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Is this the vocal minority?


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yea, i didnt, but i played it later and its still my fav pvp MMO


swtor is prolly the worst MMO i've ever played when it comes to pvp, not because of balance, but because there is no pvp, besides warzones.


I will agree with you on this Shortcake. Just remember the game has only been out about 13 days. They already stated they are going to add much more stuff to PVP. I like the warzones until all 50s started getting in. A 50 with full PVP gear is no match for anyone under 50. They need to put brackets in or bracket off the level 50s. '


I would like to see what they have planed for world PVP.


I just do not want to see arenas because how hard they are to balance around. Unless it is its only game outside the norm of SWTOR. Like Arena gear for Arena, and adjust Skills to have an arena only component to it.

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I mean how many of you people actually love SWTOR and will be playing this game for years to come?


It is impossible to tell this now, I can definately say that I can play an MMO for many years aslong it is fun. So all what matters for me is, if SWTOR is able to create a community similar to classic wow, Ultima and to some degree DAOC.


I am looking for an MMO without whiny kids who post their meters all the time, change their spec every minute or are lacking social skills, not sure about others but so far I had the impression that there are a lot of people who see things similar.



The whiny posts here at the forum are usually of very young people who did start playing MMO´s with WOTLK and they just dont know better, as they know nothing about MMO´s and will go back to wow anyways, as soon the Panda´s arrive.


I prefer a community of adults with maybe just 1 or 2 Mio players over one of children with 11 Mio (not saying only children play wow or that it is a bad game. Its just not an MMO anymore more a Singleplayer with a queue button for everything)

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If there were 1,000 people bothered angry enough at the game to come onto the forums and start a QQ thread and quit, it would completely flood the forums. It would be all you'd see for weeks as they all went through it. All you'd see is complaints, and you'd be wondering why things are so bad. If, for each of those complainers, you had 9 others who quit without complaining, that would be 10,000 players.


With over a million subscribers, 10,000 players would only be 1% of the people.


You can't judge much about the game based one the people complaining on the forums. When people are angry, they post a LOT because they want to VENT and they want other players to know how ANGRY they are. They also think that everyone else MUST be as equally angry as THEY are.


When players are happy, they post very little. They're too busy having fun, and the vast majority can't even be bothered to deal with the forums. To date, there are still several times more players playing SWTOR than there are posts in the forums.


The best way to get a feel for the health of SWTOR: Ask people you know who is playing it. If you don't know any, try joining a guild. Dozens of people I know from other games have come here, and they're all happy and having fun. See how many stick around for the 2nd month, and you'll know. The only people who matter are the ones you know.

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I will agree with you on this Shortcake. Just remember the game has only been out about 13 days. They already stated they are going to add much more stuff to PVP. I like the warzones until all 50s started getting in. A 50 with full PVP gear is no match for anyone under 50. They need to put brackets in or bracket off the level 50s. '


I would like to see what they have planed for world PVP.


I just do not want to see arenas because how hard they are to balance around. Unless it is its only game outside the norm of SWTOR. Like Arena gear for Arena, and adjust Skills to have an arena only component to it.


you are just lying to yourself, the lack of open world pvp isnt an issue for bioware, its a design decision, its not 13 days, its 5 years of development, they did everything to ensure there was little interaction between both factions


something that they dont consider to be broken wont ever be fixed.

Edited by Shortcake
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pretty much this


this is a singleplayer/coop game, not a MMO, fanboys gonna fanboy


i do love swtor but i sure wont pay a sub for a singleplayer game.


lol you again. I've seen you posting the same things in all topics.


OP, I suggest asking the people who are currently playing. Not these people.

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The best way to get a feel for the health of SWTOR: Ask people you know who is playing it. If you don't know any, try joining a guild. Dozens of people I know from other games have come here, and they're all happy and having fun. See how many stick around for the 2nd month, and you'll know. The only people who matter are the ones you know.


This man speaks the truth. My guild, full of very old school, cynical gamers who started with SWG and have played nearly every MMO together, are in this and loving it. I think it's the first time we've ever came to a new game and not all complained endlessly. I can't speak for the whole playerbase, but everyone I know is having a LOT of fun.

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you are just lying to yourself, the lack of open world pvp isnt an issue for bioware, its a design decision, its not 13 days, its 5 years of development, they did everything to ensure there was little interaction between both factions


something that they dont consider to be broken wont ever be fixed.


That's why they made all of those pvp teaser videos between classes, right?


