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Theran Shan?


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I currently have a clone of my main SW going along because I wanted to play through the planetary quests and the romance with Lana again. She has made some slightly different choices (she's got DS Jaesa this time, and I plan on having her refuse to save the reactor in Zakuul, but she is still mostly LS...except that she does not forgive and will kill people who cross her). And...um...I wanted my SW to have different makeup. :D :D :D So right now there's one SW with more understated look and her clone who is trying to be a Galactic Goth. :D


:D I'm doing that with my agent except I made him a chiss because I wanted to see the Hoth dialogue changes (So far not pleased. It's really doesn't go well with the story for agent to be chiss. Like his blue self should be super conspicuous). He's still as super nice as my agents always are. I LMAO galactic goth! Least you changed her makeup I don't evne do that much for my SW. She's just got super clones. XD I might change her hair but really the only hair I like for SW is the chinese bob like style. The rest are either too long or they don't fit my girl's face.

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I happen to love both of those companions, because I play DS mostly. :eek::D I'm actually still sad we can't recruit Vik in KOTFE. He was my fave trooper companion. My tank, when you needed a tank to play.

As for Skadge, I love Skadge, he makes me laugh with his comments :D if you play a DS bounty hunter, he's like your best companion ever. Plus, he's the leader of the underworld gang Black Sun. And... he killed Nem'ro the hutt :cool:


"Long as I'm runnin' with you, you're Black Sun." - Skadge :D:p:cool: #TeamSkadge LOL


Obviously it's not an issue for people who like the characters (I have my own unpopular ones that I like) but you're really not given a good reason to take Skadge (and others) if you don't like him. I hate him and am antagonistic towards him and refuse all his demands throughout Belsavis but at the end of the planet if you say no to taking him he threatens you and you just submit to him. Like, hello? Did you not pay attention to the character YOU wrote BioWare? Since when is the rough and tumble bounty hunter class a coward that gives in to some fat loser's threats? You should have had the option to kill him then and there. You think you're gonna threaten me and take my ship? Think again tubby.

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Obviously it's not an issue for people who like the characters (I have my own unpopular ones that I like) but you're really not given a good reason to take Skadge (and others) if you don't like him. I hate him and am antagonistic towards him and refuse all his demands throughout Belsavis but at the end of the planet if you say no to taking him he threatens you and you just submit to him. Like, hello? Did you not pay attention to the character YOU wrote BioWare? Since when is the rough and tumble bounty hunter class a coward that gives in to some fat loser's threats? You should have had the option to kill him then and there. You think you're gonna threaten me and take my ship? Think again tubby.


I think it had to do with the fact that companions were role specific, so you needed all 5. 1 healer, 2 tanks and 2 dps (ranged and melee). Skadge was a melee tank, essential if you were rdps with tons of aoe like a merc. Blizz was the range tank if I'm not mistaken.

Unlike today, healer companions weren't always the best choice, so you needed your tank. At least I needed them. My healers were the first ones to get killed :p

Edited by Tadagyt
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:D I'm doing that with my agent except I made him a chiss because I wanted to see the Hoth dialogue changes (So far not pleased. It's really doesn't go well with the story for agent to be chiss. Like his blue self should be super conspicuous). He's still as super nice as my agents always are. I LMAO galactic goth! Least you changed her makeup I don't evne do that much for my SW. She's just got super clones. XD I might change her hair but really the only hair I like for SW is the chinese bob like style. The rest are either too long or they don't fit my girl's face.


Yeah, a Chiss agent might stand out just a wee bit...:D


I'm endlessly frustrated with the hairstyles for women characters. I really wish they had more curly/wavy hair. Like a curly ponytail, or long loose curls, or long curls held back by clips or something. My characters usually end up with either the jagged ponytail with bangs or the one long hairstyle, but even that frustrates me because I don't like the cut on the bangs/etc. It's like mall hair.


I love Lana's jagged bob. But it would be way too weird for my girl to have the same haircut as her girlfriend.

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Even back when the companions had set combat roles I always used the ones I liked rather than the one that complimented my character's combat role. So I'd be stubbornly running around with two healers or two DPS lol the role switching was a welcome change in my eyes
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Even back when the companions had set combat roles I always used the ones I liked rather than the one that complimented my character's combat role. So I'd be stubbornly running around with two healers or two DPS lol the role switching was a welcome change in my eyes


I came to the game after you were able to switch the roles, but I definitely stick with one or two companions, mostly. So I agree, I like being able to set them to whatever role you want.

