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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

30 sec Mara Predation FTW


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In 3.3 They should give commandos a utility that allows hammer shot & explosive round to lower the cd of E-net by 3 seconds and the effect can't happen more than once every 1.5 secs


They should also add a 12 charge 1% heal of maximum health when taking damage to Suit FOE utility


That is not a bad idea, but I can hear a lot of people crying foul if they do anything to buff e-net :/. We can only hope BW actually listened to some of our feedback and does something soon. I tried to not give up on my mando, but there comes a point and time where a man can only take so much abuse. I have moved on to scoundrel / GS until BW does something to save mando in pvp.

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When you break a class so bad that none of the disciplines are viable in any form of content other than leveling, then that class needs to be fixed before anything else. You should blame the debs that it took this long to make it so sents have something they're viable in, and they're still not nearly as good as any of the ranged ACs are in PVE or Shadow/Vanguard are in PVP.


No classes are as good as VG and shadow in pvp atm. That does not mean that they should up the other classes to their absurd power though, they should try to bring the underperforming ones up a little, and the over performing ones down a little. I know that marauders were doing bad, and yeah, they needed buffs. Now they have those buffs though, more than any other class, and they are in a good place now, there is no need to keep buffing them at the moment before they take a look at either the overperforming classes or at the other under performing classes though. Mara was not the ONLY class ridiculously broken with 3.0. Commando lost every defensive passive we had and were forced to spend utilities on them.

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I think the word you're going for is wrecked (or rekt). wreak havoc is probably your inspiration, but wreak just means "cause." :p


I haven't noticed anything yet, but that was the one change I did see on the tentative patch notes that made me think...hmm...if that's on the same cd as HO, my merc is in a lot of trouble (no roots).


Last night there were a few pug pops with 5 of us Sents on one team... One was Hutt ball and it was just a total speed run all match... Void Star was hilarious as half of us used Shadow/Scoundrel tactics to cap then speed to the next door... I've only seen it done faster on my Sin.. The other team wasn't the best, sure... But I don't think they understood what was happening either... Aren't Sents supposed to be easy kills... LoL

Get some premade Sent/Maras with 2 sage/sorc and 2 Sins/Shadows and you have a near perfect mix for Hutt Ball or Void Star... Not so much Nova or Pylons...

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No classes are as good as VG and shadow in pvp atm. That does not mean that they should up the other classes to their absurd power though, they should try to bring the underperforming ones up a little, and the over performing ones down a little. I know that marauders were doing bad, and yeah, they needed buffs. Now they have those buffs though, more than any other class, and they are in a good place now, there is no need to keep buffing them at the moment before they take a look at either the overperforming classes or at the other under performing classes though. Mara was not the ONLY class ridiculously broken with 3.0. Commando lost every defensive passive we had and were forced to spend utilities on them.


Actually I think Juggs/Guardians are up there with VG and Shadows... I'm also seeing a lot of good Slingers running premades... Makes getting to them difficult... On a 1v1 its not so bad... But premade 2-3 Slingers/snipers that know how to play can decimate people trying to get close to them

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Actually I think Juggs/Guardians are up there with VG and Shadows... I'm also seeing a lot of good Slingers running premades... Makes getting to them difficult... On a 1v1 its not so bad... But premade 2-3 Slingers/snipers that know how to play can decimate people trying to get close to them


Premades of any stacked classes can be ridiculous to play against though, that is a problem in itself. Have you seen what happens when 4 commandos focus fire someone? Or when 4 scoundrels roll around together? The point is, sents are ina good spot now, and that BW needs to stop focusing on one class and start focusing on others that desperately need the attention.

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I feel the need to emphasize this in case anyone actually believed the poster who said gs/snipers have it tough against maras. That's hogwash, we utterly wreck marauders/sents. Any half decent gs or sniper will wreck and kite even a superb mara for days. If they even get within 5 meters of you then you're doing something wrong.
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Fox, I just wanted to stop in and say thanks for making that correction mate. I was going crazy here reading about how everyone was getting "wreaked" lol.

Ahhhhh, I feel better. Thanks again. :)

(I got to your post and skipped immediately to this haha.)


the always reliable olfactory assault. :rak_03:

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I feel the need to emphasize this in case anyone actually believed the poster who said gs/snipers have it tough against maras. That's hogwash, we utterly wreck marauders/sents. Any half decent gs or sniper will wreck and kite even a superb mara for days. If they even get within 5 meters of you then you're doing something wrong.



