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How does a light-sided Inquisitor work?


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Given the vast amount of DS power they fling around, one would think that they'd be morally corrupted, but they can somehow avoid this.


My current theory is that it has something to do with Force walking; that the talent for bridging the worlds and the Force of the living and the dead might also have something to do with the light/dark dichotomy in the Force as well. But I'm totally open to other suggestions.

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Okay to start off my theory involves some words of wisdom yoda said during the empire strikes back movie in a scene on dagoba he told luke that the ls and ds of the force were of equal power but the ds was easier and faster to learn (along with implying it to be far more addictive) because the ds relied on passion and anger to fuel their powers.


So to answer your query a light-sided Inquisitor with the backstory provided in game is far more likely to use passion and righteous anger to fuel their force powers than calm and serenity but that doesn't mean they have to use said powers for "evil" I mean come on if I shoot lightning or throw a rock at someone during a fight the result is still going to be that I hurt said individual but the reason for why I got into the fight in the first place would determine if I was good or evil.

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The question is irrelevent, as the entire concept of a light sided sith doesn't make sense. A sith is by definition, dark sided. Thats why they are sith in the first place


Yes and no.

The typical Sith is dark sided, yes. But light-side Sith have been a thing sporadically through their history.

However, a light-sided "Sith" from TOR is indeed no Sith. A Light-sided Sith would let himself be driven by his passions in a bid to do good. In TOR, A light-sided is far too often a Jedi in disguise.

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In game (as in enforced by mechanics) morality systems never hold up under deeper examination it is a really weird idea if you think about it. but even the Jedi Knight series did it so it’s a Star Wars thing now.


Anyway Sith at this point in lore is a bit ambiguous and to my mind means “a member of the Sith Order.” which the inquisitor just is. Graduated from the academy got your diploma got your Sithing licence you are a card carrying Sith.


Wether you’re any good at your job is open to debate but in the end the only absolute qualification is all your enemies die.

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I've seen it as "When I get into a position of power, I'm *not* going to be like my predecessors." It wasn't that long ago when the Inquisitor was at the bottom of the bottom.


IMO my LS Inquisitor is my most interesting character.

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Light side Sith aren't really good though, and they're a far cry from "Jedi in disguise". They're basically just a lighter shade of gray.


A light side Inquisitor, in this case, still does a lot of awful things (especially if you also do sidequests) and stays with... well, the Empire, full of racism, slavery and tyranny. They're just smarter in how they go about things and possibly, if you play them that way, have genuinely good intentions -- or what they think are good intentions -- and a certain sense of honour.


My SI is light 5, but he has no problem blowing up enemy fleets without even flinching, conquering planets for the Empire, torture, willingly sacrificing people for the sake of making his pet WMD more effective, experimenting on people to find his enemy's weakness (even if he was admittedly hesitant about that one) and regularly kills people for his own goals. Those goals being that he fancies becoming new ruler of the galaxy.... to lead it into an era of peace and prosperity (read: attempt a benevolent dictatorship that will end in everything being awful eventually).


He's the "has good intentions" type but he still does a lot of horrible things, often without fully recognizing he's being horrible, and his goal is also pretty horrible... which he doesn't realize either. He's not good, he's just not kick puppies evil.


Which is basically the thing with ls SIs (and ls SWs) -- they tend to still be awful, morally, in a lot of ways, they're just not cartoonishly evil. Works very well for the most part, imo, and makes for much more interesting playthroughs. (I tried playing a ds inclined version of my SI and just before I finished even Chapter 1 I kind of... quit, at least for now, cause it was boring the heck out of me.)

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My first Sith Inquisitor was lightsided. I got to thinking about something that was said in a mission: "only negative emotions lead to the dark side, but the Jedi forbid all emotion." So, I got to thinking, what if a Sith could channel passion, but in a positive way. There's no rule that says that Passion must be anger, fear, or hate. I also paid attention to what Yoda said. "Anger, fear, aggression, the dark side are they." So, my light sided sith still channeled passion and used her passion to drive her, but she was careful about getting angry, being afraid, or hating someone. She used positive emotions, not negative ones.
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What the Jedi believe about the Force is nonsense. The Force is not a person, it is not a moral agent. It can no more have a light side or dark side, than an earthquake.