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Yeah, a Chiss agent might stand out just a wee bit...:D


I'm endlessly frustrated with the hairstyles for women characters. I really wish they had more curly/wavy hair. Like a curly ponytail, or long loose curls, or long curls held back by clips or something. My characters usually end up with either the jagged ponytail with bangs or the one long hairstyle, but even that frustrates me because I don't like the cut on the bangs/etc. It's like mall hair.


I love Lana's jagged bob. But it would be way too weird for my girl to have the same haircut as her girlfriend.


XD he really should. I just was waiting for more people to call him out on being blue. (That said Watcher Two I thought we were cool...she's so cold to an alien agent T_T)


YES. The styles are garbage. I don't know what it is with BW and garbage hairstyles but they have it down to a science at this rate. It's really astounding how they consistently make the worst looking hair possible. I'd be impressed if it wasn't so aggravating.

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OMG YES. My headcanon is that my Knight has long, straight, usually unbound hair, but there's no style that properly gets that across, so she usually winds up with the ponytail and long bangs look. I've tried the one long-hair style on her, but that style mucks about with red hair and makes it dark pink which is NOT her. Also, the waves/curls in that look are not her style. I just want something that more closely resembles Tauriel, dammit!


And then there's trying to find a style for my Imperius which I can never do. The closest thing that I don't hate is the emo-hair look for him, but that's the emo hair look, when really he should look closer to Kanan Jarrus (Rebels season 1 look). If they could give us Slave/Hutt-Killer Leia's hairstyle, they can give us Kanan's look, dammit. Or even Anakin Skywalker's look. I could make do with Anakin's style.





(also I want a clothing outfit inspired by Jyn Erso or TLJ-Rey! My inner cosplayer demands this! *flail*)

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I'm likely not to get past SoR in fanfic until I know more of what's happening with Theron since Iokath (*grumbles* the downside to waiting for the next part of the story).


I'm not good at jumping back and forth through the timeline, need to be more streamlined because there's so much happening and I confuse myself otherwise, but I still have noted ideas.

Looking forward to seeing where the stuff goes from Iokath, I'm a bit of a sucker for putting my character through hell multiple times. Not for drama lulz, but for the ability to in-story explore the character depths and approach her weaknesses and strengths, while writing towards her breaking point. Theron may end up being both my character's first spot of happiness, and yet part of her breaking point too, she's never allowed herself to get close to anyone, then he came along. A big mistake for a Sith, and swtor is not kind. She's a loner, and remains so.


I use song lyrics and such to boost some creativity, so listen to certain themes of song for different themes of the story. Plus have songs associated to my characters.


Can I barge in here to ask for links to your fanfic? Pretty please? I'm currently working on my own and your style/methods/etc sound so similar to how I approach my writing. :)

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Can I barge in here to ask for links to your fanfic? Pretty please? I'm currently working on my own and your style/methods/etc sound so similar to how I approach my writing. :)


I would, sadly it's nowhere anyone can read it, sorry. I have no idea where to uplink/upload/post (pick fav word) this sort of thing, like what fanfic websites are good etc so never actually got around to it. I'm not part of any fanfic or writing groups so have zero knowledge in that regards.

Thanks for the interest though xD , I'm a horrid writer in my opinion however so you're likely not missing much :p

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I would, sadly it's nowhere anyone can read it, sorry. I have no idea where to uplink/upload/post (pick fav word) this sort of thing, like what fanfic websites are good etc so never actually got around to it. I'm not part of any fanfic or writing groups so have zero knowledge in that regards.

Thanks for the interest though xD , I'm a horrid writer in my opinion however so you're likely not missing much :p


I tend to keep to myself in that regard too, but from what I've seen Archive of Our Own (AO3) has a pretty thriving SWTOR fanfic library, if you're ever interested in posting.

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So if the ending of this Iokath story line updates on the 22nd; is there any word yet on when the next chapter starts?



If that triple agent theory does come to fruition, the writers will hopefully have the traitor make contact and have explanations ensue pretty quickly. With all the other "disappearances", another one without a confirmation of a return would not bode well in this community.


I haven't heard anything but my guess is 4-6 months T_T

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I am actually optimistic on one thing, that there will be one more tiny (Iokath/Umbara sized at a guess though Umbara seems smallest so far) snippet released of story before the Christmas holidays at least. I'd give them 2 months, since I heard a rumour that the next update, after Umbara, is the next 2 Ops bosses. I expect a minimum of 2 more little updates before they go on Christmas holidays, because 4 more ops bosses left to get out by Christmas I believe.


