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Is cartel market a programmed scam?


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Why I am asking is:

I logged to the game and I see a 24% off on packs.

I go to the cartel market, buy 5500 coins to get the 24 pack, I purchase it, go to the game and guess what... 10% only which means I was literally lured into buying coins which at this point aren't enough for what I wanted them...



Any ideas what the F***** just happened?

Edited by LordSatoh
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The % off is based on 24 x non-sale price of the single packs. There's a % discount for buying 24 packs at a time, and there's also a % off as a sale. I don't remember the actual numbers, but based on what you said it's likely 15% off for the hypercrate and 10% off for the sale.
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Why I am asking is:

I logged to the game and I see a 24% off on packs.

I go to the carter market, buy 5500 coins to get the 24 pack, I purchase it, go to the game and guess what... 10% only which means I was literally scammed.


Any ideas what the F***** just happened?


They are constantly tweaking the market to squeeze out every little penny out of us. First they raised the price for hyper-crates to basically force you to buy the 39.99+ option. Then they reduced drop rates across the board on many of the items to force you to buy more packs. Then they separated out armor pieces to force you to buy more packs to get full sets. Now with this last shipment, they have drastically reduced the amount of reputation you get, so they force you to buy more hyper-crates in order to get to legend status.


But wait, they are not done yet. So am I surprised you got scammed? No, it is par for the coarse.

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The % off is based on 24 x non-sale price of the single packs. There's a % discount for buying 24 packs at a time, and there's also a % off as a sale. I don't remember the actual numbers, but based on what you said it's likely 15% off for the hypercrate and 10% off for the sale.


It was 24% off for the 24 pack now it is 10% and I'm over 1100 coins under.

It changed the moment I purchased the coins.

Nice scam lol. Well they aren't getting a dime more out of me and I'll make sure everybody knows this.

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Not a scam.


You were looking at the individual discount and incorrectly applied it to the bundle. Nothing more, nothing less.


24% on a pack for 5500 was what I wanted. Purchased the 5500 option came back to the market and voila!! only 10% and 6400 for the pack.

As far as I can tell they lured me into buying coins and then automatically changed the %% for my account so I need to buy more...

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Not a scam.


You were looking at the individual discount and incorrectly applied it to the bundle. Nothing more, nothing less.


Seems to be this^


24% on a pack for 5500 was what I wanted. Purchased the 5500 option came back to the market and voila!! only 10% and 6400 for the pack.

As far as I can tell they lured me into buying coins and then automatically changed the %% for my account so I need to buy more...


Its not nearly that sophisticated. You're being paranoid.

Edited by Vandicus
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It was 24% off for the 24 pack now it is 10% and I'm over 1100 coins under.

It changed the moment I purchased the coins.

Nice scam lol. Well they aren't getting a dime more out of me and I'll make sure everybody knows this.


So...they change the sale right before you go to buy it and it's a scam? Yup totally. I'm sure they were sitting at the console just waiting for you to buy it so they could mark it up.


You might want to check your meds.

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Explain to everyone in more detail exactly what happened to you.


Cartel market. pack of 24 Master Shadows Packs - 5500 coins.

I go to buy the coins, buy it (+/- 3 minutes) come back, open Cartel Market again and NOW the price for 24 pack of Master Shadows is 6480.

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I wonder how many people will quote the same post which is not what happened rofl.

Reading comprehension is hard.



Oh, I see. Your SWTOR program is different from the rest of ours. and yours tricked you. Because SWTOR needs your money so bad that they'd deliberately cheat and defraud you and risk criminal charges.


For your piddling $39.99.


No, rather than you making a simple mistake, the game itself is out to cheat you and we're just not grasping that.

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Now with this last shipment, they have drastically reduced the amount of reputation you get, so they force you to buy more hyper-crates in order to get to legend status.


Not that I noticed, same old 5 hyper-crates, and maybe a few extra packs to get max rep. The only thing that varies slightly is the % chance on what type of reputation item drops. I'll lay a wager that over a much larger sample size, they have a similar system to a crit on crafting, or the rng on getting loot etc etc etc.


Definitely no "drastically reduced the amount of reputation you get" though. I would have noticed if all of a sudden I was buying 7 or 8 crates to get max rep (bleh.... OCD - max rep on everything in-game :()

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Not that I noticed, same old 5 hyper-crates, and maybe a few extra packs to get max rep. The only thing that varies slightly is the % chance on what type of reputation item drops. I'll lay a wager that over a much larger sample size, they have a similar system to a crit on crafting, or the rng on getting loot etc etc etc.


Definitely no "drastically reduced the amount of reputation you get" though. I would have noticed if all of a sudden I was buying 7 or 8 crates to get max rep (bleh.... OCD - max rep on everything in-game :()


You use to be able to get legend status with 1-3 hyper-crates. Usually 2, or less. They changed it to what it is now in the previous shipment, and it applies to the current one as well.

Edited by Holocron
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I wonder how many people will quote the same post which is not what happened rofl.

Reading comprehension is hard.



Hard for you, because you think they magically changed their prices cause you bought coins, when the reality is almost assuredly that you fail at reading comprehension.

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OP is right on some of it. Within the last 1-2 hours the price on Master's Shadow Pack and Crime Lord Cartel Pack Hypercrates has gone up from 5400 coins to 6480.


This however is not to scam you. This is because the items and prices on Cartel Market changes weekly on Tuesdays a few hours after daily reset (or few hours after patch/maintenance). You're just unlucky you didn't buy the hypercrate before the sale ran out.


Previous week: http://dulfy.net/2015/06/09/swtor-cm-weekly-sales-june-9-16/ (notice the sale on Crime Lord pack)


Current week: http://dulfy.net/2015/06/16/swtor-cm-weekly-sales-june-16-23/


Sales each week: http://dulfy.net/category/swtor/weekly-cm-sales/

Edited by MFollin
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OP is right on some of it. Within the last 1-2 hours the price on Master's Shadow Pack and Crime Lord Cartel Pack Hypercrates has gone up from 5400 coins to 6480.


My guess is this is what happened. Tuesday is the change over day when old sales end and new ones are put up. I believe that OP is probably telling the truth about what happened and they simply got very unlucky to have caught the CM during mid-change.

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They are constantly tweaking the market to squeeze out every little penny out of us. First they raised the price for hyper-crates to basically force you to buy the 39.99+ option. Then they reduced drop rates across the board on many of the items to force you to buy more packs. Then they separated out armor pieces to force you to buy more packs to get full sets. Now with this last shipment, they have drastically reduced the amount of reputation you get, so they force you to buy more hyper-crates in order to get to legend status.

Wow, there sure is a lot of forcing going on. I guess I must have fallen through the cracks somehow because no one has forced me to do anything.

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You use to be able to get legend status with 1-3 hyper-crates. Usually 2, or less. They changed it to what it is now in the previous shipment, and it applies to the current one as well.


Well you must have some bloody great RNG then, because I've never had the reputation given to me on a platter like that. Think yourself lucky, and welcome to my world of terrible RNG.



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My guess is this is what happened. Tuesday is the change over day when old sales end and new ones are put up. I believe that OP is probably telling the truth about what happened and they simply got very unlucky to have caught the CM during mid-change.



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