The difference is in the person not the Force.


A good sith battles the emperor to save the empire.

A evil sith battles the emperor because he wants to take his place.

Edited by RameiArashi
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My guess would be that a Light Side inquisitor uses lightning in the same way that Mace Windu uses Vaapad - "channelling his inner darkness into something more positive". What exactly that means isn't completely clear, but it seems to be a difficult balancing act that may account for the Inquisitor coming across as more than a little crazy. :)
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LS and DS in this game is ridiculous tbh, and you shouldn't really put too much emphasis on it. As a Sith character "LS decisions" is, most of the time, the lesser of two evils. You will have wiped out someones family or an entire legion of troops to finally let one sniveling individual live - as it serves no purpose to kill them. However, if you got down to it the mental and psychological trauma you have caused this person would last throughout their life. In essence, you corrupt that person through your actions - you may not snuff them out (DS) but you have leave them forever scarred (LS). Edited by Miyran
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LS and DS in this game is ridiculous tbh, and you shouldn't really put too much emphasis on it. As a Sith character "LS decisions" is, most of the time, the lesser of two evils. You will have wiped out someones family or an entire legion of troops to finally let one sniveling individual live - as it serves no purpose to kill them. However, if you got down to it the mental and psychological trauma you have caused this person would last throughout their life. In essence, you corrupt that person through your actions - you may not snuff them out (DS) but you have leave them forever scarred (LS).


Heh, I remember someone (on a different thread [can't recall which one]) claiming that in SWTOR, Palpatine would have been branded as LS.

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There are references of Jedi using abilities similar to the dark side ones that are not considered dark side. They are all EU now and therefore legacy cannon.


There was one Jedi that used an ability called force malediction that would cause nausea and dizziness in its targets.


Also both Anakin Solo and Luke Skywalker have used force lightning but without being part of the dark side. I think during those times it was known as something like radiant force or something along those lines. To be fair Anakin only used it when he was expending the last of his life force to protect everyone during his last mission and Luke was off the charts powerful when he used his abilities.


I think it follows along the lines that no force ability is truly dark side unless you use it for dark purposes. Lightning is commonly considered a dark side power because its nature is harmful. If however you use it to protect someone or something then it comes down to the morality of it all.


There is a reference of a Jedi that used force lightning to save a young child that was taken hostage at some point. During his debriefing with the council he stated that he did not attack with that method out of anger but rather because it was the only option at the time that would prevent the child form being harmed.

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The question is irrelevent, as the entire concept of a light sided sith doesn't make sense. A sith is by definition, dark sided. Thats why they are sith in the first place


No. Sith are originally merely those who were chiefs over the Sith species.


The original Sith were a species no more different than any other species in the galaxy.


"Sith" merely became a title of honour.


It developed into something slightly different, but in its ore, it still remains to be a tiotle of honour - like in "Darth Vader, Lord OF The Sith" - to be transcibed into an "Darth Vader, he who commands members of the Sith species".


The title "Darth" is a title of honour as well - and evolved over the time into something that was almost a first name - the pattern "Darth Vader" sounds indeen like a first name and a second name - and I bet that George Lucas originally meant this name to be exactly that : The new, given, first name and second name of someone who a) had chosen to call himself like this from a certain point on - or b) of an adopted child. Then, the first name and the second name were given by someone else.


And in ROTS, you can clearly see that it is rather like option b).


Even in RL, people changing their names when going into another culture is rather common. Jest look at the great Cat Stevens ("Morning has broken"), who had renamed himself into Yussif Islam when he decided to go from being an Christian man to be a Musilm man.

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No. Sith are originally merely those who were chiefs over the Sith species.


The original Sith were a species no more different than any other species in the galaxy.


"Sith" merely became a title of honour.


It developed into something slightly different, but in its ore, it still remains to be a tiotle of honour - like in "Darth Vader, Lord OF The Sith" - to be transcibed into an "Darth Vader, he who commands members of the Sith species".