I mean, they need to give us something to do over Christmas, right?

(pessimistic on that, but I do expect one more thing before it).

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I usually liked Marr, and appreciated how he tried to bring the Sith Empire together and continue without the Emperor, but he needed to grow a brain with that one. From a Sith standpoint, Lana's 'resource'' is her resourcefulness and research/investigation skills, and putting her in charge of Intelligence instead of the agent, or someone else, was such a bad move that wasted a resource.


And Lana herself said she didn't even want to work for Darth Arkous initially - IMHO she only said yes to the Sith Intelligence gig because she felt that she couldn't refuse Marr. When she tells you about her new job she doesn't seem at all happy. She's my bae so I didn't tell her to resign, but it would have been for the best, really.


I did think that in the Alliance/Iokath she was there as an advisor and not the spymaster...I was surprised by that one line I saw on YouTube.



He really did. He was too concerned with how it looked rather than how it was gonna run. But he was in a tough spot, he couldn't put the agent in charge the other Sith would've thrown a fit and he needed unity instead of more infighting, on the other hand who else was there for him to trust that wasn't Lana? Putting Lana in charge with the agent free to do his/her own thing and advise her as necessary was pretty much the only decent move he had left.


Least she knows her limits. :D And it really would've been but then some goober would've been in charge of intelligence and the last thing we needed was another pro emperor psycho in control.


Yeah like why is she still spymaster. You'd think at the very least that'd be Theron's role.


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I would, sadly it's nowhere anyone can read it, sorry. I have no idea where to uplink/upload/post (pick fav word) this sort of thing, like what fanfic websites are good etc so never actually got around to it. I'm not part of any fanfic or writing groups so have zero knowledge in that regards.

Thanks for the interest though xD , I'm a horrid writer in my opinion however so you're likely not missing much :p


Oh darn! I just started writing mine about a month ago and have been posting on AO3 (link in my sig). It has a pretty decent format so far. I'm also on FanFiction.net, but haven't really used it because I don't like the interface as well.

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Since I'm not getting into spoilery territory here, there's no need for the tags.


The intelligence world is divided into two types of jobs: analysts and operatives. Lana is an analyst and Theron is an operative. Analysts pool over data to glean intelligence and typically do not go out into the field. Operatives are the field agents who handle the operational (Cypher Nine, James Bond) stuff. On Ziost we saw Lana having to handle matters pertaining to operations and failing; Theron also failed in terms of properly accessing the capabilities of the threat, which is the purview of the intelligence analyst.

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I would, sadly it's nowhere anyone can read it, sorry. I have no idea where to uplink/upload/post (pick fav word) this sort of thing, like what fanfic websites are good etc so never actually got around to it. I'm not part of any fanfic or writing groups so have zero knowledge in that regards.

Thanks for the interest though xD , I'm a horrid writer in my opinion however so you're likely not missing much :p


Some places you can post them:


  1. Archive of Our Own has a good SWTOR community, as others have said
  2. Fanfiction.net
  3. deviant art has a good fanfiction community, not much with SWTOR
  4. Fanfiction forum on swtor
  5. wattpad has a fanfiction community too

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I still need to determine which Toon I'm going to take through it. I am only going to run it on a single Toon for now until I see where the story is heading. I'm on a 6 month sub, which reupps on Oct. 20 and I figure by April I'll be able to judge where things are heading and whether or not to cancel my sub. Happy I'll be having friends over next week while my folks are away so I can have some support. I'm likely going to cry. Edited by robwettengel
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Hello all, looking for some help, if anyone can offer it?


I am extremely disappointed with where it looks like things are headed when Umbara comes out next tuesday, as I noticed are a lot of you. Hoping it doesn't go that way, but, yeah.


Anyway, my subscription was going to renew 2 days before the update, and well, I figured the best way to express my disappointment to the company was not to renew. But that means I am going to lose access to these forums, just when I'm going to want to be on them the most. Does anyone know of another place I can go to to get, well, support? My RL friends all think I'm crazy for getting upset about the possible developments going on in the game. Of course, none of them play.


Hoping it's all a lie and I can resub wednesday, or they at least 'fix' it all in story updates and I can resub in a few months.


Remember that you can still read them without having an active subscription.

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