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Patch 3.2.2. - really needs 13 GB to download? Bug or intended?


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I was serious. You started patching before they said it was ready...hell, it was even AFTER they extended maintenance. But do whatever you want...I just think downloading it BEFORE they say it's ready, is stupid. Save you like what, 10min? /smh


You are really sarcastic. There is just no other explanation then this.


If the patch is NOT ready, why is launcher is LETTING YOU DOWNLOAD IT?!


Is it THAT hard to make it so the patcher downloads AFTER the maintance is over? Are we in year 1995?


Look, you are trying to justify something that is not possible. Just let it go. This is beyond reasoning.


Not everyone has to check forums for a warning (There is none, the one you linked just lets you know there is a maintance, it doesnt tell you to wait). Hell NOT everyone can see a warning in the launcher either! The most simple step is not letting the launcher download and apply the patch!



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Did they tell you it was ready to download or did you just assume it was? Unless they specifically told you the download was ready, they didn't screw up...you were just impatient.


This has to be one of the dumbest and most fanboy *** kissing thing I've ever read on the internet.


I have left the launcher open for every MMO I have ever played and launchers for many other games with no issues. It is far easier to just have it automatically update while I'm asleep and be ready for when I want to play the game.


I've never had a game decide to reinstall itself for no apparent reason. This is just garbage single player developers still stumbling around trying to figure out how to run an MMO 3 years later.

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Yeah, I can see how that may be too difficult for you to interpret. My bad. Keep doing what you do...I was simply making a suggestion.


What I'm trying to say is that in 3 years gameplay, I've always downloaded ahead, ADDENDUM: and it has always worked

( and apparently I'm not alone in this )


Me and a few other would like a fix, or a how-to-fix since, you most likely know, a 13GB + DL, for at 180MB patch, after a 14 hour downtime isn't exactly cool.


But, yeah, Impatience! rawr! ;)

Edited by Tachenko_Yuri
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This has to be one of the dumbest and most fanboy *** kissing thing I've ever read on the internet.


I have left the launcher open for every MMO I have ever played and launchers for many other games with no issues. It is far easier to just have it automatically update while I'm asleep and be ready for when I want to play the game.


I've never had a game decide to reinstall itself for no apparent reason. This is just garbage single player developers still stumbling around trying to figure out how to run an MMO 3 years later.


Way to figure out. 10 years of WoW and nothing happened like this. Even when I was playing Rift and they had almost a patch per 3 days, not only servers were stable but you never had any problems downloading the patch either.


Downloading the whole game again for 130MB? I am sure even a simple F2P MMO Company would be laughing their asses off.

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Guess ppl can w8 for Bioware to offer a solution or go ahead and download the game from scratch.

It is up to you to choose which of those 2 options work in your favor and are less time consuming....


Not the 1st time something like this happend, and most likely not the last.

But for the few ********es, plz go ahead and keep telling players it is their fault they can not play the game...

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Just one day ago I decided that I would give this game another try. I waited through hours of bandwidth stealing bitraider downloading. I'm not sure what the program does, but it slows my internet to a crawl and nothing else does that.


Now I get to do it all again. Thank you Bioware for your incompetence.

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I patched in like 3 minutes...not sure what 13 GB you guys are talking about....


That's about what it took me too, but that's possibly because....


A. I waited until they (BW) said the servers were available again.


B. We're in the USA and don't have to use bitraider



I'd bet that everyone experiencing this issue is overseas

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To all the people saying that this 13 gb patch is a bug for starting the launcher early...


I launched my starter 20 mins ago. After they announced on Twitter the servers were back up.

Yet I also get the 13 gb "patch"...


Guess I'll just have to let it run now. But it's kinda silly and apparantly not just for the reason Eric said.

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That's about what it took me too, but that's possibly because....


A. I waited until they (BW) said the servers were available again.


B. We're in the USA and don't have to use bitraider



I'd bet that everyone experiencing this issue is overseas


The Bitraider client is the default download since they added the streaming client 2 years ago. Everyone that has downloaded the game since then has it.

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To all the players asking what to do:


If you have to download 13+ GB, it means that until now, you have been using the BitRaider launcher. When you tried to login during maintenance, BitRaider was not available so you were automatically switched over to the old, non-streaming launcher. If you just let that download finish, you will no longer have BitRaider in the future, which is good because many players have problems with BitRaider. After downloading a patch, it will verify the install, which can take another 30+ minutes if you have a slow hard drive, while the old launcher allows you to play immediately.


However, I don't know if it's possible to stop the download and go back to BitRaider. You may be able to do this by editing the launcher.settings file but I'd recommend to just go ahead and continue downloading it even if it may take a while.


This might be the answer we all seek for. Appearently this happens to people who came back to game recenty (like one of our friend above post that stated he is giving it a try).


But then, let the world burn for our sin. We all should have known to not do patching before maintance. Because game files and servers being on, seems to have a connection in this game so if you do it at middle, everything gets broken.:rolleyes:

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To all the players asking what to do:


If you have to download 13+ GB, it means that until now, you have been using the BitRaider launcher. When you tried to login during maintenance, BitRaider was not available so you were automatically switched over to the old, non-streaming launcher. If you just let that download finish, you will no longer have BitRaider in the future, which is good because many players have problems with BitRaider. After downloading a patch, it will verify the install, which can take another 30+ minutes if you have a slow hard drive, while the old launcher allows you to play immediately.


