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My 2 cents on the recent Bad Feeling podcast with Alex


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First of all, thank you for the interview Chuck and Brian. Great work on the podcast. This is an important step for the community, in my opinion.


Now, on the topic, am I the only one that read these very small changes (yes, very small) and wonders how people see that as "fantastic changes"?


I mean, most of those things are BALANCING changes that'd take 10 minutes to do. Literally. There is actually NO NEW content what so ever. And what is worse is that NOTHING IS BEING DONE. He literally says that all he got is a "prototype" that God knows how many years will take to be ready.


Everything is limited to change some numbers here and there and then, above of that, he says that he expects to increase ranked population with those changes? REALLY? The PvP servers are dying completely and you think that accelerating the gearing will do the tricky? Oh my.


The only actual change that seems to take more than a day to do is the new season rewards system, which I hated. Again they catered to the people that complained that they didn't have the rewards and made a way so everyone can have it. Here kids, gold medals and cookies for everyone! In a way I understand that can be an incentive to people to keep doing rateds. So I'll give them that and agree with this change. Not even close from the best solution, but yeah. Still, it completely destroys the idea of rewards for the most skilled people.


Now to the pearl. He actually says that snipers are doing well on rateds. Oh gee. I hate to attack people personally but I can bet a few million creds as this guy has never stepped on a rated arena. Let's not forget the always forgotten mercs and the FOTMs sins (which are a little more balanced, I give you that). Ah, maybe they also could give another defensive cooldown that nobody asked for the juggs, right?


Alright, rant apart, I read all those minor changes which are, in my opinion, good quality of life improvements, so thank you for that. Some of those stuff was asked by the community a long time ago and they are finally doing that. But here is the catch. Those things should be small lines on patch notes, not the highlights for 2 years of PvP changes.


Those changes are not big, those changes will not make rateds come back alive. Those changes will not save the PvP servers. The big problems still stand and they seem not to care for it.

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I think most pvpers are a bit disappointed with a lot of things at this time.


But... honestly... I rather just stop venting for a bit, and look at this for what it is. They are being vocal and communicating about PVP!


This is amazing considering how much PVP has been neglected and treated over the past couple years. It sounds to me like they really are going to try hard to make things better.


Let's just give them a chance here. Let's be open, engaging, respectful, and try to hold back our resentment and anger over the past and take this as a great step in making improvements.


By being positive I believe we will reap more than constantly being naysayers and judging every word that is spoken by a BW employee and casting doubt on everything they say.


No one likes to hear others complain constantly, and I am sure BW is the same way. They are people and do work hard, it's just not doing what we think should be done especially as of lately.


I am going to try to refrain from being negative, and sit back and watch what changes they implement.


I believe that changes will come, and not just the ones they mentioned. I believe changes to mercs will happen, and other classes will get tweaks etc., that will only improve PVP. I guess only time will tell the truth.

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You know, there are times i think this community just wants to complain regardless of subject...

Weve been asking for info, we get info however small it may be, and we obliterate it as not being enough, and we wonder why we get no info.

Nom it isnt earth shattering, it isnt inclusive, it isnt a lot of things, but at least they are looking at it, thinking about it, something. Can we at least see where it goes before we play the role.

Edited by Floplag
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Now to the pearl. He actually says that snipers are doing well on rateds. Oh gee.


And marauders too, well according to them. ;) They look at all these stupid metrics graphs... but only at the (top? average?) success rate and not on the number of participants and their skills.

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Sounds bad. Except for a very tiny minority snipers are -not- doing well in ranked and none are doing great in solos. They've also said a couple mara specs were doing well in ranked (said that elsewhere). That makes me suppose that they don't know how to read their own leaderboards (which are the "big picture" in ranked). And yet they are emphasizing balance changes? Either balance is screwed up or it isn't, right? And if it is then some acs are underperforming - by definition, if someone's overperforming then someone else is underperforming.


Any talk of cc/resolve?


No mention of merges or "better than x server"? I'm not sure how there can be any talk of improving or fixing ranked pvp in this game without that being subject #1.


