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Buff Sniper Immediately! - Enough is Enough!


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If they buff snipers they will give you more roots and slows against melee classes which you already have no problem to kill. But it wont change anything against super uber OP classes like sin-shadow or pt-vg or other ranged classes.

But if you listened the podcast biofail thinks snipers are doing "REALLY WELL" since they are looking bigger picture and i have no idea about this bigger picture most probably not related with PvP so no buff for snipers.


They could at least put the slow on cull as well, not just series of shots.

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Exactly what buff did mercs get besides a single target absorb that is useless unless you are in a solo fight with someone? Particularly the healing spec of mercs, which actually got nothing. No buff to chaffe flare, nothing.


Just wanted to correct you on that point before I give my two credits worth on gunslingers AND mercs, because they are the two last classes standing that need some improvements in PVP.


I do agree that gunslingers need either CC immunities or better movement capabilities in PVP. If everyone has gotten buffs to movement in the meta of constant stuns, snares, and knockbacks in PVP well snipers should get it too then. This would grant them some way to get out of focused damage by multiple enemies.


Same with mercs. Either give them a stronger CC immunity coupled with movement enhancements that actually are helpful or give them an anti-focus type ability to take focused damage off them by multi-enemies.


The two classes that drown in the CC maelstrom of SWTOR PVP and crumble to dust instantly when focused are mercs and gunslingers.


Why? Because they have no viable forms of escape to deal with focused damage UNLESS they are in group ranked, have a coordinated group effort to keep them up including tank swapping effectively with healing support, peels from the group DPS, and stars that are PERFECTLY aligned granting them the blessings of Zeus himself. Only then, are mercs and gunslingers perfectly viable in PVP when focused.


Obviously this is not acceptable because the majority of time spent by gunslingers and mercs is not in group ranked, it's in regs and solo ranked. Probably has to do with them being the biggest gimped classes for 4v4 setup, but I could be wrong and I am sure many will say so.


Unfortunately those are my two favorite classes :(. I flat out gave up on my commando all together tbh though. Mostly focusing on my gunslinger now, and when I get frustrated my scoundrel to kick some people in the nuts.

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You cannot talk about survivability in a vacuum. You have to talk about the class as a whole. It's not a cop out in fact just talking about survivability and saying burst doesn't matter is very disingenuous and makes your arguments seem like you want your class to be overpowered. PTs burst is high but it isn't as high as snipers or mercs. .


I stopped reading here. You lost all credibility with the bold. PTs can burst for 35 K if done right, get out of here with that nonsense, and they have some of the best defensive passives in the game that DONT require them to waste utility points. Commandos and gunslingers have to waste utility points to have ANY form of defensive passives.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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He's got a point, though. Look at the disparities there between snipers and other classes. I like sniper burst, but they're not nearly as anti-melee capable as they used to be, and their defensive utility has fallen far behind everyone elses, which is bad for a turret class.


I think cover is probably the most underappreciated defensive skill in the game. The trade-off is immobility which means that Sin/Shadow is the best counter and also happen to be one of the strongest classes atm. When they become less popular (after some nerf), Sniper/GS will receive an immediate indirect buff.

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I stopped reading here. You lost all credibility with the bold. PTs can burst for 35 K if done right, get out of here with that nonsense, and they have some of the best defensive passives in the game that DONT require them to waste utility points. Commandos and gunslingers have to waste utility points to have ANY form of defensive passives.


First, I've never seen a PT burst for 35k after the shoulder cannon nerf and i do ranked and warzones all the time. I however have done over 35k of burst on my sniper. I've hit 34k with just to ambushes. That didn't count the snipes, followthroughs, or penetrating shots I did around them


Second as to your utility point that's just about what every class has to do, and the idea is to make a player choose. As a Marauder I don't have a single utility point that's not defensive in nature. On my Sorc, it's about 60% defense, 40 Offense. My is now 70% defense and 30% offense for utilities thanks to the nerf requiring me to give up a utility point to get back functionality I had.


I honestly think a lot of it is perception that they're not getting any 'adjustments' being a bad thing and the fact that sins are REALLY freakin strong right now and sins are great at countering just about everything a sniper and most other classes can throw at them. If Sins anti-CC and defensive utilities get adjusted downward I think snipers will feel a lot better.

Edited by Anishor
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We Snipers are very displeased with how we have been treated! We haven't been touched in years and we are demanding equal rights and attention! In conclusion ,as reparations we will accept nothing less than buffs! Buffs Galore!


Marauders got Buffed!

Not Really, we have 1 truly viable spec now and that's Carnage.

Sages got Buffed!

Not Really, TK got nerfed hard, and Balance is damn near useless.

Assassin got buffed!

Yea, but those buffs are already countered by what the Sniper has...

Vanguard got buffed!

Vanguards have been OP since 3.0, so yea this one is pretty reasonable

Even Mercenary got buffed!

What world are you living in? Mercs are FAR from OP in PvP...


Everybody is getting so buffed up they be looking like Jabba the Pizza Hutt.