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I'm optimistic about 3.3 -- this is Bioware's chance to really improve PVP. Massive balance tweaks (ie. cover every AC and several disciplines) alongside all the proposed changes revealed so far (minus AOE damage/caps issue) would make 3.3 the best patch yet.
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I feel the need to emphasize this in case anyone actually believed the poster who said gs/snipers have it tough against maras. That's hogwash, we utterly wreck marauders/sents. Any half decent gs or sniper will wreck and kite even a superb mara for days. If they even get within 5 meters of you then you're doing something wrong.


Please tell me oh wise one what to do if a marauder charges me with their knockback / cc / root immunity now. I can kite and use quick shots, thatll do a whole 2 k damage, and that is hoping they don't have their 99% damage reduction up. I am willing to listen and learn how to kite with marksman.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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don't like it. my team had most of the maras buffing us the whole time. and we won pretty handily. I had trouble seeing things. I've also been unusually laggy the past week. so that doesn't help. it would be better if it was just the regular pred buff (not as fast and easier to see things, less interference from client-server issues).
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Please tell me oh wise one what to do if a marauder charges me with their knockback / cc / root immunity now. I can kite and use quick shots, thatll do a whole 2 k damage, and that is hoping they don't have their 99% damage reduction up. I am willing to listen and learn how to kite with marksman.


Would any OTHER merc/mando confirm they don't have any instant ability other than Quick Shot/Hammer Shot? Also someone ELSE explain why is 4s 99% dmg reduction so OP, it's less than 3 GCD (it's 4 GCD with utility)! And still someone ELSE tell me how Watchman/Annihilation/Combat/Carnage (the disciplines that still most sent/mara play) gets immune to knockback/cc/root? And at last how MM kiting would help mercs? (MM IS untouchable for the mentioned 2 disciplines, only Concentration/Fury has the slightest chance)

Edited by jauvtus
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Please tell me oh wise one what to do if a marauder charges me with their knockback / cc / root immunity now. I can kite and use quick shots, thatll do a whole 2 k damage, and that is hoping they don't have their 99% damage reduction up. I am willing to listen and learn how to kite with marksman.


There's no need to be rude or snarky. As a sniper/gs you should not be getting leapt to in the first place. Either you're being careless while playing or a sniper popped diversion on you. Also isn't the mara immunity only with focus spec? Most i see are carnage spec. In any case, you get leapt to, escape his incoming stun and roll once the immobilization effect wears off. Pop shield probe, evasion, adrenals and diversion to mitigate his burst as much as possible while you're out of cover and he's got his 6 seconds of cc immunity. once those are up, use knockback or leg shot to get some distance and start up your rotation on him.


He'll inevitably cloak just to close the distance again but you have a full bag of tricks to counter anything he does. MM comes with 2 knockbacks back to back with penetrating blasts, and they don't build a lot of resolve either. Save your flashbang for when he saber reflects, and do not put dots on him and do not attack him while rebuke/cloak of pain is up. Use your debilitate for when he pops undying rage, which only lasts 4-6 seconds btw. Don't try to facetank his damage while just sitting in cover, get in and out constantly to refresh your ballistic dampeners.


I hope this helps. Also, some people like saving evasion since it completely negates any damage from ravage and dispatch, so try to anticipate when these are coming. Keep an eye on your debuffs for obsfuscate btw, as it gives you a 99% accuracy debuff.


Edit: Also, entrench and ballistic shields, most players actually don't know that entrench stays active while you're out of cover, so you can pop out of cover, reposition and re-entrench as well. For a while i assumed entrench merely vanished when you left cover, but it's still active, you just need to re-enter cover. I abuse it every time it's off cooldown.

Edited by muhidin
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In 3.3 They should give commandos a utility that allows hammer shot & explosive round to lower the cd of E-net by 3 seconds and the effect can't happen more than once every 1.5 secs


They should also add a 12 charge 1% heal of maximum health when taking damage to Suit FOE utility


The one thing I hope never, EVER happens in this game is any sort of a lower cooldown on ENet. I would absolutely give up on this game if that happened. It is the most frustrating ability in the game, and forces multiple longer cooldown counters to be used to only negate one ability. For how amazing ENet is, 90s is already pushing it as it is.

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The one thing I hope never, EVER happens in this game is any sort of a lower cooldown on ENet. I would absolutely give up on this game if that happened. It is the most frustrating ability in the game, and forces multiple longer cooldown counters to be used to only negate one ability. For how amazing ENet is, 90s is already pushing it as it is.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure every stealther in the game would /rage quit.

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don't like it. my team had most of the maras buffing us the whole time. and we won pretty handily. I had trouble seeing things. I've also been unusually laggy the past week. so that doesn't help. it would be better if it was just the regular pred buff (not as fast and easier to see things, less interference from client-server issues).


