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No stopping the SWTOR train


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No amount of trolling and hating on the forums will hurt this game. This has to be the best overall mmo out on the market right now. Most of us that enjoy the game are playing and soaking up the amazing story.


I am starting to wonder why I come to the general forum anymore. The troll and hate threads are completely throwing out misinformation half the time. The same posters show up for each nasty post as well. I can name at least 3 posters that will respond to EVERY troll or hate post.


Simple fact is, this game sucks you right in. I can't wait to make my 1st alt, but I am so wrapped up in my 1st character I refuse to make one. Once the story is finished I will move to the next class I find interesting.


This game will be around for a long time.

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No amount of trolling and hating on the forums will hurt this game. This has to be the best overall mmo out on the market right now. Most of us that enjoy the game are playing and soaking up the amazing story.


I am starting to wonder why I come to the general forum anymore. The troll and hate threads are completely throwing out misinformation half the time. The same posters show up for each nasty post as well. I can name at least 3 posters that will respond to EVERY troll or hate post.


Simple fact is, this game sucks you right in. I can't wait to make my 1st alt, but I am so wrapped up in my 1st character I refuse to make one. Once the story is finished I will move to the next class I find interesting.


This game will be around for a long time.


ern, no trolling and hating can ever hurt any game


this game hurts itself.


and you are right, it sucks you right in


for a week!

Edited by Shortcake
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It's okay to like this game, but if you can't see why people might dislike it then you're just plain ignorant.


Personally I find it very enjoyable, yet very flawed. I could play it for a good couple of months, but unless major improvements are made relatively quickly, there's no way I'm paying for more subscription time.

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I disagree


World of Warcraft is the best overall MMO on the market; TOR is kind of already on life support


Hopefully they can turn it around, but I'm not so sure they'll be able to at this point... Star Wars, as a brand, can only take it so far

Edited by Shadysketchy
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I disagree


World of Warcraft is the best overall MMO on the market; TOR is kind of already on life support


Hopefully they can turn it around, but I'm not so sure they'll be able to at this point... Star Wars, as a brand, can only take it so far


TOR does need some improvements but its a good game. I am playing it like a SP game for the most part atm.. I think it already is better than wow in some important ways.. not so much the convenience factor but that will change over time.

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I disagree


World of Warcraft is the best overall MMO on the market; TOR is kind of already on life support


Hopefully they can turn it around, but I'm not so sure they'll be able to at this point... Star Wars, as a brand, can only take it so far


LOL seriously. Can you please explain how this game is on life support?




INB4 fanboy accusation.

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No amount of trolling and hating on the forums will hurt this game. This has to be the best overall mmo out on the market right now. Most of us that enjoy the game are playing and soaking up the amazing story.


I am starting to wonder why I come to the general forum anymore. The troll and hate threads are completely throwing out misinformation half the time. The same posters show up for each nasty post as well. I can name at least 3 posters that will respond to EVERY troll or hate post.


Simple fact is, this game sucks you right in. I can't wait to make my 1st alt, but I am so wrapped up in my 1st character I refuse to make one. Once the story is finished I will move to the next class I find interesting.


This game will be around for a long time.



I would agree with this.


They do have to fix Bugs and other things, however MMOs are never finished. So with that set I am sure they will fix 1 thing, break another, hotfix that to fix that then break something else. Its a never ending rollercoster, thats the fun of these games.

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Lol @ people saying this game is on life support five days after release


Lol @ people saying this game is dead when all servers are full


Lol @ people on the forums < people actually playing the game


This game is FANTASTIC. I love it. It's crack, and I will be addicted for a long time.

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Sadly this game been beta tested buy fan boys, who rather die than accept the truth.

So far what I have seen is that Bioware pulled together a lot of annoyances, witch other developers abandoned long time ago.

I really would like to play this game and I wish luck to Bioware buy turning this game around.

But in current game stage, no, I do not pay to game developers for wasting my time.

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Just look at the Server list, and glance at the populations; mostly Light and Standard, with not that many Servers


That's not life support. At all. This game still has a very good population.


Want life support?


Go look at Aion. The server I played on RARELY had 200+ if even 200 max levels online. Maybe another 100-200 pre-max levels, but mostly alts. Out of 4 servers, 2 are basically dead, and the other 2 are medium populated.

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I disagree


World of Warcraft is the best overall MMO on the market; TOR is kind of already on life support


Hopefully they can turn it around, but I'm not so sure they'll be able to at this point... Star Wars, as a brand, can only take it so far


Seriously? If WoW is the best there is, why arent you playing those 6 reskinned bosses in the last patch and looking forward to that pokemon and panda kung-fu while doing that amazingly vast ammount of end-game content (wich consists of aforementioned reskinned bosses and little else)? WoW is dieing a slow death, and its because blizzard has killed it.


If that wasnt the case, why else would you be here?

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Just look at the Server list, and glance at the populations; mostly Light and Standard, with not that many Servers


Tell me this when 3/4 of the servers got queues... oh man come on, do us a favor, stop posting.


edit: On prime time of course.

Edited by Netwar
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Most of us that enjoy the game are playing and soaking up the amazing story.


This is the worst argument ever, and it's been overused on MMO forums for years now and it needs to die.


People complain on the forums. People also praise games on forums. But every single person currently in game and not posting on the forums is not enjoying themselves?


I can speak from personal experience as last time I was on last night (for 3 hours), the game was burning me out and I was forcing myself to play since I spent 60 bucks on it.

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Thing is, when I first started my subscription up with wow right after open beta ended and on the forums immediately after release there were these same hate threads from similar people, complaining about similar problems, most of which have all been addressed over some time.


There's a difference. WoW was far and away better than its competition when it came out. SWTOR is not far and away better than WoW (at least in my opinion, and from what I've seen many other peoples' opinions also). Bioware doesn't have time to fix issues. It's about first impressions. If people play for a few more weeks and feel like the game is lacking, Bioware is screwed.


The game was released before it was supposed to be.

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As it currently stands this game is by far the biggest mmo letdown i have experienced, possibly the biggest of any game period.

This phenomenon of people refusing to admit there are serious problems in this game, defending it like they get payed for it is fascinating Ö_Ö.

By far the most pressing issue is the resposivenes of combat, i hope BW manages to somehow improve it so this game has any chance of a future at all.

though i doubt they are able to change it and its to deep into the code of the game.

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Just look at the Server list, and glance at the populations; mostly Light and Standard, with not that many Servers


It's all about what time you look at the servers. My server has been full to heavy most times of the day. Not EVERY server is going to be absolutely full.

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I disagree


World of Warcraft is the best overall MMO on the market; TOR is kind of already on life support


Hopefully they can turn it around, but I'm not so sure they'll be able to at this point... Star Wars, as a brand, can only take it so far


If you reached lvl 50 by 12/22, then this is in no way a game for you. Damn, stop and smell the roses for God's sake...


Enjoy the voice acting & scenarios instead of spacebaring through every scene.

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What if I gave that a chance, but quickly realized that the story of the game is too safe and limited by the fact that this game is an MMO?


Then you're not actually giving it a chance...


The story is very engaging. I will admit that rolling a second character through a zone is a bit tedious, and I tend to hit the spacebar quite often. But you're not grasping the kind of game they made if you're doing it right off the bat.

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