One question about making the gear grind even easier. Did any of the recruit set additions increase participation in pvp? Did bolster? These should be verifiable stats. My experience tells me that pvp participation took hits from all of those but I don't have #s and the hits I'm referring to may have been from other factors. Bolster is idiotic (my fresh 60 with ziost 190 blues had 1300 expertise in a wz) but if used correctly (162-168 greens) characters can do fine without any pvp gear at all - try explaining how to use it correctly to a new player, even those experienced in other mmos, gets a lot of disbelief, though.


I'll listen to the podcast but if you're doing it any justice then tonight will be my last in this game. I've been waiting too long to hear nothing from a hyped pvp discussion.

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Alright, rant apart, I read all those minor changes which are, in my opinion, good quality of life improvements, so thank you for that. Some of those stuff was asked by the community a long time ago and they are finally doing that. But here is the catch. Those things should be small lines on patch notes, not the highlights for 2 years of PvP changes.


Those changes are not big, those changes will not make rateds come back alive. Those changes will not save the PvP servers. The big problems still stand and they seem not to care for it.

I agree...these changes should have been made years ago...they weren't though. Bioware has never been accused of moving too quickly, except at launch when they opened too many new servers. I am happy that they ARE finally doing something though...no matter how small or insignificant, it's far more than we've had in 2+ years. Is it enough? Hell no...but it's better than it's been. They gotta start somewhere...I just hope this isn't all there is.


I do believe Rated's could see a boost from this, but you're right...this does nothing for the PvP servers...so stop complaining about them and switch to a new server. It'll take Bioware 6 more months minimum to even look at the servers.

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Well, snipers are really strong in 3/4 aspects of this game: Regs, Group Ranked, PvE content. They're only weak in yolo q, and if they balance around that then lol.


Are snipers doing "great" in group ranked? If you balance around the 4 or 5 teams per server doing that or... regs with an 8-man pre full of heals and tanks on one side and 4 maras and 0 heals on the other then... "lol".

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Besides the over tuned dot damage and AP, marksman sniper is extremely good in 4s. Match it with Ap, hatred, or another MM spec, hell even carnage mara for hard swaps, and thats a lot of dmg. The only reason you don't see as many in 4s (if you do them, idk) is because assassins are too strong, AP isn't really op (IMO) but that extra long carbonize matched with PT tank, which is too strong atm also, many people won't try any other mixes in classes/specs long term.


Edit: To answer the question, yes snipers are great in 4s, one of the best classes i've come across. Just because you don't see them high rated is because there aren't a lot 4s to begin with!

Edited by Jmenks
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First of all, thank you for the interview Chuck and Brian. Great work on the podcast. This is an important step for the community, in my opinion.


Now, on the topic, am I the only one that read these very small changes (yes, very small) and wonders how people see that as "fantastic changes"?


I mean, most of those things are BALANCING changes that'd take 10 minutes to do. Literally. There is actually NO NEW content what so ever. And what is worse is that NOTHING IS BEING DONE. He literally says that all he got is a "prototype" that God knows how many years will take to be ready.


Everything is limited to change some numbers here and there and then, above of that, he says that he expects to increase ranked population with those changes? REALLY? The PvP servers are dying completely and you think that accelerating the gearing will do the tricky? Oh my.


The only actual change that seems to take more than a day to do is the new season rewards system, which I hated. Again they catered to the people that complained that they didn't have the rewards and made a way so everyone can have it. Here kids, gold medals and cookies for everyone! In a way I understand that can be an incentive to people to keep doing rateds. So I'll give them that and agree with this change. Not even close from the best solution, but yeah. Still, it completely destroys the idea of rewards for the most skilled people.


Now to the pearl. He actually says that snipers are doing well on rateds. Oh gee. I hate to attack people personally but I can bet a few million creds as this guy has never stepped on a rated arena. Let's not forget the always forgotten mercs and the FOTMs sins (which are a little more balanced, I give you that). Ah, maybe they also could give another defensive cooldown that nobody asked for the juggs, right?


Alright, rant apart, I read all those minor changes which are, in my opinion, good quality of life improvements, so thank you for that. Some of those stuff was asked by the community a long time ago and they are finally doing that. But here is the catch. Those things should be small lines on patch notes, not the highlights for 2 years of PvP changes.


Those changes are not big, those changes will not make rateds come back alive. Those changes will not save the PvP servers. The big problems still stand and they seem not to care for it.