Also because they cited world pvp as their main reason for sharding servers.


It's clear they're not opposed to world pvp.

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Yes OP, this is the vocal minority. The people that enjoy are out there actually playing and enjoying the game and upon seeing these forums they just leave perplexed because it sounds like they are talking about a different game.


People like this guy i just quoted, for example.


They come here to QQ about every single little thing like its the end of the world. Honestly who in their right mind cares about Realm forums?! WoW had them and they are the most inactive forums they have. Nobody cares.

I suspect they are spoiled kids, because no one with a job and a brain can come here and moan about every little pointless thing like its the end of the world. Its unsightly, but i guess its a true picture of the real average intellect level of humanity these days.


Many people care about Realm Forums

here are some of the reasons why we care...http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=73912

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Server forums will not be implemented (already confirmed), now there's a worthy topic to QQ about. What a retarded move from BW, and will cost subs guaranteed.


I wouldn't quit because my server doesn't have a forum.. that's just a stupid reason to quit.

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All of the complaints on the forums, all of the QQ and whining about how bad this game is, and all of the people saying that this is a SP game with fail MMO mechanics... Is this the vocal minority or just the majority? I really love this game and I want it to succed, I know swtor has a a great future ahead of it with patchs coming and more content, but why are people just degrading this game so so bad. Every time I read the forums its just constant negativity and crying going on. Can't we just get server forums already so we can communicate with like minded people who actually want to play this game, instead of just basically reading the QQ forums.


I mean how many of you people actually love SWTOR and will be playing this game for years to come?


It's about .01% of the 5% or so of the overall player base that uses the forums.

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It's a minority so small it is insignificant. I doubt whether 10% of the 1.5 million ever read this forum. Most of those that post don't in the General Discussion. Looks to be a few hundred people posting the negative comments, but they tend to post over and over again.


The beta general forum looked similar. You would have thought the game was terrible. But we could do polls in beta. Whenever we did a poll on how testers liked the game, it always scored with 94% rating the game 8-10.


If we could do a poll here now, the results would be the same.


Those posting negative feedback never like polls because they only got one vote. They can't post multiple times, and create these long hate threads by replying to each others posts.


The game is great, nearly EVERYTHING brought up (so many times) has been addressed by BW in stickies, posts from the developers (DEVTRACK) or the chief game designer in his welcome.

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Becuse the core mechanics and class designs in general are absolutely terrible.


In your opinion.


I Sir, strongly disagree with you, and am having a blast with my Knight Guardian. Who'd have thought the lack of an Auto Attack would make so much positive difference? :D

Edited by LilPika
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Ever hear of negative marketing? Astroturfing? Sure, it's unethical, but it happens more often than you would think.


Take it with a grain of salt. If you are having fun (I know that I am), don't let it dampen your enjoyment.


Heh so true. That just means someone is threatened by this games success. Which is a good sign.

Edited by Superdru
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yea, i didnt, but i played it later and its still my fav pvp MMO


swtor is prolly the worst MMO i've ever played when it comes to pvp, not because of balance, but because there is no pvp, besides warzones.


It's clear then that you have a hard time learning things.


PVP is an acronym for player-versus-player...

PVP does not mean player-versus-a gaming world where I am forced into combat against other players..


Bioware never said that the swtor gaming world would support content pvp combat across all worlds all the time...


That's why they added ilum and warzones....


You choose to be intellectually lazy and not understand that...


You're fault, not biowares.

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All of the complaints on the forums, all of the QQ and whining about how bad this game is, and all of the people saying that this is a SP game with fail MMO mechanics... Is this the vocal minority or just the majority? I really love this game and I want it to succed, I know swtor has a a great future ahead of it with patchs coming and more content, but why are people just degrading this game so so bad. Every time I read the forums its just constant negativity and crying going on. Can't we just get server forums already so we can communicate with like minded people who actually want to play this game, instead of just basically reading the QQ forums.


I mean how many of you people actually love SWTOR and will be playing this game for years to come?


There the minority i assure you. most of the posters that post negetive comments about the game have been doing so since the beta. i honestly cant fathom why there still here if they hate this game so much. one of the negetive posters constantly spams how much better WOW is compared to this game. i cant help but wonder if that poster actually works for Actiblizzion.


Most like SWTOR including myself. i will be with this game for the duration, i have a 6 month billing cycle and if i could have done a year i would have. :)

Edited by DarthSabreth
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