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Bad News for ALL lv 56 to 59 pvpers :(


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What's your teamspeak info I'd realy like to talk to you cause it seems what I am trying to say isnt getting through to you


Not sure if troll; either way get a life dude, no one cares about pre 60 pvp. I always have my comms maxed out before level 55 anyways then just pve to level 60. ****!!

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Haven't you heard? The verdict is out. You can't pvp. You suck. You have no skill, so next time your trolling reg pvp and say some dumb stuff like "Oh it took 3 of the to kill me, Ima a badazz pvper" bear in mind:


1. Your fighting people up to 25 levels below you


2. You have all your skills to make for a better rotation

3. You have all if not most of you DCD's


4. You have more skill points to spend


5. Bolster is still broken and expertise cannot make up the balance for people under 50 to 55 against higher innate stats

6. And this one takes the cake, we all know that some classes take more skill to play than others so if you're not a sniper or marauder you don't fall into this category.


Consider all these things before you entertain the thought that you are "skilled" or "good" at pvp because chances are you are not. Please delete yourself:o.


I know this might come as a shock to you but 90% of your success is due to your higher stats and you having more abilities and skill points to use. You are no special. You are not skilled. Remember that. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT!


LoL... You got it right in your first sentence... The rest doesn't matter... Most are bad regardless at the moment due to 12x XP and also because people waited to get to 50-55 to start pvping as they were too scared to do mids any lower... Hahahaha...


I can easily global most 50-59s on any of my sub 50 toons... I'm finding it extremely funny killing lvl 55-59s on my sent since lvl 33, now lvl 42... Especially when it take 3 sins to kill me...


No point in trash talking anyone in pvp... It just shows you have a inferiority complex... Remember there will always be someone better than you and no one cares that you maybe able to kill someone of lesser skill

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Haven't you heard? The verdict is out. You can't pvp. You suck. You have no skill, so next time your trolling reg pvp and say some dumb stuff like "Oh it took 3 of the to kill me, Ima a badazz pvper" bear in mind:


1. Your fighting people up to 25 levels below you


2. You have all your skills to make for a better rotation

3. You have all if not most of you DCD's


4. You have more skill points to spend


5. Bolster is still broken and expertise cannot make up the balance for people under 50 to 55 against higher innate stats

6. And this one takes the cake, we all know that some classes take more skill to play than others so if you're not a sniper or marauder you don't fall into this category.


Consider all these things before you entertain the thought that you are "skilled" or "good" at pvp because chances are you are not. Please delete yourself:o.


I know this might come as a shock to you but 90% of your success is due to your higher stats and you having more abilities and skill points to use. You are no special. You are not skilled. Remember that. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT!


What is this guy talking about?

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oh I soloed this lv 100 with my lv 1" "oh I soloed this with that" LIES!


It really is pathetic when people lie to themselves so they can feel good and think they can play, any sensible person knows that is impossible for a lv 40 wahteverjugg to solo a lv 55 sorc that knows his/her rotation and can kite good who do you think you're fooling GET OUT OF HERE YOU TROLLS:mad:


Stop trolling my topic.


and you

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So basically OP is mad about 55-59's queueing for pvp in their appropriate bracket? And thinks it's all their fault they don't have their own separate bracket? And that they should stop queueing, period? I mean seriously, what are you really saying?


Thread reads like pure butthurt.

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I do my PvP in the 60's, so I'm not going to comment on the 30-59 part, haven't really played much in it since 3.0 started.


But, here's something you might want to know. After seeing a couple of your other posts, you might wanna know that most of them.. well, are awful. Don't think that's a shock right there.


A ton of players won't take you seriously due to that.

At all. And you're not helping your case by sounding whiny and self-entitled.


Yelling at players on the forums won't help. If bolster is STILL broken in the 30's-59's , then get to 60, and ask players who're already known to be good on your server, for tips and tricks for PvP, do some dueling practice, focus on objectives in warzones, etcetera.


x12 EXP is out, so you shouldn't have a hard time doing that! If you're going to start calling EVERYONE out for being bads and the such, by all means, post a PvP montage of yourself on youtube and link it!


Even if it's true that a 30 will have a harder time fighting a 50+ due to the difference in tools they have, the latter having more things to fiddle with, you can't change players who have a bad attitude in PvP, most of the time (And yeah, you've also got one. Albeit not being the same like others who reroll to a flavor of the month then begin to claim skill. You're just as bad if someone takes a look at all your posts. Grow up, it hurts to read some of your posts.)


So, threads like these aren't going to do you any good, and won't change anything. Just keep practicing and get to endgame, do PvP in the 60's, and you should have an even playing field!

Edited by catseverywhere
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Honestly, it's 12x xp, there shouldn't be anyone under lvl20 in the 10-29 bracket and there shouldn't be anyone under 50 in the 30-59 bracket. If a player chooses not to level and rely on their pvp skill alone, knowing that they are going to be facing players 10-15 level above them with more class abilities available, then that's all on them. They really have no choice but to accept the **** talk from higher level players. It shouldn't be a big deal, those same players will meet their match when they hit 60, like graduating middle school into high school, if they're brave enough to continue Queueing.
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So basically OP is mad about 55-59's queueing for pvp in their appropriate bracket? And thinks it's all their fault they don't have their own separate bracket? And that they should stop queueing, period? I mean seriously, what are you really saying?


