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Sick and Tired ..............


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1) Ask politely at the start if everyone can spacebar (I know for myself and many others when some PUG jack@#% screams SPACEBAR SPACEBAR SPACEBAR, thats when I stop space baring and enjoy the cut scenes to the fullest). Ask politely and most (not all) groups will agree. And those that don't will tell you up front when you ask.




being a ajckass about people watching the cutscenes ensures they continue to watch em

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Usually I have no qualms about space barring. Most times I get new guys who'd like to watch the cutscene. I sit back and nap while I wait. Sometimes I get people who ask nice and polite if we can skip the cutscenes. If I've seen them a zillion times, I will endeavor to do so. If I get some douche bag demanding in poor spelling, tons of typos and caps lock to OMGWTF SPACEBAR FFS!!! I will sit there and watch the entirety of the cut scene. And take my sweet time choosing the best answer.


I myself have told my group mates that I would be watching the cutscene cause I'd never seen it before. They usually don't flip their ****.


I know some things get boring and tedious after a while, but SWTOR is 98% story and 2% everything else. If stories bother you that much, may I suggest a break from SWTOR and try playing some other games without stories?

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I'm so damn tired of not having the option to bypass storyline in Flash Points!!!!! Once you have run a FP for the 900th time you get so frustrated with those who seem to want to watch the same story over and over and over ....... ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!! Bio-Ware needs to give the option to queue up for HM FPs without storyline. I'm sick and tired of queuing up for FPs and getting the group that refuses to space bar through the story line, even though you know they have seen it by their achievement list. FFS people give us an option to by pass the story line crap in FPs or stop making us go through it. I don't need to have a light side or dark side choice after every damn kill.:mad: I've left countless FPs because of this. You know damn good and well that I'm not the only one out there, many people have said the same thing, so stop making the story line interrupt the FP's momentum by making us sit through it over and over again!


I agree and understand your frustration. Bioware should really go forward and just have solo options for all flashpoints and operations so that those who don't want to watch the story stuff and get straight to the loot runs can get what they want and those who want to roleplay and enjoy the story can do that too.


Having both time constrained loot runners (and I can appreciate the sentiment, I sometimes just want to get that boss downed or that weekly quest finished fast and get my damn reward) and people who want to enjoy the story all funneled into the current Player Party required groups will create problems as the OP's concern shows.

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even though you know they have seen it by their achievement list.


No, you don't. My achievement list shows I've run KDY. What it doesn't show you is that I've run it once, and that one time, my first time through it, someone insisted I spacebar through all the dialogue, so despite what you might think from my achievement list, (and that of others), just because it says we've completed the flashpoint, doesn't mean we got to see all the story, (or any of it, for that matter). Yes, I had a choice, I could have refused to spacebar, but I was trying to be nice and maintain harmony in the group, so I'm not complaining about it, simply pointing out the assumption you are making is not always going to be correct, and yes, I did read your entire post.

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I'm one of those spacebar loot runners. Usually by the time a FP pops, I've already been in queue for half an hour or more, and that's after I've already spent an hour crafting across 15 characters before I even get to "play the game" (makes more money than dailies), so I just want to race through it so I can go to bed, so that I can get up early the next morning for work and such.


So I'm one of those ZOMG SPACEBAR NAO peeps.


However, if it becomes clear that the group won't spacebar, I just tab out of the game and read the forums or some such (running the game in fullscreen windowed mode helps a lot with this as the computer doesn't have to re-render everything when I tab back in). Typically this means that the rest of the group must wait for my convo choice to expire when it finally does come up. I only tab back into the game when more spacebarring is required (if there's more convo after the convo choice) or when I hear the others in the group running off to the next objective.


TL;DR: If they want to waste my time by not spacebarring, I'll waste theirs by doing other **** when I'm supposed to be selecting a convo option. :D


No need to make QQ threads about it.

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Wow guess none you read the actual post! I want to play the game not watch a movie.

We did read the actual post. Thus the replies. As noted, if you want to space bar, agree up front, and don't hold your breath for a "skip the story" option in GF.


TL;DR: If they want to waste my time by not spacebarring, I'll waste theirs by doing other **** when I'm supposed to be selecting a convo option. :D

There is a phrase for this kind of thinking: cutting off your nose to spite your face.


If your time truly is that valuable (which I doubt, in any event), you should not be wasting it playing a computer game.


If someone posts "spacebar plz" I don't space bar (or I may just drop group, as I have better things to do than play with an impatient toddler). If they ask "Can we space bar?" or similar, then I space bar.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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........I give up, it's simply stunning how many people comment on something they don't read. If you want to watch the story for the 800th time then so be it, I however do not wish to do that and it's why I'm asking for an option. It's in the post in case you never read it.


your not looking yourself either. you seem more intent on your rather ignorant point being put across then you are at accepting that everyone else is stating the same thing to you that this game is a storyline based game, there isnt a mission around that doesnt have a purpose to the storyline in some form or another.


besides that, you lack respect for others players, no one is going to give you any in return.

