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Planets you want to visit in Knights of the Fallen Empire


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Definitely Kashyyyk. One can never have too many Wookies.


I wouldn't mind seeing an Rattatak either. I have a weird enjoyment of my Rattataki characters. Ryloth would be pretty cool too. Kinda curious as to what it's up to. Maybe Iridonia too, get some Zabrak love in the place. Zabrak are cool.


Maybe I should some it up by saying "alien homeworlds."

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Maybe I should some it up by saying "alien homeworlds."


I second this. But I would, in all honesty, like to see our current planets expanded upon before new worlds. I would love to explore more of Tython and Korriban. See more of the city worlds Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa. So on and so forth. High level areas. Or new alternate low level areas so you have options while leveling. Or (never going to happen) areas where content can scale to the player.


Also, I always liked Bothans and Bothawui.

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I second this. But I would, in all honesty, like to see our current planets expanded upon before new worlds. I would love to explore more of Tython and Korriban. See more of the city worlds Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa. So on and so forth. High level areas. Or new alternate low level areas so you have options while leveling. Or (never going to happen) areas where content can scale to the player.


Also, I always liked Bothans and Bothawui.


i agree high level areas on old worlds would be nice, after all i doubt Balmorra Tatooine and other planets have escaped the Fallen empire's wrath.


Also i think Bothawui could actually be in the exp

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I would personally love a few things:


1) New planets. Onderon, Kashyyk, and for kicks Naboo come to mind.

2) Re-visit old planets. Tython, Korriban, really all the main planets. These are big places. Which leads me to...

3) A reason to congregate somewhere besides the fleet. Have Coruscant be a hub of missions, while Tython has some special crafting thing (Korriban too), and Nar Shadaa maybe has a shared general chat for Imperials and Republic. Basically, make planets unique and interesting outside of the quests they provide.

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Dantooine! The place has ties to both KoTOR and KoTOR 2. I'd use it as an opportunity to find out what happened to the non-Revan, non-HK companions.


Man, what's G0-T0 up to? Was he behind Directive-7? Whatever happened to Bao-Dur? Did Atton ever beat T3-M4 at Pazaak? Did Carth ever get that weird cadence out of his voice?

Edited by Excise
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Dantooine! The place has ties to both KoTOR and KoTOR 2. I'd use it as an opportunity to find out what happened to the non-Revan, non-HK companions.


Man, what's G0-T0 up to? Was he behind Directive-7? Whatever happened to Bao-Dur? Did Atton ever beat T3-M4 at Pazaak? Did Carth ever get that weird cadence out of his voice?


you forget Dantooine was bombed into oblivion!

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I would personally love a few things:


3) A reason to congregate somewhere besides the fleet. Have Coruscant be a hub of missions, while Tython has some special crafting thing (Korriban too), and Nar Shadaa maybe has a shared general chat for Imperials and Republic. Basically, make planets unique and interesting outside of the quests they provide.


This, so much this

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A mixture of ...

i) already existing SW:TOR worlds, particularly Tython, Korriban, Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, Nar Shadaa, Nal Hutta, Belsavis, of course Voss (Voss ftw!!) and Yavin IV

ii) already existing SW:KotOR worlds like Manaan (which isn't really a SW:TOR world), Rakata I, Malakhor V and particularly Onderon, Dxun, Telos, Kashhyyk and

iii) some other SW worlds like Bothawui, Ryloth, Zakuul of course, the "sacred world" of Endor etc.

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Want to see more:


1) Korriban

2) Tython

3) Tatooine

4) Manaan


New planets need to be:


1) Kashyyk (that SWG Nostalgia)

2) Naboo

3) Dxun

4) Onderon

5) Mustafar (good contrast to Hoth and Manaan)

6) Malachor V (maybe the Dark Side Entity from the Sith Warrior story returned home)

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3) A reason to congregate somewhere besides the fleet. Have Coruscant be a hub of missions, while Tython has some special crafting thing (Korriban too), and Nar Shadaa maybe has a shared general chat for Imperials and Republic. Basically, make planets unique and interesting outside of the quests they provide.

Disagreed. Starter planets are already crowded with people who show up and make new PCs; trying to make them into new versions of fleets would badly strain everyone's experience.

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