Dear Sir,

I can't help but notice that your perception of life is to view every change as 'half empty' rather than 'half full'. I offer you this free consultation, but I strongly urge you to change your approach toward your precieved situation, espesially since we want to avoid any Imperial entanglements . . . I wish you good luck, and all happiness in life;)

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First of all, thank you for the interview Chuck and Brian. Great work on the podcast. This is an important step for the community, in my opinion.


Now, on the topic, am I the only one that read these very small changes (yes, very small) and wonders how people see that as "fantastic changes"?


I mean, most of those things are BALANCING changes that'd take 10 minutes to do. Literally. There is actually NO NEW content what so ever. And what is worse is that NOTHING IS BEING DONE. He literally says that all he got is a "prototype" that God knows how many years will take to be ready.


Everything is limited to change some numbers here and there and then, above of that, he says that he expects to increase ranked population with those changes? REALLY? The PvP servers are dying completely and you think that accelerating the gearing will do the tricky? Oh my.


The only actual change that seems to take more than a day to do is the new season rewards system, which I hated. Again they catered to the people that complained that they didn't have the rewards and made a way so everyone can have it. Here kids, gold medals and cookies for everyone! In a way I understand that can be an incentive to people to keep doing rateds. So I'll give them that and agree with this change. Not even close from the best solution, but yeah. Still, it completely destroys the idea of rewards for the most skilled people.


Now to the pearl. He actually says that snipers are doing well on rateds. Oh gee. I hate to attack people personally but I can bet a few million creds as this guy has never stepped on a rated arena. Let's not forget the always forgotten mercs and the FOTMs sins (which are a little more balanced, I give you that). Ah, maybe they also could give another defensive cooldown that nobody asked for the juggs, right?


Alright, rant apart, I read all those minor changes which are, in my opinion, good quality of life improvements, so thank you for that. Some of those stuff was asked by the community a long time ago and they are finally doing that. But here is the catch. Those things should be small lines on patch notes, not the highlights for 2 years of PvP changes.


Those changes are not big, those changes will not make rateds come back alive. Those changes will not save the PvP servers. The big problems still stand and they seem not to care for it.


"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"

That is an age old idiom that will do you a lot of good OP. They are making PvP changes!

'Oh i didn't get what i wanted /QQ' Seriously? Its not fixing the balance problems but at least its opening the gates for PvP to function better as a whole.


As for the '10 minute fix' are you a programmer? Did you personally write the combat algorithms that define SWTOR's combat system? Did you write the class coding algorithms that set class ability and function?

If you answered no to the above questions please rethink your 'it takes 10 minutes to fix' comment. It doesn't take 10 minutes to find bugs and software errors. It doesn't take 10 minutes to find the class coding and adjust the ability damage/output. It takes a lot longer than that. So please, sit down, stop crying like a child that had their toys taken off them and deal with the fact that finally something is getting done.

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Dear Sir,

I can't help but notice that your perception of life is to view every change as 'half empty' rather than 'half full'. I offer you this free consultation, but I strongly urge you to change your approach toward your precieved situation, espesially since we want to avoid any Imperial entanglements . . . I wish you good luck, and all happiness in life;)


It is a shame that in order to answer to an argument you need to attack me personally and judge my personality via internet. That ending phrase wishing happiness and a smile face is almost as stereotypical. I wish I could answer to that, but I prefer to talk about the game.

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It is a shame that in order to answer to an argument you need to attack me personally and judge my personality via internet. That ending phrase wishing happiness and a smile face is almost as stereotypical. I wish I could answer to that, but I prefer to talk about the game.


Sorry, Darko wins

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I agree with the topic.


I think PvP content is being compressed even more.


People will get now Reaver set, the last one, with no sweat. And no sweat, means less pride and more of an empty feeling. And this one does not help the actual situation. PvErs have lots of options, and their ultimate set will be still hard to complete, requiring months to get 1-2 pieces if youre not a fan of Operations. So i see that this facility to get full Reaver as a demerit. A proof of no equality betwen the 2 communities (PvErs and PvPers).


Is it true that it will be a call for PvP? So it will be worth? Probably, it will cause moderate impact on premades VS solos queuing in Regs, but i doubt it will make something more than that, like reviving Open PvP, which is dead, for example. And nothing of this "compression" was necesary to make it shine, in the old days.