Wait, you're telling me you don't love having the entire team running around with super speed HO????


In all seriousness the teleporting has been real (especially when I was playing on Euro servers this past weekend).

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Would any OTHER merc/mando confirm they don't have any instant ability other than Quick Shot/Hammer Shot? Also someone ELSE explain why is 4s 99% dmg reduction so OP, it's less than 3 GCD (it's 4 GCD with utility)! And still someone ELSE tell me how Watchman/Annihilation/Combat/Carnage (the disciplines that still most sent/mara play) gets immune to knockback/cc/root? And at last how MM kiting would help mercs? (MM IS untouchable for the mentioned 2 disciplines, only Concentration/Fury has the slightest chance)


merc/mando has A LOT of instants, as do all classes in this game, but it also depends on your spec and utility points.

baseline IO merc has incendiary, mag/rail, rapid shots, unload, power shot is an instant following a rail/mag. frag grenate and thermal detinator are also instant but they don't deal dmg right awy. death from above and sweeping blasters are aoe instants.


the list for the other merc specs are similar but not quite as numerous

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The one thing I hope never, EVER happens in this game is any sort of a lower cooldown on ENet. I would absolutely give up on this game if that happened. It is the most frustrating ability in the game, and forces multiple longer cooldown counters to be used to only negate one ability. For how amazing ENet is, 90s is already pushing it as it is.


Let's be real, there's a lot more thing's the devs could implement into PvP that would and should be a game breaker for you. If this subtle suggestion get's your panties in a bunch then you should probably steer clear of PvP. I have a commando and I can tell you that I only use Hammer Shot when my ammo is low. Hammer shot used to reduce the cooldown on Reserve Powercell but now it barely serves a purpose in PvP other than being able to shoot while on the move. I also barely use explosive round, even if the icon is lit up, encouraging me to use it. It uses to much ammo, for an ability outside of me rotation. Hammer Shot and Explosive Round are the only two abilities I suggested should reduce the cooldown on E-net and I barely use the two abilities.


As a sentinel, Rebuke keeps me alive, it's my main defensive that I rely on. It gives me 20% damage reduction and does 400-500 damage to my attackers every couple of seconds. I have 3 abilities that I can use to lower this Rebuke's cooldown by 3 seconds EACH! And I use all three. Rebuke initially has a 60 second cooldown and can last up to 30 seconds as long as I'm being attacked. By the time the 30 seconds is up for my Rebuke, it's going to be off cooldown in 10 seconds from the abilities lowering it's cooldown. So generally I can have Rebuke active for 85% of the time i'm in combat. Not only do I have Rebuke but I have saber ward, force camo, I can lower enemies accuracy by 80%, an on demand speedboost in Transcendence, self heals, shall I go on? How is that fair against a commando? I think it would be perfectly fair that Commandos should have a utility that allows certain abilities to lower the CD on E-net. Every Class has a slow or root that can be directly applied to an enemy BUT Commandos. Yeah Commandos have abilities that also have a 2-6 second slow applied to it, but so does Sages and they even have a slow outside of their abilities. Shadows and Scoundrels have slows and they'er stealth. There was a time when Commandos didn't even have an interrupt dude and you're trying to call a make it break it on E-net having abilities that could lower it's CD? No disrespect but GTFOH


Yeah, I'm pretty sure every stealther in the game would /rage quit.


After playing this game for all the years it's been out, I could care less about stealth classes. I mostly play none stealth classes and have gladly sent my share of opposing stealth to the medbay for trying to take my node. The fact that they get to start the fight on there own terms is already tipping the scale in their favor. The second fact is all the burst they do as soon as they pop out of stealth has always been unfair. Why should The stealth classes get to start the fights when they choose and have the burst to go with it? While non-stealth classes have to build up focus to do an attack that will mean anything or channel their first attack? I have no remorse for stealth classes, even while they don't give me any trouble.


Lol, I'm sure every person ever focused down while enetted would /rage quit.


E-net has never been a problem for me or any actually good PvP'er I've ever known, but I guess that's just me.

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Let's be real, there's a lot more thing's the devs could implement into PvP that would and should be a game breaker for you. If this subtle suggestion get's your panties in a bunch then you should probably steer clear of PvP. I have a commando and I can tell you that I only use Hammer Shot when my ammo is low. Hammer shot used to reduce the cooldown on Reserve Powercell but now it barely serves a purpose in PvP other than being able to shoot while on the move. I also barely use explosive round, even if the icon is lit up, encouraging me to use it. It uses to much ammo, for an ability outside of me rotation. Hammer Shot and Explosive Round are the only two abilities I suggested should reduce the cooldown on E-net and I barely use the two abilities.