Thread reads like pure butthurt.


You missed it

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Haven't you heard? The verdict is out. You can't pvp. You suck. You have no skill, so next time your trolling reg pvp and say some dumb stuff like "Oh it took 3 of the to kill me, Ima a badazz pvper" bear in mind:


1. Your fighting people up to 25 levels below you


2. You have all your skills to make for a better rotation

3. You have all if not most of you DCD's


4. You have more skill points to spend


5. Bolster is still broken and expertise cannot make up the balance for people under 50 to 55 against higher innate stats

6. And this one takes the cake, we all know that some classes take more skill to play than others so if you're not a sniper or marauder you don't fall into this category.


Consider all these things before you entertain the thought that you are "skilled" or "good" at pvp because chances are you are not. Please delete yourself:o.


I know this might come as a shock to you but 90% of your success is due to your higher stats and you having more abilities and skill points to use. You are no special. You are not skilled. Remember that. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT!


yeah grinding @ 31 the 56 to 59's go after NO one but the low levels, mainly because they know they'll get their asses handed to them (been doing a pretty good job of that at 31 as it is)

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to the original post:

- you hurt my feelings

- i would like an apology, but first off, most of my alpha dog attributes are because of my skills not because of being over level 55. So take everything you said back. Why? because it hurts my feelings.

- you are a mean person. i pvp for fun, and not to dominate people. sometimes i dont even finish off my enemies because i dominate them so much with skills, thats how good i am, not because im over 55.

- the game isnt hard for me anymore, thats how good ive gotten.

- being over level 55 in pvp has made me realise 1 thing, people are just jealous and wish they could have more levels. the truth is players above 55 have insane skill because they have more abilities, whereas the lowbies are badder players because they dont have as many abilities as the level 55+ players have on their hotbars. so in a lot of ways its the lvl 55+ that need to step up cuz they have more buttons. I invested in a racecar pedal for my force charge. A lot of 55+ players do stuff like this because the game becomes harder. Lowbies? They just hit a few buttons.

- how dare you

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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to the original post:

- you hurt my feelings

- i would like an apology, but first off, most of my alpha dog attributes are because of my skills not because of being over level 55. So take everything you said back. Why? Because it hurts my feelings.

- you are a mean person. I pvp for fun, and not to dominate people. Sometimes i dont even finish off my enemies because i dominate them so much with skills, thats how good i am, not because im over 55.

- the game isnt hard for me anymore, thats how good ive gotten.

- being over level 55 in pvp has made me realise 1 thing, people are just jealous and wish they could have more levels. The truth is players above 55 have insane skill because they have more abilities, whereas the lowbies are badder players because they dont have as many abilities as the level 55+ players have on their hotbars. So in a lot of ways its the lvl 55+ that need to step up cuz they have more buttons. I invested in a racecar pedal for my force charge. A lot of 55+ players do stuff like this because the game becomes harder. Lowbies? They just hit a few buttons.

- how dare you


this topic is now closed and i won the argument good-bye!

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Haven't you heard? The verdict is out. You can't pvp. You suck. You have no skill, so next time your trolling reg pvp and say some dumb stuff like "Oh it took 3 of the to kill me, Ima a badazz pvper" bear in mind:


1. Your fighting people up to 25 levels below you


2. You have all your skills to make for a better rotation

3. You have all if not most of you DCD's


4. You have more skill points to spend


5. Bolster is still broken and expertise cannot make up the balance for people under 50 to 55 against higher innate stats

6. And this one takes the cake, we all know that some classes take more skill to play than others so if you're not a sniper or marauder you don't fall into this category.


Consider all these things before you entertain the thought that you are "skilled" or "good" at pvp because chances are you are not. Please delete yourself:o.


I know this might come as a shock to you but 90% of your success is due to your higher stats and you having more abilities and skill points to use. You are no special. You are not skilled. Remember that. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT!


Got owned hardcore huh?:o They trash talked ya too? (da bastages!):mad:

You'll get 'em next time tough guy. ;)

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I leveled my last 2 toons through pvp from lvl 15-16 to 60. Of course being at the bottom of the bracket made me underpowered, but you still can outplay an inexperienced high level e.g. steal a node, push him back into the fire trap etc. Even a low lvl healer could makes a difference.

And when I am at the top of the bracket of course I would use my advantage. "Two guys guarding that door? I will go there alone and (most likely) kill them both really quick and place the bomb".


Anyway, not every lvl 50+ guy who pwnz your tail at wz is a coward who cant compete at 60 and has to stroke his ego at lowbie pvp, eating children.

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What about those who are lvl 59 and then leave the warzone before it finishes to stay lvl 59 forever :)


I'm surprised there aren't more no advanced class trolls in ranked LOL


"Oh I dc'd"

I offer people free wz xp boosts all the time, none have accepted it. Guess they're scared of 60 lol

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