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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Temple Chair (Basic) Exploit


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I would surely hope so. If someone managed to rake in more than 100 million credits and keep it, I would say a temp ban was well worth it.


Didn't they take away the stuff from the Ziost exploiters? I would say this was a far bigger grievance.


Exactly, which was why I was lol'ing when I saw the pic of the 7-day ban. Who the hell wouldn't take that for 100's millions worth of credits/items.

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Basically all that needs to be said in light of the laughably light punishments being reported (7 day ban for half a billion credits):




Yeah the guy made 500 million credits and just got a 7 day ban. But not a word on the items he bought and sold, or how much of that money he managed to funnel out to other accounts.

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Yep I love how these guys think there is no way for them to tell if they are using an alt account. Hmm this account was created this week and only thing it has done is buy chairs and purchase stuff from the GTN...,him let's see if any other accounts are linked to this ________?


Ok all you guys running around thinking you can create an alt and get away with it what is the answer to _______ ?


I would imagine each computer has a unique identifier as well as being linked to an individual IP address. Also sending anything or buying a lot of _____ items at very low prices from those alt accounts will flag up some form of link.


I have faith in the fact that the metrics will cover anything that the players think they can get away with. Lets face it, if BioWare can annoy the hell out of the credit sellers who are going to be far more proficient at covering their tracks, the average joe isn't going to outsmart them.



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So... Yeah this is stupid. There are so many other things that have gone wrong and no one got real punishment and a lotta things that need to be fixed but suddenly we bring out the banhammer for this? If people make the extra credits, let em keep em. It's bw's fault for not paying more attention to their own game. If a sub gets banned for this, I say unsub and hit bw back for doing dumb sh*t.
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I would imagine each computer has a unique identifier as well as being linked to an individual IP address. Also sending anything or buying a lot of _____ items at very low prices from those alt accounts will flag up some form of link.


I have faith in the fact that the metrics will cover anything that the players think they can get away with. Lets face it, if BioWare can annoy the hell out of the credit sellers who are going to be far more proficient at covering their tracks, the average joe isn't going to outsmart them.




You can clone/change/Spoof your MAC address, plus you can change your IP address. You can take it a step further and play through VPN on a virtual machine with account using a time card, or different persons credit card. Then using the GTN to spread the risk to as many players as you can, and hide your main account in the anonymity of sales/purchases. Now multiply that to hundreds, or thousands of players. How are they going to find you, really? They are not, and will just resort to measly 7 day bans with the credits on the banned account removed.

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Perhaps they are just banning the people that they know are guilty with a 7 day ban to mitigate downstream effects, and then during the 7 days will enact follow up actions based on severity?

So... Yeah this is stupid. There are so many other things that have gone wrong and no one got real punishment and a lotta things that need to be fixed but suddenly we bring out the banhammer for this? If people make the extra credits, let em keep em. It's bw's fault for not paying more attention to their own game. If a sub gets banned for this, I say unsub and hit bw back for doing dumb sh*t.

Every player agreed to the Terms of Service. A mistake on Bioware's part does not justify a breach of the ToS.

Edited by azudelphi
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Just like all the raiding guilds were happy to take a 1-day ban to get all their 198 enhancements and mods.


This issue has the potential to break the economy of the servers the other didn't.

Edited by Anaesha
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This issue has the potential to break the economy of the servers the other didn't.


That's not my point.


My point is the way SWTOR continues to handle exploiters is like someone going to jail for a week for stealing someone's annual salary. The punishments are slaps on the wrists compared to the crimes.

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Okay I found the thread. However, just because somebody claimed to have made 500 mil, that doesn't mean it's true. Hopefully we'll get official information soon.


I read another post where a guy was able to make a macro to buy stacks of 99 in less then a second.

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Perhaps they are just banning the people that they know are guilty with a 7 day ban to mitigate downstream effects, and then during the 7 days will enact follow up actions based on severity?



I don't see that happening but last night I whispered and talked to a few people that were exploiting the hell out of this. they had already made millions of credits.


Now, it will be interesting if they get to keep the credits they make or if they get banned at all.


Time will tell but if they get banned for 7 days and yet get to keep millions upon millions of credits, I'll exploit the hell out of the game next time something like this happens, one way or another.


If BW cannot keep their game honest, I wont try to be.

Edited by Quraswren
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Okay I found the thread. However, just because somebody claimed to have made 500 mil, that doesn't mean it's true. Hopefully we'll get official information soon.

It's on REDDIT...it's gotta be true...right? :confused:

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I read another post where a guy was able to make a macro to buy stacks of 99 in less then a second.


Oh, I totally believe it can be done. I'm just saying that just because somebody claimed it, it doesn't mean it's true. If it is, though, that's an insanely light punishment. I'd say 10 day ban per million credits made would be more fair.

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It's on REDDIT...it's gotta be true...right? :confused:


It's consistent with previous punishments. SWTOR banned people 24 hours for exploiting to get free nearly limitless end-game PVE gear, and let them keep the gear.


By comparison, without warning, WoW banned people for 6 months for botting in PVP. People aren't botting in PvP anymore.

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It's consistent with previous punishments. SWTOR banned people 24 hours for exploiting to get free nearly limitless end-game PVE gear, and let them keep the gear.


By comparison, without warning, WoW banned people for 6 months for botting in PVP. People aren't botting in PvP anymore.


lol not from what I've heard.

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