As a sentinel, Rebuke keeps me alive, it's my main defensive that I rely on. It gives me 20% damage reduction and does 400-500 damage to my attackers every couple of seconds. I have 3 abilities that I can use to lower this Rebuke's cooldown by 3 seconds EACH! And I use all three. Rebuke initially has a 60 second cooldown and can last up to 30 seconds as long as I'm being attacked. By the time the 30 seconds is up for my Rebuke, it's going to be off cooldown in 10 seconds from the abilities lowering it's cooldown. So generally I can have Rebuke active for 85% of the time i'm in combat. Not only do I have Rebuke but I have saber ward, force camo, I can lower enemies accuracy by 80%, an on demand speedboost in Transcendence, self heals, shall I go on? How is that fair against a commando? I think it would be perfectly fair that Commandos should have a utility that allows certain abilities to lower the CD on E-net. Every Class has a slow or root that can be directly applied to an enemy BUT Commandos. Yeah Commandos have abilities that also have a 2-6 second slow applied to it, but so does Sages and they even have a slow outside of their abilities. Shadows and Scoundrels have slows and they'er stealth. There was a time when Commandos didn't even have an interrupt dude and you're trying to call a make it break it on E-net having abilities that could lower it's CD? No disrespect but GTFOH


I don't think E-net should be buffed that way. Its high damage, a form of CC that ignores resolve, deals more damage if you dont treat it like a root, and overall is incredibly powerful.


Now... Making Power Overrides | Overclock also cause Rapid Shots | Hammer Shots and Kolto Shot | Med Shot to reduce the CD on Power Surge | Tech Override is something I could see working, as using those abilities typically means you are being forced to move and as such it would be a great addition to the heroic utility to make it actually worth grabbing (similar to how Energy Rebounder | Reflexive Shield reduces the Energy Shield | Reactive Shield cooldown when taking damage, because that's when you need it)

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There's no need to be rude or snarky. As a sniper/gs you should not be getting leapt to in the first place. Either you're being careless while playing or a sniper popped diversion on you. Also isn't the mara immunity only with focus spec? Most i see are carnage spec. In any case, you get leapt to, escape his incoming stun and roll once the immobilization effect wears off. Pop shield probe, evasion, adrenals and diversion to mitigate his burst as much as possible while you're out of cover and he's got his 6 seconds of cc immunity. once those are up, use knockback or leg shot to get some distance and start up your rotation on him.


He'll inevitably cloak just to close the distance again but you have a full bag of tricks to counter anything he does. MM comes with 2 knockbacks back to back with penetrating blasts, and they don't build a lot of resolve either. Save your flashbang for when he saber reflects, and do not put dots on him and do not attack him while rebuke/cloak of pain is up. Use your debilitate for when he pops undying rage, which only lasts 4-6 seconds btw. Don't try to facetank his damage while just sitting in cover, get in and out constantly to refresh your ballistic dampeners.


I hope this helps. Also, some people like saving evasion since it completely negates any damage from ravage and dispatch, so try to anticipate when these are coming. Keep an eye on your debuffs for obsfuscate btw, as it gives you a 99% accuracy debuff.


Edit: Also, entrench and ballistic shields, most players actually don't know that entrench stays active while you're out of cover, so you can pop out of cover, reposition and re-entrench as well. For a while i assumed entrench merely vanished when you left cover, but it's still active, you just need to re-enter cover. I abuse it every time it's off cooldown.


Well, when people tend to get snarky towards me, I will get very very toxic in return. Everything you said though, I already knew, the thing is, lately, I ahve been using those knockbacks, and roots and it just constantly says immune or resist. Which is why I am getting increasingly frustrated.

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Would any OTHER merc/mando confirm they don't have any instant ability other than Quick Shot/Hammer Shot? Also someone ELSE explain why is 4s 99% dmg reduction so OP, it's less than 3 GCD (it's 4 GCD with utility)! And still someone ELSE tell me how Watchman/Annihilation/Combat/Carnage (the disciplines that still most sent/mara play) gets immune to knockback/cc/root? And at last how MM kiting would help mercs? (MM IS untouchable for the mentioned 2 disciplines, only Concentration/Fury has the slightest chance)


This has 0 to do with what you quoted. As for it being OP, it is not, and I have stated several times that the class is now in a good place, I have also said that they should start focusing on fixing other either OP, or UP classes now instead of focusing all their effort on sents. Fact is though, you have 2 oh **** abilities that are really good, and people constantly complain about the lass being useless. When you lose those 2 and gain really bad self heals, then you can complain.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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