Anyways, if they wish to make Regs more reasonable for Solos, and stimulate PvP in general, they could bring back BALANCE. Now they are just making a curves, in consecutive patches that are still leaving Overpowered multipliers because of a totally PvE oriented thinking.


They must understand that if they want to please PvPers, the only way is to pay attention to them. Real attention, with real content and exploration.

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I actually read the notes & can say not too pleased with the new changes. :(

It's not all as great as their making it sound.

Making it easier to get ranked gear, while in hopes that it will stimulate ranked WZs, is only going to put more noobs who don't know what they're really doing in queues. Ranked is about playing as a team, win or lose. You try to mesh fast as you can in solo.


Saying "oh don't complain because they're communicating & it's about PvP" is a dumb comment too. Just because they're saying "stuff" doesn't mean it's great & we should accept it with open arms.


The whole AOE not stopping cap is real crap. That some times could be the only thing that turns the tide of the warzone. But then that also can go back to those playing smartly & for objectives & those who are just death matching the crap out of everything. Unless BW is going to teach everyone to play WZ's though, it's not going to help much other than make regstar WZs more empty. :(

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I agree with the topic.


I think PvP content is being compressed even more.


People will get now Reaver set, the last one, with no sweat. And no sweat, means less pride and more of an empty feeling. And this one does not help the actual situation. PvErs have lots of options, and their ultimate set will be still hard to complete, requiring months to get 1-2 pieces if youre not a fan of Operations. So i see that this facility to get full Reaver as a demerit. A proof of no equality betwen the 2 communities (PvErs and PvPers).


Is it true that it will be a call for PvP? So it will be worth? Probably, it will cause moderate impact on premades VS solos queuing in Regs, but i doubt it will make something more than that, like reviving Open PvP, which is dead, for example. And nothing of this "compression" was necesary to make it shine, in the old days.


Anyways, if they wish to make Regs more reasonable for Solos, and stimulate PvP in general, they could bring back BALANCE. Now they are just making a curves, in consecutive patches that are still leaving Overpowered multipliers because of a totally PvE oriented thinking.


They must understand that if they want to please PvPers, the only way is to pay attention to them. Real attention, with real content and exploration.



Less pride? Thats ridiculous they are making it less of a grind. Which is it for the majority of people which don't do ranked. As they said 2% only have full dark reaver i.e those that only do ranked. They have made the gear so its easier to access meaning We will see less pve guys turning up in full raid gear maybe. Who knows one can hope. but your reasoning is flawed on so many levels. Apart from maybe the Aoe changes which i am not sure about these changes are good.

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I actually read the notes & can say not too pleased with the new changes. :(

It's not all as great as their making it sound.

Making it easier to get ranked gear, while in hopes that it will stimulate ranked WZs, is only going to put more noobs who don't know what they're really doing in queues. Ranked is about playing as a team, win or lose. You try to mesh fast as you can in solo.


Saying "oh don't complain because they're communicating & it's about PvP" is a dumb comment too. Just because they're saying "stuff" doesn't mean it's great & we should accept it with open arms.


The whole AOE not stopping cap is real crap. That some times could be the only thing that turns the tide of the warzone. But then that also can go back to those playing smartly & for objectives & those who are just death matching the crap out of everything. Unless BW is going to teach everyone to play WZ's though, it's not going to help much other than make regstar WZs more empty. :(


Honestly i think it won't those that don't do ranked tend to hate arenas they love reg warzones so mostly we will just see a more level playing field for 98% of pvp players in the game. That Aoe change though i am very skeptical of 1 node guard will be quite ineffective when attacked by several now given his aoe is useless.

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Less pride? Thats ridiculous they are making it less of a grind. Which is it for the majority of people which don't do ranked. As they said 2% only have full dark reaver i.e those that only do ranked. They have made the gear so its easier to access meaning We will see less pve guys turning up in full raid gear maybe. Who knows one can hope. but your reasoning is flawed on so many levels. Apart from maybe the Aoe changes which i am not sure about these changes are good.


Only 2% of players or only 2% of characters? I have lots of characters - lots of 60s even, but only, uh, ~3% of them have a full set of dr at any given time.

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Only 2% of players or only 2% of characters? I have lots of characters but, lots of 60s even, but only, uh, ~3% of them have a full set of dr at any given time.


