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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Start at Level 60 in Fallen Empire


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It does kinda make you wonder about comp interaction from Vanilla game going into the Expac will work.


Example: My BH is Married to Mako so say I pick her back up in the Expac will it be like we never met in the vanilla game or will she recognize me for who and what I am?


I can't imagine that they'd dare do something that crass.


I 'can' imagine that to get out old companions back, we have to go and 'get' them. Perhaps Mako's in trouble. She's been kidnapped by the remnants of SIS and her clone-sisters. She's been forced to work with them for TEN YEARS, thinking that you're dead. Then you show up, guns blazing, blow the door off its hinges and rescue her.


Imagine that cut scene when she sees who's come to get her.


'That' is what I expect from this and if I don't get it, I'm going to be horribly disappointed. You don't, in game, separate a romance for ten years and then casually get them back together again.

Edited by Infernixx
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I can't imagine that they'd dare do something that crass.


I 'can' imagine that to get out old companions back, we have to go and 'get' them. Perhaps Mako's in trouble. She's been kidnapped by the remnants of SIS and her clone-sisters. She's been forced to work with them for TEN YEARS, thinking that you're dead. Then you show up, guns blazing, blow the door off its hinges and rescue her.


Imagine that cut scene when she sees who's come to get her.


'That' is what I expect from this and if I don't get it, I'm going to be horribly disappointed. You don't, in game, separate a romance for ten years and then casually get them back together again.


Same here. They say they are getting back to the story stuff, this is an incredible way to get our companion stories a nice boost as well.

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I can't imagine that they'd dare do something that crass.


I 'can' imagine that to get out old companions back, we have to go and 'get' them. Perhaps Mako's in trouble. She's been kidnapped by the remnants of SIS and her clone-sisters. She's been forced to work with them for TEN YEARS, thinking that you're dead. Then you show up, guns blazing, blow the door off its hinges and rescue her.


Imagine that cut scene when she sees who's come to get her.


'That' is what I expect from this and if I don't get it, I'm going to be horribly disappointed. You don't, in game, separate a romance for ten years and then casually get them back together again.


Just imagining getting to play something like that sent a shiver down my spine. I hope they do things like this in the expac I REALLY DO! :D

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It does kinda make you wonder about comp interaction from Vanilla game going into the Expac will work.


Example: My BH is Married to Mako so say I pick her back up in the Expac will it be like we never met in the vanilla game or will she recognize me for who and what I am?


I would caution against making any assumptions, but I don't think it's likely that BioWare would reintroduce us to all of our companions as complete strangers. I think they have enough sense to give you a "*Oh, my! You're alive! *smooch*" scene with your digital waifu. If they didn't, they would receive a nuclear reaction on the boards, and I'm hoping they know that. :p

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I would caution against making any assumptions, but I don't think it's likely that BioWare would reintroduce us to all of our companions as complete strangers. I think they have enough sense to give you a "*Oh, my! You're alive! *smooch*" scene with your digital waifu. If they didn't, they would receive a nuclear reaction on the boards, and I'm hoping they know that. :p


If my companions try that then they are not my companions as I never romance any of mine so they better not try that.

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I doubt they are going to take anything from us with this new expac.


My only concern with the start at 60 is the gear itself. I see this being done in one of two ways.


One: when you choose your AC and AC Tree you will be given a bag with gear appropriate to your lvl and the spec you've chosen

Two: You are given enough comms to outfit yourself with lvl appropriate gear.


well the third option you start with nothing..no credits, no comms, no gear, no companions, 0-0-0 on any crafting chosen.


I don't think people realize that the instant lvl 60 is not going to be all that fun since you will have no credits, probably poor if any gear, no comms, no legacy unlocks (speeder piloting) no crafting skills/schematics, no crafting mats.

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I would caution against making any assumptions, but I don't think it's likely that BioWare would reintroduce us to all of our companions as complete strangers. I think they have enough sense to give you a "*Oh, my! You're alive! *smooch*" scene with your digital waifu. If they didn't, they would receive a nuclear reaction on the boards, and I'm hoping they know that. :p


One would hope. Except with Kaliyo I'd imagine more of a jack in ME3 reunion Scenario if you know what I mean. :p

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If my companions try that then they are not my companions as I never romance any of mine so they better not try that.


