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Announcing Knights of the Fallen Empire


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If you created a brand new Lv60 character...will you have a set romance, or just no romanced companion at all? I'm current at Lv52 and probably won't hit 60 until after the expac is out, the speed I'm going ahaha.


While nothing is ever 100%, I can otherwise say that I am sure they aren't going to have your character forced into a romance if you make a new character, no.

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If you created a brand new Lv60 character...will you have a set romance, or just no romanced companion at all? I'm current at Lv52 and probably won't hit 60 until after the expac is out, the speed I'm going ahaha.


Rumor has it that there will be no options or questionnaire when you start a "Free 60", all of your history will be Bioware's assumed default decisions for that class.

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The lack of originality in the ongoing story of The Old Republic is kinda sad. The theme of the last two expansions has had zero originality.


The backstory of Knights of the Fallen Empire is just another retelling of the Sith rule of two, kinda stupid since they are allegedly not Sith. Trying to re-energise the game by introducing a (not) Sith faction that both Republic and Sith players can fight is pretty dull.


Shadow of Revan, is just so tired I fell asleep reading the intro. Yet again, Revan, the super powerful Jedi master with the willpower of a crystal meth addict jonesing for his next fix has been bought back. The character flip flops dark to light and back again so often the only question is which side he'll be on when he turns up again.


The writing talent for this game seems to have gone into almost freefall.

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The lack of originality in the ongoing story of The Old Republic is kinda sad. The theme of the last two expansions has had zero originality.


The backstory of Knights of the Fallen Empire is just another retelling of the Sith rule of two, kinda stupid since they are allegedly not Sith. Trying to re-energise the game by introducing a (not) Sith faction that both Republic and Sith players can fight is pretty dull.


Shadow of Revan, is just so tired I fell asleep reading the intro. Yet again, Revan, the super powerful Jedi master with the willpower of a crystal meth addict jonesing for his next fix has been bought back. The character flip flops dark to light and back again so often the only question is which side he'll be on when he turns up again.


The writing talent for this game seems to have gone into almost freefall.


Never mind that Bioware has done "Time has moved forward, you must build a new team! You might find some of your old companions!" TO DEATH over the years.

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do we need the shadow of Reven digital Expansion to fully enjoy the Knights of the fallen Empire


All expansions will be free for subscribers when KofFE launches.


If you wonder if it affects the future of the game I would guess so with the story with Lana if you want to enjoy the maximum story.

Edited by Icestar
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I missed the live feed so im not sure if this was discussed at all. For Knights of the Fallen, do you have to create a new character for this story or can we use existing ones?


We can use our characters, there is also a option to create a new level 60 character.

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The backstory of Knights of the Fallen Empire is just another retelling of the Sith rule of two, kinda stupid since they are allegedly not Sith.


Not sure what you're getting at here, as we've already seen more than two Force-Users in the Infinite Empire.

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Not sure what you're getting at here, as we've already seen more than two Force-Users in the Infinite Empire.

He means dat daddy was pretty happy when one son killed another and he had one apprentice left to teach.

Edited by Rouakh
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He means dat daddy was pretty happy when one son killed another and he had one apprentice left to teach.


You're conveniently forgetting the daughter. As we saw in the livestream, she has a little power in her own right.


Of course we saw lots, Rakata were powerful with the force. :p

Eternal Empire is SWTOR, infinite empire was Rakata.


Bah! Nobody likes a clever clogs! ... Infinite, Eternal, Imperial... Bah!

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I wonder if they'll finally add the chance to change your advanced class with this expansion...



Sometimes I think they should, just to watch the people who really care about what other players do with their PCs and always rage against even the suggestion just completely and totally freak out... :cool:

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I wonder if they'll finally add the chance to change your advanced class with this expansion...


I wouldn't count on it. I agree it would be nice, but I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you, as they haven't said anything about doing so yet.