However, I don't know if it's possible to stop the download and go back to BitRaider. You may be able to do this by editing the launcher.settings file but I'd recommend to just go ahead and continue downloading it even if it may take a while.


Thankyou Jerba for that info rather then other members here ridiculing us and kissing biowares backside

I will just let it run so I am rid of the bitserver and hope to be in game soon



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I have had this issue with the launcher before.

I'm in the USA.

Last time I had the issue, I just walked away for a year (there were other issues).

Before on patch, I started the launcher way before patch was supposed to be done, and the servers were up. Patched in no time.

Yet to day...13GB download... finally finished... then re-downloaded AGAIN.

Yes, I will wait it out. I do like what the game is now.

But, get the issue/launcher looked at.

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Non-Bitraider client user here - I'll never use it, that's the only reason I kept my original installation media.

Waited until half an hour before the end of extended downtime. Total patch size 160mb, downloaded and installed in seconds.

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I think I found a way to revert launcher to state of using BitRaider:

1) open launcher.settings file with notepad

2) find line "PatchingMode": "{ \"swtor\": \"SSN\", \"publictest\": \"SSN\" }"

3) change it to "PatchingMode": "{ \"swtor\": \"BR\" }"


And it should help you :)

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To all the players asking what to do:


If you have to download 13+ GB, it means that until now, you have been using the BitRaider launcher. When you tried to login during maintenance, BitRaider was not available so you were automatically switched over to the old, non-streaming launcher. If you just let that download finish, you will no longer have BitRaider in the future, which is good because many players have problems with BitRaider. After downloading a patch, it will verify the install, which can take another 30+ minutes if you have a slow hard drive, while the old launcher allows you to play immediately.


However, I don't know if it's possible to stop the download and go back to BitRaider. You may be able to do this by editing the launcher.settings file but I'd recommend to just go ahead and continue downloading it even if it may take a while.


Riddle me this jerba. My wife and I have always downloaded updates (and the original game) at the same time on our two computers. Her computer is in the living room and mine in my office. We access through the same router. This morning she got the 11G download and I got the fast and clean small version. How can that be?


PS - Wife is not a happy camper.

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Thankyou Jerba for that info rather then other members here ridiculing us and kissing biowares backside


If you don't like the obvious being pointed out to you, there isn't much to say about that really.


As for the problems with Bitraider Clients etc, it's long overdue that BioWare actually sorted out the launcher so it worked properly for most players. (note - I'm lucky enough that it's never caused me issues).

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If you don't like the obvious being pointed out to you, there isn't much to say about that really.


As for the problems with Bitraider Clients etc, it's long overdue that BioWare actually sorted out the launcher so it worked properly for most players. (note - I'm lucky enough that it's never caused me issues).


Care to explain Obvious ??? please do oh and please read all of the thread ( if capable ) ty

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I think I found a way to revert launcher to state of using BitRaider:

1) open launcher.settings file with notepad

2) find line "PatchingMode": "{ \"swtor\": \"SSN\", \"publictest\": \"SSN\" }"

3) change it to "PatchingMode": "{ \"swtor\": \"BR\" }"


And it should help you :)


Can't say for sure yet, but a " reorganizing data " seems far more reassurring than a 13 GB ( and god knows how much more ) wall.


My thanks. :)

Edited by Tachenko_Yuri
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I know you all want to defend them, but this is a good example of not following what we call "best practice" or "industry standards". You would be hard pressed to find another MMO title (or any game at all) that would trigger a full download of the game (by mistake) during a maintenance window. It should not be required of users to hang out on Twitter or Facebook to determine when it is safe to log into the game. The systems in place should be intelligent enough to prevent issues such as this.


Exactly. People here are acting like everyone should be aware there even was a patch. It's a miracle I saw the announcement on the launcher yesterday, I knew from the site, but many don't even visit here. And it's not even remotely put up long before the patch, I'm still an advocate for a minimum of 24 hours, it's not even half that. During maintenance they take down the website and they should never ever expect people to visit any 3rd party site or service for their info.


Lets say someone had to go away for the weekend, got home, started the launcher, looking to see what´s going on in the guild. Yeah it really is that person´s fault. The launcher should just get a notification from the patch server that the new one isn't ready and not update anything. That way crap like this doesn't happen. There is no excuse for what happened to these people, I can't see how anyone other than BW can be blamed.


At least it didn't happen to me, but when I got home it was already in extended maintenance, and I never got the bitraider version.

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this is incredibly dumb and incredibly annoying. to those blaming it on people logging in early, then there needs to be a warning of some sort to not log in early to download. every game I have played for the past 15 years I have logged in and managed to either patch, or wait for the available patch without having to redownload the entire game. So without creating new industry standards to inform players of the proper protocols for downloading patches, which up to now has been to start the download once you are able to log in, you can not blame the players. In my instance, I woke up at 6 when the maintenance was supposed to be over, I logged in stepped away, ran some errands, came back the game is still downloading. 11gb... It seems this patch is in preparation for a massive publicity stunt to correlate with the new xpac and the new movie coming out in the fall, yet all this preparation for returning or new players is just going to drive existing players away. :mad: :mad: :mad::rak_02: or wonder, when is eqnext going to be available?
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Really I just downloaded 13g main asset 1 NOW it wants to download Main asset 207 11.5 gig are you serious ??????????


EDIT in 2015 this should not be happening from an AAA developer

Edited by Maroubra
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