The title "Darth" is a title of honour as well - and evolved over the time into something that was almost a first name - the pattern "Darth Vader" sounds indeen like a first name and a second name - and I bet that George Lucas originally meant this name to be exactly that : The new, given, first name and second name of someone who a) had chosen to call himself like this from a certain point on - or b) of an adopted child. Then, the first name and the second name were given by someone else.


And in ROTS, you can clearly see that it is rather like option b).


Even in RL, people changing their names when going into another culture is rather common. Jest look at the great Cat Stevens ("Morning has broken"), who had renamed himself into Yussif Islam when he decided to go from being an Christian man to be a Musilm man.


I think there point was that the Sith found strength in the Dark Side. That was what they utilized as their fount of power - which is in opposition to the Jedi.

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Sith, in my opinion, are ultimately Force-wielders who choose not to wear a hair shirt and aren't afraid of their emotions. You get people jumping off the deep end either way, and the LS Inquisitor can tell Jedi that she's every inch as righteous and good as they are, and she loves and enjoys life as well, things they will never know. And they don't really have an answer for that. Nothing in the Sith Code says "I will be evil." It merely says "My emotions give me the power to do what I want," and what a Sith wants does not have to be evil.


Note one dialogue option for the final confrontation, for a LS Inquisitor:


Thanaton: "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory."


LS Inquisitor: "Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."

Edited by Cythereal
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There are three (four if male) facets that can make a Light Inquisitor at least possible:


-- He's not a Sith by upbringing. As a matter of fact, he has good reason to dislike them. That he's being trained on Korriban is a geographic accident.


-- He's a Force savant. His affinity for lightning and the ghosts are just things he has; his formal instruction is nonexistent. So he's both pretty strong in the Force and isn't approaching lightning from a "channel your rage" type indoctrination.



He's not a normal Force user by the time he's through with Belsavis and Voss. Both body and mind are strengthened in ways no other contemporary has.



-- For males, romancing Ashara is a morality chain.




You can throw in that Darth Imperius/Oculus is still very young so he has time to lose his battle with the crazy powers he's playing around with and become all corrupted like everyone else with major Dark wattage.

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After doing a Light Side playthrough, I felt it wasn't a point of being good, but rather Lawful, to use an ol' D&D thing. For Sith in particular, the LS/DS Meter seems to be more Lawful Evil and Chaotic Evil compared to other classes.


Think on Vader, or Palpatine. Were they evil? Most definitely. Were they pure, chaotic madness, slaughtering all and what not for the giggles? No. Everything had an ordered purpose. It was done for a reason, and it was done in a way that stayed to a certain code. Lawful Evil. A "Light-Side Sith" by TOR standards.

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I just want to point out that I'm not "evil."


It's just that, well, you know ... I want things, & people have this really annoying habit of trying to stop me from acquiring those things, & then I'm forced to kill them, their families, their servants, their servant's families, & anyone else with whom they've ever come into contact. If they'd just learn their place, stand back, & let me have everything that is rightfully MINE, I wouldn't be forced to slaughter them like the worthless cattle they are.


Don't blame me for wanting more.

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I RP my FemQuizzie as being light-sided because after all her horrible treatment while she was a slave, she developed a very keen sense of empathy (along with a taste for dark humor). So she is much more likely to avoid torturing and tormenting someone just for fun because she remembers what it was like when she was in that position, and she swore she would never do it to anyone else if she could help it.


She also has a keen sense of self-reliance and a strong survival instinct (again, courtesy of her time as a slave), so if someone is just deliberately being a ******* toward her, or trying to make her submit to them, she's a lot more likely to be willing to shock them into submission. Ain't no Sith got time for dat.

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The question is irrelevent, as the entire concept of a light sided sith doesn't make sense. A sith is by definition, dark sided. Thats why they are sith in the first place




The definition of Sith is irrelevant when the Inquisitor is a slave and forced to enter the order :confused: He wasn't sitting in his slave pen thinking "boy oh boy I like what I hear about those Sith lemme sign-up!", he was made to do so. How you proceed from that is up to you, you may RP your Inquisitor as one that likes it and one that hates it and the entire Sith Order and is only using it to do good within the Empire. Dialogue options fully allow you to act all that multiple times

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