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Your dream mount..


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I don't really have a dream mount but I would like a speeder with some more increased speeds also we need taller and bigger versions of Recon/Command Walker mounts. They are to small for me. You look at all of the amazing walkers on Balmorra in the Sobrik area or the walker Kephess rides in then look back at the one you ride in it looks ridiculously small compared to what other walkers you see in game in other places... :/ Edited by DuckKing
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The walkhar mounts are just epic, love the start up sounds and how they close in around you.


The kalakar strike fighter is also a beast.


I would have hoped for more jetpacks by now or rocket boost mount that works for BH chest pieces.

Edited by -Healius-
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I guess for me, I am exempt.. The jet pack was.. I prefer small mounts..


But.. It would be kinda cool to see a Luke ep IV speeder.. Or a mechanized creature mount..




This, except instead of being a sphinx it could be a star cruiser or star destroyer or as suggested previously, a mini Death Star or a large sun. Basically, it should obstruct landscape at least 20 feet all around the user and be a total, gaudy eyesore!



Edit: There are some gaudy mounts in game as is, but most can be navigated around or at least ignored as they wrap around the character. Ideally, my mount would extend 3-5 feet vertical above, 5-10 feet across and glow with the light of a thousand suns!


"Ooooooh there's that slow load Ursule in her sun mount!"


"No worries Darth Pez, by the time we reach stage two of the Flashpoint she'll be aloe with the sun."



Edited by NeuroniaSW
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