2% of the pvp population according to what they say. I have a few at 60 but most are only part way dark reaver i don't have the time for ranked these days and the grind for he top set is one hell of a time sink lol don't get me wrong it should take effort but not to the point it makes most give up getting it lol.

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Honestly i think it won't those that don't do ranked tend to hate arenas they love reg warzones so mostly we will just see a more level playing field for 98% of pvp players in the game. That Aoe change though i am very skeptical of 1 node guard will be quite ineffective when attacked by several now given his aoe is useless.


Yeah that AOE thing is going to mean team is just split into guarding. Opposing team just zergs in. Insta-caps. :(

I'm not quite sure what they hope to do with this nerf.


We will see on the level playing field. Granted if they make it were all can have ranked it will mean less PvE bolstered people. I can see that. But like one said it does take away from the grind & being able to say yeah I worked for my gear, and stomached endless BAD WZs! lol :D


If they do this I think they should remove any coms got for losing! Losers don't get anything. So that way you only get coms for completing the daily/weekly unless you win.your matches. That would make it a bit better too. Like Ranked's dailies.

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Again they catered to the people that complained that they didn't have the rewards and made a way so everyone can have it. Here kids, gold medals and cookies for everyone! In a way I understand that can be an incentive to people to keep doing rateds. So I'll give them that and agree with this change. Not even close from the best solution, but yeah. Still, it completely destroys the idea of rewards for the most skilled people.


You've missed the point completely.


In ranked warzone "most skilled people" has zero meaning. How exactly do you determine someones "skill level" when your rating is based on 3 other peoples performance on your team and the other teams performance?


In ranked warzones there are literally 8 people including yourself that determine the rating you get at the end of the match.


Imagine a really good player starting RWZ right now. Do you ever think he will reach the top of the leaderboards? Probably not, because other factors come into place:


-Everyone elses skill level

-Their expertise rating

-Trolls and win traders queuing


-Class balance

-Server populations

-Queue times


They didn't cater to the people who "complained". They catered to the people who were put off playing RWZ after seeing their rating after their first 10 games. They catered to the people who know they are fairly decent at PVP but can't get a higher rating because of the other factors I listed (trolls and such). They catered to the people who would never get Tier 1 rating because their server is dead.


The fact is, a solo rating mechanic that is based on 8 peoples performance is illogical. The only way you're going to determine "skill level" or who the best player is for their class if they had 1v1 warzones against the same class they are.


Right now, if you're at the top of the leaderboards, it doesn't necessarily mean you're a good player. It just means that 3 guys on your team were't trolls, it means you got lucky with your set up, it means your server has a high pvp population, it means you might have been a win trader...all these other factors come into place.


What bioware have done will definitely encourage more people to start doing ranked, and it will give them a chance to actually get Tier 1 rewards, but it changes nothing with the rating system.

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You've missed the point completely.


In ranked warzone "most skilled people" has zero meaning. How exactly do you determine someones "skill level" when your rating is based on 3 other peoples performance on your team and the other teams performance?


In ranked warzones there are literally 8 people including yourself that determine the rating you get at the end of the match.


Imagine a really good player starting RWZ right now. Do you ever think he will reach the top of the leaderboards? Probably not, because other factors come into place:


-Everyone elses skill level

-Their expertise rating

-Trolls and win traders queuing


-Class balance

-Server populations

-Queue times


They didn't cater to the people who "complained". They catered to the people who were put off playing RWZ after seeing their rating after their first 10 games. They catered to the people who know they are fairly decent at PVP but can't get a higher rating because of the other factors I listed (trolls and such). They catered to the people who would never get Tier 1 rating because their server is dead.


The fact is, a solo rating mechanic that is based on 8 peoples performance is illogical. The only way you're going to determine "skill level" or who the best player is for their class if they had 1v1 warzones against the same class they are.


Right now, if you're at the top of the leaderboards, it doesn't necessarily mean you're a good player. It just means that 3 guys on your team were't trolls, it means you got lucky with your set up, it means your server has a high pvp population, it means you might have been a win trader...all these other factors come into place.


What bioware have done will definitely encourage more people to start doing ranked, and it will give them a chance to actually get Tier 1 rewards, but it changes nothing with the rating system.


^^^ That's Paul Pierce right there. The Truth.

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