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Everything posted by Asamitai

  1. I completed the questline on Tatooine, found the artifact, with Paal dead inside one of the sand people huts. My question is, I thought we would find Wylkes ( can't remember the spelling ) and end up fighting him before it ended. I talked with a guild member who said he fought him at the end. Has anyone else experienced this? When I went back to the spaceport, the woman who gave the information to track him down said thanks for dealing with him, only I never actually killed the guy. Still completed everything, just thought it was odd that I missed that entirely.
  2. First of all, you don't know or understand their logic behind any of the implementations. Second of all, my point is, for the time they've had, and what they have focused on, it has been an extremely smooth release. No server crashes, a few bugs but overall it IS very playable for the majority of the playerbase. It has been in development for a long time, and I think it shows. The voice acting is good, the stories develop well, and from what I can tell from flashpoints and world bosses, the content flows well. Every single post I have seen from you Shady has been negative. Have you really not enjoyed anything? You're a troll, I've already accepted that, and that I'm feeding it. The game isn't bad, it's not WoW. I think you might have to get over that. Again, provide some actual solutions. Not just "increase leveling by 2x". You don't know the game better than the devs do. Stop acting like you do.
  3. I started playing FFXI at NA launch. Pretty sure it didn't have airships right at launch. I could be wrong, it's been an awful long time.
  4. I'm guessing you never experienced the server crashes or massive lag spikes that plagued the game then? This is why everyones opinion is subjective. WoWs launch, regardless of time period, was not good. Granted I loved Vanilla WoW 1-60. It was challenging and actually took some socialization. Release was far from perfect though.
  5. Yeah there has been a bug that turns people more pink. While it is sort of a funny bug ( PINK SITH OF DOOM!!!! ) I could see how that might be annoying.
  6. ^ Shadysketchy has quite a large bridge.
  7. Then Ghostcrawler never really looked at WoWs forums post launch. They were a mess with people complaining about server instability. There's a reason Blizzard gave out free days worth of play time.
  8. My idea of constructive is posting how these issues can be fixed. Not just posting the issues,
  9. Because the servers are constantly crashing right? I don't know what they spent their money on... Some bugs are game breaking. I've had atleast on guildie who couldn't turn in or accept quests. That sucks. But it is few and far between. The game is playable. They will fix the bugs.
  10. It's exactly that, complaining. He doesn't have any actual fixes for anything.
  11. Still waiting on some sort of actual solution to any of those problems. The moment you give me one that isn't complete B.S. I'll quiet down.
  12. The problem with that is THIS ISN'T WOW. I don't care if you've played WoW. Sure some of their features are good, but this is a different game with a different development cycle. They ARE NOT constructive posts... He doesn't provide any real solutions in ANY of his posts. People just see the complaints and think "oh, I remember that in WoW." If you're going to post something on how to improve the game, give them a suggestion that is actually reasonable, not just "increase exp on levels 1-20 by 2x".
  13. That's not even including the fact that I already outleveled a lot of content by doing flashpoints and space combat. I can't imagine what it would be like if they increased leveling speed. He really has no grasp on anything, and is a clear troll. I really think he should be in charge of an MMO though. Let's see how that one goes.
  14. The more you avoid these forums, the better imo. Release forums (game forums in general) are full of people trying to break a game down by sowing dissent. The more negative feelings they bring about the better in their eyes. It's what trolls do, after all.
  15. Well he's unable to actually provide any real solution to the problems he brings up. "increasing leveling by up to 2x" isn't a solution btw. It's something you made up while sitting in front of your computer thinking on how you can stir up the community.
  16. Then you're not actually giving it a chance... The story is very engaging. I will admit that rolling a second character through a zone is a bit tedious, and I tend to hit the spacebar quite often. But you're not grasping the kind of game they made if you're doing it right off the bat.
  17. I'm still waiting for an actual solution from you. Or one that doesn't include fictional math.
  18. It's all about what time you look at the servers. My server has been full to heavy most times of the day. Not EVERY server is going to be absolutely full.
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