Ah, but Skadge really really really missed you and loves you sooo much, he just can't help himself!

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I can't imagine that they'd 'ever' do anything to the game that would cause us to lose our strongholds.


No, it they remove something we spent RL cash to get they would make a serious mistake.


I do not know how they will handle strongholds though, since one character can be in the current playtime and the other characters in the future. Time will tell how they handle that but there is no way they would remove things we bought with real cash.

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With Doc, if I went blowing a door off its hinges to see where the father of my three kids has been keeping himself while I was a block of ice, I'd imagine there would be a black scene so long, one would think their monitor died on them. :p


Not sure what the others would do, but Doc? I'd imagine my JK would be sore as hell for a few hours after. :cool:

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If my companions try that then they are not my companions as I never romance any of mine so they better not try that.

Since that would only be the case with the one companion you romanced, no romance means no kiss in any case.


LOL, If he tried to kiss me I'd shoot him in the face. :D

You're saying this as if you wouldn't shoot him in the face even without him trying that... :p

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will we be able to sell the CM insta-toons on the GTN like we do now with mounts and such?


I can see why they allow for the purchase of toons. We have to remember, there ARE new players after all. Can't expect them to wait a month or two grinding out a 60 to play new content. Curious to see what gear this insta-toon comes with or will it be "naked"?


There is a dark side to all of this expansion talk (aside from all the new bugs).....

12xp has already created an unbearable amount of hard headed noobs in the Qs :( Imaging how a first time player with a free lvl 60 is going to be tripping around their toon in group hard mode content. Please, please, please don't let the insta-toons into existing HM FPs or OPs. If you want HM endgame content, EARN IT AND ROLL A TOON!!! PLEEEEEEZZZZZ!


I'm also assuming comp stories will be respected and continued along an existing, logical story arc. If they reset i'm cancelling my sub. just outta principle. They claim to be getting back to their story roots, so my expectations are high!


Otherwise, I'M HYPE!!! xD

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will we be able to sell the CM insta-toons on the GTN like we do now with mounts and such?


I can see why they allow for the purchase of toons. We have to remember, there ARE new players after all. Can't expect them to wait a month or two grinding out a 60 to play new content. Curious to see what gear this insta-toon comes with or will it be "naked"?


There is a dark side to all of this expansion talk (aside from all the new bugs).....

12xp has already created an unbearable amount of hard headed noobs in the Qs :( Imaging how a first time player with a free lvl 60 is going to be tripping around their toon in group hard mode content. Please, please, please don't let the insta-toons into existing HM FPs or OPs. If you want HM endgame content, EARN IT AND ROLL A TOON!!! PLEEEEEEZZZZZ!


I'm also assuming comp stories will be respected and continued along an existing, logical story arc. If they reset i'm cancelling my sub. just outta principle. They claim to be getting back to their story roots, so my expectations are high!


Otherwise, I'M HYPE!!! xD


lol Yeah, they're not going to keep insta-60s out of group content. You can hang that up right now.

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You're saying this as if you wouldn't shoot him in the face even without him trying that... :p


Oh man, if I could just walk into the room he's in and pop him in the face without a word that would outshine everything in the expansion. Just blow down the door and cap him right there. The pile of walking crap had it coming.

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Since that would only be the case with the one companion you romanced, no romance means no kiss in any case.



You're saying this as if you wouldn't shoot him in the face even without him trying that... :p


LOL, Good point!! :D

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True for people levelling their alts. But the aim of this expansion is quite clearly to get new people as well as bring old players back. And that will fail miserably if old content is completely unplayable because everyone is just boosting to 60.


His comment should of been removed for flame baiting and another comment earlier by another forum user. Also I can fully understand not making this thread a "sticky" thread Eric , very swish.


So my reaction is , what a croc of **** !


Superman AZ were are you now ? You won when all of us said no to buying a level 55 or w/e it was back in the day.