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Once again you need to READ the post before you comment. I'm asking for the option to queue up for FPs without storyline, ffs read it before you say anything.


You want an MMO without story?

Oh man, you sure picked the wrong game. :rolleyes:

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your not looking yourself either. you seem more intent on your rather ignorant point being put across then you are at accepting that everyone else is stating the same thing to you that this game is a storyline based game, there isnt a mission around that doesnt have a purpose to the storyline in some form or another.


besides that, you lack respect for others players, no one is going to give you any in return.


He's also coming down quite a bit in how many times ppl have seen the story he seems to hate so much. Started at 900 the one you quoted says 800......:rolleyes:

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........I give up, it's simply stunning how many people comment on something they don't read. If you want to watch the story for the 800th time then so be it, I however do not wish to do that and it's why I'm asking for an option. It's in the post in case you never read it.


To be honest, what baffles me is that you are not tired of the FP per se if you have done it 800 times already. I can't imagine how bored I would be if I would have done, let's say, Athiss for 800 times. Whether with or without stories. I personally think that after such an intense amount of playing Swtor, it is no wonder if people get negative feelings. Play another game for a little while, then come back, would therefore be my suggestion.


A non-story queue for FPs in a story-driven MMO will not happen. Rightfully so imho.

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To be honest, what baffles me is that you are not tired of the FP per se if you have done it 800 times already. I can't imagine how bored I would be if I would have done, let's say, Athiss for 800 times. Whether with or without stories. I personally think that after such an intense amount of playing Swtor, it is no wonder if people get negative feelings. Play another game for a little while, then come back, would therefore be my suggestion.


A non-story queue for FPs in a story-driven MMO will not happen. Rightfully so imho.


i dont see the difference between storyline or none storyline fp anyway, i mean all your doing is adding a few minutes, but sleeping 6-8 hours a day is also wasting time so i dont see what the fuss is there either. thats all the difference is, if you play it to death long enough you will just look at it one day and just wont return to it, storyline or no.

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I'm so damn tired of not having the option to bypass storyline in Flash Points!!!!! Once you have run a FP for the 900th time you get so frustrated with those who seem to want to watch the same story over and over and over ....... ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!! Bio-Ware needs to give the option to queue up for HM FPs without storyline. I'm sick and tired of queuing up for FPs and getting the group that refuses to space bar through the story line, even though you know they have seen it by their achievement list. FFS people give us an option to by pass the story line crap in FPs or stop making us go through it. I don't need to have a light side or dark side choice after every damn kill.:mad: I've left countless FPs because of this. You know damn good and well that I'm not the only one out there, many people have said the same thing, so stop making the story line interrupt the FP's momentum by making us sit through it over and over again!


You don't learn how to play your class if you don't repeat the same thing over and over and over and over and over again...:rolleyes:

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I think bioware should do a solo mode for all flashpoints and operations for the story, you obviously have diminished rewards to make group versions still a requirement for better gear and commendations, the solo modes have full story elements, while the group versions have the bare minimum, think of it like KDY, that only have a conversation that takes not even 3 minutes to do.


This is the perfect solution, cause i am honestly fed up with the childish, impatient and selfish morons that think they can tell you to skip something when you don't want to, this is why i think all group content should have no heavy story content, just a basic conversation to tell you why you are there and nothing more, while the solo modes has the full story and its fully solo-able, which is much more fun in my opinion.


An example could be, when you arrive on the Fleet at level 10 or something, you can queue up to do Black Talon or The Esseles, if there was a solo version, you can just do it on your own, all the bosses, that would be awesome, it wouldn't subtract from the group content at all, since its a do once per character.....but i am sure someone will just see solo-mode and not bother reading it and just say it would destroy grouping. lol

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So pay off your group mates to spacebar the cutscenes if an extra two minutes is going to send you into a rage.


OOOOOoooohhhhh! I love this I love this! Do you think we could actually turn spacebarring into a profitable business? It does seem like there is some niche market for it so perhaps everyone could find some middle ground in this. Let's say that at the beginning of the FP everyone states their going rate and business model and then anyone who wants to skip cutscenes pays the service providers (either up front or before each cutscene, depending on the business model) once terms of the contract have been negotiated.


Possible business models could be for example: "per spacebar" (X credits for each line of dialogue to be skipped), "per cutscene" (a bundle deal with a flat rate that may offer better or worse payoff depending on flashpoint) and "per flashpoint" (a "flashpoint long pass" that obligates the service provider to skip any and all cinematics in the current flashpoint).


Additionally guilds (or reputable puggers who queue often and provide essential roles such as tanking or healing, thereby facilitating regular queue pops) could even offer spacebar subscription plans! You pay a flat price up front every day/week/month/and so on, and can then ask that guild's members/individual contractor to skip any cutscenes for free as long as your subscription to them remains active.


