makes servers all difficult as you will have too many and be forced to contract. Which looks bad and all the internet geniuses will, "Lol, fail," It won't be nearly as bad as AoC and WAR, as the game is much better. It will be better than Rift as the gae is much bigger and has the valuable IP.


Giving a % is foolish as we will never know.

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you might as well ask what is WoW subscription turn around ie how many people leave each month and how many people join/resub



The answer... the world will never know.




As for other MMOs we only know what they tell us and they never tell us how many people leave month to month. If we are lucky we might get info in quarterly reports but most of the time it's just guess work.



Additionally you can't compare this to other MMOs releases as not a single one of those has had the polish that this game has had.

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My Guild in game and the people i quest with (also all people at chat channels) seems like they enjoying game. I didn't come accross 1 (One) person in game telling anything bad about game yet. I'm in Very High Population Server, maybe it's just my luck, but i don't think so.


I don't get it why some people keep whining at this forum. :confused:


OP's post negative post imo;



What percentage of users will cancel their 1st months sub?


Different from;

What percentage of user will continue to play game after 1 month?


And his percentage seems unlogical.

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A large percent


That's how any post-WoW MMO has fared, and this isn't good enough to be any different


Yup no matter how many fanboi's come here- the truth is out there - this mmo isn't good enough at all to sustain a large population.


Bioware failed!

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Yup no matter how many fanboi's come here- the truth is out there - this mmo isn't good enough at all to sustain a large population.


Bioware failed!


That would depend on your definition of a large population, and "failed"

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This thread makes me laugh. So many people who are screaming (Oh we want WoW 2.0 in space) seriously need to just stop. We want macros, and easy stuff, and cheap mounts, and all those other things WoW dumbed down so we could drool on ourselves while we played it. We think if we spam the forums with stupid comments Bioware will cave in to our dumb notions of what a MMO is supposed to be!
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All I'm reading from threads like this is, is that the lot of you are expectant, uppity WoW kids who expect a finished MMO on your plate after launch.


Any of you who've played the original WoW, not its terrible expansions will remember just how long it took them to get up and running. Stop whining, it's not even been a week after launch and you want everything handed to you.


If that's the 30% of the pop we lose? I'll be a happy person.

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50% is normal for an MMO however for ToR It might be better than average...


My thinking is.... 7 days EGA, ok so alot didnt get the full 7 days (me) but many people got 5 days, on the 22nd dec I seen a massive dip in population, this being the day no sub=no more playtime.


Thats ALOT of free time playing the game, enough for the one month quitters to foresee that a full price game wasnt for them, so instead of buying the game and quitting they didnt buy the game at all.

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if you check wow boards, there is a massive exodus preparing, thanks to pandas in part


Yeah ! While we're at it 2-3 mil isn't enough. Let's bump that over to like 10mil! Makes more sense that way yup!



Edited by Skeelol
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I dont mind if those people who want a second wow just leave. The community doesnt need them, they will never be happy anyways.


If you give them addons, they want dual spec. If they got dual spec they want class change. If they got class change they want instand lvl 50...


I think I am not mistaken if I say that those demands usually come of young ones, who are unable to understand that MMO´s dont work like that.

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