So brand new expansion with all the bells and whistles but any player new or old can only level up 5 levels , ha ha. You think they will subscribe for long with only 5 levels of content ? Um no. I guess this is more EA's work not BW's ?


Thank god the Doctors retired to make beer or w/e we are going to need it.

So not sure what to do now I was going to do a couple of Ziost weekly's but there's no point if in October the GF queue users haven't got a bleedin clue how to play or what the hell to do.


"There is MMO's out there Jim but not as we once knew them".


2015 the year of BS.


Cheers and no bloody beers for any of you ,


BadOrb ( aka SadOrb )

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Hey folks,


I have seen a few questions around how the “Start at Level 60” will work that comes with Fallen Empire. I want to start by saying that we will be releasing a blog when we get a bit closer to launch that describes all of the nitty gritty details and walks you through everything. But for now I wanted to cover a bit about how it works and address some of the things I have been seeing.


As a subscriber, when you get Fallen Empire you will receive one free level 60 character. This character must be a new character, you cannot “boost” an existing character up to 60. Beyond that first one which is included free with KOTFE, you can purchase additional level 60 characters through the Cartel Market at any time. I know that this raised the question of character limits as well. In talking with the development team, the plan is to increase the subscriber maximum character limit per server by 2 for the Fallen Empire launch. Not confirmation it will happen, but it is definitely their goal!


I know you still have many questions, such as how this impacts Class story, etc. We will be revealing all of these details down the line as we get closer to launch.






Thank you, that sounds fair enough and works for me. 1 free level 60 of my choice is nifty and if I want to get an instant new level 60 toon, all I need to do is buy one, which I would rather in the future because my time is getting more expensive.


I think I may use that free 60 on a new Republic toon, maybe another Jedi Knight.

Edited by RoboArthurDayne
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His comment should of been removed for flame baiting and another comment earlier by another forum user. Also I can fully understand not making this thread a "sticky" thread Eric , very swish.


So my reaction is , what a croc of **** !


Superman AZ were are you now ? You won when all of us said no to buying a level 55 or w/e it was back in the day.

So brand new expansion with all the bells and whistles but any player new or old can only level up 5 levels , ha ha. You think they will subscribe for long with only 5 levels of content ? Um no. I guess this is more EA's work not BW's ?


Thank god the Doctors retired to make beer or w/e we are going to need it.

So not sure what to do now I was going to do a couple of Ziost weekly's but there's no point if in October the GF queue users haven't got a bleedin clue how to play or what the hell to do.


"There is MMO's out there Jim but not as we once knew them".


2015 the year of BS.


Cheers and no bloody beers for any of you ,


BadOrb ( aka SadOrb )


Doom Doom DOOM!

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Doom Doom DOOM!


A bit off topic but that 8 min video looked really good , far superior to Battlefront indeed , loved the creature ripping the players arms off and slapping him in the face at the end. I should take a note out of that book.





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Thank you for clarifying that Eric.


Now I have one final question, if you can, on the grouping, Is the missions class specific, i.e. Smuggler, Jedi Knight or generic? If generic are we going to have to do them like we did on SOR and Ziost where when I group with my boyfriend we had to do them twice or like on Makeb we can do them once?


Thank you for your time.


Can someone answer ScarletBlaze's question they keep asking it and I am curious too , as if the answer is you solo these new chapters then you will have a lot of explaining to do. Some of those missions I couldn't even join my two friends on either so in fact you were lucky in a party of two Scarlet.





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Can someone answer ScarletBlaze's question they keep asking it and I am curious too , as if the answer is you solo these new chapters then you will have a lot of explaining to do. Some of those missions I couldn't even join my two friends on either so in fact you were lucky in a party of two Scarlet.


Yes, I would really like to know about this as well! The single-player lockout was really disappointing in the last content (Rishii through Ziost) and took a lot away from my weekly team-play runs. I know that my playing partner was particularly disappointed, because that run is the *only* time they play SWTOR (e.g., they subscribe for this one run each week!).


PLEASE consider making the instances groupable, even if it is like class missions where one person is in spectator-only mode during conversations, this is still far better than a complete lockout.


Thanks! :)

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