This way, everyone can disassociate themselves from awkward social interactions because it would all be just business. If you're a person who wants to run quickly through flashpoints, you can pay credits to save time, and those of us who would otherwise watch the cutscenes will be compensated for the loss of story and Jakarro's whining. Everyone makes a sacrifice and everyone gets something for it, therefore everyone wins! <3

Edited by imissleeches
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OOOOOoooohhhhh! I love this I love this! Do you think we could actually turn spacebarring into a profitable business? It does seem like there is some niche market for it so perhaps everyone could find some middle ground in this. Let's say that at the beginning of the FP everyone states their going rate and business model and then anyone who wants to skip cutscenes pays the service providers (either up front or before each cutscene, depending on the business model) once terms of the contract have been negotiated.


Possible business models could be for example: "per spacebar" (X credits for each line of dialogue to be skipped), "per cutscene" (a bundle deal with a flat rate that may offer better or worse payoff depending on flashpoint) and "per flashpoint" (a "flashpoint long pass" that obligates the service provider to skip any and all cinematics in the current flashpoint).


Additionally guilds (or reputable puggers who queue often and provide essential roles such as tanking or healing, thereby facilitating regular queue pops) could even offer spacebar subscription plans! You pay a flat price up front every day/week/month/and so on, and can then ask that guild's members/individual contractor to skip any cutscenes for free as long as your subscription to them remains active.


This way, everyone can disassociate themselves from awkward social interactions because it would all be just business. If you're a person who wants to run quickly throughj flashpoints, you can pay credits to save time, and those of us who would otherwise watch the cutscenes will be compensated for the loss of story and Jakarro's whining. Everyone makes a sacrifice and everyone gets something for it, therefore everyone wins! <3


I love capitalism.


Anything and everything is a commodity.

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Am I the only one seeing sarcasm here....


Being a new player, or fresh to a new content, you often find players who would ask you to "spacebar" through it, which results in you missing out on story content. People only think about themselves.

Edited by dPuff
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Welcome to the new and improved SPACEBAR!


The greatest bar in a galaxy far far away. Call ahead for fast preferred seating, or feel free to drop on on by.


And if your in a hurry and need to move quick, just press onward to the SPACEBAR and we'll have you in and out in an instant.


And remember, if you're not on the SPACEBAR, you're doing it wrong...

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Only yesterday I was in a group for Legacy of the Rakata who I honestly thought was going to explode.

There was one guy there who was obviously doing it for the first time, yet this guy was just going off on one.

"There is a single mode version if you want the story" was one of his moans - because as we know this is a single player game....

Even with all the cut-scenes it adds what, 2-3 minutes to the whole flashpoint, hardly a major worry.


I always spacebar through these days as I've done them all, but it certainly doesn't worry me if others don't.


On a side note, I find the constant "dodging mobs" frustrating personally. If by taking an actual path you can go around a group then great. But I've been in groups where people go out of their way, jump onto things, fall off, jump back on, go around again.

We're a group of 4 DPS, we could have taken the group down in half the time it took to go around them!

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Tell ya what...You start paying for my subscriptions to games, THEN you can tell me how to play.


Dang socialists, commies, Social Justice Wimps, Paid Protesters....First you'll tell us to spacebar through the cutscenes, next you'll try to tell us what our skill rotations should be, and then comes telling us what we should need/greed. Give 'em an inch they'll take a lightyear!!


Back in my day, we used to game uphill, barefoot, in the snow, with nothing to eat except cardboard...and that was on Tuesday's during downtime only....<mumble,grumble,rumble>...


Git off'n mah hyperlawn!!

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........I give up, it's simply stunning how many people comment on something they don't read. If you want to watch the story for the 800th time then so be it, I however do not wish to do that and it's why I'm asking for an option. It's in the post in case you never read it.



your option is to set up a run with like minded people.

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On a side note, I find the constant "dodging mobs" frustrating personally. If by taking an actual path you can go around a group then great. But I've been in groups where people go out of their way, jump onto things, fall off, jump back on, go around again.

We're a group of 4 DPS, we could have taken the group down in half the time it took to go around them!

That's a gnarly one, too. And there are the thankfully relatively few people who get jacked about not skipping encounters, again as if the extra 20 seconds per encounter (even assuming it's not 4 DPS who can kill faster than they can avoid) is in any way meaningful. The only time it's a problem (and even then it's not really much of one) is when the "vets" all take the "shortcut" and the "noob" doesn't and aggros a bunch of critters he can't handle alone.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Wow guess none you read the actual post! I want to play the game not watch a movie.


This game, you know The Old Republic, has stories..... I guess you missed the memo.


Join a guild and run with others that want to space bar everything. Rage posting on the forum, for a story driven mmo is not helping you.


How do you know that everyone has seen the story? maybe one of them it was a first or second time though. Fact is, you want to play a story driven mmo and do group content, it comes with the territory. My wife and I will space bar stuff after seeing it 2 or 3 times, but we also enjoy the quality of the cut scenes.


However, if your house caught fire and you were trying to complete it before you burned, I would completely understand why the need to be in a hurry would cause you to rage post.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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