I personally hope they'll allow you to use different types of weapons (tech users can use all gun types, force users can use all swords/blades/staves/sabers), as that's certainly in-line with the 'play it your way' vibe they're trying to sell. Will that happen either? Probably not. However, I really hope they do add that. Animations exist for almost everything. The single animation I'm confident they would need to make is a techstaff/electrostaff/doublesaber animation variant for Ravage (though the Master Strike one does exist on companions).


It would just take some back-end work, hooking up animations, etc. The only real challenge would be to redesign weapon gearing. How do you make two lightsabers deal the same damage as a single one, while still prioritizing the hilt of the mainhand but not making the offhand worthless? The simple answer is: they need to add weapons to the Outfit Designer. Then, we can use whatever weapon type we want (within our class's category of course: melee weapon for force users, ranged weapon for tech users).


I want my Assassin to have two purple lightsabers. I want my Marauder to have a single yellow lightsaber. I want my Juggernaut to have a double-bladed red lightsaber. I want my operative to have a blaster pistol. I want my sniper to have an assault cannon. I want my mercenary to have a blaster rifle. If only they create a small handful of new animations to compensate, they could add weapons to the outfit designer without too much hassle. THAT is what I want to see in KotFE which they haven't talked about yet.



I'm not expecting it, I'm not holding them responsible to add it, but I am asking them to add it, and I'm hoping there's a slight chance they will. From a developer perspective it's really not that big of a task. Do they have bigger fish to fry at the moment? You bet they do. They have a massive expansion with lots to do. But it'd be a nice touch if they paid attention to the finer implications of 'play it your way'.

Edited by idnewton
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so let me see if i understand this you are NOT adding another utility point for us with 4.0 but in fact are taking away our already earned utility points so we can re-earn them on every one of our finished 60's. Are you serious? so because you wont expand the utility points you instead punish us by retarding our toons and making us re-earn them all important u-points. I have played several games over peiods of time that allowed for massive expansion this is the first one to make sucha sweeping adverse tract to expansion or should i say refusal to expand. come on devs is it really necessary to punish us for your refusal to expand the utility point system with the story/game.:rak_02:
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So... I have to get this right, instead of allowing us to actually battle during the galactic war, we are just going to be frozen in carbonite and then wake up after all the fun stuff is over into a single player game that will get no new multiplayer work done on it again for a year? Well done Bioware, instead of making a single player RPG that everyone wants that is a standalone game, you've decided to stuff it inside SWTOR, and give even less support to the MMO aspect of this game.


I guess if we want open world PvP we will have to buy Battlefront. This is all a bunch of nonsense.

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so let me see if i understand this you are NOT adding another utility point for us with 4.0 but in fact are taking away our already earned utility points so we can re-earn them on every one of our finished 60's. Are you serious? so because you wont expand the utility points you instead punish us by retarding our toons and making us re-earn them all important u-points. I have played several games over peiods of time that allowed for massive expansion this is the first one to make sucha sweeping adverse tract to expansion or should i say refusal to expand. come on devs is it really necessary to punish us for your refusal to expand the utility point system with the story/game.:rak_02:



Where do you get that they are not adding a point? Sounds like they are making some changes to the system and are therefore adding a 'learning curve' for the new system (as you recover from the carbonite sickness), not that they are taking anything away.


So... I have to get this right, instead of allowing us to actually battle during the galactic war, we are just going to be frozen in carbonite and then wake up after all the fun stuff is over into a single player game that will get no new multiplayer work done on it again for a year? Well done Bioware, instead of making a single player RPG that everyone wants that is a standalone game, you've decided to stuff it inside SWTOR, and give even less support to the MMO aspect of this game.


I guess if we want open world PvP we will have to buy Battlefront. This is all a bunch of nonsense.


Yes, this game is not and never was intended to be PvP oriented. They only added PvP near the end of beta to get a small amount of the beta testers to ****. Is PvP fun? Sure. But is it the focus of the game? No. Has it ever been? No. Is it still an MMO without PvP? Yes, because I can still group up with my friends and do quests and flashpoints and operations. PvP is not the end all that decides what an MMO is, even if most of them have it.


So yes, if PvP is all that matters to you, go play Battlefront.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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