Well it is our time to get Buffed! I want to swell more than the michelin man! Infact I want get buffed up bigger than Gabourey Sidibe.


Make it happen:


Ballistic Dampers now reset automatically while in cover.




Vital Regulators/Cool Under pressure - Now restores 1% Hp every 1 second instead of every 3 seconds. If sage can get this on Life Ward plus heal to full on their force barrier then this is NOTHING to compromise on!


Plausable, I'd rather have 3% every 3s but this works too.


Hunker Down/Entrench Now protects against knock backs for 5 seconds after it is initially activated. Tired of you rude juggernauts/guardians walsing up to me with your cc immunity and blasting me off the bridge in void star! Not to mention shoving me out of my own Scrambling Field/ Ballistic Shield! So rude omg!


Hunker Down prevents all CC forms, this is redundant.


Reduce the cool-down of Scrambling Field/ Ballistic Shield by 30 seconds! If juggernauts/guardians can have their 3 lives and enraged defenses or whatever it is called then we certainly can have a more rotational defense mechanism!


We need more than just that to have 3 lives like Juggernauts


Reduce the CD of Covered of escape by 3 seconds! We are a turret class but every other class is now mobile and constantly up and about! Hello? Don't you think we have places to go too?! Every other class has some kind of speed boost! Even those Sentinels/Marauders have their Speed Boost and they can even use it on others! Covered escape is too situational and not reliable!


Nope, we need a 2s CD reduction, why? to sync with ALL sniper skills, all of our skills barring (IIRC) Cull and WB are on a multiple of 2s CD.


The effects of series of Snare now also applies to Cull!




Evasion now cleases ALL negative removable tech and force effects. We need reliable dot cleanse!


No, you need to learn to play. Besides, Evasion's DoT purge was moved to Operatives because they need it to reliably get back into stealth.


Hold you ground now reduces the CD of Shield Probe by 5 seconds instead of 4! If Scoundrels can get their Shield probe down to a 25 second Cd then so can we! It's not like they need to extra survivabilty since they can stealth, heal themselves AND dps (ALL AT THE SAME TIME, MIND YOU!)


Ehh, i'd be more partial to getting Med Shield over 25s CD Shield Probe.


In addition to the AEO slow on Crippling Diversion, Distraction now roots the target in place for 3 seconds! If Assassin can get a 30m root/ Mez then guess what? SO CAN WE!)


I think you meant Leg Shot... Distraction is an Interrupt, and would be highly broken if it got a Mezz.



To add to what we need.


Scatter Bombs needs to be changed back to it's previous rendition in 3.0, where 2 bombs = max damage. You can't possibly expect people to hit with all 5 bombs on even the largest of bosses...


Snipe and Lethal Shot could use a hare more damage, like 200 more damage would be perfect.


Revert the Fragmentation Grenade nerfs from 3.0... Seriously... It's a grenade for crying out loud... Grenades are meant to explode and deal damage in an AREA OF EFFECT...


Fix Penetrating Blast to deal full ticks properly.


Change Recoil Control to allow Followthrough to proc IF the target is KILLED by Penetrating Blast.

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I think cover is probably the most underappreciated defensive skill in the game. The trade-off is immobility which means that Sin/Shadow is the best counter and also happen to be one of the strongest classes atm. When they become less popular (after some nerf), Sniper/GS will receive an immediate indirect buff.


meh. snipers are actually quite useful for killing sins. the problem with sins and, to a lesser extent ops, is that they can control the fight from the get go. in which case, there isn't really a counter.


w/e buff happens for snipers, it has to be within the disciplines themselves because MM is as powerful as it has ever been. it's not a good solo spec, but any kind of buff to MM would be too much.


entrench is a very problematic ability too. the fact that you can walk around and still have the buff when you take cover compounds the "danger" of the ability. imo, entrench is too much of a trump card. the argument is you sacrifice mobility for interrupt and CC protection (all kinds of CC). that, to me, is the trifecta. but apparently, BW though eliminating mobility was the trifecta (then they caved and made entrench mobile by including it after roll and allowing sniper to pick it up and reacquire it when returning to cover). all of this makes any dcd buff to snipers extremely dangerous, especially if it's something that MM can take advantage of.


the real trick is how to make engineering and lethality enticing/playable without giving them stupidly broken mechanics like roll/wall bang and that aoe probe that can last forever, be placed and replaced, and just troll the poop out of everyone.


lethality would be my choice to buff just because I don't think it's ever really had its day, and it could be a viable alternative to madness. you'd think that with the uncleansible nature of dots, it wouldn't be too difficult to buff them. I mean, IO mercs are only a few tweaks away from being a viable dot spread spec. I don't imagine lethality is much more difficult.


I don't really know what engineering's identity is, so I can't speak about buffing that.

