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Stuns/Lockdown/Interrupt last too long


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I'm sorry Bioware but it is just bad designed when an Agent can keep you stun-locked indefinitely with no actual counter play or an assassin. Stuns last WAY TOO LONG in this game, its just bad design. If you look at other games like for example, League of Legends, you will notice that no CC lasts more then 2-3 seconds and the cooldown on them is rather large. It should be the same in this game because right now PvP is a joke when Agents/Assassins/Juggernauts can keep stun-locked so that you cannot fight back. Especially if you happen to be on of those unfortunate classes with stun times.
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I genuinely lol'd.


How does a Juggernaught stunlock you?




My best advice to you, my friend, is learn how to play your class. I am not the best sorc healer around, but even I need 3 people to kill me. Now imagine what pros are like.....;)


In all seriousness, Force Speed + Egress, your stunbreaker, boublestun and Barrier should be all the tools you need to break free from an op/scoundrel or sin/shadow.


You should be able to kite them for a good 20 seconds, and if your team doesn't kill them by the, then they don't deserve to be healed.


Now, what is harder to do is stop 2 people capping while 2 are trying to stunlock you, but it is doable.

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I'm sorry Bioware but it is just bad designed when an Agent can keep you stun-locked indefinitely with no actual counter play or an assassin. Stuns last WAY TOO LONG in this game, its just bad design. If you look at other games like for example, League of Legends, you will notice that no CC lasts more then 2-3 seconds and the cooldown on them is rather large. It should be the same in this game because right now PvP is a joke when Agents/Assassins/Juggernauts can keep stun-locked so that you cannot fight back. Especially if you happen to be on of those unfortunate classes with stun times.





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I'm sorry Bioware but it is just bad designed when an Agent can keep you stun-locked indefinitely with no actual counter play or an assassin. Stuns last WAY TOO LONG in this game, its just bad design. If you look at other games like for example, League of Legends, you will notice that no CC lasts more then 2-3 seconds and the cooldown on them is rather large. It should be the same in this game because right now PvP is a joke when Agents/Assassins/Juggernauts can keep stun-locked so that you cannot fight back. Especially if you happen to be on of those unfortunate classes with stun times.


Oh this is rich. Nothing is stunlocking you unless you have 2-3 DPS sitting on you and you're trying to facetank.

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stun-lock is, imo, only a soloQ issue for certain classes. for example, a plasmatech PT, a merc, a sniper caught out of entrench. some of these specs do have DRs while stunned, but they're impractical (read: useless) w/o guard and should also have a healer on the team.


getting focused down in regs while stunned isn't a problem with stuns. it's just a symptom of poor matchmaking (read: none), which means you don't always have a tank or a second healer or remotely competent teammates to peel for you. on the flip side, you could be opposed by a handful of superior players who have all of those things (whether by design - premade - or simply retarded matchmaking - read: none).


so, again, this is only really a problem in soloQ as you can control it in regs to an extent by grouping with tanks and reliable peelers, and no team ranked is going to happen without trinity.

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stun-lock is, imo, only a soloQ issue for certain classes. for example, a plasmatech PT, a merc, a sniper caught out of entrench. some of these specs do have DRs while stunned, but they're impractical (read: useless) w/o guard and should also have a healer on the team.


getting focused down in regs while stunned isn't a problem with stuns. it's just a symptom of poor matchmaking (read: none), which means you don't always have a tank or a second healer or remotely competent teammates to peel for you. on the flip side, you could be opposed by a handful of superior players who have all of those things (whether by design - premade - or simply retarded matchmaking - read: none).


so, again, this is only really a problem in soloQ as you can control it in regs to an extent by grouping with tanks and reliable peelers, and no team ranked is going to happen without trinity.


AP pt can also get caught with their pants down... :p

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AP pt can also get caught with their pants down... :p


yeah I was thinking they had a better KO, but that's pyro. AP has the IO merc defense chance attached to aoe taunt. but yeah. totally. I just don't have much empathy for AP I guess. lol

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To be fair a Tank Juggernaut has two 4 second hardstuns plus the knockdown on Force Push, which means they have the most hard CC of any class.


Which still isn't enough to stunlock you indefinitely, and a tank 1v1ing you will just fill your resolve long before you're dead. And Focus spec, the one most capable of bursting someone down before resolve is full, would require another person for the second stun. In that case, yes you can be stunlocked to death but that's a 2v1 situation.

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Which still isn't enough to stunlock you indefinitely


Its called hyperbole.


Technically though if someone, or some group of people, can stunlock you and you drop from 100% to 0% HP that is the definite limit of your life and therefore you were stunned indefinitely.

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Its called hyperbole.


Technically though if someone, or some group of people, can stunlock you and you drop from 100% to 0% HP that is the definite limit of your life and therefore you were stunned indefinitely.


And that's still a case where it's multiple players versus one, and should be expected. It's not like removing stuns would remove the inevitable outcome in that scenario, you dying fairly quickly.

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Its called hyperbole.


Technically though if someone, or some group of people, can stunlock you and you drop from 100% to 0% HP that is the definite limit of your life and therefore you were stunned indefinitely.


The thing about hyperbole, is that it destroys credibility.

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getting focused down in regs while stunned isn't a problem with stuns. it's just a symptom of poor matchmaking (read: none), which means you don't always have a tank or a second healer or remotely competent teammates to peel for you. on the flip side, you could be opposed by a handful of superior players who have all of those things (whether by design - premade - or simply retarded matchmaking - read: none).


Agree. No matter how you slice it, the game is based around offensive abilities (including stuns) and their counters (cc break, force barrier, teleport, force shroud, scouperative roll, et cetera). There is a reason why OP is getting stunlocked and the other side isn't.


As Foxmob says, the problem is that BW has scheduled a lopsided match. There is no reasonable combat mechanics change (like increasing CD on stuns) that can fix a lopsided match.

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