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To those just blindly agreeing... there is such a thing as the wrong kind of buffs for a class that needs buffs. A few of the things in the op make sense, but most of them will just exacerbate the issues that have put the class in the hard-to-balance situation it is in without actually fixing it where it needs fixing. Edited by diadox
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Traditionally engineering has been the most defensive and survivability focused spec


Yeah; I'm not sure I would do much for MM but Eng/Sab could use the CD resets. Leave Wallbang in the past where it belongs but the return of the refresh on DCDs and roll on EMP would be a good start. Letd/DF I am not sure on but I think a good start could be an instant cull or cull while moving with even the OPs suggestion of having it apply the slow and KB of the final shot. Nothing too drastic but just a little at a time and re-evaluate. I am sure we could use some more on DF but just not sure where to go with it.




Marksman/Sharp Shooter = True turret with single target burst

Eng/sab = Defensive utility and area denial with AOE

Leth/DF= More mobile kite and sustain with DOTs. Long set up should also come with being able to move around to try to make it work.

Edited by Technohic
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What I would love to see, and I'm sure it's been mentioned before because it makes a lot of sense in my view, is if staying still in cover for a set length of time granted you camouflage until you attack (an in-place stealth).


This would give the sniper a little extra buffer against being the focus target at the start of a 4s match in some situations, and it would make them an even better node defender in 8s. It also fits into what the class is... because the nature of a sniper is one who will conceal himself in a given position while he waits for the perfect shot on his target.


Also, a good quality of life improvement that doesn't affect balance, would be to allow you to press entrench while out of cover, immediately placing you in cover on the spot and activating entrench.

Edited by akisgood
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Snipers don't need buffs that'll make them even stronger in team ranked, regs and PvE. They just need the old Engineering spec back, which was very strong in solo ranked (solo is literally the only place Snipers are underperforming). Buff that spec, leave the rest alone. Edited by DynamiCtagez
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Snipers need some kinda heal though vital regulators could be buffed either the tick frequency or the amount it heals for not both. Or just give them a baseline kolto injection 2 second cast time or kolto probes (prob op).
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My eyes! Oh god my eyes are bleeding!




Please edit your post and use normal colors. You probably have a point, but right now it's being lost in rainbow land.


Newbies always need to adapt to reading. :p


Traditionally engineering has been the most defensive and survivability focused spec


I thought it was Juggernaught now ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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First, I've never seen a PT burst for 35k after the shoulder cannon nerf and i do ranked and warzones all the time. I however have done over 35k of burst on my sniper. I've hit 34k with just to ambushes. That didn't count the snipes, followthroughs, or penetrating shots I did around them


Second as to your utility point that's just about what every class has to do, and the idea is to make a player choose. As a Marauder I don't have a single utility point that's not defensive in nature. On my Sorc, it's about 60% defense, 40 Offense. My is now 70% defense and 30% offense for utilities thanks to the nerf requiring me to give up a utility point to get back functionality I had.


I honestly think a lot of it is perception that they're not getting any 'adjustments' being a bad thing and the fact that sins are REALLY freakin strong right now and sins are great at countering just about everything a sniper and most other classes can throw at them. If Sins anti-CC and defensive utilities get adjusted downward I think snipers will feel a lot better.


Tactical surge, Plastic explosive, sticky grenade, high impact bolt, energy surge (or whatever it is called ) fully charged, you will easy get that amount of damage. I have killed someone with that combo in pvp within 4.5-6 seconds. And no, not every class has to choose defensives. Vanguard gets ALL of the defensive abilities commando has in their base tree. They are by far less squishy than people lead them on to be, at least tacitcs is. Plasmatech is still a wet noodle.

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Trouble is, some class has to be the one it is perceived to make sense to all pile onto in solo, since the height of tactical discussion in that game mode in most games is 'who first?'


Unless all specs are made entirely equal someone's going to be at the bottom survivability-wise, so it kinda makes sense for mercs and snipers to be made the 'target-of-choice' as so few people play them (particularly snipers).


They need to protect the saber-wavers, particularly when hoping for an influx of glowstick fan-boys when the new films start rolling out. Mara's were third on the target list and saw their participation numbers plummet, so action was clearly needed there.


And it's never going to be ops or 'sins, cause stealthers can't be targeted from the get-go, thus most 4-dps groups aren't going to have the patience to wait to find them.


PT's have potential as the next victim, they already have some tangible defensive weaknesses, it wouldn't take much of a tweak to toss them in the gutter, but overall it probably makes sense to leave snipers & mercs at the bottom, toss out the occasional bit of mis-information ('Snipers are really good in solo ranked!') to try to keep the number of victims per arena up, and not change it until people stop playing them altogether.


Oh, and they can't make Sorcs have the kind of miserable solo ranked experience snipers have, the forum would drown.

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Well I would've given it a 3/10, but it seems like you've fooled a lot of people here so grats.


3/10 huh? Typical of you to not have anything constructive to add to the discussion. You come here with your accusations and no reasoning or evidence to back up your claims.

I wrote in detail what I thought was wrong and what I wanted to be done but it seems the peanut you have for a brain can only generate 1 sentence per day.

You are like a dyslexic child throwing ice cubes at the sun. All your actions are innately futile for lack of understanding, please close your account and go back to pre-school.

Edited by charlieferari
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